Star Wars Sucks!

Tales of the Jedi: Grey Areas and MORE Bad Parenting

May 18, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 3
Tales of the Jedi: Grey Areas and MORE Bad Parenting
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
Tales of the Jedi: Grey Areas and MORE Bad Parenting
May 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Circle of Nerds

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This week, we're taking a look at some of the morally grey areas of Star Wars as we continue on our chronological path with Tales of the Jedi, Episodes 2, 3, and 1.

 Is Count Dooku really the bad guy we think he is? Could baby Ahsoka be cuter than Grogu?! More poor parenting choices? Who takes a baby on a hunting trip? Seriously! Obviously, the Circle of Nerds are asking the tough questions and learning more about Star Wars along the way. Join us!

Key Moments

0:00 Star Wars Canon Exploration

3:11 Analyzing Star Wars Episodes and Characters

18:07 Dooku and Mace Windu Discussion

23:26 Reflections on Dooku's Path

29:35 Ahsoka

37:51 Discussing Ahsoka and Clone Wars Experience

45:16 Discussion on Star Wars and Ideas

56:25 Weekly Appreciation and Kindness Reminder

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week, we're taking a look at some of the morally grey areas of Star Wars as we continue on our chronological path with Tales of the Jedi, Episodes 2, 3, and 1.

 Is Count Dooku really the bad guy we think he is? Could baby Ahsoka be cuter than Grogu?! More poor parenting choices? Who takes a baby on a hunting trip? Seriously! Obviously, the Circle of Nerds are asking the tough questions and learning more about Star Wars along the way. Join us!

Key Moments

0:00 Star Wars Canon Exploration

3:11 Analyzing Star Wars Episodes and Characters

18:07 Dooku and Mace Windu Discussion

23:26 Reflections on Dooku's Path

29:35 Ahsoka

37:51 Discussing Ahsoka and Clone Wars Experience

45:16 Discussion on Star Wars and Ideas

56:25 Weekly Appreciation and Kindness Reminder

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 1:

Are we supposed to be being quiet? Yeah, I mean you were, but I was going to do the teaser. Oh, do it again. No, I'm just going to do it. I'm going to run it this week on. Star Wars sucks. We're going deeper into the dark side, or maybe it's just the misunderstood side. Stick around, We'll find out. Hey, howdy succulents, welcome to Star Wars, your non-toxic, low-sodium Star Wars show. That doesn't make you feel bad for not knowing the Millennium Falcon was parked in Docking Bay 94. So, whether you're a hardcore fan or just a little swarzy curious, this is your Star Wars safe place. So welcome to the show everyone. We are the Circle of Nerds and we do do, absolutely positively, love star wars, even if we don't always like it. So let's meet the team and, uh, go around. Uh, we're, we're, we're down. Uh, we're down. Baloney tony today. That's okay, that's all right. So, star of stage and screen, it's the sensational sherry two r, one Y, but it's not where you think what's happening Nothing, nothing's happening, just you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know Talking about some good stuff. There you go. Good stuff, good times, yeah. And from the Outer Rim territory of Bostween, it's Daddy Louie.

Speaker 3:

Hello children.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Tommy D. You're more than slightly obnoxious. Star Wars, no at all. So there you go. There you go, here we are. And so what are we doing here? We're going to be watching all the canon Star Wars films and TV shows in chronological order, breaking them down, connecting the dots and maybe even learning a little something about Star Wars and ourselves. And warning, there will be spoilers. So for the most part, we are kind of like gearing this towards new or curious fans. So just beware, there may be some spoilers, but we're going in chronological order, like I said, so hopefully we will be avoiding that. Now, just to recap. Recap.

Speaker 1:

Last week we kicked off our show, uh, by looking at young jedi adventures, and the general consensus around these parts was that, uh, although it was a kid's show, it was actually pretty good and, uh, worth watching a few episodes. So check out our show from last week and, uh, give young jedi adventures a. I think it's worth it, it's pretty good. This week we're getting a little more heavy, because last week was light and fun and frolicking and this week not so much. This week's a little bit heavier, so we're going to be talking about Tales of the Jedi, which is a six episode animated anthology show that explores the paths of two different characters, ahsoka tano and count dooku of sereno.

Speaker 1:

The show launched in october 2022 and takes place across the star wars timeline. But because we're only watching everything in chronological order, we only watched episodes two, justice, which takes place around 44 to 41 BBY. Episode three, entitled choices, which takes place approximately 68 to 42 BBY that's kind of a big spread and episode one, life and death, which takes place about 36 BBY, and always. We're going to give you, for those that are new to the show, a little note on BBY, aby, the events in star Wars, a new hope, the very first star Wars film, that released in 1977. Those events are considered year zero on the timeline. So anything happening before is BBY, before the battle of Yavin, anything after is ABY or after the battle of yavin. So we will be using these terms a lot as the show goes on.

Speaker 1:

So there you go, so let's dive into it. I've, uh, I've talked too much already. So uh, miss sherry, we're gonna start with uh, with you, por favor, and uh, so let's go. Uh, we're gonna start with, um. Episode two, justice, yeah, uh and uh. What are your takes, what are your, what are the pros of the episode for you? What are some things that stood out for you?

Speaker 2:

well, that stood out for me. I because I haven't I've never watched those, so for me it was shocking that Count Dooku is Qui-Gon's master.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I had no idea, so I thought that was pretty interesting.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

And I got to see kind of where Count Dooku started changing which is very nice, so spoiler obviously. So now I kind I feel bad for him I probably shouldn't but he.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I understand why he changed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was he was put into some difficult situation. Yeah, so, um, that was my take on. It was so, um, that was my take on. It was, um, you have to make a choice, you know, between good and and bad, and and I know the jedi are, you know, like, don't tap into your dark side and things like that, but, um, I think once in a while you have to tap in, you have to tap in to the dark side man, he tapped into it he did, but that was a little much and I think that's because he just he got angry, um, so I understand where he's coming from yeah, and at one point qui-gon had to like master, I mean, and you could?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you could see the look on dooku's face. He just like like, oh, he snapped out of it, like he came, he came back right he was.

Speaker 2:

He was fully immersed, yeah, for a second there and was just like this guy's evil. I need to take care of this, um, to save these people. So he had a noble cause, right, but obviously you can't just be going around choking people out.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, granted, if I had that power, I would choke I would be scared, I'd be scared, I'd be scared if you had, if you had, any force power. I don't care, I don't care what it was force tickle, I would still be afraid of you because, uh, you could, you would use your, your, your force tickle abilities I would for evil I well if you were pushed, if you were pushed to that point if you're pushed to that point.

Speaker 2:

If you're pushed to that point, what? I don't find it evil per se misunderstood. I find it. I think he had the upper hand. I think he was right to to choke that motherfucker out for a minute. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

And the episode was called justice, so he took justice into his own. Given the situation that was happening in that town on that planet yeah, justice for justice. Into his own, given the situation that was happening in that town on that planet. Yeah, justice for those people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was his, his version of I and I know qui-gon probably felt the same, but he knew not, not to tap into that right um, but I mean that planet was ass. Yeah, I mean, that guy was an ass yeah, whole, no doubt straight up. So, um, yeah, that was that was my take on. It was very eye-opening for me I thought that was that's cool.

Speaker 1:

But I mean you. You learned something from the episode. You learned that count dooku was qui-gon's master had no idea.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. That's why we're here. I love it. I gone to turn out how he did. Yeah, that's that took a lot of strength for qui-gon to not be that way like, even at that point you could see, like his goodness, you could see his goodness, but you could see his maybe like his heartbreak, yeah, like, oh shit, my master just.

Speaker 1:

He saw his master as lowest Went At that point.

Speaker 2:

Went nuts and then oh yeah, that's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I have a question for you guys, kind of off topic in terms of formatting, because this is our first time that we've done something where we're covering multiple episodes. Should, um, should we just kind of, since the two dooku episodes are kind of, you know, similar, should we just talk about those, go around, talk pros, cons and blast points, or should we just do like one at a time, round robin style? And then what do you guys think? Because I have no idea, I think, I don't know. No, I think one at a think one at a time one at a time.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Because there's different.

Speaker 1:

I mean, granted it's kind of the same, but it's not Okay, all right, and then so should we do like you know we're? We're talking to you right now, sherry, about, um, the episode, justice, right? We're talking about your pros, cons and blast points, or should we do like you know pros for everyone and then cons for everyone, or just one person at a time?

Speaker 2:

all three, all three things I think, I think all three things all right.

Speaker 1:

So tell us, tell us the cons, give us the dark side. What was the dark side of the show for you? Um your, your little negative bits, if any I'm trying to think um, and if you, if there are none for you, then that's, that's fine as well I really didn't have any.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was a really good episode. Okay, um, even with the droids, like they were even jacked up, yeah, so not just the humans. So I know I I really like this episode. I think it was very traumatic, um, and the jedi come in to try to save the day and then you got, I don't know. I don't have any cons. I thought it was a good, solid episode, and what would happen in reality if I was to see that?

Speaker 1:

personally, all right. So then, what about your blast points? Anything impactful, meaningful? Do you have a hot take?

Speaker 2:

I think one of them was where the lady turned everybody in. Yeah, but she did it for food right and and and the and the people were like, well, I would have done the same thing right that was the. That was a huge impact. They had no ill will towards her because she was hungry, right, and you're trying to survive, so I think that All right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're really kind of seeing the very worst in people in this episode, from Dooku to the townsfolk, you know, seeing people at their at their lowest points yeah and then seeing how they and then I you know, and then obviously with our climate it you see it more yeah it.

Speaker 2:

It was really impactful. I did not have any, all right good good, good, good.

Speaker 1:

That's good stuff, all right, thank you, ma'am. You're welcome, daddy Louie. All right, your light side.

Speaker 3:

My light side. So bravo man to. I don't know if it was Jon Favreau or Dave Filoni.

Speaker 1:

That was a Filoni. That was Filoni, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, he's great, he's freaking great.

Speaker 3:

I love that this man can take a thread and turn it into a quilt. That makes all of Star Wars a little warmer. That's my Bravo, man.

Speaker 2:

I love that Bravo.

Speaker 3:

This episode was some of the best Star Wars that I have ever seen, because and I agree with everything that Sherry said I did know that Obi-Wan or not Obi-Wan but I did know that Qui-Gon was Dooku's Padawan uh, dooku's padawan, um. But it did not click for me the first time watching it that that's who it was, until he said his name at the end. Yeah, they did a pretty good job of concealing that, like his voice wasn't super recognizable, his face wasn't. I mean, when you saw dooku it was like okay, yeah, that's dooku, like immediately, right, you know shape of the head and the way that he spoke. But they did a pretty good job of not making it obvious that it was qui-gon until they said his name and I was like oh right, did you, did you notice in the animation that he had, like the power of the force chest?

Speaker 3:

yes, yes. Why did the man not have an undershirt on? Why did my man not have an undershirt?

Speaker 1:

on. I know why Did you get it? That's taken, I got it.

Speaker 2:

I actually knew it was Qui-Gon, but I know his voice very well, which is funny.

Speaker 3:

It was.

Speaker 2:

Duke, that I didn't. I was like oh really that's yeah, so I was reversed.

Speaker 1:

That's because I don't think, I don't think they mentioned his name in that episode.

Speaker 3:

We hear it in in the in episode three with mace windu, but but that one I don't think they no one ever said they didn't do no I mean the first discernible thing, like obviously his look right, but then, when he pulled out his lightsaber, oh, yeah, that but then it's freaking blue and you're like what? Like it just looks strange because you know the hilt it's.

Speaker 3:

It's an iconic hilt, it is for the lightsaber, so seeing it as blue instead of red, was really the whole episode was just like, from beginning to end, I have like I don't even want any dark side. There's no dark side. This was 10 out of 10. Nice, perfect Star Wars. But I do have a last point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's your last one?

Speaker 3:

Hot take.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I don't think people should watch this one when they're sitting down to do chronological order. I understand chronologically this is where it goes for me as a fan, I felt it was more impactful, having known already kind of the fall of Dooku, yes, and then seeing, like going back, you know what I mean. I feel like sometimes prequel things are more impactful if you see them after you see everything else I, I, I can agree with you, but I would say trust the process because and I'm trying because I know we're only like two weeks into doing it- but also like you.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's like I. I went back and I re-watched the entire, the entire series. I couldn't just stop at like a couple episodes. I ended up watching like a few more. Well, there's two episodes specifically that I watched um but there's another episode that I had forgotten about, um, I ended up watching it on youtube. It just popped up, um, but it was an episode we're going to watch in a couple of weeks and I had forgotten about this episode yeah, don't say it I'm not going to say it, but I had forgotten about this episode and so watching it it hit hard, hard.

Speaker 1:

I had seen it before, but I, you know, you you watch stuff, we watch so much stuff and then just it's just gone. So I would say I agree with you, but in this case, trust the process. With this particular storyline, with Dooku, trust the process because we're getting to. We're watching the Phantom Menace next week Homework spoiler, I guess we're watching, we're gonna be talking about Phantom Menace next week and then the following week we're going back to tales of the jedi to watch episode four, and those two are going to tie to that together directly and I think at that point you'll kind of get you'll feel the gravitas of that and then how everything works in chronological maybe I do like that.

Speaker 2:

I I like what louis said, because I do like that I I know who count. Duku is yeah. So it was a little more impactful for me because I was like, oh shit, this is duku. Like I didn't even know he was a jedi I mean I knew he was. He was a sith, I guess. But um, spoiler, spoiler, um. But hey, there's a lot weird yeah um, but it was, it was, I liked it so I agree.

Speaker 1:

I agree because it's maybe a little bit it. You, you have preconceived notions going into it because, like, you're only presented with a character in a certain way and then, when the, when prequel content comes out, and especially when Filoni gets his hands on it, now you're seeing it from a completely different angle and and that's why I was like you know, are these, are these, you know, is this the dark side, or is it the misunderstood side? Because it's like I yeah.

Speaker 3:

And that's what I was saying about taking these threads and turning them into quilts. Because, like, what we knew about Dooku up until that point was everything that he said in a conversation to Obi-Wan, while Obi-Wan is spinning around with his long, terrible hair from Attack of the clones, and he was like you know.

Speaker 3:

you know, qui-gon was once my apprentice, the same as I didn't, you know you are with him and he I mean he tells them you know like the jedi are corrupt and you know, right, but that's all we know, like really that's all we know about duko, unless until you watch the the clone wars, right, but from a movie standpoint you know him from. That's all we know about Dooku, unless until you watch the the Clone Wars, right, but from a movie standpoint, you know him from that scene and you know him from dying in the beginning of the. You just don't know much about his character.

Speaker 1:

And we just think he's kind of a jerk.

Speaker 3:

Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

And he was probably a jerk to Qui-Gon and you know, but he wasn't.

Speaker 3:

But he wasn't.

Speaker 1:

Now we're seeing.

Speaker 2:

What? But he wasn't. What the shit? He made me like him.

Speaker 1:

There you go, episode 3. Um choices. And we see, uh, we see dooku and mace windu. Um, going to a planet. Got a little, uh, a little csi, a little law and order action, little murder to solve this. Going on, um. So, sherry, take us through your light side um, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

So for this one again. They were trying to do the right thing go in. But on the ride there you could tell Dooku was. He's starting to lean more to that dark side and Mace is just like dude, calm down, let's see what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Mace is such a petty patty.

Speaker 3:

He's such an asshole.

Speaker 1:

He's got to shave off his ass, that guy.

Speaker 3:

Listen, listen.

Speaker 2:

I like Mace because he is listen, that's how he was taught, I know, so he's trying to be the perfect Jedi.

Speaker 1:

He is the White Knight.

Speaker 2:

That's what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he's like listen. Awful good paladin, Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like we can't do this. And that poor. What was the Jedi that got killed, Master?

Speaker 1:

It's not Kitsara, but it's Kitra, maybe Kitra, I don't remember. I don't remember either.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

That's okay, I'll look it up, I thought I.

Speaker 2:

I thought I had it down. It's okay, keep going, but it said so anyway. So you know, count Duke, who's not following the rules, because now he's using his heart, and that's what the Jedi don't want. I don't want, don't use your heart, don't use your emotions and I personally don't believe that. Katri, katri, okay, so, um, it's sad for her because she was just doing what the Senate is telling her to do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Again, following the rules. I understand that, obviously, um, but again, I'm on the side of Dooku, I'm more of a Sith side anyway, um, even with anything, so it doesn't really matter. I actually, yeah, I think the Jedi can be too strict and they don't teach them how to use their emotions correctly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's. That's the problem. This episode with a con? I don't have any. I don't really have any cons for it either. I liked it. The pros were you know, these people again are trying to better their planet. They did it in the wrong way. Yeah, obviously.

Speaker 1:

And again it's another senator, another corrupt politician that the jedi are supposed to be serving, correct, but then in, in in um. In the episode, justice dooku said no, we serve the people. Oh you, thomas jefferson, revolutionary motherfucker, I love you.

Speaker 2:

And and I think that's what like baloney and them are doing they're putting real world. Yep, okay oh 100 real world to show that. Listen, this is what's gonna happen to people. They're gonna turn. They're gonna turn because they don't know what else to do, right. So again, I side with dooku because he's trying to do the right thing. Maybe for the he's using it might be the wrong reasons sometimes.

Speaker 2:

I understand that yeah but you know what the outcome later? It's hard. It's hard to you know like I love Mace. I think Mace Windu is awesome. He's cool. He's cool. I know he can, you know, spoiler, but he can tap into the dark side a little when he needs to.

Speaker 2:

And I think all Jedi should do that. I think all you have to have a dark and a light inside of you, and I know this is like some deep shit, but you have to use both. There is no I'm all good and that's it. Life doesn't work that way, even in this fantasy world.

Speaker 1:

Right, and we see what happens happens. We see what happens when people are too dogmatic light side, dark side, right and and then you've got someone like ahsoka who's kind of considered a gray jedi she doesn't consider herself I know, I know, I know, I know, not yet, okay, all right, I'm zipping my lip. Zipping my lip all right, she's wonderful but, yes, for me blast point you got any blast points, any hot takes Any meaningful impact things.

Speaker 2:

Well, no Again, just like these people are trying to better their planet.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I think if they were listened to in the Senate, it would happen, and I think what they did, unfortunately, is going to work in the the end, at least for their planet.

Speaker 1:

right, maybe not for every planet, but I'd love to be able to revisit these.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to see what happens and see what happens to their planets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would be really cool, all right, thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am. Dana louie, what's your white side?

Speaker 3:

um this one wasn't no, this one wasn't as impactful for me as as the second one. Um, why would you say?

Speaker 1:

was it just like?

Speaker 3:

well, I am not a mace windu guy like I am. I don't like the character very much, um, and it's not that I don't, I shouldn't say I don't like the character um, he's just not my type of character. You know what I mean. Like I, I don't lean towards that type of character when I enjoy stuff like this you mean black um no I know I was thinking it, but I didn't say it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow, um, we're getting shut down after three weeks, but anyway, go ahead. I was supposed to be talking light points anyway, and that was not. Now, wait a minute, come on now. What's going on? All right, I don't know. It was just okay. I think I'm trying to think of good things. I'm trying to think of good things. I liked being able to see a little more of the politics behind what led up to the Empire being created, basically All of this corruption where the, where the jedi are, are protecting that corruption, yeah, you know, unbeknown to them, right?

Speaker 3:

um, they're protecting that corruption, uh. So I liked this episode for that. I liked kind of seeing the uh, the birth of maybe the jedi weren't such great people yeah right. Maybe their ways weren't as you know too rigid, like in light you think they are yeah, right, right, right, right, right, okay.

Speaker 3:

So I, so I did enjoy that that part of the episode. Okay, um, dark side it was. Just the episode is a little slow and it was more. I thought this episode was more about Mace than it was Dooku. I felt like this was more showing us. It didn't show me much more about the Dooku character than I got from, you know, episode two, whereas this gave me a lot of Kind of Mace's head and it's so far and you'll find this out about me, spoiler to the audience. Uh, when we get to the micro series, um, mace in the micro series, that's my mace. Like that's my mace.

Speaker 3:

This is not my mace, that's my mace, so give me that mace all right um that's a hot take by itself yeah, give me, give me the micro series, mace, and we're creeping up. I haven't seen that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're in for a treat, okay you're in for a treat it's my guy yeah, yeah, that the whole micro series is is good, but we're watching the, the, the canonized version of it. It's. It's still not canon, but we're throwing it in there anyway because it's, because it's fucking good. Um, someone made, uh, a cut, a super edit that makes it appear to feel like it's canon. Like it, it could just be picked up and put down and and you can run with it. So, um, I'm looking forward to that. That's that micro series because it's canon, like it, it could just be picked up and put down and you can run with it. So, um, I'm looking forward to that. That's that micro series because it's the same. It's a gendy tardikovsky, uh, the same guy that did, I believe, um dexter's lab and samurai jack.

Speaker 1:

So, maybe, or maybe it was just samurai jack samurai jack is the bomb yeah, it was like that, that time that you know, when cartoon network was like coming out with all the cartoon cartoons, yeah, that whole, that whole era. So it was it really fit along with all the animations. Anyway, I'm so looking forward to that. That's coming up for us in a few weeks, I think. All right, so, so for those two episodes, we're about to get into the other one. Those two episodes we're about to get into the other one, but for those two episodes would you guys say that this is definitely uh worth a watch for new fans.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah yeah, I think so worth watching for new fans yeah, I think so yeah, louis, yeah, I mean, I think initially well it's it because, um, like you said, I got to trust the process right. So I, as as an older fan, I am seeing this out of order.

Speaker 1:

for a newer fan who may be seeing it in order, I need to think from their perspective rather than mine, and I think that, um, if you are the type of person who likes to see build up like that in advance, um, I think it's a great watch okay, but like, if we look at it from both sides, you know, like you know, give us, of course, your, you know you, or your preference your personal preference would be to watch things in release order, and then you're getting, then we're going, you know, as, as these prequel uh, this prequel content comes out, now we're getting that, that backstory, which might hit a little bit different and I think that's true for like certain things, like I think, like I, I I mean, we can talk about this as the show goes on, but I think, as of right now, based on how I feel before watching it all in order, I think there are certain things that are better if you watch them first, like when you like, if you go rogue one right into a new hope, I think that those mesh so well together that you don't need to watch it as a prequel.

Speaker 3:

It's like one whole fucking movie. Like when you watch them together, it feels like a full, complete movie yeah, it's like you want to.

Speaker 1:

You want, you want to watch like the super cut of that, like, just like yes no credits, no movie credits.

Speaker 1:

That's what I want, just stick it together and just go all right. So that's, uh, that's dooku. That's two out of the three episodes that deal with dooku's path. Um, in tales of the jedi. And now we're talking about little, so good. So, oh my god, take us through this sherry little ahsoka. This is the episode. Life and death. This is a a one-year-old little, cute little baby ahsoka. Yeah. So, pros and cons, light side and dark side, what you got, oh my god, um, I, I don't even know where to start with this one.

Speaker 2:

I I saw this one before, yes, so I'm gonna be honest this. I think this is the. That was the first time I ever saw um, it was that episode. Yeah, um, and her birth, uh, it was, you know, obviously, ahsoka's born, her dad's happy everybody's, you know. I think the biggest take on this is, um, you know, at a year old, you're taking your daughter to so many, so many places in the galaxy far, far away.

Speaker 2:

Listen, listen I don't think it's poor parenting, I just think it's. It's a learned behavior because, again, they're aliens, we don't know yeah, you're right, we don't know their process. So I think, um for them, obviously they were very spiritual. This is like a, a coming of childhood.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, I don't know I don't know what like a coming of age sort of thing kind of like a rite of passage for a.

Speaker 2:

Rite of passage for a one-year-old hey for a one-year-old mate, but listen, listen. The reason I say that is is because I mean she took on this big uh mama cat yeah, mama Okay. Um, mom was. This was very empowering. This is a woman empowering episode.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm just I'm. I'm just putting that out there because I think, um, it shows how fierce and how awesome women can be, at least for me. So, obviously, I'm not saying the men in their tribe don't do that, obviously, but for you to take your child out and do this thing you've got to watch this episode, it's so good and for her to use the force at a year old, what does that say about her power? Are you kidding me right now, like you know what were? Her and I know people don't like to use this, I guess you were telling me is about the midichlorian count.

Speaker 2:

Whatever I like it, I think it's interesting. Um, so it's. So that's interesting to me. But she's a year old and this freaking massive cat she controls and taps into his goodness, are you what? Like I thought it was awesome, okay. Like I thought it was, I thought it was awesome, okay. And then the whole town coming together. Obviously, when they, they hear that it's, you know, something's happened. I think that's the good points about it. Um, as a community, they came together, they wanted to save, you know, mom and the baby and all these things, um, I don't know it.

Speaker 1:

And she rode she rode that raksher into town like a boss.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and he bowed to give the baby back to its mother. Yeah, are you kidding me, like how?

Speaker 1:

mom's lucky. Mom's lucky I would have. I would have called cps. I would have called cps.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying if you want to know what the real light side is of the force, this episode is it.

Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

This episode is it. It shows how powerful it can be and how good it can be. I think that's the good that came out of this whole situation. I think that's the good that came out of this whole situation. You know, and we were discussing about at least I did you know with Tom. I was talking about baby Groku and how she, when she met him for the first time, they had a connection.

Speaker 2:

They instantly had a connection. She knew his name right away and watching this episode made me feel like, okay, if she could tap in at a year. What can she do as an adult?

Speaker 1:

right and then, and then what you're just saying to louis point, you know you already went into this knowing about ahsoka yeah, a little bit, yeah, and knowing about grogu yeah, and their connection. And now that you've gone back and you're seeing this episode, now that kind of helps fill in the gaps for you. So you know, like now you're able to really really see, you know why she was able to make that connection so quick, because clearly she has some kind of an affinity for creatures and other other sentient life and things like that. So, to Louie's credit, yeah, I mean that's, it could go either way. Watch them in order of you know chronology. Watch them in the order that they were released. I think either way you're still. They can still be impactful, no matter how you watch.

Speaker 2:

So for me, because I've you know Ahsoka is like a great character. We, like you know in this house, we like Ahsoka, so I know a little about her, but I just I thought it was a good episode. I mean it was. It was a little. I guess it could be a little slow if there was a con, yeah, but there was no political aspect. It was all about feeling heart and how life and death are, are part of, are part of us.

Speaker 1:

All right and and like you said, it was very like a lot of like female empowerment. It was in this episode. Yes, so you would, would you? So I think it's safe to assume that you would definitely recommend this for not even just young women, but maybe you know women and girls of all ages to watch this. No matter what your age is as a woman, you're going to get something out of it. You're going to get some positive vibe from this.

Speaker 2:

Don't go out with your kids at a year old to hunt.

Speaker 1:

That's a little bit much. That's the kind of shit that Republicans do. I don't know Nowadays, People who live in Trump Nation do that that's that's. You know, people, people who live in Trump nation do that.

Speaker 2:

So I'm just saying that's a different, that's a different but but for star Wars, for this genre, I think it's. I think it's wonderful that Dave Filoni is trying to make an impact.

Speaker 1:

Our Lord and savior Dave Jeez.

Speaker 2:

So any any blast points, watch it all right, you can't go wrong with that, no, just just you know, if, if you are really wanting to figure out like if you have a significant other that loves star wars and you're just not sure why um, maybe go ahead and and what. No, I'm just, I'm serious.

Speaker 1:

No, I know, but it's funny why there's a lot of people that don't understand why we a lot of significant others that are like this is child shit, like why?

Speaker 2:

are you watching freaking animation why are you watching cartoons? Why are you watching cartoons, right, um, I think? I think some people relate to it and that helps their mental stability.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to be honest, oh yeah um, and get out of their head for a moment and realize what they need. So I think some of this it's not for everyone, obviously, but it does help with your mental health a little bit, because you kind of you can relate to these characters, um, and I know some people get too far into it. So don't do that. But just too late. Enjoy, I know right, enjoy what you're watching. Um, that's really my take on it. All right, just enjoy what you're watching and and find what you can to help you as a person.

Speaker 1:

Love it, love it. Thank you, ma'am, love it, daddy Louie. Light side, dark side, blast points.

Speaker 3:

Light side. I enjoyed seeing a Soka for the first time like this. I have not seen clone first time like this. I have not seen Clone Wars in its entirety. I know who Ahsoka is. I've seen all of Ahsoka in live action. I have seen maybe an episode or two uh worth of clips for her and rebels, as well as her and clone wars. So I'm familiar with the character um, but I'm excited to um experience what all fans everywhere have experienced with ahsoka um, except for me, um, but she's obviously a very popular character, right, and she's great for she's great for the franchise overall. She's obviously a very popular character, right, and she's great for the franchise overall. She's a great character that really has helped, you know, include women, children. You know she's a very empowering character in Star Wars and we're going to meet on Boat in a few weeks.

Speaker 3:

Dave Filoni hat off to you.

Speaker 1:

We're going to meet onokas in a few weeks.

Speaker 3:

I'm very excited to see Ahsoka's ascension now. I guess, if you will, I think that that's probably my biggest light side, dark side, really, the only thing, like Sherry mentioned. Maybe it was a little too long, a little slow, but um, I, I don't, I even then like it wasn't it? Visually it was beautiful, like it was just a beautifully made episode of tv. Um, as you'll find, when we get to the clone war stuff, I'm I've never been a huge fan of this style of animation. But watching clone wars, the animated movie, like the first movie, and then watching this, wow, that technology and that art has come so far, yeah, because it's the same style, it's just better. Yeah, yeah, it's just better right right, richer color.

Speaker 1:

Everything is just better. Yeah, yeah, it's just better, right Right, richer color, everything is just better.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you as you're watching, as you're watching the Clone Wars, as we started, because we're doing that, I think, season two of our show, we're going to be doing that. But that art style does get better. But the stories are so good Some of them are stinkers, some of them are filler. The stories are so good, some of them are stinkers, some of them are filler, but for the most part I'd say like 90 of the stories are so good that you almost are looking past any discrepancies in the art style. I mean, you really are. It's just you're so, you're so wrapped up in the story, you're, you're so interested in the characters as they're growing and you know these arcs that are building that the. You know the, the, the vessel that is being presented to you in, is almost secondary at that point. You know it's just because it's just good fucking writing. You know it's a good storytelling and uh, yeah, like hats off to lord dave yeah, he, it's really good.

Speaker 2:

I I feel like, um, he's capturing the younger because that they're short. Yeah, they're short, they are short episodes, um, so it's still he can. He can put so much into one episode, even though it's what I don't know 20 minutes I don't even think they're that long, I don't I don't yeah I don't think they're even that long 15, 20 minutes, something like that and um, there's so much power behind them. He's doing a really good job that's a.

Speaker 1:

That's a great point because, like when, when we're watching these, um, it does feel like there's a lot uh packed in to each one and it's yeah, but it doesn't. It doesn't feel too long necessarily I like it.

Speaker 2:

I like the short, sweet to the point versions 19 minutes okay 19 minutes is the average run time for those so, all right, 19, 20 minutes, and so, like I said, I for me I like them like that because you get that burst of holy shit. I can't believe that just happened. Um, and I mean, yeah, there's some down, you know a little bit of downtime or whatever, but, um, for the most part you get quickly what he's trying to say right and I like that all right, all right good, good, good.

Speaker 1:

Uh, louis, did you have any blast points on that? I forgot to ask you about that, or did I ask you?

Speaker 3:

uh hot, take baby Ahsoka might be just as cute, if not cuter, than Grogu.

Speaker 2:

Yes, baby.

Speaker 3:

Ahsoka was cute as heck. That is a cute baby.

Speaker 1:

And and Louie, coming from you, because that's a big deal.

Speaker 2:

That's a big deal because you do love the little guy.

Speaker 3:

I do love the little guy, but man little baby Ahsoka is pretty cute.

Speaker 2:

Could you, could you imagine both of them oh, I know, playing together they could, they could have. They could, yes, they could have.

Speaker 1:

Maybe at that well, he's still a baby, but yeah, yeah, he was there, groku was there yeah, because this was, this was 36 bby yeah, so he. He was already in the temple right yeah at this time at this point, oh yeah he's 50 yeah he's 50 by the time you see him in the mandalorian so when she comes to the temple, he he's there yes, he could very well be there, so yeah, we.

Speaker 3:

We need a tv show of grogu and baby in fucking jedi daycare uh, dave, somebody, somebody make it happen that needs to happen.

Speaker 2:

That would be so fucking cute, right.

Speaker 1:

I don't am powerful, not no. Jedi daycare terrifies me. We've already seen. We've already seen in the young Jedi how they care for the children. So we've already seen Jedi daycare. And it's fight this beast, climb this, go to the top of the 80 foot tree, go unsupervised in a starship across light speed. Listen, no.

Speaker 3:

Heaven forbid, you're not in the temple when Anakin decides to go to the temple.

Speaker 1:

I don't care with Anakin.

Speaker 2:

But Groku is there, okay, spoiler.

Speaker 1:

Alright, yeah, we will. We'll try to. We'll try to tone down the spoilers too. We'll try to tone down spoilers there's no toning. We're watching the episode no, yeah, but but as far like like foreshadowing things, like like I think we can, it's hard, though it's hard not to talk about the stuff that ties everything together anyway, I would, I would watch that everybody would watch that everyone are you kidding me?

Speaker 1:

that would be, that would be the most wash and they could just do it as a short as like a little five to ten minutes short, like find the training droid, like something happens where the training droid malfunctions and grogu and ahsoka have to like it could chase it down.

Speaker 2:

It could be a small series of like five episodes and think of the merchandising.

Speaker 1:

Think of the merchandising. Oh my god, we're buying. We're buying all the figures. Think of, think of the pops, think of the grogu and baby ahsoka pop figures. We're buying all of them. They're right behind you, sherry, there's there's the din jar, and oh yeah, so I mean imagine, and then there's another, there's another little grogu right there, just imagine imagine.

Speaker 2:

I think someone needs to email dave feloni we're gonna.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, that needs to happen. I'm positive that dave listens to the show. So, um, we can only hope dave. Yeah, he's our only hope. Dave is our own. Literally, literally.

Speaker 2:

Damn Louie, that was awesome. Yeah, that's an excellent idea, holy shit. I think you guys should come up with the premise and you should pitch it.

Speaker 1:

We'll write it and we're going to pitch it. We're going to do it.

Speaker 3:

They could, I mean they could do like a young, you know, like baby books. Yes, Adventures of Grogu and Ahsoka.

Speaker 1:

Baby Ahsoka and Grogu Barnacle would blow up if they had that Good.

Speaker 2:

Lord, they have the little you know for the little kids, the Darth Vader.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, darth Vader, and his son.

Speaker 2:

I think we have it.

Speaker 1:

We have the storybook Darth Vader, if things had worked out. So whoever wrote those Little Luke and little Leia?

Speaker 2:

Listen, we need to see who wrote those and we need to email them.

Speaker 1:

It might already be a thing we don't know it is. I feel like it would have landed on our radar at some point.

Speaker 2:

Yes, all right, so it's Louis came up with it.

Speaker 3:

Next year we can sue Disney because they stole my idea.

Speaker 1:

You know what, Louis?

Speaker 2:

You're not going to sue the mouse. You already know you're not going to get paid.

Speaker 1:

They're going to sue us for talking about their property. That's going to happen.

Speaker 3:

They're going to sue us for talking about suing them.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, when it comes to Star Wars fans, we're so easy that they could steal our idea because, it's their intellectual property. But they could steal our idea and just tell us hey, you know what? Do you want to be an extra on the set when we film this? I would do it, we're going to do it.

Speaker 2:

We can't.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's fine, we're going to do it. Can we keep the wardrobe? I'm cool with that. I don't want to keep the fucking wardrobe I'd be like.

Speaker 3:

I'd be like bending, bending down to like tie my shoe, and I'm like scooping up the gravel from the ground like into a little baggie and putting it in my pocket like you're like I was on the set like going to the craft service table.

Speaker 1:

You take like one bite of like a hot dog that's out there and then put the rest of it in a bag and save exactly your life, but anyway so is this a must watch? It sounds like this is a must watch for, yeah, for, uh, new fans. Yeah, definitely add it to the list oh yeah yeah, and I like.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I also like the the, the way. What is it? The chronological?

Speaker 1:

chronological is how we're watching. That's how we're watching it, but normally release the release order.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and release order yeah I think that will be perfectly fine too. Okay, so don't you know, I think people that are listening like don't think you have to watch it. Yes, yes, exactly you know, um, if you feel like you want to watch it, release date or release order then there's lists online.

Speaker 1:

Star Wars. The way you want to Star Wars and that's the whole point of this show is like to not not to gatekeep or tell you how to watch things or what you're supposed to like. Just because we like it, you might watch it and hate it. It might be, it might be crap to you, but you know and and that's fine, and that's fine, and that's fine. All we're, all we're trying to do here is to just help you cultivate your interest in star wars in a safe environment where we're not going to shit on you for not liking what we don't like.

Speaker 1:

oh yeah so it's definitely, and watch it whatever order you want. Why go out and watch these episodes right now without ever having watched anything else? Watch it. Make it the last thing you ever watch on purpose, just to spite us. I'm gonna watch this. All the star wars I'm gonna watch this one last.

Speaker 2:

Um, I mean you can just you know whatever you want to do go on disney and uh, just start watching them.

Speaker 1:

That's it be honest that's it, and we're gonna make disney a lot of money because all of our listener is now gonna get a uh subscription to disney you know what? So that's okay, that's right, because as this podcast blows up, they're gonna start throwing us some little goodies. They're gonna be like hey, star wars sucks. Podcast crew, how would you like to come and do your show at galaxy's edge in california? Yeah, all expense paid trip.

Speaker 1:

No, oh yeah in october, so we can also hit up nightmare before christmas florida in the japan one I don't know, I don't know where all the I don't know I don't think so I think it's just.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just uh, california, florida, okay, that's it okay I mean I'll go anywhere, but I'm just saying, yeah, maybe if they're paying, for I'm all about traveling there.

Speaker 1:

You go, I just want to. I want to go to.

Speaker 2:

I want to go to uh skywalker ranch dude, I want to go and just go to the gate.

Speaker 1:

I want to go to Ranchero Obi-Wan and see Ranchero Obi-Wan and see the collection, and see the collection, the collection, anyway. So that's it. That's where we're at this week. So next week, students of Star week, students of Star Wars, all of our little succulents watch the Phantom Menace. The Phantom Menace is definitely a very divisive film. I mean they're it divides people, divisive.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Divisive. I think it's a word. I've heard people on TV say it Divisive. Is that divisive? I don't think that's divisive I think it's a word.

Speaker 1:

I've heard people on tv say it divisive, divisive. I don't think so. Well, it divides people and uh, it divides people. I don't know, I'll look it up. I maybe I read it, not said it. But uh, it's a. It's a film. It's a polarizing film as well. It's a film that some people, they either absolutely love it or they hate it. There's very few people that kind of find the middle ground in that. But um, uh, I'll, I'll save my opinions until next week I'm all about the middle ground there you go, and that was the buddha was.

Speaker 1:

The same way, the buddha was about the middle ground, that's the. The key to happiness is walk the middle path. Um, like light side and dark side. Don't don't walk either one of them.

Speaker 1:

Walk in the middle well see, and I'm a believer of walking both yeah, but but you, but that is walking in the middle too, you're, you're able to tap into both sides because you're in the middle. So there you go. So, yeah, so homework for next week succulents is going to be the phantom menace. Watch it at your leisure. Uh, we will talk about it. I I've seen that movie. I've watched it twice already this year. Just because I don't know why it?

Speaker 2:

just because just because I think I've, only I think I've only said.

Speaker 3:

I watched it like two weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're watching the theater.

Speaker 2:

Is this what we just watched?

Speaker 1:

The Phantom Menace? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, then I've watched it twice. There you go, so I know exactly what's happening.

Speaker 1:

We're going to watch it again because why not? It's fun, it's a fun movie. Okay, well, I'll watch it again, because your memory is better than I am. See, I can't speak. I'm going to start talking like Jar Jar. And speaking of Jar Jar, we're going to have to pull your quote from oh no, no, should we're gonna have to? We're gonna have to pull your quote from oh no, no, should we not?

Speaker 3:

no, no dig it out, I'll dig it out, I'll dig it out.

Speaker 1:

I don't have it right, I don't have it at my fingertips at the moment, but I'll put it on the. Put it on the board here no, no okay, all right, canceled after so next week. Uh, you know we've never been canceled, all the shenanigans we pulled on other other podcasts because, like the five people that's watched, it's only I haven't reported yeah, I thought it was just one, because it's the five, all of our listener, all of our viewer all right, so you guys got anything else before we head on out?

Speaker 2:

all of our listener, all of our viewer. One listener, one listener. That's all we got.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so you guys got anything else before we head on out.

Speaker 2:

Tap into both sides if you need to Tap into both of the sides. Fyi.

Speaker 1:

Tap into both ends.

Speaker 2:

I didn't say any of that.

Speaker 1:

Of the force, both sides, both sides of the force. I said ends, I'm sorry, tap into both ends.

Speaker 2:

You're making up words. Tonight I'm the one drinking. Is it divisive or divisive? I don't even think that's a word.

Speaker 1:

It's a word.

Speaker 2:

It's not.

Speaker 1:

I mispronounced divisive. Divisive Used to describe something that causes great and sometimes unfriendly disagreement within a group of people.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're very divisive right now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I said divisive. I said divisive. I don't know what that means. I'm going to chalk that up to read it, not said it. So there you go, I'll take it. We're learning as we're being entertained. I like that. Educate, entertain, empower, that's what we're all about All right.

Speaker 1:

Empower, that's what all about all right. So that is going to do it for us this week. Uh want to take a time this time to uh thank everyone for spending time with us and, of course, we're going to do the obligatory pimping right now. So p pimping, we're pimping, rewind, pimping us out. So check us out on all social media. At the sws show, we're all over the place and please be sure to subscribe. Why can't I talk? I'm not even drinking and I can't, I'm drinking please subscribe.

Speaker 1:

Where did that subscribe? Where did that thumbs up come from?

Speaker 3:

what thumbs, I don't know. It's happened like 10 times this stream thumbs up, you serious Are we live.

Speaker 1:

No, there was a thumbs up. Please subscribe, Like us, follow us. Where did that come from? What the fuck are you saying?

Speaker 2:

What? What did you say?

Speaker 3:

No I swear, I swear, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. Did you send the link?

Speaker 2:

out like to everyone. No.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that was.

Speaker 3:

So that was we're not live. It doesn't say we're live, it says we're recording yeah.

Speaker 1:

So all right, let me try it. Let me do this again. Check us out on all social media at the sws show and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and our youtube channel if you'd like some merch. Now it's not doing it. Now it's not doing it like thumbs up, subscribe, buy gives money nothing's happening.

Speaker 2:

I know what it is what is it?

Speaker 1:

it's the force. It's the force, but the fourth was a bubble thumb. It was a bubble.

Speaker 2:

I'm using the force to do thumbs up what?

Speaker 1:

the fuck. That's insane, okay, well, anyway, yes at the sws show on all channels, all social media.

Speaker 1:

Please follow us and do all that good stuff. Um, subscribe to the podcast on whatever channel. Uh, you know, give us a a nice little five star rating if you think we deserve one over on apple podcast. Uh, youtube channel. Not a whole lot going on on the youtube channel yet, but we're gonna be doing clips for the show and we're gonna to be posting those up there. And if you'd like some of that bad-ass cool merch, head on over to our website, circle of nerdscom slash merch.

Speaker 2:

Do we have our succulents up yet? No, succulents.

Speaker 1:

Yet we're going to get succulents and we're going to get Swarzy Curious. We're going to get the Swarzy Curious. We're going to get the Swarzy Curious shirt up there pretty soon too. That'll be up, hopefully, this weekend and, of course, if you'd like to know what's coming up next, you can check out our timeline, which is going to be in the show description, but also on our website, circleofnerdscom slash, the SWS show. So thank you everyone for joining us. We really appreciate you taking the time and if you learned something awesome, that's the point. That's why we're doing this. So, yeah, so we're going to see you next week. So, as always, middle of cycling. So, if nobody does anything nice for you, do something nice to yourself, and we're going to see you all next week. Bye, mammoth Files.

Star Wars Canon Exploration
Analyzing Star Wars Episodes and Characters
Dooku and Mace Windu Discussion
Reflections on Dooku's Path
Discussing Ahsoka and Clone Wars Experience
Discussion on Star Wars and Ideas
Weekly Appreciation and Kindness Reminder