Star Wars Sucks!

Tales of the Jedi: Take a Ride on the Dark Side

June 01, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 5
Tales of the Jedi: Take a Ride on the Dark Side
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
Tales of the Jedi: Take a Ride on the Dark Side
Jun 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5
Circle of Nerds

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

What drives a Jedi to abandon the light and embrace the darkness? This week on Star Wars Sucks, we aim to answer this pivotal questions we continue our chronological Star Wars journey with  Tales of the Jedi, Season 1, Episode 4: "The Sith Lord." We dissect Count Dooku's tragic descent into darkness.

We look at Count Dooku's motivations, his disillusionment with the Jedi, and try to understand what ultimately pushed him to join the Sith?

The dark machinations of the Sith take center stage as we explore the intricate relationships and strategic moves orchestrated by Darth Sidious. From the Rule of Two to the tragic fate of Qui-Gon Jinn, we unravel the emotional and manipulative threads that bind Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Sidious himself.

This one is a ride on the Dark Side! 

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

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Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

What drives a Jedi to abandon the light and embrace the darkness? This week on Star Wars Sucks, we aim to answer this pivotal questions we continue our chronological Star Wars journey with  Tales of the Jedi, Season 1, Episode 4: "The Sith Lord." We dissect Count Dooku's tragic descent into darkness.

We look at Count Dooku's motivations, his disillusionment with the Jedi, and try to understand what ultimately pushed him to join the Sith?

The dark machinations of the Sith take center stage as we explore the intricate relationships and strategic moves orchestrated by Darth Sidious. From the Rule of Two to the tragic fate of Qui-Gon Jinn, we unravel the emotional and manipulative threads that bind Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Sidious himself.

This one is a ride on the Dark Side! 

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 2:

don't forget the intro oh yeah, you're right, I almost forgot the intro. Hey, this week on star wars sucks. Oh, I didn't. I didn't write anything you didn't write anything.

Speaker 3:

You've been down here no, I wrote.

Speaker 2:

I wrote all kinds of other stuff, but I didn't write the teaser.

Speaker 3:

I wrote everything else you're an mc, make it up.

Speaker 2:

I wrote everything else except the teaser this week on star wars. Sucks this show is this? The show? Sucks uh already. So, uh, stick around. We're gonna talk about, uh, tales of the jedi season one, episode four, the uh, the further fall of counter dooku, or not fall, but manipulation, bum, bum, bum.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, stick around, we're already off to a great start. Here we go. All right, let's try to do this the right way. Howdy succulents, welcome to Star Wars. Sucks, your non-toxic, low-sodium Star Wars show. That doesn't make you feel bad for not knowing that Jedi Master Yaddle was voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard, who you've seen in Jurassic World and who has also directed two episodes of the Mandalorian, one episode of the Book of Boba Fett, and is the daughter of famed actor-director Ron Howard, aka Opie, who directed Solo, a Star Wars story, among many other things. So, whether you're a hardcore fan or just a little swarzy curious, this is your star wars safe place. We are the circle of nerds and we do absolutely love star wars, even if we don't always like it. So let's, uh, let's, meet the team, shall we? So, to my left, your right star of stage and screen.

Speaker 2:

It is the sensational sherry hello everyone, hope everyone's doing well there you go there you go and from the outer rim territory of of boss duene, it's daddy louis, but daddy louis is not joining us this week. It's so sad. He'll be back. He'll be back. Uh, and of course, hailing from parts unknown, it's tea to the oni what's up?

Speaker 1:

everybody welcome back what'd you say?

Speaker 3:

you're really reaching for those names. I know I I got nothing.

Speaker 2:

Tony, come up with something for yourself please, because I'm just you're supposed to do I'm tapped out.

Speaker 1:

We'll figure it out. Doesn't feel right?

Speaker 2:

no, that's tea to the oni is fun to say it sounds like a pasta dish tea to the oni yeah are you just playing off his, his italian sounding name, tony it's?

Speaker 3:

just sure, okay, that's low-key racist, I don't know? Oh my god, it's pasta.

Speaker 2:

Everybody loves pasta so what are we? What not? If you're not, if you've got a gluten intolerance, you don't love pasta there's gluten-free pasta all right touche touche calm down touche.

Speaker 2:

All right, you win, I know all right. So what are we doing here? Our mission is to watch all of the canon star wars films and tv shows in chronological order, breaking them down, connecting the dots and learning more about star wars and maybe even a little bit more about ourselves, so as, as a warning, there will be spoilers. So before we get into the nitty gritty here, just wanted to give you a brief news announcement on Friday, june 14th, mark your calendars, save the date, because we're going to be recording the show live from Daddy Louie's Cantina in the Out rim territory of bostween. So we'll be streaming live on facebook and youtube. So whichever one you want to watch on uh, you can watch there. But if you miss us live, of course that episode will drop on saturday morning, as always. So if you miss us, no worries there, I'm excited about uh doing a live show I think that'll be really fun it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna have a couple you know a couple new voices, new faces on there yeah so, uh, I don't know, it could be really fun. We'll be open to take questions live um on the show. Uh, and criticisms from the critique from all of our fan which one fan, which is just just one, just that's all you need that's all you need. One is all you need one.

Speaker 2:

Just like, just like cock push-ups just need one is all you need t to the oni. That just reminds me cock push-ups, doug d to the ug. So, I don't know if I can, I can't call you t to the oni anyway getting off track. Know, if I can, I can't call you t to the oni anyway getting off track. So last week we talked about star wars, episode one, the phantom menace, and the general consensus around, uh, the campfire here was that, despite a few technical shortcomings, uh, and a few questionable story choices, it general genuinely was a fun film and, uh, a pretty good start to the skywalker saga. Yeah, everybody agree with that, pretty much much Absolutely. Yeah, it was good stuff. So this week we're talking about Tales of the Jedi, season 1, episode 4, entitled the Sith Lord. So this episode aired on October 26, 2022 and we follow the continuing journey of Count Dooku, or the descent into darkness of count dooku yeah yeah, so the episode takes place about 32 bby and is interestingly split before and after the death of qui-gon jinn.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was a really cool yeah cool thing that they did there with that so and just a quick note on bby aby references.

Speaker 2:

So the events of star wars, a new hope, which is the very first star wars film, released in 1977, uh, the events in that movie are considered year zero on the star wars timeline. So anything that happens before that is considered bby. Or before the battle of yavin, which was that, you know, decisive turning point and all that um, anything that happens after is considered aby. So you'll hear us use those terms from time to time now let's.

Speaker 1:

I should point one thing out real quick, sorry. Yeah, I was at a star wars trivia event last night and it came up a conversation with somebody that you know they they referenced aby bby and I was kind of surprised, you know, not judging or anything, because you know thinking about it doesn't really get brought up too much um, but most people you know were confused that they call it the battle of yavin because it's just most people just know it as the battle for destroyed the death star. So you know, some people don't quite make that connection yeah, and I think I think that it's we.

Speaker 2:

We get that just from, um, you know, that was that's, I think, the main planet in the system. Is it the yavin system? I know that they're on a moon that's orbiting. Yeah, I think they're on yavin four, I believe I think you haven't four, so they're on a moon that orbits. I think I think yavin's actually like a gas giant maybe. Um, I'm not a gas giant, not like a sun, but like it's gaseous. It's a gaseous planet similar to like Jupiter.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually my understanding of it and Lord knows I could be wrong on this. My understanding is that Yavin is the system, yavin 4 is the planet and Endor is the moon.

Speaker 2:

Endor is in a completely different system. That's where the Ewoks were.

Speaker 1:

You're thinking Death star 2? I am.

Speaker 2:

That's my bad okay, that's okay yeah, and that was yeah, and so like with endor um, that was yeah, that was the, the sanctuary moon well, and I didn't know that the first death star was the battle of yam till this show.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I had no idea. So I I guess now that I hear it out loud. Um, now I get where it starts yeah, so yeah I would see I could see them doing that, tony, at trivia. You know it's when the death star grew up, the first one so that was that big pivotal moment.

Speaker 2:

You know all that stuff takes place within a short time frame, so you know. But, yeah, that you know, that whole bby aby thing came about, you know, back in the 90s and uh, okay, it didn't stick until, I think, the early 2000s, I don't remember. Now we talked about it on like the first episode, but we'll have to revisit. So, uh, all right, who wants to go first? We're going to talk, uh, light side, dark side and blast points and for those of you joining us for the first time, light side, those are the pros. Dark side of the cons and blast points are just going to be, you know, impactful or meaningful things about the episode or any hot takes that you might have.

Speaker 2:

So we're not talking about, you know, like the technical stuff. We kind of went off the rails last week talking about like technical aspects. We're just really concerned about the story. You know, like, what was it about the story? Pros and cons of the story. You know how it made you feel. You know how it made you, you know, view the story so far, like where, where we're at in our Star Wars journey. You know how, how did this particular story um impact? Either way, you know pros, cons, um, or maybe there's nothing, maybe this is just like a episode for you and it's it's not impactful in any way. So who wants to go first? I think, sherry, we went, we went yeah, tony, I'll go um.

Speaker 1:

So for me this definitely has some impact. Um so, just especially now, just immediately having coming off seeing seeing phantomace, it was very interesting seeing that play out and honestly, this particular episode could have been slotted right in the middle of that movie. I mean it really could.

Speaker 1:

Or at the very least at the end of it, or close to the end, of course, like yeah, well, yeah it actually almost threw me off for a minute because, like I'm sitting there going, like I'm watching it in the first part of the episode, which is which takes place prior to Qui-Gon's death, it almost lost me for a minute Cause I'm trying to figure out when could this have happened?

Speaker 1:

So they were stuck on Tatooine. They initially had the minor altercation with Maul as they were getting off the planet, and then my mind almost skips over them going back to Coruscant and having the senatorial issues there before going back to Naboo. It took me a minute to recognize the senatorial issues there before going back to Naboo. So, to my mind, it took me a minute to recognize where in the story this could have happened. Right, but once I clicked into it, okay, yeah, that makes sense and it's just. It is really, really well done. I really do wish that I had just a little bit more of the background of dooku and and his interactions with the sith lord, who has not yet been named.

Speaker 1:

Uh, of course we know who it is, but city is um I'm really curious as to what he, what he said, what he did to convince dooku to join him. Um, because I mean dooku's whole thing and he says he says a point blank in this episode is he's frustrated with the corruption of the downfall of the Senate and that the Jedi are acting as pawns for that corrupted system. I get that. That's an argument that makes total sense to me, oh yeah. However, dooku knows who he's working for now and knows that that person is as responsible as anybody for the corruption in the Senate.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think he knows who.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't, he just knows this is. Lord.

Speaker 3:

Sidious Right. He doesn't know who it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think that he.

Speaker 3:

I don't think.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

They're in the same room together and, yeah, he's got a hood over his head, but you really think he can't see his face well, that's the thing.

Speaker 3:

When he tapped into the dark side, have you ever noticed like in the movies he looks worse because he's tapping in fully, so he like, even his like lower jaw looks different when they show the senator, if you've ever noticed. And then, as the senator. He's just like oh hello wonderful to see you again but he looks more and his eyes change as well.

Speaker 2:

The color, everything that's a good point. That is a great point. And I you know what as many times as I've seen these things, that is a great point. That is something that I've not noticed, like you. Yes, they did.

Speaker 3:

His eyes are yellow in this episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when he's got the hood up, you can definitely see the yellow eyes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so I don't think I can accept those Canon. Yeah, I don't think he knows who the Senator is Again it's like superman and clark kent, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's like glasses on, glasses off, like oh my god, you know it's go ahead sorry I mean that that makes sense to me, I guess from my understanding of jedi's ability to sense people's intentions and things like that, to me that should be harder to hide. But yeah, hey, he's a sith lord he's got, he knows how to do some shit. So okay, I can accept that but look at the phantom menace.

Speaker 2:

I mean, my boy was bold enough to be at the funeral of qui-gon jen. He was fucking right there standing next to yoda and mace windu, arguably two of the most powerful jedi of the time.

Speaker 1:

They had no idea and that, and that is one thing that that confused me and I, I don't know that. I want to call it a dark side point, maybe it's just, you know, funky timing, but I mean, the way that I interpret the episode is that Yaddle talks to Duku and says, hey, we're about to head out to go to the funeral, and Duku says he's not going, and Yaddle follows him and instead he goes to meet with Sidious. But how could Sidious have been where Dooku went to meet him if Sidious was at the funeral?

Speaker 2:

That's a good point. It might have been days after. It's possible Timelapse that just wasn't shown.

Speaker 3:

I think it was a clone, but that's just me. You think who was a clone? I think he has a clone, but that's just me.

Speaker 2:

You think who was a clone?

Speaker 3:

I think he has a clone Huduku. No Sidious, why would he? Anyway, I'll say my piece in a minute.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. That's an interesting theory. I am really curious what their interactions were like. I know they bring up Sifo-Dyas, which is the first time that we're hearing that name and, avoiding spoilers, it's. This is another character that I really want to know more about, because my understanding of this character, from what I've read, from what I've heard, is that he, similarly to Qui-Gon or, I'm sorry, not Qui-Gon similarly to Dooku was unhappy with the status of the council and their role. To me it was very Okay. So we're name-dropping him, we're showing that he has this relation to Kamino, but obviously they make it clear later in the episode that Dooku must have killed cypher deus well.

Speaker 2:

Well, so there's, there is some backstory for that. Um, like it, it is revealed more about cypher, deus and dooku. I mean, we, if we're going a little bit back I don't want to go too far forward, but if we're going to go a little bit further back they were younglings together. They were both. This was like about a hundred B2-ish BBY, because Yaddle was there, yaddle was around since the High Republic era, like 500 and something BBY we already know. Yoda was was there.

Speaker 2:

But, um, no, dooku and saifedeus were both. They were bros, they were, they were pals, they were in the same little youngling, uh, like hawk bat clan or hawk bat group, or I think I want to say hawk bat clan. Um, they were both in the same, the same little group, the same little like classroom, like class. Yeah, they were in the same cohort, youngling cohort and there were adventures and things that that happened there as well. But but some of this stuff is in the books and you know we're not, we're not really discussing the books, even though the even though some of these books are canon. We're not getting into that. I mean we can, we can dive into them, we can deep dive in the books a little bit, just to you know, help fill in the gaps that are from the series. But also there's going to be more stuff revealed about syphidias and dooku as we start getting into the clone wars. Animated series, so there's animator series, so some of your concerns will be answered.

Speaker 1:

That's what I like about this format is that we're laying the groundwork and then we'll get there and fill it in. It's going to get there.

Speaker 1:

We're going to get there. I promise you, I really enjoyed the episode Seeing him, not last week but the week. I really enjoyed the episode seeing him, like you know, cause, you know, not last week, but the week before we watched a previous episode of the same show that had dooku in it and we see him struggling and, and you know, having a bad moment, but coming back from it and I'm really just, I'm really curious to dive into this character more and see what brought him from that bad moment that quaggan pulled him back from to just going full out um, I'm gonna cut yaddle's head off like it's like where do you?

Speaker 2:

you know, where do you, where do you go, where do you go? But I mean, we see this descent over decades. I mean I'm sure that he had been disillusioned even before we see him for the first time with young Qui-Gon.

Speaker 3:

I think it just has a lot to do with the corruption of the Jedi and he finally snapped.

Speaker 1:

And he snapped the wrong way, obviously, but uh, but so so I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this episode, um, and yeah, it's, it really sets a tone for what's to come, and yes, it does, yes, it does.

Speaker 2:

You got any blast points Anything?

Speaker 1:

impactful. I mean, obviously, you know, just his downfalls is just the most impactful thing that there is and that's just it's. I mean it's kind of incredible for animation to literally see him go from maybe, maybe, maybe there's a chance to nope, and you can almost just see the light go out in his eyes and he just goes. This is who I am now and that's it. Um the other, you know the one, and I'm going to call it a blast point. Um, you know we might, you know we learn in in the phantom menace. You know they talk about it and say, well, hey, you know, the rule of sith is there's always two. Did we kill the master or did we kill the apprentice? Right, but if Sidious is the master and Maul was the apprentice, dooku makes three.

Speaker 2:

Well, he wasn't a Darth, so he was. It was an. So there's there's a technicality there. So that was Darth Maul and Dooku becomes Darth Tyrannus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I think this was when he takes out Yaddle that's. I think that's the the, the final, the final step for him to uh, to become darth tyrannus okay because up into, but also it's you know. Also, it's the sith they you know. Well, I don't really follow. I mean, they do follow the rules, but it's like they don't follow the rules and sidious does not follow the rules. Sidious is going to do whatever he needs to do in order to make these things happen.

Speaker 3:

He probably saw that Maul was going to die. Anyway, he's pretty powerful. He can hide, he can mask himself from all the other Jedi.

Speaker 2:

Maul was a tool.

Speaker 3:

So they're all tools.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

To be honest, they're all tools. Yeah, to be honest, they're all tools.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Dooku was a pawn and he felt that shit across the cosmos and was like, oh, I'm going to have to get this guy because he's in the Jedi Right. You know what I mean. So I think he sacrificed Maul. To be honest, I know he didn't kill him, but you know, I think there were some, some factors there and um and uh, he knew what had to happen it's like he's thinking like 20 steps ahead.

Speaker 2:

It's like I need to.

Speaker 3:

I need to separate anakin you know I miss mother from his mother oh yeah, that None of that was a coincidence.

Speaker 2:

Right? I don't think so. No, so I'm going to send Maul to kill Qui-Gon, which is going to, which is going to really sever Anakin from any sort of hope of like a solid foundation. You know the I know the Jedi Council is going to use Anakin as a a pawn, but also, by killing qui-gon, that's going to push dooku more in my direction, because dooku loved qui-gon jen yes, and you could see that you could see that and he blames the jedi council for his death.

Speaker 2:

He blames the jedi council and sidious. He told cities he didn't have to die.

Speaker 3:

He could have been an ally for us but again he's, he's thinking and I think sidious, is using the. To be honest, he's using the force on his ass, yeah, and saying I agree. Hey, dude, he's talking to him like you need to be the balance. You need to be the balance. You need to be the balance. Same thing he did with Anakin. So he knows what he's doing oh, 100%.

Speaker 2:

So, sherry, what about you? Pros, cons, blast points what you got.

Speaker 3:

So the pros for me I thought were just learning about again, again, like qui-gon and dooku's relationship I thought that was a good one, um, because you can see again what the jedi don't like the love in his eyes, right for him, um, as a as a student or you know, like this is my son, this is they were friends.

Speaker 3:

I mean, they were friends they knew each other and again, like I said last week, qui-gon dooku and him saw the same issue and I think they felt kind of the same, but dooku went in this direction and qui-gon is trying to do a better direction, that's all is that cat rubbing on the tripod again?

Speaker 3:

I just saw your camera yes, she is shaking, so she can sit with me, come on. So, um, and I think one of the things that I thought was interesting, um, was yaddle, because I haven't I've only seen her this, you know, the one time. Obviously it's the only time was here, which kind of sucks, but she was in Phantom Menace.

Speaker 3:

Briefly okay, she's on the council and then she's staying. Yeah, that's right, that's right, but um, but when? My nervous stop shaking the camera? So, um, but yeah, my intro. The interesting thing was in the beginning when he went and deleted all of Kamino.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Sifo-Dyas's record.

Speaker 3:

We all know what Kamino is right Well for the most part Do we, do we know? Well, I do.

Speaker 2:

But I mean but.

Speaker 3:

I do. On our journey where we're at currently we are not, so that's fine, but you're gonna figure that out well, I mean next week's homework, but anyway, anyway.

Speaker 3:

So we're getting there, we're getting so there's that um and yaddle, um. I think she figured it out. The reason she followed him, not because he didn't want to go to the funeral. To be honest, when he turned and he said he wasn't going in front of the tree, you could see in her eyes. And again, like you said, tony, with animation, like they're really doing it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean you could see the concern you could see her heart like fall, yeah, like shit. You know what I mean. Like in that moment I felt her just saying fuck yeah, he's, he's done something. He's doing something he's not supposed to be. She might think it's because qui-gons, you know, died, but that's not where it started. I mean that helped push him over, I think I think that helped push him over the edge and she's known him since he was a youngling.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you know I mean. So she knows Dooku.

Speaker 3:

And how old is she? Because her English is great.

Speaker 2:

Her basic?

Speaker 3:

yeah, Her basic I was telling Tom that today I was like um, she must be way over yoda's age I, I don't know, I, I don't know, I think she's like 500 ish okay. Well, I don't know. Maybe it's the females, because we're awesome, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just joking, but um so she was 477 years old at that time when she died that sucks yeah but um and yoda was like 800 yeah, so I think um so he was like 600 700.

Speaker 3:

He's about 700 years old at this time he was, so his english should have been better.

Speaker 2:

Shame on him but uh geez, maybe because he was old, maybe that's why maybe he had a little alzheimer's or a little dementia. No, come on. No, I mean he's been using the force for 800 years.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's got to get some babble because I don't know what to tell you he did babble all the time he did, um, but yeah, I agree with and like when she said she, this is what got me. And I think this is one of the cons or one of the pros is when she said when she's hiding and she's like, I resign from the council because I agree with you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I agree with you that right there should have been like what am I like? He should have been in his mind and you could see it. Yeah, thinking like what? Oh, yeah, what am I doing? But then you got oh boy standing there and I think he just twisted that mind again. I really think he uses them as puppets oh, of course he does. Yeah, especially when he's got that opening, that vulnerability man.

Speaker 2:

You know just that little sliver of vulnerability like that doubt, that doubt and love and hate and he just gets in there and says cool, I got you like if you think about it like on a religious level, like if you look at a lot of different religions. Yeah, you know, he's's very much like that quintessential devil, satan character. Jeez, jeez, there goes the TIE pilot.

Speaker 3:

I guess he wanted to be with me.

Speaker 2:

All right, there goes Jet Wash, I know, all right, but that's what in most religious mythologies, that's what the devil does. That devil finds that opening, that weak does. Is that that devil finds you opening, that opening, that weak spot, that vulnerability, like you said? You know, whatever it is, those doubts, those fears, you know so yeah, but it did shock me.

Speaker 3:

When she opened that shit I was like oh, yes, oh, when the door slams. Oh yeah, I was so excited because I thought, okay, she's gonna live, because I have seen this before, but I I didn't remember yeah and um and when she, when she flipped into this. So that was basically a con for me, because I was like come on, if you can open that door, girl, you could have flew to your ship real quick. I mean, I'm sorry, I would have pulled that energy from wherever that's like a lot.

Speaker 2:

That was a big ass.

Speaker 3:

Um, it was a big ass door, but like yoda says, it's just judge me by my size do you right? It's just like a rock it matters you know, in jedi terms that was nothing. I mean, I know they use, I know that I get, but I'm just saying I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's funny. When that happened, the first thing that you said was like ooh, whoever opens that door, it's going to be a mess.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I saw Gushy, that was. That was my reaction.

Speaker 1:

That was your reaction, but when she opened it, I was like yay, she's going to live.

Speaker 3:

And then when she flipped inside, instead of frigging outside, at least fall outside.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know it was exactly to me that was the thing is, if she falls back close behind her, she's got time to recover a little bit, she can get the fuck out of there. Yeah, it's like oh, you're fucked, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

When she came forward, I was like oh, it's like when you watch a horror movie. It's like, no, don't go in there, that's where. Don't go in the closet, don't go in the basement, don't flip towards when are you going to go?

Speaker 3:

I was like no, but yeah, I was like oh no. I guess the only con I have is where they split, because I didn't get it when he was like talking to him and then standing at the tree and he's dead and I was like what? So that one a little bit like they should have put a little bit something else in there.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what they did they did some subtle changes, but it's like, come on, like when, when, when yaddle and dooku walk away from each other. You know in the okay, sure, but I did when it aired there was a commercial to break it up. But like when we come back, there's no commercial break on here. But like when it first aired, there's a commercial break but or no, there's not. No, there's not, because it aired on disney plus that was my only con right yeah, yeah, your dark side my dark side.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was my only dark side, um and if you speaking of dark side, when, when we do come back and they show coruscant again, the sky is all dark and gloomy and cloudy like prior to that. That was not the case, right, so now the the whole tone, the whole mood had changed. When they show the jedi temple again after qui-gon's death, yeah, but again you don't. You know, if you don't, if you don't pick up those little subtleties, then it's like wait, you just talked to qui-gon like literally like five minutes ago, and now he's dead. What the fuck happened so that that went a?

Speaker 3:

little bit. I was like, and that's a little silly, there should be something I mean, I don't know show a piece of the fight scene, or so I I got no idea. But, um, you know, show me something like, like tony said, that first piece could have been in the movie because they did go back. Yeah, and you don't remember that. You know what I mean. Like you're like what, but they did.

Speaker 3:

I, for you know they did go back before and then they came back with any and you know all that stuff. So, um, but that was my only thing and I think, um, I think it's a good, good watch. I think people should watch it, um, in this order because that was interesting. Okay, I did, I did like that now, when?

Speaker 2:

now, let me ask you, this is this is for both of you. This is for both of you. So whoever wants to jump in um when, having known, now that you know qui-gon qui-gon died, and then seeing dooku's reaction to qui-gon's death, did that have any any extra emotional impact for you? Seeing it in this order, or would it have been better to see it in, like the order of the release and then going back and seeing this? And so this obviously came out many, many years after you know.

Speaker 3:

I personally think this was a good way to see it.

Speaker 2:

This doing it like in order in chronological order like this Okay, yeah, for sure, all right.

Speaker 3:

Cause you kind of get like I said you.

Speaker 1:

I mean without the previous episode of this show.

Speaker 3:

You don't know what their relationship is between right, yeah, right, if you wouldn't have put the movie in between three and four. Yeah, people are like what right?

Speaker 2:

and then now, now as we move forward, because homework for next week is going to be attack of the clones, star wars, episode two, okay, so now, now we're we're really getting getting more into like the nitty-gritty here. So we're going to see more of dooku, we're going to see more of anakin, more of obi-wan, obviously, and you know, all of these things are going to start unfolding, but I think it'll be interesting watching this again, after seeing this episode and seeing this descent into darkness. You know that that dooku has been on, you know and seeing where it leads him and then, as we see him interact, there's a very interesting scene between um dooku and obi-wan in attack of the clones and um, very interesting scene. I don't want to, I'm not gonna spoil it, but we're gonna watch it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, for for next week, okay, there's a very interesting scene and like knowing that scene and then having watched this again, for me personally, that scene is going to be more impactful because when you, when you're watching it this is just my opinion, it may not, it may not be that way for you or for any of our listeners, but, um, but for me, knowing how that scene plays out when I watch it again. I promise you I'm going to get choked up. I'm already getting choked up thinking about it, because of the interaction between Dooku and Obi-Wan is very much like that interaction between Dooku and Qui-Gon, so that's his little nephew basically. I mean, you know, I mean obi-wan is like dooku's nephew. I mean, if, if we're looking at at qui-gon as being like a son type figure to dooku, so it's just there's, just there's layers.

Speaker 3:

There's so many layers, it's so cool. I just think it's it's. I mean, obviously it's all lord, it's city of it's him, because if they would have changed within the jedi order, with their emotions intact, using that because, like the living force, like qui-gon, qui-gon loved obi-wanan. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But he didn't let that turn him to things Like he still did what he needed to do as a Jedi, and I think that is the difference.

Speaker 2:

Qui-Gon is, is so powerful, and we're going to learn just how powerful he is or was? Yeah, and it was. It was because, sherryerry, like you said, it was because of that, that, that love, he was not afraid to use that emotion yeah instead of being consumed by it, instead of instead of letting it become fear, because that's what the jedi council does.

Speaker 2:

The jedi tell you that you know these emotions, we're gonna, they're gonna lead to fear and hatred and the leaves of the dark side. So, if you love something, and I get it, it's coming from like a buddhist mentality, it's like you know you know you can't you know, but you you can't suppress those emotions, right?

Speaker 3:

it's like Star Trek, it's like Vulcans. You can only suppress those emotions for so long and then you're going to explode because that's the way it works. That's why they suppress their. You know what I mean. There was a lot of things but for Qui-Gon, and I think Qui-Gon would have changed if none of this.

Speaker 3:

You know Darth side, you know the dark side would have not been there, I think him and Dooku could have made those positive changes and said listen, you can still have a family, you can still do this, you can still do. You know what I mean? It doesn't matter, but we have the force. Let's use this energy for good. Had Qui-Gon. They think they're doing it, but they're not. They're not.

Speaker 2:

Had Qui-Gon interrupted that meeting instead of Yaddle, I think that would have been a wrap. I think that's exactly why Sidious did what he did yeah, because he knew qui-gon changed qui-gon, was that cornerstone for dooku?

Speaker 2:

he was. He was that that last anchor to the light side. Because dooku was I don't want to say dooku was, I mean dooku did fall the dark side, but he wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't evil. Sidious is evil, pure evil, pure evil, pure evil, but. But. But dooku wasn't. Dooku was just disillusioned and burnt out and he was. He felt, he felt betrayed. I mean he believed in all of this and then, like just seeing the decline and and and the entropy of of the jedi, and it's just like he's just like man, fuck this, what a but he could have left.

Speaker 3:

You didn't have to make those choices to kill jedi and do all.

Speaker 2:

No, he didn't. But it's like you said. City has gotten to his fucking head it's about the whole balance.

Speaker 3:

He keeps telling them oh, we need balance. Dude, how can there be balance when there's only two of you? Right like why would you even think that's okay? But he's picking the most vulnerable ones yeah to say oh well, I'm bringing balance.

Speaker 2:

No, you're not, I'm going to bring that's a lie.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to bring peace, order and justice to the galaxy. I'm going to do everything that you want. I'm going to get rid of the corrupt Jedi. We're going to rebuild everything so that everything is as it should be, and you're going to help me make that happen. It's all a lie. As it should be and you're gonna help me make that happen. It's all a lie. And because city has just needed these powerful pawns to help him get where he needed to go yeah, he's playing chess oh god, and he's, he's always he.

Speaker 2:

I don't even want to say he's, he's 10 moves ahead, he's like 10 games ahead. I mean like he's, he's playing everything and everybody, just so smoothly. I mean the guy, I mean he's just right. I mean, and when we see that and that's another scene that's just heartbreaking, that do it scene, but but we're, we've got a ways to go before we get there, but but anyway, anyway, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those are my thoughts.

Speaker 2:

All right, I don't really. I don't know if I have any thoughts beyond what you guys were talking about. I just I think I have a bit of a blast point, but I get it though. It's like how I don't want to say easily, but how easily and how quickly dooku made that pivot, how he made that turn, like when, when we're in that hangar and we've got yaddle, sidious and dooku, you could see the struggle on dooku's face. You could really really see a second that struggle like he. He was really really like weighing the options and like oh, and then there was that moment where his expression just went blank. He went numb. He takes yaddle out, he just but did you see, sidious?

Speaker 3:

That's where I saw his eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he was smiling and laughing. He's such a dick.

Speaker 3:

That's when he did the little mine trick. That's exactly. You could see it Because he looked at the back of his head it's not like he was looking at his face. And they showed that clip of him and you see him like, yeah, there's, there's.

Speaker 2:

and then there's the snap, and then you're like, oh, he's really gonna kill this woman and he did, he does and he does it, and immediately after I think he regretted it, you, you could see it. You see, see the regret, you see that moment of what have I done?

Speaker 3:

But then when Sidious starts laughing and like this is what we're doing, this is.

Speaker 2:

Now he's fully committed.

Speaker 3:

Now he's, now, he's done.

Speaker 2:

Now, now he's done, he touched totally into the dark side. But I mean but, and interestingly enough, dooku's journey is not, is not over and was yaddle his master. No, no no, no, no, she was just no, no, she was just like you know, just another. She was a trainer, she was a teacher I mean she seemed pretty close to him well, yeah, of course she's known the guy, so uh, yeah, since the beginning, since he was a youngling, like legit, like I mean.

Speaker 2:

So all right, so it's, it's interesting to see dooku's turn fall. I I mean because he's, yeah, you know, I mean we all, we all know, know what happens to dooku, but um, like I joke around about the sith and I think they're cool, but that that was horrible no, there is no need for you to kill in order to get your way.

Speaker 3:

It's just not no, it's not a thing, no, you can use the force in the correct way without doing that insidious, is just insidious.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he is really an insidious character he is. He is just uh, oof, it's like. On one hand, it's like I kind of admire the guy, right, but at the same time I'm just like, oh, my god, it's like you know, great chess player he really is. I mean, he really really is like, without a doubt, I mean so, so I don't know. All right, so that's uh, that's it. That's so, that's uh, that's it, that's uh, that's the, uh, the episode. That's episode four of tales of the Jedi, the Sith Lord. Um, so, but yeah, anyway, yeah, that was that was my take is how quickly he turned. But again, that just, it's just a. Uh, the testaments, how powerful, sidious is like, how strong in the dark side he is. But it's not just the dark side, due to smart. I mean, he is smart, he is next level intelligent and again, he's, he's 10 games ahead of you. So, all right, so that is that.

Speaker 2:

So our homework assignment for next week we're watching star Wars, episode two, attack of the clones. Okay, shit's about to get real. I mean shit's about to get real. I mean things. Things have been for Grammy. We went from young Jedi adventures.

Speaker 3:

I know Right.

Speaker 2:

And now you had to keep murdering this cute little little yaddle, just like shrink. I mean like, how could you? How could you do that? How could you? I mean, what depths do you have to plumb into in your soul? Because it didn't have to, it couldn't have taken much. Well, I mean, it's just, she's a tiny little thing, but it gets worse, it gets so much worse. It gets so much worse, it gets so much worse. And the fact that George Lucas intended, intended star Wars to be something for 12 year olds, george, come on, my guy.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, now, it's just now, it's whatever.

Speaker 1:

Emotional damage yeah.

Speaker 3:

Emotional damage. So right, Tony.

Speaker 2:

And it's just, it's just going to get clip, it's just we do. It's just going to get worse, ladies and gentlemen. It's just going to get darker and darker as we continue on. And we haven't even gotten to to the, the, the real meat and the potatoes of the clone wars, like, yes, we're going to be watching episode two. That's just the start. You know, begun the Clone Wars hub. That's just the beginning. We're about to get into the actual series, the Clone Wars animated series, which just people are like oh, that's a cartoon, that's for kids.

Speaker 3:

No, no no, it's good, that's for kids. No, no, no, it's good it's very emotional.

Speaker 2:

I liked it.

Speaker 3:

God there's so many, and we're watching episode two.

Speaker 2:

We're watching Attack of the Clones, the film. The film Star Wars, episode two.

Speaker 3:

Star Wars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then after that we're going to be watching one of my favorites, which is the micro series, the one of my favorites, which is the micro series. The micro series is not. I remember again and and this is this is just a word of word of caution the, the micro series, is no longer considered canon and I know that we said that we're only going to talk about canon stuff, but it's our show, we'll do whatever we want, but the we're watching a fan edit of the micro series. So the way that it's edited it could be canon, because they take everything that's not canonical. I don't know if I'm saying that correctly, but that's not canonical. It is sort everything that's not canon, and they've kind of stripped it down and removed it. So they created the super edit, the super cut.

Speaker 3:

Don't tell us.

Speaker 2:

We're going to, it's going to and that that's gonna be in. Uh, okay doesn't mean two weeks. I think that's gonna be while we're away while we're away. Yeah, that's gonna be our homework while we're uh in boston on boston, okay all right, that's it anybody got anything before we head on out? No, I got nothing no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody I don't have anything all right, all right, well, let's do our obligatory pimping.

Speaker 2:

So, check us out on all social media at the sws show and be sure to subscribe to our podcast and our youtube channel. And, of course, if you want to get some merch, head on over to our website circle of nerdscom slash merch. And if you'd like to know what's coming up, uh, you can check out the timeline. We have that uh posted on our website so you can see what we're doing next for homework, what we're doing for the rest of this season, um. And, of course, yeah, do make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode and you'll get all the alerts and all that stuff. Um, I think in the next week or two we're going to start uploading our, since we do record this um on on on camera as well. We're going to start uploading these videos to our Patreon account. So if you are interested in becoming one of our beloved patrony, uh, you can head on over to patreoncom slash circle of nerds and uh, join for a couple bucks and, uh, check us out and check us out. We'll start doing some stuff.

Speaker 2:

So we'll start dancing yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll give you the, we'll give you the super secret password to our OnlyFans so you can see the spicy content. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's about as spicy as it gets for us. But wait, Sherry, you've got some stuff going on in that front. Aren't you going to be doing some cake farting or cake sitting or anything? I am not doing that.

Speaker 3:

Put them cakes on a cake. I would not say it on here if I were all right fair enough, all right.

Speaker 2:

So everyone, thank you so much for joining us. We really do appreciate you. We appreciate the time that you take to uh listen to us babble on and on and on about star wars. Um, but we do love it. So, and, of course, as always, my little succulents, if no one does anything nice for you, do something nice to yourself and we're gonna see y'all next week. Bye, outro Music.

Star Wars Sucks Episode Review
Star Wars Trivia and Canon Discussion
Sith Manipulation and Strategic Moves
The Power and Manipulation of Sidious