Star Wars Sucks!

Attack of the Clones + The Acolyte: Wake Up and Smell the Woke

June 08, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 6
Attack of the Clones + The Acolyte: Wake Up and Smell the Woke
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
Attack of the Clones + The Acolyte: Wake Up and Smell the Woke
Jun 08, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Circle of Nerds

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week we wonder why nobody checked up on Yaddle after being sauced by Dukoo, question the "love story" between Anakin and Padme, aka Aname or maybe Padakin? Let us know what you think. We also unpack lots of emotional baggage left behind by the prequals.

Later we dip our toes into the Acolyte. While everyone else is crying "WOKE NONSENSE!" we're just looking at it from a storytelling perspective. Although that may not be much better. You've been warned.

Also, Palpatine is a dick.

All that and more this week!

Before we forget..homework for next week is to watch parts 1 & 2 of the Clone Wars Micro Series Fan Edit.

Fan Edit Part 1
Fan Edit Part 2

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

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Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week we wonder why nobody checked up on Yaddle after being sauced by Dukoo, question the "love story" between Anakin and Padme, aka Aname or maybe Padakin? Let us know what you think. We also unpack lots of emotional baggage left behind by the prequals.

Later we dip our toes into the Acolyte. While everyone else is crying "WOKE NONSENSE!" we're just looking at it from a storytelling perspective. Although that may not be much better. You've been warned.

Also, Palpatine is a dick.

All that and more this week!

Before we forget..homework for next week is to watch parts 1 & 2 of the Clone Wars Micro Series Fan Edit.

Fan Edit Part 1
Fan Edit Part 2

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 1:

This week on Star Wars sucks, we're going to be doing more time traveling than the Marvel Multiverse, breaking our own rules and double dipping because we can. That's right. Alright, it's going to be a good one. Stick around, oh, that never gets old. That is the jam, that is the bop, as kids said four years ago. I don't think so. I don't know howdy succulents. Welcome to star wars. Sucks, your non-toxic, low sodium star wars show. That doesn't make you feel bad for not knowing that jango fett was only 44 years old when he died, poor guy. Oh. So, whether you're a hardcore fan or just a little swarzy curious, this is your Star Wars safe space. We are the Circle of Nerds and we do absolutely Love Star Wars, even if we don't Always like it. So let's meet the team, shall we? If you are ready, team Sherry is trying so hard not to yawn right now. To my left, your right Star of stage and screen, it's the sensational and sleepy Sherry.

Speaker 1:

Hello, everyone, hello wake up right and from the outer rim territory of boss. It is daddy louie who is not here again.

Speaker 2:

Hello children.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'll be your Daddy Louie today. Do it. And hailing from parts unknown, it's T to the oni welcome back to the galaxy, everybody hey, and I am tommy d.

Speaker 1:

You're more than slightly obnoxious. Star wars, know it all. So what do we come on, man? Oh, come on, oh jeez, trying to figure out what all these buttons are, oh jeez. All right, so what are we doing here? Our mission is to watch all of the Star Wars, all of the canon films and TV shows in chronological order, breaking them down, connecting the dots and learning more about Star Wars and maybe even a little bit about ourselves. So we hope that you're going to come along this journey with us, especially if you're a new fan of Star Wars. Definitely come on this ride with us. It's going to be a good time. So, warning there will be spoilers, yes, so be prepared. We will do our best to make sure that we don't spoil anything in the future, but the episodes we're talking about today, obviously there will be spoilers. So a little bit of news on friday, june the 14, which I believe is next week.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that would be correct.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So we're going to be recording the show live from Daddy Louie's Cantina. We're going to be live streaming on Facebook and YouTube. So make sure you're following us at the SWS show on all of your social media platforms and make sure you're subscribing to us so you never miss an episode and you don't miss out on those alerts. So if you do happen to miss us live, the new episode will drop Saturday, the 15th, in the morning, as it will always, until the end of time. So let's, let's get into this thing, let's go, let's boogie, boogie, boogie. So let's, let's get into this thing, let's go Boogie, boogie, boogie. So last week we talked about tales of the Jedi, season one, episode four, and of course that was a well you know agreed that it was a bit of a heavy episode, poor Yaddle.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what the fuck, poor Yaddle. I mean that was ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Oh, man and Sherry, you know what you had brought up. A really good point about that. Did anyone go looking for her?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, no one mentioned her in the movie.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's it. She's just gone.

Speaker 3:

She's just dead.

Speaker 2:

It's been 10 years and just yeah, nobody mentions it.

Speaker 1:

Nothing, nothing, nothing about Yaddle at all.

Speaker 3:

I thought there would be something. I was actually a little bit disappointed about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like we never hear about her ever again. Now maybe in the comics or in the books, something, but as far as TV and film yeah, but on this what we're watching, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I will say I know it happens much later in this movie, but there's a point where I was kind of looking for a bloodstain and I didn't see one. So I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I got you.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, after 10 years I figured they'd have cleaned up, Maybe, I mean you know, they go back to the scene of the crime. I mean Dooku goes back to the spot where he sauced Yaddle.

Speaker 3:

The only thing I could yeah, he did saucer. The only thing I could think of is that it's because one was the animated series and then the movie, so they're probably like well, people are not going to know who that is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But they could have done a little nod to fans that know what happened.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anybody's going to be. I mean Yaddle's not going to nod because her head's gone right. There's no nodding.

Speaker 2:

It's too soon. You could make her bobblehead and she could nod.

Speaker 1:

Yikes Yikes, tony, I don't know. Maybe there was something mentioned. Yikes Yikes, Tony, I don't know. Maybe there was something mentioned in the Clone Wars animated series. I have only watched the series once and I don't think I've watched the entire series. So maybe the next. So maybe we'll see something about Yaddle, but as far as I know that's just a wrap. A Jedi Council member who recently quit the council because she agreed with dooku quits the council and then just poof, desparu gone, disappeared maybe they were like good riddance yeah, the jet, maybe the jedi was like.

Speaker 3:

Well, I will fuck you and agree with what they're doing bye be gone, stay gone. That could have been his ally.

Speaker 1:

I'm sad for her I am too, but anyway, I am too and she should have gone with somebody. So that's, that's a rule to to remember here. Kids always travel with a buddy always traveling pair always traveling pairs. I mean, granted, they still would have got. I mean both of them would have got sauced. I mean that's, you know, sidious and tyrannous. You're not. I mean you're not. You're just not. You're not going to do anything against the two of them, you're going to be done sauced don't take my word that's I'm trying to.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to be trying to make it mainstream. Yeah, it's a good, it's a good word. So I don't know, about a year ago I think.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, about a year ago, you, I of nowhere no, we were coming down the street and somebody died and I was like, yeah, they got sauce wait, what did we witness?

Speaker 1:

a death on the side of the road or no, no it was animal, I think, of some sort just the way you said it, yeah, yeah, we're just driving on the road and there's some dead body. It's like, yep, they got sauced you don't know my life so it's, I think it's a.

Speaker 1:

It's a great word. You know it replaces, you know, murked, right or right, you know, I don't know. I'm sure there's like 50 other words. I love it, I love it. So I'm trying to yeah, trying to coin it, make it, make it mainstream, but you get your credit. So every time someone says it, you, they owe you a nickel I know for real what's up all right, so anyway I got a venmo okay all right.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, episode one, or season one, episode four, uh, tales of the jedi, definitely worth a watch. It's heavy. A lot of questions answered, more questions have emerged and uh, yeah, I really do want to find out what the hell happens to uh. I mean, we know what happens to yaddle, but, uh, does anyone go looking for her? Does anyone wonder? Or it's just like you know? I mean, our jedi master is just a dime, a dozen. It's like we got more. We got more, but as far as we know of that species, it's just yoda and grogu. We don't know about any anymore. Grogu, grogu should have been there for that. Grogu was there.

Speaker 3:

Well, he was alive.

Speaker 1:

He was alive, I'm guessing. He was probably at the academy or at the giant temple. I'm thinking that when Yoda went to inspect the clone troopers, I think or somebody, or maybe Slay for Diaz, someone got a hold of Yoda's DNA, I think. Or somebody or maybe Slyphideus someone got a hold of Yoda's DNA, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think Groku why couldn't it be Yadels? And?

Speaker 1:

you think they should?

Speaker 3:

and Yoda, why not?

Speaker 1:

you think they didn't?

Speaker 3:

I mean there's a female and a male.

Speaker 1:

I mean they're little green bodies entwined in the beautiful agony of the beast with two backs yes, except she spoke like perfect.

Speaker 3:

She did which?

Speaker 1:

she did and he sounded like he was from.

Speaker 3:

What's wrong with yoda like? He was a crackhead from hoboken, new jersey I'm not gonna say it, but it was weird maybe he had a speech impediment, maybe he, maybe he's got some, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he had some mental health issues. You know that is possible. He's been through some shit. He has yoda's been through some shit, but he was talking like that during the high republic era with, you know, the the young jedi adventures. So I'm just gonna say it's a speech impediment and I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna shit on yoda for having a disability right, so correct that is.

Speaker 3:

That's not what we're.

Speaker 1:

That's not what we're about here, correct? So let's continue, shall we?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's move forward.

Speaker 1:

Alright. So this week we're going to be talking about Star Wars, episode 2, attack of the Clones, released May 16th 2002. Holy shit, that was a long time 2002. The second installment of the prequel trilogy takes place 22 BBY, 10 years after the Phantom Menace. Attack of the Clones continues the story of a growing Anakin Skywalker and his journey through the force. We see his relationship develop more with former Queen of Naboo and now Senator Padme Amidala, and we see the opening battle of the Clone Wars. So a lot was going on in this episode. There was a lot to unpack in Attack of the Clones, I think more so than the Phantom Menace, but there's a lot going on. So also today, as a bonus, we're going to be talking a little bit about the first two episodes of the Acolyte and some of the controversy surrounding the show. So yeah, of the acolyte and some of the controversy surrounding the show. So yeah. And that takes place 100 years before the events of the Phantom Menace. So that's yeah, 132 BBY, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of BBY, not BBC, but BBY, aby. So the events in Star Wars a new, a new hope. The first Star Wars film released in 1977. The events in star wars a new, a new herp, a new hope. The first star wars film, released in 1977. The events in that film are considered year zero on the star wars timeline. So anything happening before is bby, anything happening after is aby, and so you'll hear us referring to those terms from time to time. So who wants to go first today, sherry Tony?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I don't care I mean I'm willing to.

Speaker 2:

it doesn't matter, we are, we are on it.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead Tony, go ahead Tony this is Oni, so this will be well. First off say, I enjoyed a great deal, um more than I remember enjoying it the first time that I saw it, way back in 2002. Okay, okay, but I did make a decent amount of notes on it because there were some things, especially in light of the way that we're doing this, that I was curious about. And so my first question when it comes to this is Dooku himself. We've hinted on a little bit here about the intro, but so they always refer to him as Count Dooku himself. We've hinted on a little bit here about the intro, but they always refer to him as Count Dooku. They've never referred to him, at least as far as I've seen, with one exception they never referred to him as Master Dooku. When exactly did he leave the Jedi Order?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It had to have been after the incident. I'm thinking after episode 2. Yes.

Speaker 3:

After Qui-Gon died. He never came back, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean they referred to him as Count Dooku even before that well, qui-gon called him master.

Speaker 3:

Sure, maybe they didn't respect him.

Speaker 1:

Well, he was, he was a Count, I mean, he was Count Dooku. That based off of his, his lineage, his lineage yeah, yeah yeah, that's his.

Speaker 3:

That wasn't exactly I get what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

The reason I ask is because, like, I'm just curious, like I would think that if I were sidious it would be more, it would be more helpful to my plan to have Dooku stay within the ranks of the Jedi and have an inside eye, right, but obviously he didn't and that's fine. But then also in this movie you know it was specifically referred to, I think by mace windu that duke was a former jedi. Assassination like it couldn't be him. So obviously they don't know about yaddle correct no, he probably also saw cyifo-Dyas.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, but he remember, he blamed the Jedi Council and Sidious for the death of Qui-Gon. I think when Qui-Gon died, that was a wrap for him.

Speaker 3:

He was like I'm out, Put him over the edge.

Speaker 1:

He didn't want to be on the Council. He did, but he didn't. He wanted to do more of a diplomatic mission, so he was more about the diplomacy side of things and he didn't have faith in the ruling body. He didn't have faith in the council, so why should he be a part of it? And then, once qui-gon, you know, died. That was it for him. He's like I'm done. The senate's corrupt. The jedi protects the corruption in the senate, so I'm out, which then made him easy pickings for sidious and yeah, I agree with you on one hand.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I agree with you on one hand.

Speaker 1:

I agree with you, on one hand, that maybe it's better to have that inside guy with the Jedi, but Dooku's diplomatic skills, as we see in Attack of the Clones, he brought everybody together, he created the Separatist Alliance, he brought all these star systems to Sidious. Basically, I feel like and Sidious is such the master chess player that he knows exactly where to put people. He needs dooku in the field, gathering these systems and sowing dissent. You know he's, but he's got eyes and ears in the Jedi Council already through Anakin.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so anything that's going on with the Jedi Anakin's?

Speaker 2:

probably dropping that info.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The second thing for this movie, and I particularly it's extremely convoluted, and I understand that. They make it very clear that we talked about this last episode. Sidious is playing holo chess while the rest of us are playing checkers. But I mean so Sidious wants Padme dead, but he doesn't want to do it himself, so he hires Dooku to do it. Sidious wants Padme dead, but he doesn't want to do it himself, so he hires Dooku to do it, but Dooku won't do it himself, so he gets Jango to do it, but Jango won't do it himself, so he gets the Shapeshifter to do it. And then the Shapeshifter does the thing with the robot and the bugs and all that. Okay, fine. When that plan fails, jango kills the Shapeshifter, but it's only because he did that that Obi-Wan even found the clone army on Kamino.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, jango kind of fucked up by killing Zam Wessel, Did he? I mean she was about to drop his name. But, like you said, I mean they ended up finding him anyway Did he fuck up.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, if he doesn't do that, then none of the plot of the movie happens.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Otherwise there's no movie.

Speaker 2:

It's a very interesting plot device, especially if you consider, like if we really are believing that Sidious is thinking that far ahead. Killing Padme now doesn't help him in his grand scheme.

Speaker 1:

But does he actually want Padme dead? I think he knew it wouldn't happen or is he using these, these attempts on her life, as a way to push her and anakin closer together so he can eventually? Well, I mean well, yeah, yeah we know what that happens.

Speaker 1:

But you know he's like like sherry, like you and I were talking about before. You know he's sidious, is using anakin's love against him. Yeah, and it's working. I mean it is working he. I mean you saw how angry he got with zam wessel trying to get the info on who the assassin was, who was trying to kill Padme. I mean he's.

Speaker 3:

Everyone is a pawn. Yeah, in his game. I think he just does it for fun, to be honest, because he already has the power.

Speaker 1:

No, but it's not solidified yet. He needs to.

Speaker 3:

He needs that absolute power, but he, I know that, but what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying is yet he needs to. He needs that absolute power. But he, I know that. But what I'm saying is well, and he needs an apprentice and I think I don't I don't know if he's doing it so much for funsies as he is that he, he needs this apprentice. He knows how powerful anakin is and he's not going to be able to get anakin through traditional means and methods Right, because Anakin is not weak. Dooku was not weak, but you see that he uses Dooku's disillusionment against him. Dooku is salty about the state of the Republic and so Sidious is like yep gotcha. That's your weakness, because you have no other weakness. You're too strong, right. Anakin, the same way, incredibly strong. That's your weakness, because you have no other weakness. You're too strong. Anakin, the same way, incredibly strong. His weakness is love, and I see a cat moving the tripod again Every week.

Speaker 1:

Every week she comes down here and wants to rub on the tripod. It's fine. She's trying to get her cameo, it's okay. Well, all of our listeners can't see this anyway but it's just every week and she's like what?

Speaker 3:

I'm getting my scent on it anyway. Yes, go ahead, tony.

Speaker 2:

Outside of that, there's a lot of, there's a lot of interesting dialogue in this movie. That is very much foreshadowing and I'm not going to touch on it because we're trying to avoid spoilers for future movies, so I'm going to skip past that and just say that I know it. But there are a few things that are quotes that really hit me, that really stuck with me, that aren't foreshadowing, so I wanted to bring a couple of them up. The first one Padme tells Anakin don't grow up too fast. And when you consider, this poor girl was the queen of her planet at 14 years old, Holy shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like that's.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't trust a 14-year-old to babys. Like that's, I wouldn't trust a 14-year-old to babysit, let alone.

Speaker 1:

So do you feel that in some ways, that she probably she lost a bit of her innocence, obviously, I mean, she had to deal with a fucking war on her planet. So that's no way to grow up.

Speaker 2:

And she said, she wasn't the youngest.

Speaker 1:

She said she wasn't the youngest elected.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. It is crazy. There's a scene where Obi-Wan is trying to find out about Kamino and goes to speak to Yoda and Yoda's training the younglings and that reminded me of Young Jedi Adventures and I just thought that one little thing, Yoda was clowning him man.

Speaker 1:

I didn't appreciate it. He disrespected Obi-Wan.

Speaker 3:

No, he didn't.

Speaker 1:

He disrespected Obi-Wan. He's like, hmm, missing a planet Obi-Wan. He's like, hmm, missing a planet Obi-Wan is how embarrassing man, fuck you.

Speaker 3:

In front of the kids, fuck them kids.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean you know, no, I'm joking.

Speaker 1:

They won't be younglings for long.

Speaker 3:

It was a joke in a classroom. It's making the kids feel good.

Speaker 1:

Feel that they can disrespect the Jedi.

Speaker 3:

Master, is that what they're feeling?

Speaker 1:

No Inappropriate Yoda Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Speaker 3:

Can we not laugh?

Speaker 1:

Not at somebody else Shut up.

Speaker 2:

Disrespect. Speaking of missing a planet, I know how computers work here on Earth. Do the Jedi Archives not have a changelog that they could go back and see? Hey, somebody deleted this? Apparently not. Is that not a thing?

Speaker 1:

Dooku was very thorough. We saw in Tales of the Jedi exactly how he did it. He pushed three buttons, he pulled out a little disc and that's it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know we saw it. I'm just saying like I did, like I know, like if somebody did that to my computer I could figure out who did it but that's yeah, yeah, you know, it's magic and then the librarian, another one disrespecting Obi-Wan if it's not in the Jedi archives, it doesn't exist no, that's not disrespect, that's arrogance.

Speaker 2:

Bitch, you don't know everything that was another one that Yoda has a line about arrogance and it being a trait more and more common among the Jedi, and I'm like young librarian, yoda has a line about arrogance and it being a trait more and more common among the Jedi, and I'm like yeah, young Jedi, we see it among the Jedi Council. We see it among just about everybody.

Speaker 1:

I never did like her. She shows up all over the place. Jedi librarian Jocasta, shut the fuck up. I don't like her. I mean she's a badass but I don't care for her. Mean she's a bad-ass but I don't care for get out of here.

Speaker 2:

And then the other thing and this just again goes to the timeline and my confusion, because it's something that doesn't really get brought up too much in the media that I've seen and experienced when Obi-Wan is on Camino and he's talking to the cloners and they say you know, the order was created by Sifo-Dyas about 10 years ago. Yeah Well, 10 years ago was the same canonical year of Phantom Menace, yep. So was Sifo-Dyas actually alive then, or was somebody pretending to be him and doing it, or what We'll find out.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think Obi-Wan mentions that. Who mentions?

Speaker 2:

that he mentions something I thought he had died earlier than that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so obviously he probably didn't put in the order. It was probably Sidious.

Speaker 1:

We will learn more about. I know I'm just saying we will learn more about. I know I'm just saying we will learn more about jedi master cypher deus, but where we're at right now it is still a mystery right, so he does mention it, like I thought he died earlier.

Speaker 3:

What's up?

Speaker 1:

right, so even more confused, right so but we do know that he, he did die 32 bby, so they think that's, that's, uh, yeah, yeah, so, but they're uh. We'll learn more about cipher ds as the uh.

Speaker 2:

The clone wars continue, continue, cool, cool um, yeah, beyond that, um, I mean, you know, obviously the battle on geonosis is fun. Um, you know there's. You don't see a lot of it because you know they cut around it, but it's pretty clear that they lost a good number of jedi there.

Speaker 2:

They did um, but yet you know, get colon, but yet you know, clone Army showed up and they got out of there and all that Visually fun and all that, but obviously that's not what we're talking about. But I think that story-wise did a very good job of setting up where we're heading next. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that because obviously, as far as theatrical stuff is concerned, we go from we've started the clone war to, essentially, the clone war is just about over right, but we've got that's how we get to episode three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we've got a long way to go before we get to episode three because, uh, we're going to be diving into the Clone Wars animated series and that's seven seasons and I'm very much looking forward to it, because I have not seen any of it yet, and so that's going to be a lot of fun for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I got for this movie.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So I really only have one thing to say I wasn't going to weigh in, but I have to.

Speaker 3:

You say so much this.

Speaker 1:

It's just. This is just a little bit because and share you and I talked about this already a little bit, but, like there's, there's a couple things about the movie I don't like in terms of story. One of them is, I guess, probably one of the biggest things. It's the the, the love affair between Padme and Anakin. It just Is poop. We do get more obviously from the animated, but it's just like.

Speaker 2:

It's rough.

Speaker 1:

It felt forth, it felt like an afterthought, it's like let's just get them together real quick.

Speaker 3:

It was a little corny to me it was super corny.

Speaker 1:

It was super corny and I'm sorry, but padme is that girl. She is that girl because she knew anakin was into her. She's into him too, which is weird, but she, she knew that he had feelings. From the moment that she saw him again she's like oh my, you've grown. I mean, she didn't say it like that, but you know seriously and and he said what?

Speaker 1:

what did he say in response? So have you more beautiful right? So, and immediately. All women know when dudes are crushing on them. She knew immediately. And then, when they're at the lake house sitting by the fire, what is she wearing? Her little bondage outfit? Okay, first of all, titties are spilling out she's wearing her choker, knowing that anakin likes to choke. How about?

Speaker 3:

so do you need to?

Speaker 2:

she doesn't know that yet she finds out spoiler.

Speaker 1:

She finds out what she's spoiling. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that's just her outfit.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, come on, are you gonna?

Speaker 1:

try. Okay at dinner. At dinner she was covered up. Okay, they were by the fire she took off her little jacket did she have to wear that particular take it off?

Speaker 2:

the jacket. That's an entire outfit change and she knew she was outfit change.

Speaker 1:

She changes more than be Beyonce. She changes after every scene she has a different outfit and she wore all that, knowing how pent up that young man is, that 19-year-old boy. Well, first of all, showing all her titties and a little chug, she looked hot as fuck. She looked hot as Mustafar. She was hot Hotter than the twin sons of tatooine. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.

Speaker 3:

I do have these things in my notes I wasn't gonna bring them up well I'm gonna bring them in this bank, bank and shit, okay, yeah but, one of my notes is literally just I'm also not 19 years old.

Speaker 1:

She's like we can't. We can't do this, anakin, I'm a senator, you're a jedi. We can't do this and we can't do it. We can't do it on the on the creep either, but I'm gonna give you a little, a little, a little look, a little tease, a little appetizer, what you can't have. Anyway, anakin, have a good night. See you tomorrow, so anyhow.

Speaker 3:

And then he has a dream and she comes out. I heard you last night.

Speaker 1:

I'll go with you.

Speaker 3:

Shut up, don't tell her, that's not nice.

Speaker 1:

She's the reason. I used to think it was Darth Jar Jar. Now it's Darth.

Speaker 3:

Padme. She is the reason that he turned to the dark side to go there she's the reason the reason she anakin. She's not the reason we're gonna find out we're gonna find out, was trying to keep him from certain things he went.

Speaker 1:

He went to the dark side to save her he did not.

Speaker 3:

He went to the dark side to save his mother, and Sidious is the one that we're going to find out more.

Speaker 1:

We're going to find out more. I don't want to spoil. We're going to find out more.

Speaker 2:

I see parallels there between what Anakin did in this movie and what Dooku did in Tales of the Jedi, Episode 2. He dipped into the dark side but tries to come back from it. There's a part where he's talking to her afterwards and he says I know I'm better than this.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So he's trying to bounce back from it, but then it's her life at risk again, and then he loses his shit.

Speaker 1:

And his mom.

Speaker 3:

I mean, that's rough, you know, and she had a good life, she had a good ending. He couldn't even see that. So I think that's one of the things that I took from it is that he didn't see that. You know, she had a good life at the end, she had a loving family. Obviously it sucks what happened, but she was okay with it. I think that, and she's, she hung, she stayed alive, probably just to see him. She probably knew, you know, he would come. Oh, that's so sad, um, and she saw him and she's like I'm good, now I go. And he couldn't accept that. And I think that's the big thing too. He had to accept that death is a part of life. That's just the way it is.

Speaker 1:

You bring up a very, very, very good point that when he left her she was a slave. She wasn't exactly living in squalor or chains but she was still a slave.

Speaker 3:

No, cuado, cuado was a slave, she wasn't exactly living like living in squalor or chains, but she was still a slave.

Speaker 1:

No quato or quato, quato, quato, that's. That's what is that? Uh, or the running man, right? No, no, not, not the running man um total recall total recall, but anyway, good movie as well great movie, um, and then, yeah, so he, he, he spent his entire childhood wondering and missing her, not ever knowing, like you said, not ever knowing that she eventually found happiness and love and that's where the jedi fuck up.

Speaker 3:

He, they they kept it. That's where they fuck up, because someone could have. He could have went to see his mother.

Speaker 1:

Who that's dumb but you know the jedi, like I, can't have attachment that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 3:

You came from this woman's womb, you're attached. There is no right that you you can't unattach. Even even when kids are estranged, you, you're still fucking attacked. So they could have told him hey, she was bought out of slavery, she has a loving husband, stepkid, whatever, and that might have set him at ease.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you guys this too, sherry, because again that's a great point how do you think Anakin would have progressed had he known that his mom was safe and happy with a loving family, instead of going from you know, seeing her in slavery, not knowing shit for 10 years, and then finding her imprisoned and tortured to to?

Speaker 3:

I think. I think if they were taught correctly, like they should be the younglings, all of them they should not lose ties with family, but they should know that you, it's like you I don't know how to say it. You can't have an attachment, but you can at the same time yeah like they. They need to know the difference of attaching themselves to do something greater in life, even though they have family and loved ones well, it's like what what anakin had said.

Speaker 1:

He said that you know when he and when he and padway and Padme were disguised as refugees in their opulent clothing, the fuck. And he had said that it's part of the Jedi's main teaching and belief is compassion for others, which he said is at the root true, unconditional love. So in some ways, the jedi mandate is to have love for others, but you can't be in love which is dumb yeah, so, or, like you had said before, too, you know, teach them those coping mechanisms.

Speaker 1:

Because so there's, there's, there's no doubt that if let's say that he had known all this time that mom was in good shape, she was good, she was healthy, right, and then, you know, found out that, you know she got taken, he had his vision, found out she was taken, went in there, got her, would he have gone ham on the entire Tuscan tribe or do you think that he would have just like sauced a couple, got mom and bugged out?

Speaker 3:

maybe, maybe, just maybe not the, the kids and the women.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, I don't because he was full of fear and rage and sadness and anger. Oh yeah, that was straight up.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, 100 so I I don't think he would have killed everyone. I think he would have killed who was in the vicinity and then, you know, took her maybe. I mean, that's just a hypothesis yeah, I mean who knows? I mean I mean we don't know we you know what this is, how it was written, written.

Speaker 1:

But it's like everything that the Jedi talk about leading to the dark side, the fear, the anger, all of that. I mean Anakin had all of those things and it's like nothing was done to help him cope and then he turns into a school shooter.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Basically, I mean I don't know, know, it's kind of messed up it's nurturing it is nurture over nature the jedi, yeah, nurture over nature, but I feel the jedi are just as responsible for his fall yeah as sidious and padme oh yeah, it's a combination and jar jar, but mostly, mostly sidious. What do you think about Jar Jar Tony?

Speaker 3:

did you have any opinions on him?

Speaker 1:

oh, this guy.

Speaker 2:

I mean honestly.

Speaker 2:

I mean I think, considering the minor role he was given in the movie, I think he did fine. It seems like he matured in a good way from the previous movie. The voice and the manner of speaking is still just personally annoying to me, but that's what people do. That's what people do, it's whatever, it's fine. But yeah, I mean, I mean the fact that he he went ahead and did what he thought was the right thing to do to to try and push the plot forward. He got played so hard, I know. Of course he did. Of course he did.

Speaker 3:

But considering, that he got played by gets, plays everybody.

Speaker 2:

I can't blame him for that.

Speaker 1:

Oh no. No, I mean yeah, I mean you figure, people like Anakin and Duke who got played, so I mean I don't know. Yeah, I mean he, but it's just the way Palpatine did it. He's such a dick she. I sure wish someone had the courage to propose this in the Senate holy pad.

Speaker 1:

May we're here, I don't know. So he's such a dick. He is such a dick like I used to really like palpatine, but like the more I watch it's like you're just a fucking asshole man. I mean you're just. I mean some, some evil leaders. You can kind of be like, oh all right, good job, buddy, you know it's. You know I can't get down to the gym, but you just enslaved an entire star system before breakfast. Well done, sir.

Speaker 2:

The only thing I had noted was that I know it's been 10 years and you definitely see the difference in age between Obi-Wan from one movie to the next, anakin from one movie to the next, padme, to a point, from one movie to the next. I don't know if it's just the makeup that they did or whatnot, but Palpatine looks considerably older in this movie than he did in the last one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's the evil man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree, I think it's the dark side. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

You can only put so much foundation on that shit.

Speaker 1:

That's true and and and it was only 10 years. It's only 10 years. You would think he wouldn't look at. But I mean look at, look at obi-wan, but you know, over 18 years on tattoo. I mean he is. But if you look at him from um revenge of the sith to a. Hope that motherfucker got old quick. Apparently, there's no moisturizer on Tatooine. I mean, those twin sons are brutal as fuck. He's living as a hermit. He's working at the fish factory, I get it. I mean, I get it. He's living a hard life.

Speaker 3:

Oh, when he was in the caves, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Living in the caves, you know, but still, it's like when we I understand two completely different actors. Sir alec guinness, of course, in the original I get it, but we can't but we can't talk about those.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know we can't it's not, we're not there yet.

Speaker 1:

We're not, we're not there yet. I've already said too much we're not there yet all right and uh, but uh I know, that's my theory not before.

Speaker 2:

I won't do it again you.

Speaker 1:

You're so funny. Padme's combat midriff the cat scratching off her whole ass shirt.

Speaker 3:

That was interesting. I did like Listen. Scratched her back. How did she lose her whole front? How did she lose it? She ripped it off because it was hanging in her way.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

And you know what? She's 24 years old, she's got a bod, so show what you want, hello.

Speaker 1:

Still has no ass, though, but it's fine, she's still cute.

Speaker 3:

I did like I like the animals that were attacking them, but I like monsters.

Speaker 1:

You are a monster gal.

Speaker 3:

I would 100% be their trainers. I would be their monster mom.

Speaker 1:

Would you be a Rancor trainer?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. I would definitely have a Rancor yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, so Attack of the Clones. Overall worth a watch.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh for sure worth a watch. Yeah, yeah, oh for sure. I mean, if you've, if somebody has got was coming on this journey with us, as we've, as we've done so far, if you got through the first movie, yeah, of course you're gonna watch the second movie, of course, like, yeah, I like it because the way we're watching them, um, and like you said, it would you know it's going to reveal itself.

Speaker 3:

You know why we're watching in this and, like you said, it, would you know it's going to reveal? Itself. You know why we're watching in this way, and I learned a lot more about Dooku. Yeah, for sure, I had no idea and I've seen them before with you, right, but like not in the order.

Speaker 1:

Right, so now you have a little more insight.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I I more insight. Yeah, so I, I mean, I I don't know, I kind of feel bad for him. Yeah, in all honesty, um, and yaddle was his only ally and he killed her anyway. Oh man, she was his ally, she. I don't think she would turn dark, but I think if he would have got away from she could have pulled ahead.

Speaker 1:

She could have pulled him in she could have pulled him in to make the proper change, like qui-gon wanted oh, and when, and, and now that we've been watching it in this order, when he is talking to obi-wan in the caverns on geonosis and he says you know how qui-gon spoke fondly of you and how much I miss, you could see it on his face. You could see it on it, that man's face. Because up to this point we just think count, dooku is just another pawn, he's just another dick and uh. But we know so much more about dooku now we know why he changed.

Speaker 1:

we know the depth, you know there's more depth to that character. So I'm very, very glad that they made those. I mean, yeah, they're just cartoons, but I'm glad they made them because they're great stories. Tales of the Jedi Because now we have more about Duke and, like you said, sherry, we can feel a little bit more for him and Qui-Gon, I mean, yeah, he died, but you kind of understood what he was trying to do with the living.

Speaker 1:

And we hear him. So for for those of you that watched the you know, watched, uh, attack of the clones, and maybe only just watched it you know now for the first time. If you've, if you missed it, go back and watch the scene where Anakin goes chicken killer on the entire Tuscan village and you hear Qui-Gon, anakin, anakin, like trying to talk him down, trying to talk him out of it, and it's just. And then you know, then we cut to Yoda and Yoda.

Speaker 3:

And. I didn't notice that before either. Did you notice that, tony.

Speaker 2:

I did. But again, qui-gon is my favorite Jedi ever, so anytime I hear his voice, yeah, and we hear him.

Speaker 1:

We hear him throughout Star Wars, I mean again Clone Wars Rebels. We'll get more Qui-Gon, but I didn't hear that before.

Speaker 3:

I've seen it at least twice and I didn't notice that. I didn't notice that at all. It was kind of heartbreaking to hear it because you're, I've seen it at least twice, yeah, yeah, and I didn't notice that. I didn't notice that at all, and I it was kind of heartbreaking to hear it because you're just like shit, he's really, he's with him and he's trying, but he and that's also a little foreshadowing too for Qui-Gon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, by hearing him, oh yeah, you know he's in. He's in the ether.

Speaker 3:

He's. Uh, because we haven't seen any force ghosts and it's liam's birthday today, is it really?

Speaker 1:

yes, happy birthday, liam.

Speaker 3:

Neeson, that is our guy let me, let me look here. He is 72 years old.

Speaker 1:

And still a good looking.

Speaker 3:

fella Well this picture doesn't do him justice, that I have.

Speaker 1:

The one with the weird handlebar mustache thing going on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know what's going on there. And then we gotta get him on the show. Oh, we haven't seen that one.

Speaker 1:

We gotta get him on the show, Well't seen that one.

Speaker 3:

We got to get him on the show. You better do it now.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we missed our opportunity to do it. We should have had him on for the Phantom Menace episode.

Speaker 3:

He ain't got nothing going on right now.

Speaker 1:

He really doesn't, so we could probably get him on the show. Get him on.

Speaker 3:

Or at least a little voice dub, or something he's family, he'll come on. I know right, we'll be like what.

Speaker 1:

He's family. But yes, today is his birthday. Happy birthday, cousin I didn't find anybody else. So that's Attack of the Clones. Check it out. It's many, many layers. It is my least favorite film from the prequel trilogy. Okay, just because I did not like Anakin's portrayal not a lot. Not that hayden did a bad job. I think hayden did a great job. It's the writing I didn't like. But. But you know our lord and savior, dave filoni, he rectifies all that there is a lot of whining.

Speaker 1:

There's so much whining. He's overly critical. He never listens. Shut the fuck up. I hate him. Yeah, I think that's why.

Speaker 2:

I think he gets. Honestly, there are points in his dialogue where, if I hadn't seen it before and I just heard somebody speaking that dialogue I would expect dyed black hair and black fingernails.

Speaker 3:

What are you saying?

Speaker 2:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker 3:

He's going through a goth phase.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just, I'm just like, oh my god, go go listen to some mechanical romance dude, I know so um but yeah, I yeah, he's very, he's emo, not goth, he's very emo because what angered me was because we had we had 30 years of nothing, 30 years of no star wars except the books. And then, and then I'm like excited to see anakin skywalker grow in the force and become darth vader, because that was my favorite character.

Speaker 3:

You, just I'm sorry what are you? You yelled at tony I'm sorry, didn't he yell at us I'm.

Speaker 1:

I didn't yell at anyone. I apologize.

Speaker 2:

I'll edit yell but he did make a point of we're trying not to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll bleep it I'm in the room with him.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna bleep it. I'm gonna bleep it yeah you better believe it. So I was excited to see that, yeah. And then when I did finally see him, like that's not my Anakin.

Speaker 3:

Boo no. Well no, he is. I mean, I'm sorry to say, but Luke is the same way. So you're not wrong, you're not wrong at all, but again he's got to get it from somewhere.

Speaker 1:

And also we're looking at a 19 year old boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is sexually frustrated.

Speaker 2:

No thanks to Padme, and again has totally been taught how to handle emotions.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She's teaching him how to handle emotion.

Speaker 1:

With his little robot hand. Now right, that's not emotions he's handling Yikes.

Speaker 1:

But they're married down in love, Yep they're in love, mar secret, and it just it's only gonna get worse. But but again, clone wars, all that is uh, redeemed, so it's it gets better, so but anyway, watch it. I. I agree with everybody here that it's it's definitely worth a watch. I mean, some of the things that we're going to watch throughout the course of this podcast. Honestly, either listen to us or read it on the wiki, cause some of the stuff that we're going to watch is going to be filler. Maybe not worth a watch, but so far I think. So far everything we're six episodes in everything that we've watched I think is worth, is worth watching yeah, I think we should.

Speaker 3:

Well, I encourage them to watch everything because they might see something. Oh true, we don't. And, and you know how people are, some people are like well, I love that. Why didn't you like it?

Speaker 1:

you're right, you're right, so watch it all so just watch it a lot of very talented people spend a lot of time and money to make these things, so just watch it, why not?

Speaker 2:

I mean even Young Jedi Adventures, which I was in the camp of. Yeah, if you're an adult, you don't need to see it.

Speaker 1:

It's fun.

Speaker 2:

It's fun. Watch it. It's fun. I want to revisit it, make a little game out of it, and have a good time, it's fun, that's rightony's drinking game, that's right.

Speaker 1:

But I mean it had, you know, yoda, yeah, and you're like, oh well, that's kind of cool, because he was so old, he was in all of, I mean I, I still you know what, and I I'm, I'm excited that we're still talking about it because it was even though we only watched a few episodes yeah, it was so fun and it was so star wars. I mean it felt star wars. I mean it really really did the action going through light speed. I mean it's just they nailed it. I mean they really really did, they nailed it. I mean it was cutesy, of course, and it was. You know, it's meant for six-year-olds for children right, but but so is star wars.

Speaker 1:

Star wars. George lucas himself said that it's meant for 12 year olds. I, I mean he. You know, I don't know what 12 year olds need to see people get decapitated, but that's I mean that's right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, django, apparently the ones that go on to become 14 year old Queens, but that's yeah, oh and if you think about, there's a lot of death in Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

People get fucked up in Star Wars. They do like the opening limbs being lots of limbs. Padme's double gets blown the fuck up. She was sweet. She was sweet, but that was. That's her job, though died in her arms, and an anakin's mom, shme. The way she died she died, harsh, she died harsh.

Speaker 3:

I was like I thought she was just gonna no, and she's like. I was like eyes open, it's like, it's like in the matrix when they pull the plug on you.

Speaker 1:

Just done, I was like eyes open. It's like it's like in the matrix when they pull the plug on you. Just done. I was very shocked by that one I mean, you talk about trauma, talk about childhood trauma. Me skywalker went out hard. Yeah, she died, not in a, in a, in a sweet romantic way.

Speaker 3:

She was like flop I just turned off the lights Done, I just thought, and that's it.

Speaker 1:

And then yet it's peaceful like oh no man.

Speaker 3:

She went back, jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't seen Shmi Skywalker's death scene, look it up. It hits different, it does Alright. So that's enough about Star Wars.

Speaker 2:

Spoiler territory, but compared to some of the other deaths we see on tatooine could be well.

Speaker 1:

You're right but this one, I know this one had emotional yeah, I know most of the people who we see die in star wars and I I read something recently where it said um, in the original trilogy there's over like two billion deaths in the original trilogy there's over like 2 billion deaths. In the original trilogy between the Death Stars and Alderaan. And then all of the other people, like people blowing up on ships, like some of the larger ships.

Speaker 3:

I mean they're crewed by tens of thousands of people anyway, again a lot of motherfuckers die in Star Wars, so the thing I get from Shmi is that everyone else that's dying is some type of warrior. Yes Jedi, they're working for the army or the military.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, even Padme's body double she was, that was her job.

Speaker 3:

She was supposed to die for Padme.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So that was her job. She was supposed to die for Padme. Yes, so that was her job. But with Shmi, what the? I think that's where it hits more emotionally.

Speaker 1:

She was an innocent.

Speaker 3:

Because everybody else yes, she was an innocent, everybody else was. You're in that job. If you carry a lightsaber, you could die.

Speaker 1:

That's a great point you carry a blaster you could?

Speaker 3:

that's that's like people in the military.

Speaker 1:

Same thing or if you're in service to those people, there's the potential that you could get sauce yes, so you get sauce, and but for her I thought that was unnecessary.

Speaker 3:

Actually in the movie they did not have to do that. I know why they did it yeah, um, he needed that. That was like I know, but it yeah but yeah, she did, she did die I mean, it was pretty harsh it was.

Speaker 1:

It was heavy.

Speaker 3:

That was a heavy scene like everybody, like even the decapitation.

Speaker 1:

It was quick and you didn't see it right but not with her man they, yeah, that was crazy but it's interesting, like even with that, with jango's decapitation, like if you, if you run it back yeah, his head rolls, you'll see, you'll see the shadow of his head and like separating from the shadow of the helmet, because a lot of people are like, well, did boba just pick up his helmet with his dad's fucking head inside of it?

Speaker 1:

like no, no, no, like it's I I think they put that in there like after the fact, it's like, oh shit, we need to do something. All right, so here, just put it in the shadow, let's cauterize, so it's fine yeah, there's like a many blood like so. And then obi-wan chopping motherfuckers arms off in clubs again. Every time he goes to a fucking club he's chopping somebody's limb off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he cannot stay out of trouble that's his signature that is his signature signature I like, I like I like that they, I like those little nods.

Speaker 1:

So I mean it's fun when we see it later on. And then when he, when he's like, oh, and it can, you'll, why do I feel like you'll be the death of me?

Speaker 3:

It's like oh my God, yeah, that's so funny.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's talk a little bit about the acolyte, episodes one and two of the acolyte. It is currently getting a lot of heat online. There's a lot of controversy surrounding the acolyte. I don't think that any of it is really founded because, most of like, we have criticisms, but a lot of the criticisms that we're seeing is about casting choice. A lot of it is about you know gender and color of people's skins, and I think that's yeah, my my thing about that is.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I'm going to say about that is you're. You're talking about a science fiction franchise that takes place in a galaxy full of of different races and species, and just because someone looks humanoid doesn't mean that they are human. They could have 16 hearts in their body and they like like everyone's born on different planets. They have you know so, of course, but people are complaining that you know, it's just like this. They're all diversity, hires, it's you know. I think all the acting was great. I think everybody did a great job the, the costumes, the sets, the locations beautiful chef's kiss. So far, the story, yeah, but that's it. That's. My criticism is it's, the story is meh. It has nothing to do with anything outside of that and that's not what our show is about. We're not about the story, right, we're not talking about. That's the thing we don't know. That's why, in in the opening, I said we're going to be breaking some of our own rules today, but we, we don't. We're not talking about the things outside of the Star Wars universe. We're talking about what's happening that we see on screen, but with all of this hate that's happening online because of the acolyte right now. I felt that we should say something. We should use our platform, use our voices.

Speaker 1:

The story is mid for me right now, at best. I think the twin thing it's a, it's a played out trope, it's cheap. I think they could have gone a completely different way with that to make it still, you know, be interesting. But we're only two episodes in the story. Could it could be a slow burn and the story could take off, blow our minds. Who knows? I'm just saying me myself right now. My opinion on the story is it's mid. It's a little like me. There were some cool things. I was disappointed to see carrie ann moss get taken out first 10 minutes. I'm like trinity, what no? I thought we're gonna see more. I wanted more trinity.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to see more matrix. I cannot agree with you more on this. I mean, we were having a conversation over text before and sometimes you see a character and it's a known actor or actress and it kind of pulls you out of it a little bit. And anytime I see characters, my mind immediately goes to Trinity. Trinity, yeah. That being said, what else have you ever seen Trinity would be? Would be an amazing Jedi. Like five minutes, like like her, her, her faith to the prophecies and all those other things would make would be translate perfectly into this world. And yeah, only see her on screen for a few minutes and I want the whole story, like I want to see her, she handled her business yeah, I was.

Speaker 3:

I was like oh, she's dead right like how are you gonna kill trinity?

Speaker 1:

like I want her to be in a back to tank somewhere can she come back from the matrix right? Bring her back. I want her to be in a back to tank somewhere and they're keeping it under wraps, healing so they can draw out this mystery sith or whoever it is.

Speaker 3:

I really, I really want to, but no, I think she's dead I think she just wanted a part of star wars and probably, as an actress, was like hey, can I play a part? And they're like sure and she rocked it she did rock it and she didn't, and she made matrix moves like legit, like what, what, what?

Speaker 1:

it was beautiful. It was beautiful. I love it. I love it. I saw, I saw a meme online, uh, earlier today, and saw the, the other, the other jedi, who's you know going going through this. Someone was like why does? Why does saul have a nemoidian accent? I was like you guys are stupid. That's because you know people complain that the nemoidians were quote-unquote racist because they all had asian accents. And then so someone said, hey, why does saul have a nemoidian accent? It's a, he's asian. I know that was the meme.

Speaker 3:

It's a bad dad joke. I have no issues with who they cast, unless the actor sucks Right. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.

Speaker 1:

So where are you guys at with the series now?

Speaker 3:

I was meh as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

Story-wise, I agree. But, like you said, I feel like this is one of those things that until I get to the end, I can't give an opinion on the storyline, because either it will come together and nail it at the ending and I'll be like, okay, yes, that all made sense, cool. Or it won't work and I'll be like, yeah, it just didn't hit for me, but it were too early into the story for me to be able to say definitively one way or the other, where now it's good, yeah, we're only two episodes in, so it's.

Speaker 3:

I think it's interesting. I mean, I don't have any issues with that, but Wookiee.

Speaker 1:

Jedi, that's kind of cool.

Speaker 2:

Oh, definitely right, that'll be fun that'll be our first time seeing it. One thing I did want to, Having watched Young Jedi Adventures and I know the timeline doesn't add up to it, but if you told me that Kai grows up to be Yord, I buy it. Oh yeah, yeah, Yord is a dick though man?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I would buy it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yord is a dick, though man, oh, I would buy that.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even put that together. That would be cool.

Speaker 1:

What was Young Jedi Adventures? Is that 200 years before?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I think we said At least yeah.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, I think we said at least yeah, so the timing.

Speaker 2:

I know it doesn't work, but like if you just take the picture in your mind of Kai, take it from animation to live action and watch him grow up. It's yeah, I think it could be him holy shit yeah yeah, but it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right, it's, it's, it's, yeah, yord would be old as fuck. Yord would be 100 years.

Speaker 3:

I mean because this this is 100 years before phantom menace and young jedi is is 232 years before that, yeah 100 years before that

Speaker 1:

like, but that doesn't work, but the visual works, you know what. It would be interesting, though, if maybe we did see, you know, a couple of the characters from young jedi adventures in this, because they both, they both take place during the high republic era, and kai maybe not, but we've got some other characters in there that might maybe make an appearance. That would be fun. That'd be a fun little time. So, wookiee Jedi, I'm excited about that. I'm excited to see where that's going to go.

Speaker 3:

I know he kicked ass.

Speaker 1:

He did. He scared that. He had his little ponytail, his little bun, going on chilling and he had a little satchel full of flowers. My boy was out picking some flowers and you're fucking with him. He's making some tea. You think he's making some herbal tea. Yeah, it's like like a special, uh, little special little herby herb oh, maybe so I'm curious to find out more obviously about.

Speaker 1:

You know this, this mistress, this mistress, this mysterious sith lord um? We've seen the trailers and so we know that everyone's going to end up fighting this dude um how do you know it's a dude? How do we know it's a dude?

Speaker 3:

like we. We were right, we were hypothesizing is that a word? That's a word um like fiduciary that the other twin is actually.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

The Sith yeah. Wouldn't that be without the others, without the sister knowing or what if it's one of the parents?

Speaker 1:

maybe? Maybe because it said that her mother's died her two mothers died, so maybe no, I think that one that would be too. Would that be too I think that'd be too much.

Speaker 3:

but yeah, that would be too. Would that be too? I think that'd be too much, but I think your theory on it's actually the other girl, the other twin. That would be interesting.

Speaker 1:

That would be interesting.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and she's playing that would be her playing a triple role at that point. So I don't know anything, but yeah, so far, so far, it's a little, just it's meh. But I felt the same way about the Mandalorian when so I don't know anything going to happen, but yeah, so far, so far, it's a little, just it's meh. But I felt the same way about the Mandalorian when the Mandalorian came, and I love Mandalorian stuff, but when the Mandalorian came out like those first few episodes.

Speaker 1:

Star Wars Rebels like the first season I was like Clone Wars First few episodes it's okay, but Bad Batch the whole. Like clone wars First few episodes it's okay, Bad Batch the whole first season Did not care for it, Not a fan, Not a fan. But that final season, All right, it got me, it got me, I'm a fan. Okay, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Now what's our homework?

Speaker 1:

Omega, thank you for keeping me on track, all right, so that is that. Let me pull my notes up here.

Speaker 3:

We have a child to go get.

Speaker 1:

Oh, crikey, you're right. Okay, yeah, we gotta wrap it up. So homework for next week. Succulents, you're gonna be watching the Amazing Clone Wars micro Series fan edit, parts one and Two, uno and dos for our Spanish speaking listeners. So I'll make sure that we put a link to those videos in our show description. So, no matter where you're listening to this or watching it, you're going to have links to those episodes. So this fan edit it's also on our website, circleofnerdscom slash, the sws show. There's a direct link to it there as well.

Speaker 1:

If you want to watch the entire Clone Wars micro series, by all means, please do so. It's there. Each episode is only a few minutes long, so it's not a long watch. You get through it in a couple hours. Every episode of that is worth watching. Every single episode of the micro series is worth watching. None of it is canon, unfortunately, but it is all very, very good. Some of it's a little corny and cheesy, but it is very, very good, and the people that did the illustration and for and the animation for this they really, really know how to illustrate padme, so they did an outstanding job of illustrating her specifically. So be on the lookout for that, because they give that girl some hips and some booty anyway, um, but anyway, it's so.

Speaker 1:

The clone wars micro series fan edit, parts one and two, is your homework for next week and so, uh, yeah, that's it again. You'll. You'll find links for that in the description of the show. So now it's time for our obligatory pimpage. So you can check us out on all social media at the SWS show and be sure to subscribe to our podcast and our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode. And if you'd like some of our sweet hot merch, head on over to our merch page, circleofnerdscom slash merch. And if you'd like to know what's coming up, you can always check out the timeline in our show description. So we've only got one more episode of this season before we dive into season two. Um of our, of our show. So yeah, so anybody got anything else before we head out.

Speaker 1:

No, have a good weekend and see you Next week, live from Daddy Louie's Cantina. It's going to be a good time. I will see y'all in Bostween, that's right. T to the Oni is going to be there. Live in Bostween. We're going to have such a good time Me too. Fan Expo Boston. Cherie t to the only is going to be there. Live in boston. We're gonna have such a good time. Fan expo boston. Sherry, two r's, one y, but it's not where you think she's gonna be there live. So if you guys are in the boston area and if you're going to fan expo, come check us out. We're gonna be the nerds dressed as smugglers and mandalorians. We're gonna be a a little pack.

Speaker 3:

Well, I won't be at the expo.

Speaker 1:

You're going to be somewhere by a pool getting drunk.

Speaker 3:

Having some adult beverages.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be hammer time for you. Yes, oh yeah, All right. So thanks everyone. So much for tuning in this week and, as always, my little succulents if no one does anything nice for you, do something nice to yourself and we're going to see all next week. Bye, oh, I pushed the wrong button. Here we go. Bye.

Speaker 3:

I love it. Outro Music.

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Count Dooku's Departure From the Jedi
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