Star Wars Sucks!

Clone Wars Micro-Series + The Acolyte: The Jedi Agenda

June 15, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 7
Clone Wars Micro-Series + The Acolyte: The Jedi Agenda
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
Clone Wars Micro-Series + The Acolyte: The Jedi Agenda
Jun 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Circle of Nerds

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week, we're on the road and visiting Daddy Louie's Cantina! Join us as we revisit the groundbreaking Clone Wars 2D micro-series through a "canonical" fan edit*, get into the new episode of the Acolyte, and make some very interesting predictions.

Important note: Because we are traveling, the audio quality is diminished.

In other news, this is our last episode of the season, but we will return with new episodes in 2 weeks!

*Links to the Fan Edits
Fan Edit Part 1
Fan Edit Part 2

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

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Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week, we're on the road and visiting Daddy Louie's Cantina! Join us as we revisit the groundbreaking Clone Wars 2D micro-series through a "canonical" fan edit*, get into the new episode of the Acolyte, and make some very interesting predictions.

Important note: Because we are traveling, the audio quality is diminished.

In other news, this is our last episode of the season, but we will return with new episodes in 2 weeks!

*Links to the Fan Edits
Fan Edit Part 1
Fan Edit Part 2

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 1:

All right, this week, on Star Wars Hux, we are going 21 years back, talking about the Clone Wars 2D micro series and the latest episode of the Acolyte, and we're on the road. All right, stay tuned, Stick around. We're going to do the thing while I find our music as soon as he finds the button find the button, here we go. We're gonna stick a lot of stuff in the post. There's a lot of things. Welcome to Star Wars, such your own. Oh my God, all right, I think I had it on loop.

Speaker 2:

That's all right.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, anyway, welcome to Star Wars, your non-toxic, low-sodium Star Wars podcast. Hello and your Star Wars podcast, hello. And your Star Wars safe place. We are the Circle of Nerds and this week we are going to be talking about the very, very cool fan edit of the Clone Wars micro series. But before we do that, let's meet. The Circle of Nerds To my left you're right, it is the sensational Sherry Woo, hello everyone. The Circle of Nerds To my left you're right, it is the sensational Sherry Woo, hello everyone. And from the Outer Rim Territories of Bostween, daddy Louie.

Speaker 2:

Hello children. Who is hosting us in his own home? That's right. Welcome to Boston.

Speaker 1:

We are Now. We are in the Outer.

Speaker 2:

Rim Territory.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're all in Bostween today for this week. We're going to be going to Fan Expo tomorrow Well, today, when you listen to this, on Saturday or whenever. So, yeah, it's going to be a good time. And, hailing from parts unknown, it is T to the only. Hello everybody, tony and Gary, I got nothing. This guy, this guy right here, late, late, late shower, he's a guest, yeah.

Speaker 2:

He's a late, late shower.

Speaker 1:

He has a death sentence on 12 systems and he's not afraid to talk about it. You want to buy some death sticks? All right, we'll be careful.

Speaker 1:

No, you're not going to you have a death sentence on 12 systems. Okay, I'll be careful, you ain't going to buy the death sticks 12 systems. Okay, I'll be careful, you can get a bite of death sticks. No, that's not the death sticks guy. You'll be dead, thank you. Okay, I'll be careful, you'll be dead, all right, thank you. So anyway, oh, my God, and I'm Tommy D Okay, god, and I'm Tommy D Okay. So we just watched the Clone Wars 2D micro-series. The fan edit, the original one, debuted on Cartoon Network back in 2003. 21 years ago, it still holds up.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was great it still holds up.

Speaker 1:

You were Craigers, weren't still holds up. You were Kregers, weren't you? You were knocked up. You were with Child. It still holds up. They did cut out a lot. There was, of course, mace Windu's awesome scene. We didn't get to see that. There was the Snow Bunny Padme episode where she goes to Ilum to get the lightsaber crystals With Yoda, with Yoda, yeah, and they just drew the hell out of. Padme in that.

Speaker 3:

But none of that's canon.

Speaker 1:

None of it's canon, yeah. So with this edit it was designed to fit more into canon, Although you know what those might be in there, because we've only watched the first two parts. There are still two more parts to that. My glasses were right up against the sandpaper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but at the end of what we just watched it had kind of made that transition to almost like post-Clone.

Speaker 1:

Wars. Well, no, but when we watch the fourth one, then that will be like that's taking us right to Revenge of the Sith.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because there's oh we want spoilers, yeah, spoilers.

Speaker 1:

We're not done with this show. Yeah, spoiler, we're not done with this show. Yeah, spoiler, we're not done with this show. So spoiler alert on that. But yeah, do stick around because we are going to be Talking about episode 3, season 1, episode 3 of the Acolyte.

Speaker 3:

So stay tuned for that. We've got some thoughts and opinions on that.

Speaker 1:

So thoughts and opinions On this micro series. Who was the Sherry? You've never seen it before. I've never seen it. Thoughts and opinions on this micro series Sherry you've never seen it before. I've never seen it. No, tony has never seen it before. Gary has seen it a gazillion times. I've seen it a few times. You've seen it a few times.

Speaker 2:

I've seen it a few times, I've gone back and watched specific scenes, especially the Mace Windu one, the Mace Windu one is dope. I's kind of sad that we didn't get to see it.

Speaker 1:

It might be. Go watch it. If you haven't seen it, just do. Mace Windu the most awesome scene in Star Wars ever Thoughts who wants to go? I think we'll just do round robin today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's fine, sherry, you've never seen it. Ladies first, I've never seen it.

Speaker 1:

Knowing where we are in the Star Wars timeline now, seeing what we've seen, it's just showing where Anakin's going to go.

Speaker 3:

His continued growth, the love of Padme, all this stuff and his anger, his anger especially in this one To defeat Asajj.

Speaker 1:

Asajj, ventress, asajj.

Speaker 3:

And Dooku. I like Dooku. I feel bad for him, yeah, so I like following his story.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't a big one in this, but as we were watching it, gary, you were talking about how Grievous they do Grievous dirty. Yeah, both Asajj and Grievous have done dirty. I feel like that's almost like a continuous theme that we see across Star Wars Grievous' backstory. You know, he was completely fucked by Dooku so he could become Grievous, so he could turn him into Grievous and use him as this Jedi hunting tool and it's just like but the Jedi are doing the same thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but both sides are doing the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

Right, like everybody is like, like the leaders of both factions are doing with the exact same thing. Right, like everybody is like, like the leaders of both factions are using all of these, these poor individuals, as pawns in their own game yeah, and it's, it's, it's ugly, it's an ugly situation. So any, what about you? You've never seen this before.

Speaker 3:

You're a Star Wars fan okay, you've seen a lot of Star.

Speaker 1:

Wars and then so we think so I Enjoyed so far.

Speaker 3:

Forcing the rest of us Actual clone, Right, okay we'll get there in time.

Speaker 1:

I really did enjoy that. That was a lot of fun.

Speaker 3:

You mentioned about the growth of Anakin and I'm not seeing a lot of growth. I've got to be honest, I'm not seeing a lot of growth in him. Well, I don't mean the good side.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he literally just completely disobeyed Obi-Wan, okay, flew off planet, flew into a trap, true, and came back and said okay, I'm sorry about that, oh, but I won, so it's okay. Meanwhile, you've got the entire squadron of troopers killed in horrific ways.

Speaker 3:

I mean Obi-Wan sent them.

Speaker 1:

I mean Obi-Wan got those poor guys killed Well his squadron in space got jumped beforehand, and then the squadron in space got jumped beforehand, and then I think it's true for that. They got sauced. I mean, they got sauced, it was so, jover for them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Obi-Wan said it's a fight that should never have happened, because you shouldn't have done it. So I think he was just doing it to try to.

Speaker 1:

Obi-Wwan's trying to protect him. He's just, yeah, he's trying to protect him. So it is um, it's like you've seen things like that. You see the and from broth, multiple episodes now, the arrogance of young jedi and, yeah, the problems that's going to lead to over time the arrogance of young Jedi and the problems that that's going to lead to over time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, despite that, it's a lot of inclusion from where we've been, where we're going, and so, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Daddy Louie Cause you were. There was a couple of times as we were watching it. Yeah, oh, and, by the way, for all of our listeners, if you haven't seen this, we did this live so you can check it out on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. We'll have the live on there so you can watch it along with us and you can see our reactions. You reacted a few times and it was pretty cool because it was like almost like you were seeing it again for the first time.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, some stuff you're going to forget about, because I think that once it stopped being recognized as canon and we got the Clone Wars series that we're going to watch kind of pushed in front of it, some of the stuff you push out of your mind. I think Some of the stuff push out of your mind I think so some of the stuff.

Speaker 2:

But as I was watching it I was remembering, like certain it's like I. I remembered the plot points, right, because we had talked about um, for example, like when, when asajj like does all the, all the nasty stuff to all the clones and stuff in the forest. I just didn't remember how badass she's portrayed, because when I think Asajj now I think of the Clone Wars, asajj. I don't think of this, asajj.

Speaker 2:

So seeing this was kind of like a breath of fresh air of the characters, and it kind of made me sad that this couldn't have been made canon in some way along with that, because there's some good stuff here. Really good decisions and I know I remember how this micro series ends, so I'm excited to see other people's reaction to how it ties right in. It ties right in because, for those that might not know, when this show dropped, it was to get people excited about.

Speaker 3:

Revenge of the Sith. Like it was timed perfectly, along with the release of revenge, right.

Speaker 2:

so the way that this ends goes right into Revenge of the Sith, and there's some things that we see in Revenge of the Sith that you're like, oh so that's how it happened Because of this micro series. While I was watching that, I was thinking of those things too and that kind of made me a little bummed out because some of that's not canon anymore.

Speaker 1:

I know, yeah, and that's like, like you said, the ending. It's so cool the way that they did it. You could literally just stitch that episode, that final episode of the micro series, and the beginning of Revenge of the Sith together and it's within moments of each other, literally within moments of each other. It's very, very cool. Very very cool.

Speaker 2:

This is going somewhere.

Speaker 1:

What are your thoughts? I know you've got a lot of them. The micro series is one of those things where it'll just go down as one of my favorite pastimes to sit there and watch man.

Speaker 3:

Because you were a kid when it came out.

Speaker 1:

I was so. Yeah, I think my kid came out a year ago. But it's kind of sucks as well because, like I said, there are so many great characters Mutalisk 10. Oh yeah, first and last time that we ever see them.

Speaker 2:

That should have been our bad batch. That's the series that we deserve.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I won't talk about Fordo, but Fordo favorite same character. We don't see him ever again. We don't see Dirge ever again. He climbs all the way into the Galactic Empire. Never see him again.

Speaker 3:

Only in the comics.

Speaker 1:

And we've kind of already talked about General Grievous kind of being done dirty from this iteration of him to when you guys see it in the future, the one that we do get, and same thing with Asad Ventress in the micro series over to the new one at the new cohort. So this is just one of those series where it's like I'm here to watch the Mutalist 10. I ain't gonna lie to you, I'm here to watch the Mutalist 10. I'm here to watch certain characters knock off Shaggy. Oh man Padawan.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm here to watch the foot grabs. I would put. Padawan Shaggy on a t-shirt along with. Thoughts and Prayers, but also with Lunchroom Trooper from the Mandalorian. They're at the same. Can I throw one more person? Two more? That got dealt dirty.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The dudes that died in.

Speaker 2:

Oh is he Be big.

Speaker 1:

The Citadel yellow trooper oh, oh, yes. And then Gore, the captain that had to fight Gore, oh, oh.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, oh. I don't think I've seen that. Oh you'll see it, you'll see it, you'll be like, yeah, you should do that.

Speaker 2:

You should be like honorable death wall.

Speaker 1:

Or like worst deaths in this series, you know what? Or maybe Wall of remembrance?

Speaker 2:

Wall of remembrance For those that are, you know, that are not remembered in the way that they should be the Wall of.

Speaker 1:

Remembrance, the undercover when everyone's like oh yeah the top ten best death scenes in Star Wars. No we're talking about the top ten worst death scenes in Star Wars.

Speaker 2:

But you know what?

Speaker 1:

It's not even death scenes, it's the ones that really like you feel it in your heart. You're like, ooh, it really like you feel it in your heart, like maybe it's not even like a devastating scene, but it's like we didn't know lunch trooper, but I felt bad for lunch troopers because it's like I remember a tray in hand.

Speaker 1:

I just got off my ship trying to eat time, my jawa, my jawa to go meal. My jawa juice and banana. He came off of like a fucking 14-hour shift. He was just sitting Standing on the wall, probably Right ready to take off his helmet and fucking munch out, and then maybe go rack out for a couple of hours. Lots of prayers.

Speaker 3:

I think that yeah the wall of remembrance.

Speaker 1:

I think we need to do that, the wall of remembrance of the people. As we're watching the people that go out and it's just like heartfelt, like oh man I feel bad. Those are teachers.

Speaker 3:

But like you know, like I have one that is all decrypted. Yeah, so it would be all their little faces with their the names we make up for them, right underneath it and just say Wall of Remembrance. I like that and then the back would say Star Wars. I like that.

Speaker 1:

On the back, it's just Jovert Trooper.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Trooper. Oh my god, yeah, like it's going to be just a montage of, just like that's Joe Burr, he's Joe.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You already know. Because, there's a lot Like.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's just, there's a lot, but those ones you guys point out, yeah, like there's no T-shirt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's, something.

Speaker 3:

You're just like and do it like.

Speaker 1:

you know how like when, when you see families put lost ones on t-shirts make it look kind of like that iron-on real. Rip, rest in power or whatever. A little Sarah McLachlan in the background.

Speaker 3:

I was singing it in my head or some?

Speaker 1:

what is it? Some voice demand? What was the song? End of the Road.

Speaker 3:

Here we go To the end, the song, end of the Road. So we got to the end of the road. Boyz II Men, boyz II Men.

Speaker 1:

I remember it. Help the families of those we lost, lunch Trooper. It just cuts to all the different scenes of them. It just keeps staying there. It just cuts to all the different scenes of them. It just keeps staying there, it's like a little montage you see the clone and it drags into the air.

Speaker 3:

I haven't, I haven't Between our hiatus. You fucking make that in remembrance of all the people you've just watched, like they do at award ceremonies for the Oscars just make a quick slideshow.

Speaker 2:

Here's who we lost this season on Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

Sucks with our names and then it's just like honorable mentions and you can put other ones too.

Speaker 3:

But if we come up with some more mentions and you can put other ones too, I mean but, if we come up with some more like, if you guys think of other ones, we can do a whole remembrance show.

Speaker 1:

I like it 10-15 minutes just with the.

Speaker 3:

Sarah McLaughlin song, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need to write that Everyone's just in, everyone's just in, like black suits and like armor.

Speaker 2:

We got black arm bands.

Speaker 1:

And like armor and whatever, and we're just like today we celebrate the passing of not the coolest trooper Right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, no, no, damn, you died in some horrible ways, and it must be no good Like we've lost we've lost people, obviously, but there's been a, we can put everybody. We can put Qui-Gon, we can put I don't know. It's not what we've watched, it's what we're watching. I think we should keep it, like those background players, like those, like the dude that gets shot, like the dude that gets shot, or you make them the honorable mentions.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, like the whole thing is all about these second-hand characters.

Speaker 2:

And then the writer's like oh yeah, honorable mentions oh yeah, I can't cry about it, you can just have like a fast scroll and find everybody's name like little, teeny, tiny letters.

Speaker 1:

Because there's always gonna be those guys, anyone that has like the Wilhelm scream attached to them, they always go out. Genocians in episode two.

Speaker 3:

That would you know I'm watching these guys and I'm like oh, write it down, or like yeah, we should, we should, or like I'm so too.

Speaker 1:

Ain't no one care about the two guards that got exploded and jettisoned off the ramp?

Speaker 3:

Like Joel and.

Speaker 1:

Steve. And then there's the, you know, Joel and Steve. Well, there's a tragedy of you know, TK421. Right.

Speaker 2:

What happened to TK-421?

Speaker 1:

We haven't gotten there yet but there is canon lore about TK-421. It was written like before and then the outcome Okay, like what happened to TK-421 and why he wasn't at his post.

Speaker 3:

So I don't want to spoil it, but he'll be on our wall.

Speaker 1:

Okay, he's going on a t-shirt. Speaking of t-shirts, let's pimp, pimp now. We just talked about it. Go to our website, circleofnerdscom, and buy some of our cool t-shirts. We don't have these t-shirts up there yet. But we will, if you're interested, let us know when we go on hiatus in between our seasons. We'll go ahead and do that. Actually, this is the last episode of our season one. We're going to go on hiatus. I don't know for how long we have two weeks.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be taking a two-week hiatus. You guys were just here part of our planning meeting for that.

Speaker 2:

That was our production meeting, part of our planning meeting for that.

Speaker 3:

That was our production meeting Done.

Speaker 1:

Gavel Done. So I want to talk a little bit about you know we touched on it a little bit, but you know using people, especially the Jedi, because you know, and this is going to tie into the acolyte when we talk about that, because you know, and this is going to tie into the acolyte when we watch, when we talk about that. But the way that the jedi portray themselves as heroes, protectors, guardians of the galaxy, basically and they're literally out here, you know absconding with children and taking, yeah, taking babies yeah, and they're really really using people for their agenda.

Speaker 1:

So what do we think? Do we think that the Jedi are broken, lost, or are they doing the right thing, but they're kind of doing it the wrong way for the right reasons? What do we think? Garish, that depends on you guys, don't help me out with this the time period when the Acolyte actually happens.

Speaker 2:

We're not talking about the Acolyte.

Speaker 1:

But right now, right now where we're at right now we're in Clone Wars era, so at this point the Jedi are working with the Senate to fight the Separatists. So are the Jedi? Do you think that the Jedi are doing some morally great things for the greater good, or are they just trying to perpetuate their own genesis? I think that's what happens when you have a thing called the Chosen One. It just kind of falls into place the longest span in Jedi history. What we've been told so far is that there's always been the Chosen One that will balance the force. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is the first time that they've actually had an opportunity to be like oh, maybe this is the dude. And honestly, in any organization that's like, oh man, the rumored one will come and like he'll take us to the promised land and bring Browns to the fore.

Speaker 2:

Like Harry Potter Boom yeah, harry.

Speaker 1:

Potter's supposed to save everybody.

Speaker 3:

Harry Potter.

Speaker 1:

We don't know if this dude's the guy. He just has a cool scar. You know what I mean. Anyone can have a cool scar. I call off my bike. No one thinks I'm shit. Exactly so it's like when you kind of have those built-in lore aspects of like there is somebody that's going to come, now it's just man who fits the bill. Do you fit the bill? No? Next, do you fit the bill Pot? Next, do you get the bill? Potentially you get the midichlorians. Sure, maybe you know, you don't have a dad.

Speaker 1:

You don't have a dad.

Speaker 2:

You know like how do we weed out?

Speaker 1:

like who the dude is. So I think now in the clone wars, I don't think they're doing morally great things, because now we're also getting into war. They're not generals, but they are, though now they're not supposed to be, they're supposed to be keepers of the peace but now they are straight up warriors and they're also leading people as well.

Speaker 1:

So it's a whole new change of pace for them and a whole new mindset they have to adopt, because, at the end of the day, victory is written by the winners and both sides are going to commit some really tough stuff. Yeah, they already have. Exactly so when it comes to.

Speaker 2:

Anakin, he's grooved Sherry. What?

Speaker 1:

do you think about that oh?

Speaker 3:

yeah, of course he's being grooved. I mean Clickin and Palpatine. He's in there. I mean he in the proper teams, he's in there. I mean he is in there it's between him and the Jedi Council.

Speaker 1:

What can I say on this? Oh dude, he's getting cuffed from both sides. He is. One side's telling him that he is the greatest ever, like you, are the chosen one, but then the same people that tell him he's the chosen one dude, you ain't it, you ain't ready.

Speaker 3:

You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean. So I kind of see where his decline comes from. Because for his entire life he's been told you are the chosen one that'll bring balance to the force From day one, but then yeah but then they're also like dude, we can't make you a knight, you suck.

Speaker 1:

But dude, we can't make you a knight, you suck, but we let you lead a space battle. Oh shit, you won Right, but you still suck. As far as Jedi stand in your concern, you bring up an interesting point too. It's like telling him that by telling him that on day one, what kind of?

Speaker 2:

pressure does that put on you In addition to the ego right?

Speaker 1:

but it's like we, you know. I watched the the matrix recently and there's a scene where neo is, you know, on the deck of the nebuchadnezzar with cypher, you know, and drinking the, you know the the engine cleaner, or whatever, and it's like you know. Do you know why you're here? Did Orpheus tell you? And he was like yeah, and Cypher's like man. What a mind job. What do you say to that? Someone just tells you you're the savior of humanity. Two days ago, you were sitting in a shitty apartment in the Matrix selling people some fucked up hacked codes and shit, and now you're the savior of humanity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like same thing.

Speaker 2:

How do you process that? How do you process?

Speaker 1:

that Exactly. It's like what does that do to you, you know, and what kind of expectations do you put on yourself from that? But you see, the difference between the Matrix and Star Wars is that the machines were in Neo's head being like you need to come work with us.

Speaker 3:

Man Right Neo was pushed to the good the whole time, the whole time.

Speaker 2:

He was fast-tracked, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And Palpatine is just like oh, it's such a shame they don't see your talent and you're just so much. Oh, they finally gave you a command. They finally saw it Right in the beginning where he's like oh, we should give him command. No, we shouldn't, oh, but he's good. Oh, good conversation.

Speaker 3:

Good talk, yeah, good talk. Nice, it's decided then.

Speaker 2:

Get out of it. And then immediately after, and then he's like you won't be a knight. And then, five minutes later, it's like you are a knight thing after another.

Speaker 1:

That's what you know what? That's what happened when you murder somebody on a planet that you felt like going to go fight, even though you didn't have to fight that fight. They were like hmm, how do you kill that dude? And you lost to dookie. Yeah, we'll night. You, bro, you've been through some. Yeah. Yeah, we'll give it to you.

Speaker 3:

This is.

Speaker 1:

This is the classic is the desperate time called the a desperate time I understand what the Jedi are trying to do. They want Anakin not just to be a great soldier, but to be a proper.

Speaker 3:

Jedi, what the universe needs him to be too.

Speaker 1:

They need to, For lack of a better phrasing. They need to beat out that arrogance out of him. They need to beat out that arrogance on him. They need to temper down his arrogance and humble him a little bit so that he becomes what they need him to become, but they don't know that he's been played on the other side too. He doesn't even know Kind of. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't even really know. He's playing on the other side. Basically it's like a kid, right so he doesn't even know, kind of. Yeah, I mean like he doesn't even really know, he just basically it's like it's like a kid between two divorced parents.

Speaker 1:

You know, one parent is really cool, while the other parent is like trying to like maintain discipline, like like, yeah, I'm the bad guy for making you go to school and making you eat your vegetables and your dad over here is letting you watch porn and eat all the candy you want and do whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

This is why it's so old. And that's Palpatine. Palpatine is that guy. I'm going to let you eat candy and go to bed whenever you want and I'm praising you. You're so good. Why do they tell you that You're perfect? And then he's like I'm like where did you come from?

Speaker 1:

And then. But Palpatine is like deliberately saying the opposite of everything that the Jedi say, because he knows and that helps to drive that wedge a little bit more and it's just getting just worse and worse. But the Jedi know what they're doing. The Jedi are 100% using Anakin as a tool.

Speaker 3:

But they all are.

Speaker 1:

They all are yeah.

Speaker 3:

Even Yoda, when Yoda was like well he fucked up. But okay, we're just going to make him a knight. When he said that I was like no.

Speaker 2:

Because I think I don't blame Yoda for anything, because you love Yoda.

Speaker 3:

Well, because of.

Speaker 2:

he always just trusts the force, Like he you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Mace and Obi-Wan. They're more holistic, I guess, whereas Yoda is very like the force will take care of everything, and so when he's faced with a decision, he puts it back on the force. If the force is saying that this boy is the chosen one, then who am I to mess with the force?

Speaker 1:

It's like a hardcore Christian who believes in God.

Speaker 2:

Which is what I was going to say, when you asked the question of where are we at Jedi-wise, I think the foreshadowing of this being a very strong religious organization that is, in their minds, doing the right thing. But to anybody who's not in that organization, the people that ain't drinking the tea, right, the people that ain't drinking the tea are seeing, they're not going to heaven. They're seeing the flaws of that structure.

Speaker 1:

Right, right oh yes, yes, yes, yes right, like he's just like making things happen. He's doing. He shakes his hand like behind him. He's like yes, yes, yes now you're drinking my cool right yes but like, like you'd say, like with yoda. Yoda is so like, like sherry, what you would. You know what people say, like, like someone that's new to christianity're full, they're newly saved. So Yoda is that person that just follows the Force blindly. But Qui-Gon warned against it. Be mindful of the living Force. And Yoda is not.

Speaker 3:

And I don't understand that when Yoda is like 500 and something years old, or, no, 800.

Speaker 2:

But that's why he exiles himself because he realizes wow. I have been blind this entire time because I put my faith in the force, and the force failed me. So he goes into exile. Who else did that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll discuss that in like two years, once we get to that point.

Speaker 3:

But this is tied into the Acolyte. Yeah, let's talk about the Acolyte. Okay, great transition, great transition.

Speaker 1:

Love it. There we go. So Acolyte season one, episode three. We get some surprises. Wait, what happened?

Speaker 3:

I love you guys, Anyway. Okay, so we see some surprises Wait what happened?

Speaker 1:

I love you Anyway. So we see some surprises, we see Nightsisters Maybe. I mean, they're witches, we know that they're witches. They're a coven of witches. It doesn't say Nightsisters. They don't say Nightsisters, they don't have bows. They're not energy bows.

Speaker 3:

It's close enough, but it's still like a hundred years prior though. And it could be a sect of, because they said they had to leave to go here and get a new cup. So where did they?

Speaker 1:

leave from? Did they leave from Dathomir? Did they leave from somewhere else? I mean hopefully we'll find out, or I mean the galaxy is huge somewhere else. I mean hopefully we'll find out, or I mean the galaxy is huge, it could be any type of witch.

Speaker 2:

What type of witch might be irrelevant.

Speaker 1:

We don't know yet. Well, we just know that it's there. They use the thread. They call the thread instead of the force. So it's like you know, it was interesting to see their take on it. But then then what the mother had said about this is all about who says, who decides who gets to use the power. Right. And then the Jedi show up and they're like, yeah, you're not allowed to train kids.

Speaker 3:

But that's what I'm saying. So that's bullshit on the Jedi side. Who are you to tell me in my coven how I'm going to treat my kids?

Speaker 1:

Like on my planet.

Speaker 2:

you came to my house, which isn't part of the Republic, which is what you're defending Right.

Speaker 3:

So they did fuck up there with the twins. They did fuck up there.

Speaker 1:

So like revisiting the conversation we had earlier about how like, ooh, how many people have been in the Clone Wars Back then during the High Republic. Fuck those guys, they had it coming. I mean, that was straight up. In my opinion, it seemed like manipulation.

Speaker 2:

That was the biggest.

Speaker 1:

I can do it, but you fucking can't do it.

Speaker 3:

I can come and take your children.

Speaker 1:

The Republic prohibits the teaching of the fourth children unless it's these guys right here, that's kind of fascism, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

Yes, it shouldn't matter how they're being taught, because apparently they're powerful as fuck.

Speaker 1:

I think they're more powerful than apparently they're powerful as fuck Right when they got Tobin, when she snapped on Tobin like, oh, you'll get your Padawan back, she didn't even blink. She didn't.

Speaker 2:

She didn't raise her hand. I don't even know if she was looking at him.

Speaker 1:

She was like you'll get your Padawan back when you get the fuck out.

Speaker 3:

So, instead of trying to combine all the forces and just learn from each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Jedi are too dogmatic. We're the only game in town.

Speaker 3:

Because they're using dark side and light. To be honest, witches are using both, and it seems like they're able to do it flawlessly.

Speaker 1:

Now what do we think about a couple things that jumped out.

Speaker 3:

So we've got the twins immaculately conceived by another woman, but made by her Right, so made by the mother but then carried by the Zabrakian mother.

Speaker 1:

I'm still not, but let's Right, but let's suspend the disbelief on that Right. So like what do you guys think? How did she create the twins we know?

Speaker 2:

Anakin was virgin birth. They're still men of war.

Speaker 1:

It's simple they're the chosen one, obviously.

Speaker 3:

They're obviously the chosen one. How do we think they were made?

Speaker 1:

Like you had said, that, they use a blend of light side, dark side, Well, I think she used magic.

Speaker 3:

They are witches, they are considered straight up witches, so they used magic to conceive. I don't see the problem in that, especially it, since it's you know. This is really into us. We don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we have no idea. I also think, tony, doing what you're about. What's up? What's up, tony? I'm just going to say I mean, we don't really. We've only seen these, this particular group of witches on screen for all to the surface. Yeah, I Know that the mother that created them presents female. We don't know that she technically is. I mean maybe she just straight up. The other girl gave her a set of twins and there's no father, because there's two mothers.

Speaker 2:

No, because she's straight.

Speaker 1:

She said you create, create or I created I'm you, my area, yeah, but I understand what he's saying, you know you're right you're right, but anyway, what it's like and this is this is what's interesting, this is what, what can be used to combat all of these arguments going on. We're not going to talk too much about real life. Um, there was something like in the last episode of the accolade. We see um a jedi. It's the first time we see an overweight jedi, but, considering all the different species throughout the galaxy, is he overweight? No, or is that just how his species?

Speaker 1:

right develops, you know, but people are, you know, people in online.

Speaker 3:

They're like oh my god, the.

Speaker 1:

Jedi are about, you know. You know physical fitness and blah blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

I've never seen one. What does their PT test look like? Right?

Speaker 2:

What do you have to do to qualify for a Jedi PT test? Like 20 push-ups, like what's the run?

Speaker 1:

And to be fair too. That's the thing too. The Force. We've seen it. We just saw it in the Micro Series. Asajj literally pushed off a cement pillar. A cement pillar lived, mind you, of being crushed to another staircase.

Speaker 2:

She pushed, she put a force bubble around it, force bubble.

Speaker 1:

Pushed that shit off of her like it was nothing. You know you have the speed. So I mean between the strength and the speed. What PT test is going to stop a?

Speaker 3:

Jedi. But you're right, but look at.

Speaker 1:

Tobin yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's just not a fair. He sat in a circle, a bubble or whatever.

Speaker 1:

A force bubble, impenetrable force bubble.

Speaker 2:

He could not, didn't talk, didn't open his eyes, literally meditated.

Speaker 1:

And Tony, like you said, who knows the mother is female passing, but you know who knows what her plume looks like? Magic, Magic.

Speaker 3:

We haven't seen possible explanations Genetically whatever Everything's up for debate, the twins came to be. They're super powerful. Yeah, one is dark. You think that they're like a?

Speaker 1:

nice, even split between dark and light. I do so. No, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, something. I hesitate for him because one of the few things that I didn't like about the sequel or sequel trilogy, which I don't want to hear yet, but to me this is what I would have interpreted as a dyad.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And so you know, counterbalance between the two of them. Now to my mind, may seems to be considerably more powerful, but I think that's because her essential was actually completed, whereas Oshin's was not. But prior to that point in time they were pretty much the exact polar opposites of one another, but equal in power. Equal in power. Seemingly you can see it in the beginning of the episode that they grabbed that butterfly and had way more control over it, but Osha was struggling to kind of hold it in place.

Speaker 2:

Because Osha didn't want to do it.

Speaker 1:

No, I think Osha was holding it gently.

Speaker 2:

Right and May was kind of grabbing it. Yeah, she was grabbing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, she was hurting it and I think Osha couldn't do that, she chose not. Yeah, she was hurting it and I think, I think she couldn't do that Right. She chose not to. She wanted to hold it gently, and then, and then, mae, grabbed the fucking shit out of her, the Jedi so appeal.

Speaker 1:

Because they're on the surface. They seem to be more about peace and technology. She saw the technology. I mean she obviously has an aptitude for that. When she gets out of her room she has an aptitude but that appeals to her. I think she just got sick of sharing the stage with her sister. Who's crazy, may's a little left-handed monkey wrench A little. I mean you know Mae's a little. She's, you know A little, a left-handed monkey wrench right A little. I mean Bad seed Pulling wings off butterflies. I don't know man, there's bad seeds where it's like, yeah, he just you know, they're just not the right together. You know like he gets kids like one kid is always like, oh, that's the one that's always getting in trouble and going off and sneaking out hanging out with her friends. This motherfucker burnt down a door and locked her sister in the other side of that room.

Speaker 3:

She's straight up sick. I'm not going to kill you.

Speaker 2:

She's like well, how are you going to?

Speaker 1:

keep me here, I'll kill you. So yeah, it's like, oh man. So maybe she needs a little like Nightsister therapy or something. There has to be something for her Now. So I want to ask you guys this who do as the episode ends? You know we see Osha being taken away by Saul and you know we see all of the sisters are dead. Who?

Speaker 2:

did that?

Speaker 1:

Who do we think did that? Was it a product of all the explosions going on? Was it? Was it may? Was it the jedi? Was it this mysterious sith that we're seeing? You know who do?

Speaker 3:

you, who do we think it?

Speaker 1:

was. You think may did all of it. You think may, like I think she took. Do you think may got? We had just. We discussed this earlier too briefly. But do you think may like I think she took. Do you think may got? We had just, we discussed this earlier too briefly. But do you think may got the full power in the ascension? Or did she only get her half of it? Because the mother grabbed the, the ascension ball, and gave it to may and grabbed another ascension force ball, thread ball, whatever and was about to give it to Osha and she didn't get it, obviously. But do we think that May got more than her fair share, making her more powerful to wipe out everyone? Or did somebody else have? Because all those witches were powerful as fuck?

Speaker 3:

So to be taken out.

Speaker 1:

So what do we think did it?

Speaker 3:

I think it's kind of a combination.

Speaker 1:

The Jedi did something Because told this whole thing before he dies is he thought we were doing the right thing, right.

Speaker 3:

So you had to have done something Now.

Speaker 1:

I know it's fucked up.

Speaker 3:

But that could have been just taking her. Well, because taking her is really kind of what caused all this.

Speaker 2:

Had they not planned to take her, then May wouldn't have freaked out. It could be that, but my prediction is that it was this mysterious Sith in the shadows who then takes May as Osha goes off, and I think that I don't know if we can say a straight up prediction. I think it's going to end up being that it's Plagueis is the masked Sith and he finds out that these Nightsisters have created life through manipulating midichlorians, and so he create in the same way that Sidious plants. Anakin right, plagueis doesn't create the life the sisters do, but he takes her with the intent to figure out what they did because, timeline wise, we're 100 years, I years.

Speaker 2:

I could see this being Plagueis, who's learning through training May she's, you know, trying to figure out so she could use. Maybe he's trying to use her to become. I don't think that she's more powerful than Osha because she struggled against Indara. So if she can't kill Indara, but she could kill a whole coven of witches, that just doesn't those witches, like you said? Want power of many. They were all together. They could have messed something up. They were dead. They were dead dead. They were eradicated. They weren't on fire. There wasn't rubble around them.

Speaker 1:

We didn't see their wounds, though. We just saw them dead. So I don't think those four Jedi could have taken them out.

Speaker 3:

I don't think the Jedi did.

Speaker 1:

I don't think the four of them could have taken them out. Sol, I don't think, was that strong at that point. He's a bad motherfucker now.

Speaker 3:

I just don't think they would have the reason to do it. They were going to take May anyway, and her mother was going to let her go, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

So her mother was going to let her go.

Speaker 1:

That was.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's true, because she says let me convert with the council.

Speaker 1:

Your wish will be taken into consideration.

Speaker 3:

You think maybe they had a fight amongst themselves.

Speaker 2:

I think, all of them would have been like that. I think it's a Maybe the mom knocked him out.

Speaker 1:

I think it's a combination of factors. You've got dissension amongst themselves, because the mother wants to let them go, and the others don't. You've got Maybe starting a fire, and who knows how.

Speaker 3:

It blew up that device. Whatever that device was, that was like a jet. Whatever they were doing, I maintain to this point that I don't think they're entirely innocent, whatever that device was.

Speaker 1:

That was like a jet. They were like on a volcano. I maintain to this point that I don't think they're entirely innocent. Sure, between those three things all happening at the same time, the sisters got overwhelmed, but they were in one spot. They were in that one chamber.

Speaker 2:

They were all just in a circle. Basically, they were right there.

Speaker 1:

But the mother was over in the one chamber. They were all just in a circle. Basically, they were right there.

Speaker 2:

But the mother was over and they were fine.

Speaker 1:

In Legends there was the force, the thought bomb. Who did that? Was that Bane? No, I don't think it was Bane, it was somebody else. But there was the force so strongly created. This thought bomb Kills everything, everybody, including the person that does it. At first I think, well, maybe May in her anger and she obviously isn't trained to use her powers maybe she inadvertently let off this fucking emotion bomb this thought bomb?

Speaker 1:

It wouldn't be an emotion bomb, so much as it would be that black shit that took over Torment Right. If she was mad enough and they tried to stop her from killing everyone. What's to say that she could have used all of that raw power to literally destroy their minds in that thermal coven.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess it depends how strong she is.

Speaker 1:

The Jedi could have found that. And they're like, oh, someone's killing everybody, maybe the Jedi killed have found that. And they were like, oh, someone's killing everybody, maybe the Jedi killed the mother because she, in defense, could have said, oh, maybe the Jedi did it. Right, the mother was in a different room when that happened. The 20 of the dudes had walked off.

Speaker 1:

The soul was gone, which leaves Indara, the Wookiee, and Torben, and of all three of them, this came to a misunderstanding, where Torben was the one that killed the mom. That's where he's like. I thought we were healthy. The.

Speaker 2:

Wookiee, I felt like was probably back at the ship, so it had to have been Indara who did all of that, because I don't think Sol would do it.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to Sol's running around trying to find the kids.

Speaker 1:

So if you take him out of the equation, you have Torben, who we already know did something so heinous that he regrets it, and Indara. Torben may have killed the mama. He may have killed mama Maybe, but I don't know. I don't think he's. He was bad enough to kill mama. I think him and Dara making together might have been I would even then maybe a dar was like hey, you like, don't kill her like we're trying to like yes, but they also thought they also all think that they were responsible for May's death.

Speaker 1:

So he could have just been beating himself up over being party to the death of a child. He could have been fucked up about that.

Speaker 1:

Also, too, party to the death of the whole coven because, as everything's exploding, the Jedi's view, if we go with the whole, like oh they're coming in, the mom's trying to come out, they hit each other before they meet the rest of the coven thing, everything else Then he could feel so inclined to fuck. Did we do something during the fight that can start at the chain of the explosion? You know who? You know who I was thinking could, could have been powerful enough to wipe everybody out the other mom.

Speaker 1:

The other is a Bracken, because she was already kind of feeling some kind of way about things, so she potentially could have waited here yeah did we shoot this you?

Speaker 2:

know I don't remember one of the yeah right, you have to go back and look at all of them.

Speaker 1:

There's more than one of them.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that she was important enough, unless she's tied to it.

Speaker 1:

I do kind of like the idea that Louie's talking with Darth Plagueis the Fresh, making his mixtape so that he can sell it a hundred years later to Anakin.

Speaker 2:

That makes so much sense. The last thing that we saw with Osha and May they were on opposite sides and they were yelling to each other and she said you know? Osha said where's mama?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And May said mom's dead. And then Osha said what did you do? And May said what did you do do? And Mei said what did you do? So it almost tells me that neither one really knows what the fuck's going on which takes me to the Plagueis thing, where Plagueis is doing his puppet string stuff. The way that Sidious does puppet string stuff as soon as he caught wind that hey, there's some witch in the northern hemisphere over there of the galaxy knows how to manipulate the Khorians If he comes if he comes, maybe they got into a fight and the mom he's trying to take and the mom's stopping.

Speaker 2:

You know, trying to protect the girls, but everything happens so fast. Everything happens so fast If you think about it, if the threat protect the girls, but everything happened so fast.

Speaker 1:

If you think about it, if the threat and the force are the same thing, doing that ceremony is like a big fuck-ass beacon to everyone that's force-sensitive. That's probably why the Jedi felt it in the force and came running like what the hell's happening.

Speaker 2:

They were watching that.

Speaker 1:

And then she looked at the forehead and she was like that wasn't there this morning right, so they were, they were, they were on them before the ascension ceremony to happen, right so they had to have felt the twins in the force, probably when they were born and they've been searching for them, but maybe that's why they didn't watch them on their business in the house, yeah, of course.

Speaker 3:

No, they were using the force, maybe inside, maybe that's what that generator was Something that keeps the force shit in there.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

And so every time they went outside the wall, because even the one mom was like we're in danger. Right Every time they go out.

Speaker 1:

So, that generator must have been.

Speaker 2:

They looked at that generator. The camera panned to that. We saw that a couple times. That's an important piece.

Speaker 1:

I think it's more of a piece to show. This place is going up in flames. Not so much, as this is a key component because, remember we were talking about witches. Witches still have multitudes of spells to protect hide cl, hide clothes but she very specifically said they're not around the kids leaving. The kids leaving themselves is a beacon. And then you see the beacon it peaks for three seconds and then it magically disappears.

Speaker 1:

So of course they're gonna come check it out yeah, I I do think there's something to that generator like that, some sort of because they they're going to come and check it out. Yeah, I do think there's something to that generator.

Speaker 3:

Because they really wanted them to stay and they were the only children, the only children, the only ones. That's it, so they made them for a purpose.

Speaker 1:

To save them. Right, I think they were made to save the witches they think they are Right, but then Again you're fooling around with shit.

Speaker 3:

you shouldn't be fooling around with Right.

Speaker 1:

And it was interesting because what Mama? Had said Literally what Mama had said she didn't want to use violence. She specifically said no violence because she knows what's going to happen. And then the other mom was like it's only four Jedi. Who's going to miss them?

Speaker 2:

She was ready to go fucking ham on these four Jedi. I want to point that out really quickly, that sentence, and then the sentence that Sol said to Osha on the ship, when Osha said are there other children there? And Sol was like thousands, thousands, I think that for me, watching Star Wars for as long as I have, I think that that was just that line alone, because I've heard it like five times now, because we watched it with you, then we watched it again.

Speaker 1:

We've watched it like five times the last two days.

Speaker 2:

A hundred years from that moment, there will be two. Oh yeah, Think about that for a minute. They eradicated that many Jedi in that short of amount of time.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's wild.

Speaker 1:

Thousands of children. Now, that's thousands of children. That's not even counting the adult. Jedi Right, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

To think about Star Wars from us oldies who have you know when we literally looked and they were like there's two Jedi.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Jedi Knights. I thought the Jedi Knights have long been, you know dead Right, but the High Republic that's, you know when all that's going on. You don't think about well, how many Jedi were there before and now we're putting actual numbers on where, like thousands, Doesn't Obi-Wan say something like that to you For a thousand generations? The Jedi Knights were the peace. But they don't say like they never quantified in numbers.

Speaker 1:

We've mentioned it before, that Mace has a point in the movies where he says we're keepers of the peace, we're not soldiers, and my interpretation of that was partially you're just trying to be diplomatic, but also you don't have those kind of numbers to be soldiers.

Speaker 2:

At that time? Yeah, at that time.

Speaker 1:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sacking of Coruscant. In fact it was before the High Republic right Coruscant. In fact it was before the High Republic right Coruscant has been sacked.

Speaker 2:

No no, no, are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

during the hyperspace wars, when they were starting to map out the lanes, and all that shit.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember the?

Speaker 1:

scene in the Old Republic when they crashed the frigate right into the front door of the Jedi novel. They still have to recover it, because that was Malgus right, because that could have been too far off, it was the Old Republic and it goes straight to the High Republic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that stuff might not be in it.

Speaker 1:

Old Republic takes place quite some time, because we've also got stuff that takes place over a thousand years before the events of Episode 4. We've got shit where the lightsabers are attached to boxes and batteries there used to be a time period where they were, in fact, warriors. They would go out and go to war.

Speaker 3:

They would go out and they would go to war. They were like warrior monks. They went to war against the Mandalorians. They fought the Mandalorians, they fought the.

Speaker 1:

Sith multiple times. That was the thing.

Speaker 2:

Up until Bane.

Speaker 1:

And then Bane said we can only have two Up until the High Republic part. The High Republic is kind of where they're like.

Speaker 2:

I thought Plagueis created the rules.

Speaker 1:

I think it was Darth Bane that did the rules, which was before Plagueis. Yes, so it was always going to be the Apprentice and the Master, the point being that the Apprentice will always be hungry enough to destroy the Master, which means that Apprentice has to be more powerful than the master. The thinking is that each line is stronger and stronger. I'm powerful enough to beat you, so I'm going to take Tony as my apprentice, knowing that one day he's going to be powerful enough to beat me. Then he's going to take Sherry as his apprentice. Sherry's going to fight.

Speaker 2:

Finally, it's just more power, more power. When will this one be powerful enough to take out this?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And then you've got the Chosen One that comes to bring balance, and that balance is reducing the Jedi to two. So it's like we've only got two Sith and then we can only have two Jedi. That's where the balance comes in. So I mean, because obviously the Sith were way outnumbered by the Jedi, and then you know, and fucking Palpatine was like I'm done with that shit, yeah, yeah, palpatine, and I think.

Speaker 2:

I really think I'm hoping that that's what we're seeing. Really think I'm hoping that that's what we're seeing. Like this as much as I love the idea of a show about stuff that happened in the past, that has nothing to do with what we know as Star Wars it's nice to connect the dots, and if this is what that is, those haters can go. I hope that they all are eating their words when the show.

Speaker 1:

I want them to drown in their own salty tears Right. Get high blood pressure from it. How?

Speaker 2:

old do we think Palpatine is? By human standards, how old do we think Palpatine is?

Speaker 1:

He was, I think by the time we see him. By the time we see him, he's like. I believe he's like in his 60s by the time we see him. I believe he's in his 60s by the time we see him in the Phantom Menace.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this is 100 years before. Well, this is 80 years. It was 100 years before the Galactic Empire.

Speaker 1:

This was 100 years before the Phantom Menace. This takes place.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was 100 years before the Galactic Empire.

Speaker 1:

This is 132 BBY for this, because the Phantom Menace takes place 32 BBY. This is supposed to be 132. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Because they're doing that now.

Speaker 1:

Everything is really easy. It's 100 years. Young Jedi Adventures was 200 years. They're not making it too complicated for us to keep track. So this thing is 10 years before.

Speaker 2:

That means Palpatine is born somewhere around 40 years after we're seeing it.

Speaker 1:

So Plagueis could essentially be the apprentice. Right, we could be seeing a young Plagueis, a young Plagueis right, who deals with the twins. Obviously, I don't think things are going to end well for the twins. I don't think that they have plot armor, because we never see them again.

Speaker 2:

Well, and one thing that I was going to mention earlier, alongside with my prediction of Plagueis, is I think that Osha and May are connected in the life force, so I think if one dies, the other one is going to die.

Speaker 1:

That's a great point.

Speaker 2:

The reason that Osha is even still alive right now is because May survived. Had May died, I think that Osha would have died.

Speaker 3:

Because I think the two of them are connected.

Speaker 2:

Every time they say that thing, you know I am you and you are me, and together we are one. I think that the two of them are somehow connected in the living force to where, if one dies, the other will die.

Speaker 1:

The poem. What was it it said? We are one, born as two. Maybe that is some serious foreshadowing. They're one in the force, but the witches split them physically. So they share a friend Right.

Speaker 3:

So that's why she said I carry you, but maybe she it was just one.

Speaker 2:

The twins aren't normal. And then she did some shit and split Because one is definitely different than the other. The twins aren't normal. And then, she did some shit and split. Yeah, because one is definitely different than the other, because maybe it was supposed to be like Anakin, but instead of it being like Anakin, they split it. So you got your good side and your bad side separated.

Speaker 1:

And then also, when you split them, you split the power. So we're going to keep it as one child in Anakin, because that's too much power. No, we want that. We want Anakin to have the power all of it, because we split the twins. If it is Plagueis, plagueis knows that the power was split between two. It didn't work out.

Speaker 2:

It's not as strong as he could make it.

Speaker 1:

But if I keep it all in one, this little boy not as strong as he could be. But if I keep it all in one, this little boy, then I'll get something even more powerful to bring the Jedi down.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't think he was, I think Palpatine, palpatine, yes.

Speaker 1:

It would be interesting to see, at some point, see one of the twins in a cloning bat somewhere, just bobbing up and down.

Speaker 3:

The cool thing is too.

Speaker 1:

I just looked at the book to see what people were talking about. They're saying that Plague has died in 32 for this show, which means that an Insidious took over and was running for Palpatine level everything in episode 1 in 52. So he is still around and kicking looking for all that information for immortality while this is happening. It lines up extremely well Because, if you think about it, it says this series happens 100 years before what? It's 132 years before the flight. It's 132 years before the Battle of Yavin. It's 132 BBY. So 132 years before the Battle of Yavin, 100 years before the Phantom Menace. So yeah, when was Sheev born?

Speaker 2:

But again, I don't know. We have canon in that.

Speaker 1:

It is if they pulled the source from books.

Speaker 2:

Not all the books are canon. Not all the books are canon. That's part of the problem, unless there's something concrete in a canon book.

Speaker 1:

Anacus was alive to arrange for his apprentice to become the senator of Naboo and the rest of the Krummel sector, with him being elected in 52 BC. So when Palpatine tells Anakin about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis that wasn't an old story, that was like old story that was like last weekend, the tragedy of Darth Plague has happened in his apartment two blocks from here. I'm going to have to figure out what the actual reference was.

Speaker 2:

We've got to wrap it up.

Speaker 1:

Anybody have anything else, any predictions for next week? Predictions for next week for the accolade?

Speaker 2:

Hopefully it's not a flashback.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully it's not a flashback. Thank you everyone for next week. Predictions for next week for the accolade. Hopefully it's not a flashback. Hopefully it's not a flashback. Thank you everyone for joining us. As always, we do love you. We appreciate you. Thank you for hanging out with us. Of course, we're going to do some obligatory pimping. Please check us out online everywhere at the SSW show, that's on all social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, youtube, listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast network, wherever you like to get your podcasts from. As always, tune in next week. Remember, if no one does anything nice for you, do something nice to yourself. Thank you everyone for joining us. Gary, thank you for joining us. Sherry, thank you for joining us. Danny Lou, thank you for hosting us in your home. That's awesome. And, of course, t to the One. Thank you for coming out from parts unknown to join us on the show.

Speaker 2:

Happy to be here.

Speaker 1:

All right, and hopefully the audio doesn't suck. All right, Thank you everybody, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye you.

Star Wars Clone Wars Micro Series
Reflecting on Star Wars Clone Wars
The Moral Dilemmas of the Jedi
The Power and Origins of Witches
The Mystery of the Witch Massacre
The History and Future of Jedi
The Force Bond of the Twins