The High Vibe Guide

17. GUIDED MEDITATION for Manifesting Abundance with Intuitive Strength and Gratitude

April 26, 2024 Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 17
17. GUIDED MEDITATION for Manifesting Abundance with Intuitive Strength and Gratitude
The High Vibe Guide
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The High Vibe Guide
17. GUIDED MEDITATION for Manifesting Abundance with Intuitive Strength and Gratitude
Apr 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 17
Jenna Miller

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Ready to unlock the secret to a life overflowing with abundance and joy? 

I've decided to gift you guys with this guided meditation from my upcoming online yoga studio, Soul Circle! A virtual safe space to receive teachings, support and guidance, and to share your love of yoga with other like-minded souls. With exclusive access to ME! 

This episode is your guide to harnessing the art of visualisation, enabling you to feel the emotions and witness the life changes that come with realising your deepest desires. Together, we affirm your capacities and help you envision overcoming life's hurdles—all while cultivating a heart brimming with gratitude for the present.

Embark on a meditation that goes beyond relaxation, aimed at igniting self-appreciation and belief in your abilities to attract prosperity. In this session, we'll delve into our innate power to manifest our desires, acknowledging the wealth of strength and the miraculous that resides within us all. As we conclude, I'll gently guide you back to full awareness, your senses reawakened, carrying an intention to attract and achieve your most profound aspirations, accompanied by prosperity, joy, and satisfaction. Join me and step into the extraordinary life you're destined to live.

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Ready to unlock the secret to a life overflowing with abundance and joy? 

I've decided to gift you guys with this guided meditation from my upcoming online yoga studio, Soul Circle! A virtual safe space to receive teachings, support and guidance, and to share your love of yoga with other like-minded souls. With exclusive access to ME! 

This episode is your guide to harnessing the art of visualisation, enabling you to feel the emotions and witness the life changes that come with realising your deepest desires. Together, we affirm your capacities and help you envision overcoming life's hurdles—all while cultivating a heart brimming with gratitude for the present.

Embark on a meditation that goes beyond relaxation, aimed at igniting self-appreciation and belief in your abilities to attract prosperity. In this session, we'll delve into our innate power to manifest our desires, acknowledging the wealth of strength and the miraculous that resides within us all. As we conclude, I'll gently guide you back to full awareness, your senses reawakened, carrying an intention to attract and achieve your most profound aspirations, accompanied by prosperity, joy, and satisfaction. Join me and step into the extraordinary life you're destined to live.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation for manifesting the life of your dreams. Have you ever wondered how some people have been able to bring their wildest dreams into their reality? They achieve their goals effortlessly, seemingly without hindrance or difficulty. You may wonder how they do it. What do they have that you don't? This can sometimes cause feelings of self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness, emphasizing areas in ourselves that believe we're not capable of achieving such things. I've been there on both sides and let me tell you you are capable of achieving amazing things. We just need to look at our mindset.

Speaker 1:

Repeat this meditation often and we will start to install a new, incredible belief system within you, one that is built on power, intuition and strength. Start by finding a comfortable position seated or lying down and, and when you feel ready, close your eyes. Take this moment to feel held and supported by the surface beneath you, letting you in on the knowledge that you are safe and that you can fully let go. Take a breath in and out, breathe in and out, breathe in and out. Draw your focus inwards towards your breath and allow yourself to relax completely. Now, using this new relaxed headspace, bring forth an intention into your mind. It might be a particular goal or achievement, maybe just even a state of being or a feeling or emotion you wish to possess. Hold this intention within your focus. Intention within your focus Now. Look forward into the future, where this intention is now reality, and think about how this intention, now achieved, is making you feel. What emotions are you experiencing? How is it affecting other areas of your life? What might your life look like now? What kind of people are you surrounded by? People are you surrounded by? Keep feeling and experiencing this new way of life. Feel the joy, the fulfillment, the gratitude. Keep drawing your attention back to this feeling, noticing how incredibly abundant and fulfilled you now feel, keeping a gentle hold on this feeling of abundance and prosperity in your life, in your mind.

Speaker 1:

Take yourself somewhere calm, serene, peaceful, surrounded by the beauty of nature. This might look like a tranquil forest, a gorgeous beach or a quiet and peaceful garden. Take the time to explore this space, slowly, absorb your surroundings and choose a place to sit. And, as you sit down and relax into this space, lean into the knowledge that, again, you can feel safe and supported in this sacred space. Seeing yourself seated in this place, draw your attention inwards, towards the space that holds your heart, that area that holds your true essence, your inner self. That holds your true essence, your inner self. Feel the presence of your higher self, that inner wisdom that, when you listen, can guide you towards your highest good. Can guide you towards your highest good and start to think what it might feel like to take inspired action towards your goals. What does that look like? I'd like you to see yourself overcoming any obstacles with grace and determination. Visualize all the small details, from the sights and sounds to all the emotions you experience along the way.

Speaker 1:

Now, silently say to yourself I am capable of achieving the life of my dreams. Envision yourself seated in your sacred space saying this out loud while you're saying it in your head to yourself right now, say this five times to yourself I am capable of achieving the life of my dreams. Let this affirmation reinforce your intention and boost your confidence in yourself. Now take this moment to express gratitude for the abundance that is already present in your life and for the power that you already possess within you to achieve your biggest hopes and dreams. Feel a sense of deep gratitude For the journey that has brought you to this moment and for the journey that lies ahead.

Speaker 1:

As this meditation steers towards its close. Take a moment to thank yourself now for dedicating this time to your personal growth, investing in yourself and trust in this knowledge. You have the power within you to achieve anything you desire. You are abundant, you are powerful and you are miraculous. And when you feel ready, start to bring your awareness into the limbs of your body. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath Gently, wiggle your fingers and your toes and open your eyes. May this meditation guide you towards the manifestation of your most magnificent goals and dreams, filling your life with abundance, joy and fulfillment. Thank you.

Guided Meditation for Manifesting Dreams
Manifesting Abundance Through Meditation