The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Grounding and Inner Peace

June 14, 2024 Jenna Miller
🔒 GUIDED MEDITATION for Grounding and Inner Peace
The High Vibe Guide
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The High Vibe Guide
GUIDED MEDITATION for Grounding and Inner Peace
Jun 14, 2024
Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

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Join me today in this guided meditation, you will embark on a calming journey to reconnect with the present moment and alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress. Through focused breathing, mindful awareness, and visualisation techniques, this meditation will help you ground yourself, restoring a sense of balance and peace. Perfect for moments when you feel overwhelmed, this practice will bring you back to a state of calm and steadiness.

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Subscriber-only episode

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Join me today in this guided meditation, you will embark on a calming journey to reconnect with the present moment and alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress. Through focused breathing, mindful awareness, and visualisation techniques, this meditation will help you ground yourself, restoring a sense of balance and peace. Perfect for moments when you feel overwhelmed, this practice will bring you back to a state of calm and steadiness.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this grounding meditation. In this session, we'll focus on creating a sense of stability and calm, easing any feelings of anxiety, worry or stress. Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, and, when you feel ready, close your eyes. As we journey through this meditation, you will begin to feel more centered, relaxed and in tune with the present moment. Let's begin by taking a deep breath in and gently exhaling. Breathing in and breathing out. Breathing in and out. Taking these first few moments to really tune into the breath and allowing it to soften. Allow your body to relax, with each breath releasing any tension we might be holding on to. If you are experiencing any resistance, do not worry. Stay with me and keep focusing your attention on the breath and visualising that, with each exhale, your body is releasing just the tiniest amount of tension. Trust that, even when this practice may feel challenging, that it is working. Stick with me. Together, we can soften this restriction and allow some space for this tension and stress to leave the body and know that you can come back to this meditation whenever you need to. You can come back to this meditation whenever you need to, whenever you feel uptight or anxious, whenever you need a helping hand in calming the mind and the body.

Speaker 1:

Let's begin Gently. Guide your attention to the base of your spine. Imagine a warm, glowing light there, pulsing gently with each breath. As you focus on this light, notice how it feels warm, steady and strong. What colour is the light? It could be whatever colour you choose. What colour has come to mind first?

Speaker 1:

As you keep your attention on the warm light, imagine it slowly transforming into a network of roots. These roots start to grow downward through the floor, penetrating deep into the earth below you. And with each breath these roots grow longer and stronger, spreading outward and downward. Imagine your roots reaching through the layers of soil deeper and deeper. They weave through rocks and minerals, descending further with each breath. Let the breath keep guiding and powering their journey downwards. And as they grow deeper, they connect with the core of the earth, a glowing and pulsating energy source, ancient and everlasting. Feel the warmth and strength of this connection between you and this energy source.

Speaker 1:

Now visualize this energy from the Earth's core flowing upward through your roots. It's a warm, vibrant energy that brings stability and strength. As it rises through your roots, feel it reaching the base of your spine. Feel the warmth it brings. Allow it to flow into your hips and feel this sense of grounding and security. As the energy continues to rise, visualize it traveling up your spine, spreading through your torso, reaching through your arms, your legs and, finally, your head. This earth energy brings calmness, balance and focus. Feel how it anchors you, connecting you to the Earth's steady rhythm.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment to synchronize your breathing with the flow of energy from the earth. As you inhale, imagine drawing in more of this grounding energy and as you exhale, feel any tension, stress or worry, leaving the body absorbed by the earth through your roots. And, when you're ready, begin to shift your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the weight of your body against the surface you're resting on. Start to wiggle your fingers and your toes, slowly bringing movement back to the body. Take one final deep breath filling your lungs completely. Final deep breath filling your lungs completely, and then slowly release it.

Speaker 1:

When you feel ready, open your eyes and take a moment, before you move, to acknowledge this sense of grounding and stability that you have created and know that this practice is always here and I am here whenever you need us. Thank you.