The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Deep Sleep and Relaxation

June 28, 2024 Jenna Miller
🔒 GUIDED MEDITATION for Deep Sleep and Relaxation
The High Vibe Guide
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The High Vibe Guide
GUIDED MEDITATION for Deep Sleep and Relaxation
Jun 28, 2024
Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

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This soothing session is designed to help you unwind, release the stress of the day, and gently drift into a peaceful, restorative sleep. Through my calming breathwork and tranquil visualisations, you'll relax your mind and body, allowing yourself to let go of worries and embrace a deep, restful slumber.  Join me as we create a serene sanctuary for your mind, inviting profound relaxation and rejuvenating sleep. 

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Subscriber-only episode

Subscribe to my premium content and listen to my guided meditations here:

This soothing session is designed to help you unwind, release the stress of the day, and gently drift into a peaceful, restorative sleep. Through my calming breathwork and tranquil visualisations, you'll relax your mind and body, allowing yourself to let go of worries and embrace a deep, restful slumber.  Join me as we create a serene sanctuary for your mind, inviting profound relaxation and rejuvenating sleep. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to your guided meditation for deep sleep and relaxation. I'm Jenna and I'm here to help you unwind, let go of the day's stress and gently drift into a peaceful, restorative sleep. Find the most comfortable position you can in your bed, close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Keep your attention on your breath Now, noticing the gentle rise and fall of your chest or belly with each inhale and exhale. Feel the slightly cooler air as it enters through your nostrils and the ever so slightly warmer air as it leaves. Allow your breath to become your anchor, keeping you present in this moment, bringing your awareness gently back whenever the mind wanders. Now take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, let go of any tension you may be holding in your body. Feel your shoulders relax, your jaw unclench and your forehead soften With each breath out. Feel the stress or worries you may have carried with you today softly leaving the body. Imagine a warm golden light surrounding your you can feel that this light is soothing and calming and it gently wraps around you like a cozy blanket. Notice this light now situated just above your head and it slowly starts to move downwards and enters your body through the crown of the head as you breathe in. Notice this golden light moving down over your forehead, feeling it releasing any tension still being held in your brow. As it reaches your eyes, let them feel heavy and relaxed. And feel heavy and relaxed. Your cheeks, jaw and neck soften and release. Allow this warm light to flow down your shoulders, easing away any tightness in the muscles there. Feel the light. Continue down your arms all the way down to your fingertips. Notice now how your arms feel heavy and at ease. Light now moves to your chest, bringing with it a deep sense of peace. Tune in to the feel of your heart beating slowly and steadily, bringing you deeper into relaxation. Bringing you deeper into relaxation as the light moves down your torso. Now feel your stomach and lower back softening and relaxing completely, any remaining tension melting away. This light now travels down your hips, thighs, knees and calves, leaving your legs feeling heavy and relaxed. And then finally, feel this golden light reaching your ankles, feet and toes ankles, feet and at peace, bringing your attention gently back to the breath. Notice how calm and steady it has become with each inhale. Feel a sense of tranquility. With each exhale sink deeper into your bed, letting go completely.

Speaker 1:

I'd now like you to imagine yourself standing at the entrance of a garden, a beautiful and tranquil garden. This is a place of peace and serenity created just for you. It's a warm summer's day and as you step into the garden, notice the soft, lush grass beneath your feet and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Look around and see the vibrant flowers in full bloom, their colors, vivid and bright. Hear the gentle sound of a nearby stream, its water flowing smoothly over stones. Birds sing softly in the trees. Take this moment to notice the symphony of nature. You see a winding path that leads deeper into the garden. As you walk along it, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the sweet fragrance of flowers in the air. This garden is your sanctuary, a place where you feel completely at ease and connected to nature.

Speaker 1:

As you continue to explore your garden, you come across a pond surrounded by soft, comfortable grass. You decide to sit by the water's edge and watch the gentle ripples dance across the surface. The reflection of the sky and the trees in the water creates a deep sense of calm and tranquility within you, and take a moment to simply be here in this beautiful garden. Allow the peace and serenity of this place to fill your entire being. With each breath, you feel more and more relaxed, more and more at peace In this place. You feel that you are deeply loved and supported. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, embracing the sense of calm, safety and love, as you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, know that it's now time to let go completely. There's nothing you need to do, nowhere you need to be. This is your time to rest and restore. When you're ready, allow yourself to drift off into a deep and restful sleep, knowing that you will wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to embrace a new day. Sweet dreams and good night, thank you. You.