INSIDE STORIES People in Places Podcast
INSIDE STORIES exists to foster connection in a world suffering and dying from disconnectivity. It seeks to examine the stories we tell and don’t tell and how that impacts us.
The INSIDE STORIES People in Places Podcast examines specifically our relationship with Place and its influence on our ways of existing, our beliefs about ourselves and others, and our sense of belonging…or not.
INSIDE STORIES People in Places Podcast
019 | The People of Reset Series: WONDER SHINE
Azin Soltani (AKA Wonder Shine) talks about having to flee Iran as a child as a result of the conflict that sprung out of the 1979 Revolution, her formative years in Sweden and later Canada, and her connection to her ancestral roots. She discusses her feelings of being a bridge between generations and the responsibility that comes with being a keeper of the stories—the importance, for her, of legacy-keeping and remembrance.
GUEST BIO: Azin Soltani is a facilitator, coach, experience designer and poet. Her passions lie at the intersection of storytelling (what are the stories we tell and live?), values-aligned collaborations, and self-actualization (how do we become the people, institutions and communities that we have the potential to be?). Azin spent the past decade working with a leading global development organization, where she led teams and collaborated on public engagement initiatives that promoted discussion and learning on global issues, and fostered partnerships, to build a future where we all thrive together. She is currently transitioning into a new life chapter; heeding dawning dreams and diving deeper into emerging areas of resonance in coaching, experience design, storytelling and artistic collaborations.
The conversation begins with a sample from Surrender, an original song performed by Azin with her band Late Night Conversations.
You can begin to learn more about Iran here.*
You can begin to learn more about the Iranian Revolution here.*
You can begin to learn more about the Iran-Iraq War here.*
In this episode we reference Indigenous World View as discussed with Yucca.
*It is important to stay mindful of the tendency toward the white washing of the histories of non-Western nations. I have provided links that are readily available via a quick Google search. Should you wish to study past and present Iran in depth, I suggest you dig into works by Iranian authors and artists, professors and poets, historians and journalists. Always examine the stories. Always check your sources.
INSIDE STORIES exists to foster connection in a world suffering and dying from disconnectivity. It seeks to examine the stories we tell and don’t tell and how that impacts us.
The INSIDE STORIES PEOPLE in PLACES PODCAST examines specifically our relationship with Place and its influence on our ways of existing, our beliefs about ourselves and others, and our sense of belonging…or not.