Insatiable with Ali Shapiro, MSOD, CHHC
Are you struggling with food? Done with diets? Want another option between diet culture and body positivity?
This is *not* another diet culture in disguise wellness podcast. Host Ali Shapiro, creator of Truce With Food® and the ICF accredited and trauma informed Truce Coaching Certification, dedicated academic, and well-known integrated health behavior change expert shares a more truthful, holistic approach to freedom from cravings, emotional eating, bingeing, bargaining, and body image.
Join Ali for interviews, practical advice, and radically honest discussions about food, truth, psychology and change.
Insatiable with Ali Shapiro, MSOD, CHHC
270. Quitting Alcohol and Managing Sugar Cravings with Laura McKowen [Rewind]
Alcohol is one of the most consumed forms of sugar and quitting alcohol can lead to an increase in sugar cravings and consumption. In this episode, bestselling author Laura McKowen and I discuss:
- How she stopped eating so much sugar after it initially increased with sobriety
- The relationship between her drinking and history of eating disorders
- Her process to sobriety, which included recognizing our collective, unhealthy story around alcohol and her most important practice
- How she learned to own her personal story and discern what was her truth versus the judgments she had about herself to heal her pain
Rewind Episode Note:
Increasingly, clients and participants in my Truce with Food group program are sober and now looking to examine their relationship with food, especially sugar. To explore this intricate relationship and and celebrate the recent paperback release of Push Off from Here: Nine Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else) I've decided to publish this rewind episode (an Insatiable listener favorite) where I go deep with Laura about all things alcohol and sugar cravings.
This episode was originally recorded in 2020, shortly after the publication of Laura’s bestselling We Are The Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life.
257. Alcohol, Food, and Body Image: Push Off From Here with Laura McKowen
262. Laura McKowen: Navigating Perimenopause, Alcohol, Food, and Midlife's Challenges
Connect with Ali & Insatiable:
Join me on January 8th at 12pm EST for "Stop the Quick-Fix Cycle: Why Band-Aid Solutions Make Emotional Eating Worse (And How to Actually Get Results)" to discover why your struggles with food actually make sense and learn a revolutionary framework that transforms how you set goals—no more falling off track with food, plus receive a special bonus only available to live attendees. Completely free. CLICK HERE
Discover Truce with Food, a 6-month program that opens just once per year and goes beyond food rules and willpower to uncover your hidden food story, transform your relationship with eating, and finally create lasting change through a proven approach that's helped hundreds find food freedom—registration closes January 20th. CLICK HERE