Ops Game Changers

S01E09: Simplifying Operations for Maximum Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

ActiveOps Season 1 Episode 9

Ops Game Changers: How Rabobank combined cross-border call centres and simplified their operations for maximum efficiency & customer satisfaction 

You’re listening to 'Ops Game Changers', the new ActiveOps podcast where we share real-life stories from remarkable leaders that are revolutionising the world of service operations. In this series, we explore some of the key challenges faced by service operations as they strive to deliver more - more capacity, more productivity and more business impact. Host, Bhavesh Vaghela (https://www.linkedin.com/in/bvaghela/), CMO at ActiveOps (https://activeops.com/) quizzes his guests on how they went about unlocking significant value, adopting best practices, and experiencing some game changing results. 

In episode nine, we explore how Rabobank in Australia and New Zealand embarked on a simplification strategy within its various blended contact centres – creating one source of truth across both calls (Agriculture and Savings) and back-office processes. In this episode, Krystal Oliver, Regional Call Centre manager, Australia and New Zealand at Rabobank, shares the drivers for the simplification strategy, discuss the steps the team went through and how data is used to drive better decision making.   

For over 40 years Rabobank has been serving and supporting the UK's Food and Agribusiness sector with tailored solutions, in-depth market knowledge, and its broad global network. 

Krystal discusses how Rabobank simplified its operations across four call centres spanning New Zealand and Australia, leading to a revised regional model that has driven up SLAs while also giving a progressive career path to staff.  

Tune in to this fascinating episode to learn more about why this move towards a data-centric strategy has improved both staff and customer experience at Rabobank, and hear about further plans for innovation and simplification to enhance efficiency. 

Want to learn more about how to radically transform your company through the power of operations? Then don't miss the following episodes and hear more fascinating insights from other leaders in the field of Operations about how they have overcome challenges to drive productivity and boost performance at their enterprises. You can listen and subscribe to ‘Ops Game Changers’ on your preferred podcast platform and also on our YouTube channel, AOTv (https://www.youtube.com/@aotv7965). Up your Ops game!

Want to learn more about how to radically transform your company through the power of operations? Then don't miss the following episodes and hear more fascinating insights from other leaders in the field of Operations about how they have overcome challenges to drive productivity and boost performance at their enterprises. You can listen and subscribe to ‘Ops Game Changers’ on your preferred podcast platform and also on our YouTube channel, AOTv.

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