The Life-first Business Podcast

How to Avoid Feeling 'Stuck' and Take Strategic Action in Your Coaching Business

Leonie N Season 1 Episode 17

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Life-First Business Podcast! If you're a new solopreneur in the wellness or life coaching industry, this shorty episode gives you some practical tips to help you overcome that early-stage overwhelm and take focused, strategic action toward building your successful coaching business.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • Why starting a coaching business can feel like wading through quicksand: The emotional and mental challenges solopreneurs face in the early stages of their journey.
  • The energy drain of decision-making: How constantly deciding what actions to take can sap your energy and slow your progress.
  • The importance of separating strategy from action: Why mapping out a clear plan is essential to avoid chaos and burnout.
  • How to manage the vulnerability of taking uncomfortable action: Learn how to embrace discomfort and vulnerability as a sign you're pushing beyond your comfort zone and making real progress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating a solid action plan helps reduce decision fatigue and allows you to focus your energy on executing.
  • Support from a coach or program can guide you through key decisions, helping you stay on track and avoid overwhelm.
  • Vulnerability is part of growth: Putting yourself out there can feel scary, but it’s a sign that you’re moving in the right direction.

Actionable Tips:

  • Start by mapping out a clear strategy for your coaching business. Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
  • Get support—whether through a coach, course, or community—to help guide your decisions and keep you accountable.
  • Be kind to yourself: Acknowledge that feeling exposed is normal and a sign of progress.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Your Life-First Business Plan: A mini-course designed to help you create a step-by-step plan for launching your coaching business. [Link in show notes]
  • Your Life-First Business Launch: A comprehensive program to help wellness and life coaches build their irresistible offer, attract ideal clients, and sell authentically.

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This is The Life-first Business Podcast, brought to you by fellow solopreneur and business coach Leonie from The Happy Heart Co. Find me on Instagram @leonie.businesscoach or learn more at

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