con-sara-cy theories

Bonus Episode: RFK Jr's Interview with VLADTV

I recently watched RFK Jr's interview with VLADTV. If nothing else, it's interesting to listen to someone's own defense. So often we hear the worst of the worst and many people involved in the stories are no longer alive to offer a rebuttal or file a lawsuit for defamation. Even if JFK hadn't been murdered, since he was born in 1917, he wouldn't still be with us in 2024 to counter some of the bizarre and spurious claims we hear.

To Vlad's credit, he doesn't lob softballs. There are questions about heroin addiction, flunking the bar exam, Mary Kennedy's suicide, Joseph Kennedy's rumored involvement in bootlegging, ties to the mafia, the infamous sex diary, etc. 


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Transcription by  Please forgive the typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.


Hello. Hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's bonus episode I will be talking about RFK Jr's interview with DJ Vlad on his YouTube channel, Vlad TV. It was published on November 23. It just popped up recently on my YouTube suggestions, and I thought I will go ahead and record a bonus episode about this now, because there's a pretty significant time delay typically between when I sit down to record an episode versus when it hits the airwaves. Because this is a personal little side project I have going on. Nobody pays me to do this. I pay to do this. I have to record episodes catches catch can. And with 2024 Being an election year who the hell knows? Seriously, he a month from now he might drop out or his campaign might gain crazy momentum. We really don't know what's going to happen between now and November. So I wanted to go ahead and go through this video in a bonus episode. Rather than waiting for it to be a regular episode. I want to talk about the things that I think makes sense things that resonate things that are still kind of I don't know about that after watching this interview. So pour yourself up a beverage of choice and we will saddle up and take this ride. Before I get into the meat and potatoes of the interview, I want to read the blurb that you can find on YouTube. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently appeared on Vlad TV to share about his family's fascinating and storied past. His father was Robert F. Kennedy also known as Bobby who was the brother of John F. Kennedy and the son of Joseph Kennedy RFK Jr. detail how close knit the Kennedy family was discussing both happy times such as dinner with his grandparents and voting expeditions with his grandfather and tragedies, including the loss of two uncles during World War Two. He also addressed rumors regarding his grandfather's involvement in bootlegging, explaining that Joseph Kennedy didn't enter the alcohol industry until a prohibition ended and further proclaiming that he was a prohibitionist himself. RFK Jr. refutes legacy tarnishing rumors that were circulated at the time of his father's Pop Pop. As an international Charlie India Alfa led effort to discredit the family's name RFK Jr. also addressed JFK his presidency and pop pop before he opened up about J. Edgar Hoover, his father's pop up Fidel Castro, the Kennedy curse, his presidential campaign, and much more.


Also, before I get into the meat and potatoes of the interview, my purpose in this episode is strictly to talk about what he talks about in his interview, particularly because I think it's interesting to hear people provide a defense for themselves. In the case of JFK, he's no longer with us. And even if he hadn't been murdered, if he had lived a long, full life, he wouldn't still be here in 2024. He was born in 1917. So even with really the best possible genetics and the best possible medical care, it's highly, highly doubtful that he would still be alive in 2024. On top of that, he had a variety of health issues. He had injuries from the war, he wouldn't still be with us to say whatever he was thinking in today's age. So I feel that it's interesting to hear somebody else speak up in defense, particularly because JFK is not here to speak up in his own defense. You have this what I would call smear campaign by people that are I don't know if they're running their own agenda. I think in a lot of cases, they're paid shills and they're smart peddlers. And some of them may just be looking for a paycheck. They know that sex sells, and in particular, people get interested about celebrity sex gossip, what are these actors and actresses and rock stars and politicians doing behind closed doors, who's sleeping with who and all of that? So I think sometimes people, they just want to put a tabloid article or they want to put a nasty Triple X tabloid book out on the marketplace because they know it will garner interest and they know that it will make them money. In other cases, pay call me a conspiracy theorist if you want to. I think some of them are flat out paid shills on a deliberate smear campaign. And so I think it is interesting to see somebody get on an interview and say, Hey, wait a minute. There needs to be the opportunity for a defense in a court of law. The accused is entitled to hire an attorney and put on a defense on their behalf. off. The thing of it is when you're picking on people that are deceased that no longer exists. RFK can't say anything. JFK can't say anything. So people can try it out in the media and run their smear campaigns. And it is what it is it often goes unchallenged. So that was one of the main reasons why I wanted to listen to this. But also to record a bonus episode about it, though I am in no way. endorsing him as a person. I don't know him as a person, I have never met the man. I'm in no way endorsing his presidential campaign. I personally still have a lot of unanswered questions, I would just need to do more research and calculate an opinion as time goes on. I like what he says about the unit party, that in America, we really just have a corporate approved unit party and there's not much difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. That sentiment I agree with. At the same time, I wrote a blog post about both of these topics. By the way, I'll drop links in the write up for this podcast episode, in case you missed it. I was watching the Super Bowl that no one wanted no offense if you're a big fan of the chiefs or the 40 Niners but I was sat there like okay, the chiefs again, really? All right. And I'm watching my bread and circus and then all of a sudden, this ad pops up. That strikes me is obvious plagiarism. I understand that. Well, okay, maybe one man's trash is another man's treasure. One man's Oh, maj is another man's blatant rip off slash plagiarism. I did not like that ad that ran during the Superbowl at all. I was sat there trying to make the most of my evening of bread and circuses. And then all of a sudden there's a vintage ad that had belonged to Jack. But now it's got RFK juniors face pasted over where Jack's face would have been. And I just sat there like fuck this. I didn't sign up for this, I signed up for a night of bread and circus. Secondly, I don't think it's right to force a comparison. It immediately made me think of that VP debate from 1988 where Dan Coyle clumsily tries to compare himself to Jack Kennedy and Lloyd Vincent Hans's aspect to him. I just think there are certain things you don't do certain things that are in poor taste. So my recording this episode, should in no way be construed that I'm trying to tell you who I think you should vote for, or I'm supporting any one person's campaign. Indeed, I am not. I want to get that very clear at the commencement. Lead star starts off this interview about some general Kennedy family history. There was the patriarch, Joe senior. And then also Joseph Jr, who dies in World War Two. And there's this, I don't think they get into this in the interview. But there's the prevailing notion that after Joe Jr. dies in World War Two, he's on this like Top Secret, unfortunately, suicide type mission where he's killed in the war. And then Joseph senior decides we'll all have these political ambitions that we're going to rest on Joseph Jr. are now going to be transferred to the next oldest son, who was JFK. And they also talk about Kathleen Kennedy, better known by the nickname kick, she dies in 1948, at only the age of 28. So very early on in this family dynasty, there's already a history of loss, a history of people dying young dying before their time. He talks about some of the happier memories to having dinner at the grandparents house and going on boat trips, going horseback riding, but he really wants to push back against the idea. And it is a pervasive idea that we've heard a lot that Joseph Sr. was like something of a Wheeler Dealer right that he was making money through bootleg liquor during Prohibition, and that he was in cahoots with the mafia. According to this interview, of Joe senior was not involved in liquor, bootlegging, he started importing liquor after it was already legal again. And one of RFK juniors points is that if he had been involved in anything illegal like that he had so many enemies, particularly political enemies, it would have come out there's no way that he could have kept something like that a secret. Also, according to RFK, Jr. The rumors about the bootlegging didn't start until after Joe senior and had a stroke can no longer speak and defend themselves. And then also after JFK had been murdered RFK Jr. In this interview, particularly points a finger at the Charlie India Alpha and says that a concerted effort was made because there were people looking in their direction after Kennedy was murdered. There was this concerted effort to not only point that finger of blame away from them, but to start disparaging the general Kennedy name and anything that might be associated with a Kennedy legacy. He says that there was a man who was Charlie India alpha that had also been like a bureau chief for The New York Times in Havana. And for 30 years, according to RFK, Jr. It was his primary job to blacken the name Kennedy. And as he tells it, this is one of the rumors that was started by that individual as part of his smear campaign. The narrative goes something like this. Joe senior was a bootlegger, and a general narrative. Well, he had gotten involved in the mafia. And the mafia had helped JFK to get elected in 1960, particularly in Chicago. So then, whenever JFK and RFK started to go after the mafia and organized crime, they felt double crossed. Therefore they were angry, therefore, they were responsible for the pop pop in Dallas. He mentions in 1959, the grilling that takes place, you know, those Senate hearings were RFK, Sr. Is Trying To question Sam Giancana, but he keeps pleading the fifth and giggling and he's like, I thought only little girls giggled. So there's this tension, obviously, between RFK Sr, and Gian Khanna. And so RFK Jr. is like, it doesn't make any sense that there would be this animosity, but then Giancana would help rig an election for Jack Kennedy to get elected, but like, why would he even do that? It doesn't make any sense. He also addresses the prevalent rumor even now that the 1960 election was stolen, that Mayor Daley in Chicago, whatever you want to believe that he stuffed the ballot box that we he withheld votes that were meant for Nixon, he did some kind of election rigging to put Kennedy over the top and essentially hand him the election in 1960, and RFK, Jr. pushes back on that idea. According to RFK, Jr. Daley was so outraged by the accusation that he offered to do a recount and even pay for it himself. There's an article you can read from the Chicago Sun Times this week in history JFK in the stolen election. The byline reads in 1960. Some irregularities in Illinois votes, specifically, the ones in Chicago prompted calls for an investigation from Republicans over then Senator John F. Kennedy's victory, the saga played out in the pages of the Chicago Daily News. Now when we scroll down to the sort of conclusion to the story, we read, voter fraud in Cook County certainly wasn't unheard of at the time picture at Cicero 1924. But did Republicans have a case? According to scholar Edmund F. Killeen? Is article in presidential studies quarterly? The answer is yes. But also know, his research found that Nixon was not cheated out of Illinois electoral votes in quote. He also points out that even if Kennedy had not carried this Chicago vote it he still would have won the election. He also claims that the author David Horowitz went looking and looking and looking for years to try to find this infamous mafia connection as well as solid proof of the bootlegging and just never found it. He talks about his father feeling that this infiltration of organized crime had become a huge threat to the democratic process. That because they were involved in labor unions, as well as they had ferreted their way into various places in the government. It was a real threat to John and Jane Q Public really being able to have any say in how the government operates. And then Vlad brings up at this time you have somebody like J. Edgar Hoover, denying that the mafia even exists, which is funny. I mean, laugh out loud. Funny how ridiculous right? Now Vlad also brings up the rumor that J Edgar Hoover was a crossdresser and that perhaps the mafia had compromising photographs of him. And there was some leverage there like Oh, of course, there's no mafia weighing. Meanwhile, Look, we all know the truth. Now RFK Jr. Talks about J. Edgar Hoover having a friendship with Mickey Cohen the mobster and that allegedly J Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson would go out to California to bet on horse races and just kind of unwind together and that Mikiko One was supportive of them being able to come out and place their bets. Vlad also brings up the quote unquote blood feud between RFK SR and Jimmy Hoffa, and the get Hoffa squad. Now RFK Jr. tells the story of Jimmy Hoffa hiring various people to try to kill Bobby Kennedy. I guess there was a plot to shoot him in his swimming pool, there was another plot to firebomb the house and kill the whole family. He talks about 18 wheelers from the teamsters union going by and blowing their horns and just being generally around the property like to be a nuisance. He tells the story that on November 22, he had been in school and he noticed that the flags were being lowered to half mast, and his mother tells him a bad man has shot your Uncle Jack. And when he gets home, he finds his father RFK. Senior in the yard with John McComb. John McCain, of course, was the director of the Charlie India Alpha. After Kennedy fired Allen Dulles, then John McCone, was appointed to be his replacement. He says that Bobby asked mckown did the Charlie India Alpha do this to my brother, and RFK Jr. says it's not like Macomb would have known anyway. I mean, he was close. And I had a good relationship with the Kennedy. So it's not like he would have known if there was a plot to do that, anyway, would have been out of the loop. He says that after Bobby talked to John mckown, he also made a phone call to Harry Ruiz, who had been part of the Bay of Pigs invasion to find out what he knew. After that, he called the desk officer at the Charlie into alpha to ask the same thing. Like he's just we can sort of see this picture of somebody being so distraught and upset and just trying to figure out who did this, who ordered this and who orchestrated it. So Vlad brings up how Lee Harvey Oswald is charged with the murder of JFK. And then a couple of days later, Jack Ruby murders Oswald. And he asks RFK Jr. Like, there are a lot of conspiracy theories around all of this. What do you think happened? RFK Jr, tells this harrowing story of being next to JFK is coffin with both of his parents and Jackie, when LBJ walks up to tell them that Ruby has murdered Oswald. And his reaction is to ask his mother will did this guy really love our family? Or what like, Why? Why would he do that? And he laughs a little bit and says, it just makes no sense for somebody to risk their life and murder. Oswald in broad daylight inside of a police station, like what would somebody's motive have really been for doing that? Of course, the narrative that we're still told, a very mainstream narrative, a very socially accepted narrative, is that Jack Ruby just snapped that he may not have cared all that much about JFK, but he loved Jackie. She was beautiful. She was elegant. And he wanted to spare her the drama and the turmoil of having to come back as this shattered widow woman to Dallas and deal with a Lee Harvey Oswald trial. So he felt like it was better to just be judged jury and executioner in order to save Jackie RFK Jr. draws a line between Jack Ruby and Carlos Marcello, what was going on with the mafia in Dallas, what was going on with the mafia in New Orleans, as well as the involvement of all of these people in Cuba? He brings up the HSC. A, you and that their conclusion was that yeah, it probably was a conspiracy. We're not going to name any names. We're not going to point a finger at anybody. But yeah, I mean, JFK probably was murdered due to a conspiracy. And according to RFK, Jr. Blakey, who was on that committee thought that it was mostly the mafia, but there were others that thought it was mostly the Charlie in the alpha. And he says that as time has gone by more evidence has been discovered more documents have been declassified, it seems pretty clear that the Charlie India Alpha had some hand in what happened that day in Dallas.


He also talks about people who have talked whether it was a deathbed confession, something that they want to unburden before they go into the great beyond. And that made me think of an episode that I recorded over on my daytime broadcast before I got to the point where I had this spin off, and I was doing things of a more personal nature. On November 2 of last year, I published the episode someone would talk and in the write up for that, here's what I write. A favorite job at conspiracy theories, often used by Neo lives I find is the idea that someone would talk someone would squeal someone would spill the beans. They just can't bear the idea that drinking their prostate Kool Aid might be a bad freakin idea. The thing is, yes, people talk and those people are then either discredited as Kooks or Dunaway. With, it's funny to me that we get the same narrative in 2023 that Clay Shaw offered to penthouse in 1969. Plus the challenge, plus c'est la meme shows. Exactly. Yeah, people talk. And Jim Garrison also makes this point very well, they either get discredited, removed from a position of power or whatever position they're in, or they get killed and done away with period. They don't exist on the planet anymore. We see this over and over again. So yes, people do talk. And I wrote that because I had read an article where somebody was like, Do you really think the government could cover something up for this many years? I mean, do you really think and it's like, Yes, I really do think, for that matter. They haven't done a very good job of covering it up. I mean, everybody knows it's one of those things where it's kind of like, Yeah, I mean, is there any legit person left that still thinks it was Oswald by himself with a crappy Boomstick? A mail order Boomstick bolt action. From the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository? It's obvious from the Zapruder film that Kennedy is hit at least one time from the front, at least once so more than likely the neck wound was an entrance wound as well. So it appears that he's been hit from both front and back. But we're still supposed to think that it was only Oswald by himself with that crappy Boomstick. Does anybody still believe that? I mean, I guess so. There has to be somebody but I think the majority of people are pro like, that makes no sense. At this point, he brings up Charles Harrelson, who was Woody Harrelson father, I will be talking about him later, because I'm going to at some point later this year, release a review of all of the episodes of The Docu series, the man who killed Kennedy, I have recorded almost all of them. The only one I have left to do as of right now is the final rebuttal. Because the last episode of that series was evidently so incendiary that the History Channel felt the need to bring in some mainstream historians to have a roundtable and refute what they had just broadcast. You know, some shits gone wrong. If you've got to bring in the mainstream history brigade to say, Mia culpa, we screwed up. We said some things we shouldn't have. Now. We got to get the official narrative to come back. But Charles Hill, Harrelson is interviewed in one or maybe two of the episodes in that Docu series, and he just acts like no, I wasn't involved. It wasn't me if do you really think I would still be alive if I were involved? And they show him the picture of the three tramps and he says, Well, that does look like me, but it isn't me. So in that Docu series, he denies having been involved. However, according to RFK, Jr, allegedly, let's just say allegedly here. Charles Harrelson did confess later, and he claimed that he was involved, but he was not one of the pop poppers. Allegedly, he helped to coordinate the fake Secret Service badges that were delivered to the people on the grassy knoll. Because if you think back especially if you've ever seen Mark lanes documentary or read his book rush to judgment, there's a whole group of people that rushed to the grassy knoll because they saw a flash of light or they saw a puff of smoke. They see activity up there at the time that Kennedy's murdered and they want to go check it out. But then they're hustled off by men who have badges and they claim that they're part of the Secret Service, but the Secret Service is all of the Secret Service agents went on to Parkland with Kennedy. We didn't have any agents that were there on the grassy knoll. So according to RFK, Jr. At some point, Charles Harrelson confesses and says that he was involved. He just wasn't one of the pop poppers. He was somebody that helped to coordinate the overall plot. And then he talks about the photograph of the three tramps. That was also the photograph, by the way, and I'll talk about this in another later episode, Jim Garrison when he went to the Johnny Carson Show, he was on The Tonight Show, I guess, with Johnny Carson, I should say. He goes on there with a picture of the three tramps tries to show it on national television and they tell him not to like No, can't, can't be doing that can't be showing that up here. supposedly one of those three tramps photograph that day in Dallas was Charles Harrelson. He also brings up Johnny Rosselli because he says there were people who they knew they were involved in an incident of some kind, but they didn't know it was going to be a murderer. The people who knew that it was going to be a murderer, by and large were also murdered themselves. He brings up Johnny Rosselli. He alleges that Johnny reselling was like a liaison between the mafia kingpins and the Charlie India Alpha. Of course, we know that Johnny resilia was murdered, and his body or parts of his body were found in an oil drum like off the coast of Miami, Sam Giancana and is also murdered. He's shot several times in the head. And I think they even made like whoever did it made a pattern of wounds all around his mouth. So clearly sending a message there. He further claims that Charles Harrelson had been recruited by the Charlie India alpha and did work for them. Vlad presses him like, Okay, if you don't think that it was Oswald acting alone, then why did it happen? Well, who did it and what was the motive for doing it? So he talks about the the struggle for peace. He talks about how both Kennedy and Khrushchev were military war veterans, not just war veterans, but more specifically, combat veterans. I think a lot of people still don't know this. I've written about it before. And I tried to to make it clear. To date. JFK is the only purple heart recipient that's ever been a president. He had injuries from the war. Look into the story about the PT 109. He had seen war, he had seen people die, he had been injured himself in the theater of war. Khrushchev had also been a combat veteran. And so you have these two men that had seen the blood and the guts and the gore and the horror of combat, they did not want nuclear annihilation. They were surrounded by war hawks that did want to hit the proverbial red button. I've talked about this before.


Like the in Dr. Strangelove, we see it depicted there. I have an episode about that coming out soon. I also have another episode that I need to record about Sidney Lou Mays film failsafe, which was released also in 1964. It's of a similar subject matter what happens if there's an accident, and we couldn't call the nukes back? Like, who would die? How many? It's done much more dramatically, though. Dr. Strangelove is as Kubrick said, a nightmare comedy. And failsafe is a lot more serious and terribly depressing. So you have these two leaders that are surrounded by war hawks that are like, no, wait a minute, we don't want that we don't want millions of people to die. Then you also have Kennedy trying to use his backchannels to get some kind of detente with Castro. Like whatever kind of government you want to run down there, you don't need to make problems for us don't become a threat to the US. Don't become some sort of nuclear ally with the Soviets. We don't need that going on. But as long as you don't make problems for us, we're not going to make problems for you. So you have these war hawks, you have people in the military intelligence and military industrial complexes, you have people in the Charlie India alpha and the State Department who, for all intents and purposes are like, Fuck this, fuck this and fuck this guy, we need war to happen, we actively want war to happen. And the thinking for a lot of them was and I think in some cases still is, it's okay, if millions of people die, as long as the other side loses more people than we lose. And we come out the winners, quote, unquote, then it's all been worth it. He then mentions JFKs desire to just not to just not even with Vietnam, let's call the troops home. Let's get even the advisors out of there by 65. We need to have this wrapped up and just we're just not going to go there. So you have this push toward peace towards figuring out a way to coexist with the rest of the world. And the war hawks did not like that. They didn't appreciate it. They didn't want it. You had some people that felt like it was treasonous. Maybe he's some kind of closet communist. Maybe he's in cahoots with Castro and Khrushchev to turn America into some red pinko commie nation. Whatever the excuses may be, when you start looking at not just the ideology of these people that are frothing at the mouth for war. This is something else I've tried to point out because you have Kennedy, who was the only president today that's been a purple heart recipient. But you have all of these politicians, that they themselves have never been in the theater of war, they've never seen combat, but they're all too happy to send your kids or grandkids to the theater of war. They don't give a shit. They just want that money. They want that imperialism. They want that expansion. And somebody like JFK was really anathema to them. But it goes beyond the ideology. It also comes down to cold hard cash because these defense contractors the military industrial complex, they make a shitload of money off of war. Even if there's rampant inflation and everybody else goes broke. They make a shitload of money off of it. You also have to think about the military intelligence complex. Think about and this goes way beyond my lifetime, but think about sort of from World War Two onward these into elegance apparatuses that have just grown exponentially. Now within my lifetime. The exponential growth has been even worse because we can look at agencies like the Nov Sierra alpha, and how James Bamford writes about these teraflops of data and having to put underground data warehouses that can just store these unfathomable amounts of information on every human being that draws breath on this planet. Their power expands. So that's what you have to think about. It's about ideology, yes, it's also about money. And it's also about power. So you really have this confluence of issues with JFK, you have Vietnam, you have Cuba, you have the USSR, then and he doesn't get into any of the domestic policies, although I will when you start talking about JFK, his approach to big business, the oil depletion allowance, and the fact that he just wasn't, he wasn't the type to be pushed around and intimidated, like, yes, he could be stubborn. But at the same time, if people came to him to make a case, he would listen, he read voraciously. Even though we're supposed to think he was 24/7. Penis. He actually did read he read newspapers every day multiple newspapers and read tons of books as well. So you have this confluence of factors coming together were his list of enemies, the list of people that did not like him and would actively benefit from him no longer being in the picture just seems to get longer and longer. And a lot of those enemies were people in high places, and I suspect that they wielded a lot more power than JFK realize that they did. I mean, even now I see this maybe more. I'm gonna say maybe with my parents generation, than any of the others, I'm a Gen X or myself, I'm on the young part of Gen X. But I still, you know, my, my baby boomer parents will think that whoever is in office really has some control over stuff. And I'm sitting there like, No, not really. Not anymore. You know, maybe within their lifetime. That was true earlier, but no shit not anymore. Although I really suspect that Eisenhower was probably led around by the military industrial complex and the Charlie into alpha quite a bit. I really do. But I don't I don't think that the President is much more now than a figurehead. I think for all of the things that Jim Garrison got wrong. And for all of the methodologies, and I'll be talking about this in future episodes. I've quite a few episodes coming up about this exact topic. But even though for all the things he may have gotten wrong, and some of the methodologies he used that were sketchy as hell in his investigation process, he may have royally fucked his attempt to prosecute Clay Shaw, but I don't think a lot of his overall theories about what actually happened or incorrect. I'll be talking in some future episodes about John barbers documentaries, the garrison tapes, where he was able to get a rare sit down interview with Jim Garrison, because it was at the time where he had already been dragged through the mud all through the press. And he was telling John Barber, that you have these agencies that had a real lust for Southeast Asia. And the only thing that was really standing between them and being able to perpetrate what they wanted to do in Southeast Asia was a guy with red brown hair that was about 511 think he was actually about six one but why split hairs over a couple of inches. So he had to be gotten out of the way he just needed to go he needed to be eliminated. To RFK juniors credit in this interview with Vlad TV starts naming names. He starts putting names out there. RFK Jr. Says that Vietnam was a Charlie India Alpha project from the very beginning. And there were particular people that really wanted JFK out of the way. Specifically he mentions David Attlee, Phillips, Bill Harvey, James Jesus Angleton, Allen Dulles and II Howard Hunt. He claims that the pot poppers now he doesn't mention any names of the actual poppers. But he claims that the pot poppers were Cubans that had been part of Batista is battalions. He also encourages people to get out there and do their own research. Don't just take his word for it. I appreciate that. He says. It's not just about trusting experts in a democracy. You're not supposed to just be trusting experts. There shouldn't be that kind of convergence of power, which I agree with, right? I mean, think about how much that whole idea was shoved down our throat during the trust the don't ask what's in it, just do it whenever you're told to do by experts and sign It is you need to just do it, you need to shut up, sit down and do what you're told. This made me think of a passage that you can find in TED Sorensen's book, Kennedy. He's talking about the Bay of Pigs. Now I have a hardback copy Hold on a sec, I'll go and try to look to see if I can find the date on this, I have a hard back copy from 1965. So on this on this copy that I have, it's found on page 309. But basically, if you're in chapter 11, and you're getting toward the end of it, like toward that final paragraph, if you have the copy yourself, or you want to check it out at the library, that's where you can fact check me this is in the book. So I'm on page 309. And again, Kennedy is talking about the Bay of Pigs. And he says, he felt it strongly, sincerely and repeated it as we walked. How could I have been so far off base? He asked himself out loud all my life, I've known better than to depend on the experts. How could I have been so stupid to let them go ahead? His anguish was doubly deepened by the knowledge that the rest of the world was asking the same question and quote, I think that was probably yet another character trait that the establishment would really come to love about JFK the idea that just because you come in my office, and you say that you're an expert, it doesn't mean that I'm going to automatically Greenlight whatever you say, I'm going to need to trust my own judgment, I'm going to need to question whatever your decision is, I'm going to need to do some research and come to a logical conclusion about it. I'm not just going to give you some papal blessing and say, All right, because you're an expert. And you've told me we should do this. I guess I'll say it's all right. Speaking of books, in this interview, RFK Jr. In particular, recommends James Douglass's book JFK and the unspeakable. I have read that book, it took me some time to get through it, because it is a long book, it's densely researched, and the typeface is small. So you, you really have to take a good investment of time. I really, I think, probably down the road need to make a podcast episode just dedicated to reviewing that book. Because it's it's a very good read. I will say, I think it's important whenever possible for content creators to be clear about their own bias. To me it is a bit saccharin at times. I mean, it is very, very pro JFK, very JFK friendly. It's not going to be the typical critical response that we see. to JFK. I mean, I honestly agree with what RFK Jr. is saying about the smear campaign and the blackening of the Kennedy name. It didn't take me long whenever I became interested in this topic, and I started to just voraciously read books and watch documentary films. It didn't take me long to connect the dots. It's like what seems like in modernity, you're supposed to think JFK was some sort of pervert drug head loser, like a popularity whore who only cared about opinion polls, but then also a literal whore who just slept with anything male, female that was within a 10 mile radius, if there was a hole he could put it in. He was going to do that. He was he was lazy. He was self indulgent, he was self absorbed. He was a dummy. And I'm looking at the evidence going. I don't think that that's the case. I mean, even if you want to say that you disagree with the act of committing adultery, which I think a lot of people would I don't really think that you can say that the man was stupid. And I don't think it makes sense to say that anything positive he might have done, he might have done in the presidency always happen by sheer accident.


It didn't take long for me where I'm like, I smell a rat and all this and it became clear to me anyway, I'm just giving you my opinion and my perceptions which could be wrong. It didn't take me long to figure out there seems to be this active smear campaign to make JFK seem like a complete bastard, an irredeemable terrible piece of garbage piece of shit bastard. And then it becomes by proxy, if you like him, you're also that way too. You must also be a scumbag. In that regard, James Douglass's book is a breath of fresh air because it's like, let's just talk about some things other than the man's penis. All right, can we please just get on to some other topic? It is, it is a bit sweet. You know, it is a bit nostalgic, I think. But it is a book worth reading. RFK Jr. recommends it in this interview. And I would say I do to you just we I think we have to be honest about what our biases are. That's why when I get on here, I'm writing my blogs. I try to be very clear in saying I have a soft spot for JFK. I typically hate politicians and want nothing to do with them. I think they're all a bunch of liars and the higher up you go, the worse they stink. My perception is that JFK was trying. I think he was hamstrung in a lot of ways. But I do think that he was trying to make things better in his own way. Vlad asked him about the murder of his father. And it's like, here we go again, we get another narrative of it was a lone wolf alone crazy that did it even though as RFK Jr, points out, sir hand, sir, hand was standing in the front of Bobby Kennedy. Whereas the wounds came from the back. And in fact, some were at like point blank range where they left a mark from the Boomstick. And it's like it couldn't have been sir Hanser hand that did it yet. That's the official narrative still yet, like with Lee Harvey Oswald. That's what we're supposed to believe happened. RFK Jr. mentions this guy thing, Eugene Caesar, who, as RFK conspiracy theories go, I haven't dug that much into that line of thinking I intend to attend to read some books record some episodes because, hey, look, this is a show about various conspiracy theories, trying to ask the questions, we're not supposed to ask and dig out the information that we're not supposed to know. So this guy sees our had been employed by a security service, I think like only that day or the day before, on very short order. But he also was working at Lockheed and had a security clearance. And then, in 1973, apparently he starts working at another aircraft company, and also had security clearance for that job. Allegedly, the CSR guy did not like the Kennedys, and he was a right winger and claim that RFK would have given the country over to minorities and to communists, apparently, he was a virulent racist that did not like African Americans. So that's somebody that RFK Jr posits as potentially being the real killer, not Serhan. He also brings up that Lisa peas has found documents where the C's are guy claims that he was working also for the Charlie India Alpha RFK, Jr. also says that he tracks this guy down who's living in the Philippines. Now he's left America and he's living in the Philippines and wants to talk to him. The guy agrees, but every time that they get close to having their meeting, he upped the ante, I want 10 grand now it's 15. Now it's 25. So RFK, Jr, decides to call the meeting off because he just assumes the guys playing a game with him. Vlad asks about RFK, juniors issues with drugs. And he's sounds pretty forthcoming to me and saying that he started using drugs when he was a teenager, and that he believes he had ADHD and he would take drugs in order to calm down. And it was like this weird deal with the devil so to speak, because initially, the drugs would calm him down and make him feel good. But then, you know, the drugs really take over your life. Vlad asks how he got into Harvard? I mean, given that he had been through some expulsions he had had this drug issue. How was he admitted to Harvard? And he says, Well, I was in the top of my class, but then also the legacy. My grandpa had been there. My uncle had been there. My own father had been there. So we, I think you'd be crazy. If you were being interviewed by anybody and you tried to say you just bootstrapped yourself, you would look like a giant liar. He brings up RFK Jr. flunking the bar exam. He brings up RFK Junior's heroin addiction in which he admits to he says at the time that I failed the bar exam, I was a heroin addict. He tells the story of getting into rehab and how like for a while, because of all the celebrity and gossip connected to the last name Kennedy, he felt like there was no way that he could just walk into a 12 step program and start laying his information out because it would immediately get leaked to the press. But then after it comes out in the press that he was struggling with a drug addiction. It's like well, I may as well go ahead to rehab I mean, there's there's no hiding it now. So he gets clean and sober. Vlad asks him about his interest in the environment. And he talks about always being an outdoors person, enjoying the water, enjoying the common spaces, and really being offended by this idea of polluting in the public spaces and polluting the environment how landfills and toxic dumps are typically in minority areas like people that don't always have the ability to fight back. That's where these corporations decide to do their dirty deeds. Vlad brings up Mary Richardson Kennedy, who was one of RFK juniors wives who died. A pair At least her death was ruled a suicide by hanging, I think an autopsy at the time so that she had antidepressants in her system at the time of her death.


According to RFK, Jr, she had a struggle with alcoholism and substance abuse. There were some mental health issues going on. Now on in addition to all of that, and this is something that Vlad brings up in the interview, which I think you know, shows that he has some Coneys. This is not just totally lob and softballs. He brings up the RFK Jr. Sex diary, because supposedly, this diary was locked in a safe, and Mary found it and told her sister like should anything happened to me, I really think that this diary should be leaked to the press. According to RFK, Jr, this was like some kind of rehab exercise that he was supposed to, I guess, record this information as some kind of therapeutic thing. There's an article I'll drop from the New York Post where you can go through and read more about this if you want to, but it's like he says that he was struggling with lust demons, and he's trying to go places where he wouldn't even have to be around women because it would be too much of a temptation. And he would write this journal where if he was able to avoid doing anything sexual with another woman, that would be like a Victory Day. So I, you know, look, I don't know what to make of all that you can decide for yourself. In terms of this interview, I think it's a lot bolder than a lot of interviewers would have been with a guest. I mean, I have difficulty imagining senile old man, or orange MAN, either one sitting down, and somebody would be like, hey, I want to talk about your sex diary. I just, I'm not even sure that that they would would go there. They also talk about RFK Jr's voice condition, which is why his voice sounds kind of weird and strange. Most of the time, he talks about visiting Castro and a couple of different occasions and going scuba diving, which is weird. I mean, this, if nothing else, this guy has had an interesting and different kind of life. Blad brings up the death of JFK Jr. and RFK Jr. said, Yeah, we were actually close. And I was waiting for him the night that he died. And as it got later and later, and he and his wife were not showing up. I just had that sense of dread on I knew that something was wrong. Vlad brings up something that I was not familiar with that apparently RFK Jr. was once part of this vantagepoint venture capital or investment firm and that they were an early pre IPO investor in Tesla. So that for me was one of those. Hmm, this is another interesting intersection where Lord Elon 's name comes up again. I just feel like Elon has his finger in a lot of different pies. You know, he's involved with government contracts. I feel like Alex spends a lot of time defending Ilan and it just it's one of those things where it makes me wonder like, exactly what is this strange web that goes on with these people? mean, for some, the answer is just as simple as controlled APO. And maybe that's it. Maybe that's the sum total of it. I don't know. Vlad says according to the internet, your net worth is 15 million and he sidesteps the question a bit like, oh, I don't know. It's like, no, but yeah, you do that? That's a bullshit answer. Of course, you're gonna know. He changes the subject a little bit like, Hey, I didn't get any Tesla money. I wasn't involved in all that, and ends it by saying 15 million, I don't know, it might be a little north of that, then they changed the subject. They get in towards this last eight or 10 minutes or so why are you running for president? Do you really want to do this flat brings up Ross Perot, like as being the last real, serious, independent contender, but he winds up splitting the vote. So one of his questions for RFK Jr. is do you actually want to be president or you doing this to split the vote to help somebody else out or to damage? One of the like, basically, to help one and damage the other? And of course, his response is No, I I actually want to be the president. I'm not running to try to damage somebody else. Flat also brings up the members of the Kennedy family that are against RFK Junior's candidacy. And I've spoken out quite publicly about that, too, which RFK Jr. is like, Do you know how many people there are in my family? There's like 105. So if four of these people wrote a letter saying we denounce the candidacy, like come on, and he also brings up that it's okay to disagree. It's alright that we're in the same family and we're not going to agree on everything. He tells the story of the encouragement of debate, not only within his household, some thing that RFK senior encouraged all of them to do. But something that Joe senior encouraged all of his kids to do as well, which is pick different sides of an issue and debate, like let's be able to have a conversation and disagree in a civil way, and still be family and still love each other when the debate is over with, which I mean philosophically, you know, that's something that seems to be missing. Overall in the country right now, people talking about cutting off their family members and friends, the least little disagreement. People just have such a short fuse, it seems like they want somebody that's a carbon copy of themselves, which you're gonna have a really lousy life. If you can't be friends with someone. Unless you are in lockstep with each other all the time. You never have a disagreement, you never fail to see eye to eye on a topic, you can't agree to disagree and leave it alone, you're going to have a lonely road. Vlad brings up how RFK Jr. has talked a lot about corporate power in the government, which that's something that I would say I agree with him on. I think that crony capitalism needs to be talked about a lot more than it is, people need to understand this. I call it a group of piggies that are all eating slop from the same trough because that's how it strikes me. And there's a revolving door between the government and Wall Street and these high powered CEOs round and round on the merry go around. They go. They're here and then they're there. I mean, it's just, it's so obvious if care to look for it. So glad asked him like, well, what are you going to do? And he's like, You mean like first day in office kind of stuff? Yeah. Okay. It's your first day you've been elected, what do you do? The first thing that he talks about would be issue issuing pardons to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. He talks about signing an executive order to forbid any federal employee to collude with social media for censorship. He says he wants for post offices to be able to issue passport cards for whoever wants one. He wants to go to the NIH and say, we're going to focus now on chronic disease, meaning preventing this outbreak of chronic disease that we have in this country. First 90 days, he wants to start raining in the American empire abroad. When I heard that, I was like, Dude, you got no chance. You have no chance. I mean, I know that sounds cynical, I do. I'm sure I'll get hate mail, some of his supporters will write in and be like, Oh, we can't be cynical like that. I think at this point, the Empire has grown to a stage where they're, I mean, and he's being so upfront about it. There's no way in hell, you already had JFK that came in and was like, we need to quit with this imperialist shit. These countries that want their independence, they want to get out of colonial rule, they need to have their independence, they need to have some kind of self actualization as a nation and as a people and be able to bring some kind of peace and stability to their own countries, and wrong answer blown away in Dallas. So I'll just be honest with you, I don't see this happening. I mean, he's talking about 800 military bases abroad, we need to start talking about which ones we can close and I'm like, Oh, my God, this will not happen. It's great. It's nice to think about for sure, but I don't see this happening. He talks about cutting the military budget, basically in half yet again. I'm like, oh, oh, I don't think this is going to happen. But towards the very end, Vlad says that he initially was not planning to ever interview RFK Jr. Because of quote all the conspiracy theory shit, but decided to have him on to say his piece. I would guess maybe the only real other sore thumb type of issue that Vlad did not get into in this would be the Epstein drama. Now, he RFK Jr. has addressed that on other platforms. It's not like he's just been completely silent about it. But the story is weird. That's just my opinion. And it could be wrong, lord knows. But it just seems weird to me, because there's some story about his wife and kids. We're going to visit somebody on Easter. So they took a plane ride on one of Epstein's planes. And then another time he and his kids were going to go to South Dakota to go on a fossil hunt. And so they took one of Epstein's planes. And it's like, um, that seems weird to me. I mean, I'm trying to go back in time. I mean, I'm not sure exactly when everybody sort of collectively knew Oh, hey, this guy is involved in sex trafficking, and he's messing around with underage girls. I don't know what the timeline is there. I just think that that would have been a good question to ask like, Hey, your response about why you were on these Epstein planes? Sounds kind of sketchy. What do you say? Aida that?


I mean, yeah, I don't I don't know what to make of all that, as I have said before, on the air. And in my blogs, I think that you have to evaluate each person as an individual, you have to leave their surname behind and stop thinking in terms of a dynasty. Well, I like to this person's whoever, dad, brother, uncle, cousin. So maybe this person is solid as well, you have to look at their policies, and you have to look at what you think that they stand for and make your own decision. I mean, I just I don't know. I don't know on this one, guys. I really don't. Because I also watched a video on social media where somebody was pointing out the various connections that RFK Jr. himself and his broader family have to the Charlie India alpha. And I'm just like, Man, I don't know what to make of this. I don't. I said at the beginning of this episode, this was not going to be about trying to endorse anybody. I'm not exactly bowled over by any of the choices to be honest with you. I just think we're in a bit of a shit show. This interview, I think, worth watching. Particularly because the interviewer goes there, Vlad is willing to ask some difficult and pointed questions, which I think we need more of in this country. It's time for interviewers to not pussyfoot around and just be like, Look, you were accused of this and there was a sex diary and you need to be honest with the public, you think that you deserve the highest office of the land? Well, what all have you been up to? Dude? I think those questions should be asked. I mostly watched it to be totally honest with you for that first half. I wanted to hear him talk about his thoughts about the pop Bob of JFK and then also of his own father, and the smear campaign. I agree with him on that. I really think that there has been a concerted effort to make in particular, JFK look like a complete, trashy bastard. We didn't lose anything on November 22. That's always what it comes back to. There's an episode I will publish later, where Noam Chomsky says the quiet part out loud, who knows? And who cares? Whether it was a jealous husband or whether it was somebody in the mafia, he's dead and gone and who really cares? That's the attitude. I think that we're supposed to have right or left. And it seems to me that the smear campaign has done a great job of finding people on the left to take an absolute shit on JFK. I guess it would be too obvious if it came from people on the right. Well, he was kind of East Coast liberal and Democrat. And he was talking about the new frontier and he had these social welfare programs. So I guess it would be super obvious if somebody on the right was taking an absolute dump all over Kennedy and his legacy. So they have to go find people on the left to do their bidding. Just my theory, just my opinion. So check this out for yourself. Come to your own conclusions, decide what you think. Stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.


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