Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep. 26 Spirit Foot Eye of the Dragon, chapter 6

May 30, 2024 Sacred Works Season 1 Episode 26
Ep. 26 Spirit Foot Eye of the Dragon, chapter 6
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
Ep. 26 Spirit Foot Eye of the Dragon, chapter 6
May 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 26
Sacred Works
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Show Notes Transcript

Earth, mother and friends, you cross our heart. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Ah, spirits guide my path. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome once again to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Um, I was rehearsing this one this week and it got so much emotion going for me, it brought some tears up. Um, so I'm looking forward to sharing it with you all and if for some reason you feel my, we get a bit, uh, overwhelmed. Well, now you'll understand why I love it. I can't wait to share it. This chapter is the last chapter of the Eye of the Dragon, and the last chapter, chapter six, Shiva's release. Here we go. With the closing of the eye, the tempering of the Great Mother's creation had begun. His third eye closed. His practice took him to his heart. And he began to miss the mother and her nurturing touch. His attention was no longer on the wound of love lost, as creation found relief from his terrible wrath. The death of ownership gave birth to his potency once again. His son had learned his lesson, holding creation for the four ages, and now understood how precious Great Mother Creation is to every being, as they are all a part of her whole. The ancient waters no longer boiled, the shame and resentment, as there was none left to offer. On Mount Kailash, Shiva's practice settled and his heart opened again. Om Third Eye closed. He saw the trick of the gods and how the final pillar fell due to their mischief. Then he saw her again and knew why their trick had worked. Shiva watched as the gods talked Kama, the god of love, into showing him the devotion of a beautiful yogini and her great devotion to his love and creative potency. Parvati holding Siddhi with her deer, peacocks, lion, helping to set the vibration of love. Shiva knew Uma and saw his love in the new golden age. He also saw that he had been attacked. Love, kama, had sent an arrow of distraction through the channels of mind. Shiva, not knowing and taken with his deep passion, opened his third eye to see. Who had sent that arrow? While within the Temple of Atlantis, the ritual had reached its climax, the blaze of terrible wrath was free, no end of potency, but love had been, well, not destroyed. May well have been destroyed, however, as the blast of wrath had encased Kama in a shell of resentment and ash of shame that all the gods found not only impenetrable, but their demise if they got too near him. So into the depths of the oceans, to find refuge with all of the unwelcome monsters. Kama took the form of a fire horse, so that he could ride the tides of Oceanus. Kama's knees were met in every way, in his shell of Shiva wrath. Like a small palace of every joy held to keep Kama's perfect care, while love awaited the final boon. Om Uma Siva Svaha Love, Kama, a very old friend. As Siva gave love his intention, he found himself transformed from yogi to householder, and in due course found his way to Paravati's retreat. Om Siva Uma Svaha. May I love all women and the great mother creation through my love for you. Not bad form, Spiritfoot thought. She was quite a charmer. The dream unfolded for Spiritfoot, guiding her in deepening the resicitude. Prophecy so close at hand. Shiva and Parvati met, and as love had foretold, the depths of their beings, blood and chi, in perfect magnetic balance. The internal spark opened a sadhana between the two yogis most potent. The ritual of marriage without law naturally unfolded between Shiva and his love. Om, Shiva, Uma, Swaha flowed from Purvati's lips, and in love supreme, Shiva wove Om, Uma, Shiva, Swaha. Their mantras called to all the gods, the times they are a changin Each god found they had a hearth once again. The hell cell gone into the blaze of the eye of the dragon, along with each hearth. The gods found a gate to their realm with a dog den to support the dogs in keeping the dog spirit chain. Each god found a dog calling their attention to the invitation of Shiva and Paravati to the wedding that each and every god had waited so long and now with dog barks the time had arrived. The invitation was imminent as the suffering of all must come to pass. There was no system or belief that were not welcome. Every god and spirit found their way to their personal gates and began to appear again and again in the rainbow light through the heart hearth where preparations for the wedding were well in hand. Gods were making thrones for each and every guest. No small task as all of creation was on the guest list. Others were working to erect a weaving of every plant and flower throughout creation to frame the lovers joining. Dionysus and Hephaestus worked hard with the satyrs and spirits to make sure every detail was ready for the rage of celebration that was soon to come. Monkey was laughing, dancing, and supporting them in their efforts. Pulses of life carried the scent of every wonder that could be consumed as the many goddesses wove a feast to honor the changing of the times. Rama, Shiva, and Parvati reviewed the details of the ritual to come so that there might be no surprises, or maybe just one. The focus was on each being finding their sovereign place within the whole of creation. Dragons and Garudas filled the skies with stars, rainbows, and all the celebrations they could muster to call out their love and appreciation for the union to come. Gods of every belief flowed in like a stream of color and lineage, all found their place as Though it had been waiting for them all along. Waves of deep desire went out from Shiva's center. Reality danced as Paravati nested this wave of love, confirming the marriage of a new age. In turn, Paravati took her prophesied seat as Uma. Three into one, bubbles and done, called forth from a deeper dance with her love. The tides were changing, and the rivers no longer boiled. Now the waters brought with them cool, soothing bubbles of love. Uma called the ceremonies to attention, and all of the gods and goddesses who had yet to arrive streamed in to take their seats. Shiva's desire deepened and the resistitude of creation found a deeper resolve within them that it had not known since the very early crystals of memory. Old blood and all blood illuminated. Brahma stepped forward and all settled to bear witness to Shiva and Paravati, Uma's vows. All women have endured the law and the practice of ownership to its very end. Shiva acknowledged Brahma's great effort and continued, Weariness of duty without end must come to an end. I vow to you with love fire in my cells to bring you any and all gifts you might ask. Know from this day forward, we honor the mother at our hearth and take care of our dog so that all spirits have free passage. Laughter resounded through the gods as all appreciated the honoring of the dogs and spirit gates. I will meet your needs with love and joy, so have no fear, as there is no need for that anymore. Though there is no need, just as my no needs, that I hope you will find the graces to meet and find the perfect peace for each step in our creation together. I wish to hold your favorite law and temper mine so that we may have a family together and dance in the joy of the mother's Bodhi bliss. Parvati Uma. Now Uma Paravati took in her love's words and let them carve her being, bringing the triple city back into one. The horrors of ownership had no further hooks in the mother. They all fell away into Shiva's love. Hearth and home, I offer you the open canvas of the mother creation. Sacred, cleansed of the hell cells. Parvati no more. Uma stands before you, whole and complete. I ask for the sacred state of humanity to be reinstated in every way. Let spirit, God, and human alike find the protection of each other's love. Let communities come together to create and find the wonder of attunement and resonance. Let every hearth keep a merry glow and in all ways with the new age may the Great Mother me be honored. Finally the last request of the Great Mother, the last boon to be bestowed. There is a firehorse riding Oceanus's rivers who wishes for a home in every being's heart. This fire horse only meant well. Thomas showed you my love and devotion, and I will let you know he gave me the same gift that day. I did not know, I did not know that. Thank you for sharing his gift, and as I vowed, here is my wedding gift, Great Mother Uma. Shiva opened his hands and his heart, and before them, Spiritfoot saw herself manifest in front of the crowd, her foot, a raging party. Spiritfoot woke with joy in her heart, so happy she had to take three breaths before she could begin. Tribe, the prophecy has spoken. It is time. It is time for Kama's return. Ah, the end. And the end is the beginning. Thank you all for joining me here with the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Ah, this has been a full arc for sure. And I let you know, because it was such a curious event for me, that as I brought these words down, those were the last words I wrote, and commas return, which will be after Stan, the Ballad of Stan, of course. That's our next reading. Ah, but Kama's return was the very first, letting me know that the weaving had come to its completion. I thank you for finding me. And hey, if you like me, this lowly yogi here, sitting with his spirit shrine, share, share, let people know. Maybe they will too. And hey, if you love me, send me some yogi cash so I can keep doing what I'm doing, my sacred works, and we'll keep having fun together. Anyway, I do hope your week brings you joy, brings you ease, brings you love, and of course, many wonderful adventures. You take care, and until next time, play us out, Monkey Max, play us out. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy Earth mother and friends, You cross our hearth at last. Long have we greyed, While the king of demons had his way. But no longer, no longer, It's time to dance and sing. This is the time when the golden age begins As we welcome love and peace and ease may it never cease Welcome joy and bliss in all the eyes of serpents kiss Welcome mother, welcome child, welcome body tender and mild. Welcome protection, and welcome friends. It's been a long wait, but now the golden age begins. Welcome spring, summer, and fall. Winter is Persephone's and sweetest of all. Welcome immortality. Welcome all, it's time to dance and sing, as the golden age begins. Welcome all you yogis, and we call you in. Welcome all you protectors, and we call you in. Welcome all you yogis, as the golden age begins.