Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

EP.29 Spirit Foot Kama Love's Return, part 2

June 20, 2024 Sacred Works Season 1 Episode 29
EP.29 Spirit Foot Kama Love's Return, part 2
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
EP.29 Spirit Foot Kama Love's Return, part 2
Jun 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 29
Sacred Works
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Show Notes Transcript

Earth, mother and friends, you cross our heart. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. We are in an amazing moment for me personally, as having begun this offering on the darkest night of the year, I'm going to conclude this offering on the lightest night of the year at any rate, it feels very good, very whole, very complete, and the final offering of Spirit Foot. Commas return. The beginning being the end, once again. Commas return, part two. Let us bite into this. How does one begin a journey to the depths of the deepest ocean? To let the ancient one, Oceanus, know that his most feared monster, his most prized possession, the great fire steed, holder of love's flame, encased in the adamantine flame of the third eye, terrible wrath, to share that it is time for love's fire to return to the world of humans, demons, and gods. That is what we are here to find out, right? Step in and hear the music. The pulses call. The ancient blood calls our attention. One step, then two. Auspicious coincidence calls the way. Spirits guide and nurture where they can. Openings occur and the fun begins. This is the ancient way to wander in the realm of beauty. Trust the mother and use your love. Manners as consent is essential Gates and passing through gates is another way to view and discuss suspicious coincidence. To pass a gate is to meet a surrender. To meet a surrender is to deepen the opening. Test the will. Can you surrender deeply enough to find the resonance? This is what it means to pass through a gate, and as a yogini journeys, there are many gates that must be met, endured, and passed through. Again, part of the fun. At the end of times, all the mother can do is endure her creation. All of her beings within are under the constant assault of the law. Without the fire of love, all one can do is endure. Endure. Spirit foot was tired of enduring. And with the tools of mind and spirit at her command, she set out to answer the mother's tears and bring an end to the weight of creation to answer the mother's boon. There was no time to lose. The path of the titans was the only way to Oceanus and the watery realm of the most primal home of monsters beyond the realm of the dead and time to the waters that hold the ground of beginning and end. Her journey began with the descent. Spirit Foot wandered, trusting the space as her guide. Humans and spirits alike, hurt at the end of days. And Spirit Foot was not naive. They will always attack, out of pain and ignorance. And due to the immense weight they bear, In holding up the laws and debts of the mother, every act of creation comes with a price of caring and stewarding it until it can care for itself. For every desire there is a cost. Create a fire to hold and meet its needs. Without the fire, neglect, debt, and illness set in. The fire is not an affront to creation. It is a dance. A little light here, some fire over there. A warm glow to soothe when needed. This cost is what she set out to meet. To do so, she settled into her mind, settling further into the mind. That was no longer hers. She saw the path, the descent, the first of many steps. She would follow the path of fire, and so her guideposts would be the sign, signets of creative. This is how spirits find their way, through signets. Every being has a signet, their personal sign. Signets are found in the resonance and form pathways to each and every being. Mindfulness and manners become essential when entering realm. For Spiritfoot, the realm of mysteries is a dance of joy. Signets let one prance from realm to realm with ease. Like I said, this stuff is fun. Spiritfoot focused her attention and her will on the vibration of fire, illuminating all of creation, showing creative and neglect alike. She refined as the signs and dreams had told her that the fire horse was different. Love had been turned into ash in Shiva's terrible wrath, and this, she knew, was a different kind of fire, and her way into the depths. The danger and responsibility of wielding Shiva's creative in its most potent expression Look, look. Look at the shame. Spirits always call out the shame. Address the neglect. A simple request. Simple. Not easy. See? See there? The pillar fell. Third open, and love dissolved to ash. Holding a blaze so hot no god could touch it. For shame, for shame, no protection, no fire, just duty. Help us, spirit foot. It is time. The time to stop and wait is done. Your time has come, we call upon you to act. Your gifts are many, your practice is strong, and your understanding of kindness unparalleled. Act. Stop the shame. Act. Resonances from the deep woke an understated gem and called her to action. The fire is different, you see. The signet is not just love. It is love fused with the depths of nightmares. The horrors of Vajra Hells. That is your signet and your way into the depths. Still resonated as Spirit Foot opened her eyes and embraced a new day. Time is irrelevant. Act and do. When a spirit shows the shame, don't dilly dally. And certainly don't freeze. Settle into ritual and get this done. Clean it and wash your hands. Don't wallow in the shame. Address it with love. So I will. Into the ritual, and onto the prophecy at hand. Spiritfoot always knew the way, and this was no exception. Within her right foot, rising to her knee, resided a lexicon of mystery, and a gathering of all of her allies, all of her spirit friends. All of her spirit friends called out to act is to heal. To heal is to love and to bring the turning. The turning brings the prophecy and the prophecy brings the warmth and cozy creative of love. We are ready to take you on your journey. Are you ready? You inscrutable you? Spirit foot loves all of the wondrous beings she has hoffered home in her foot. And all of the spirits who had joined her in her many wanderings called out as one. This is why you brought us together. Settle into ritual, for we must travel through the web of mind. The fire horse calls and we must answer. From the inside out, settle, settle, settle. Only the oldest blood of Lady Nix will do in addressing this task, as we must heal the first and the last. The signet resonance is deep. There is none deeper. Settle. Ah. Settle. Um. Settle. He. He he he. And the spirit's laugh tickles with joy. You found it, you silly queen. And now we must go. Through the web of mind, pathways dance and the resonance of love, fused with Vajra wrath, opened before. Will, all that's needed to move through, and creative to meet the law and pay the mother's debt. Pay it! Pay! Pay it! Please! We need the love! We're tired! The law is too much to hold! Love! Love! Love! And through the web of mind spirit foot flew, into the neglect, no end of suffering, down past the stuck, with ease, through the resentment, on past the shame, Gorgon's head, there and gone, past through the river's fire, through the garden of life and death, past time, through space and into the waters, slow, slow, slow, don't move, settle and still. Relax further, and the blood Into night, beyond the night, beyond desire, to the great pulse of life. Wisdom is not just knowing when, it is knowing when to stop. It is knowing when to start, and when to stop, and how to hold the pulses, the vibration. Vibration holds up the mother. There are many more and less potent means for holding her up. Know that Spirit Foot had been sent to find the most potent means of them all. Love. Deeper into the depths than any imagination can take us. That is where Spirit Foot settled. There is no reason to be angry. There is only reason to love. Blood is the rose of mysteries. Please. Union, chi, and blood. A mystery that calls all to attention. Through the signet she went. Spirits and all, like a flash of will and creative. Through the web of mind, to the resonance. Diamond thread and then darkness. This was not spirits for its first flight of mind. Hold in the darkness, say your mantra, and meet the neglect within the moments. Each monster presented its shame. Spirit Foot, of course, used her manners of love. Each monster became a friend. Each monster showed her the way forward, surrendering their stories. They all shared such joy in her company, as they knew their suffering was soon to come to an end. Monsters are another very fun testing ground of the Yogi. Settle, listen, and hear the shame, and they will teach you wonders and cities, yogic powers in return for your love and kindness. Negativities and poisons are just neglects of mind waiting to be met, honored, and returned to the ground of love. Monsters, spiders, and serpents led Spiritfoot's way to the Great Stable. As soon as she crossed the threshold of the field, she knew her signet was true. Oceanus had shared no effort in tending to the firehorse. Stables were grand with comfort. This was no robbery, and Spiritfoot knew she must find the great ocean himself and ask consent. The nature of the Titans is nature. All around her the waves spoke the rhythm of consent and joy, as Oceanus knew that Spiritfoot's arrival spoke true, and that the times they are a changin sheeva, Oceanus knew, was coming home, and so the turning of the ages was at hand. Right this way, the waves pulsed through. Water into water, Spiritfoot's ancient pulses resonated in alignment with the most ancient holder of the five rivers. They move his being and he theirs. As the pulses shared their wisdom, Spiritfoot made her way through to Kamas's home, calling for the fire of love. Signet specific love called in return. From within, the fire horse love called out from its prison of terrible wrath. Now, for anyone else, this challenge may have been a deal breaker. How would love be freed and transported? To be continued It was not her, but all of her guests who called out from her spirit foot with both answer and invitation. Come to us. Come to us, love. Come to us, love. We will care for you on your journey back into creation. Come to us, love. We will care for you on your journey back into creation. Firehorse heard the call and surrendered its will. A crack opened in the Hall of Ash that imprisoned love. And like that, love was free. And a wild party began to rage in Spiritfoot's foot. The party raged. Music, dance, and love the guest of honor. Spiritfoot smiled. Her heart warmed as her foot rocked with life. It had been a long while since her foot felt so much joy. The balm of laughter to heal the ancient neglect, Spirit Foot had to take a moment to join her spirits and dance the dance of love as they all sung every spirit tone imaginable, and some that you can't. All was in alignment and there would be nothing left behind in this offering. The moment of now is the moment of change. Spirit foot danced and she danced herself into Shiva's love and found herself, her foot still wild with joy at the wedding. A wedding that must be a union beyond ownership and law. A wedding of the purest blood and she The ceremony already in progress, she made quite an entrance. Foot bouncing, singing, and laughter of love. It was contagious, spreading like wildfire. Fire from within, center to fringe. The bubbles of mirth flowed through the entire assembly. Gods and demons laughed as equals in love's bubbles. And then, there was no such thing as gods or demons. Just spirits, full of joy and creative love for us. The songs of Old Filled the Party and all who watched felt transformed as the triple city became one from both within and all around. The mother once three now stood Uma Whole and Complete in the Light of Love. Brahma, officiating the ceremony, turned to spirit foot, acknowledging the change in the ceremony. We thought the horror of the Kalakarti would never end, and yet, here you stand, my lady, gift in foot. Shhh, Shiva's throat is blue, and you bring to us the mother's final boon. Step right up. We have all endured for far too long. We were all so sure that we could not change any of it. And yet, here you are, spirit foot. With love in your toes, you bring all to completion. There were no words, no vows, only the union of all with all. Laws and debts of gods and demons no longer applied. All was held in the highest chi. The potency Shiva feels and gives freely to Uma at any and all whim and demand to hold up creation in its full expression. Every neglect met to the end and held with ease. This is the union that took place, the wedding of the whole to the whole, and in so doing there was no return from the turning of the ages. Pillars would no longer be needed. Titans, gods of old, coffers filled to hold creation with ease. As the union came to completion, and the joy of love reigned supreme. Love had transformed all. What was separate and splintered was now whole and complete. She settled, once again, now, the deepest nature of mind, ever present and accessible, and dedicated the merit of her journey. Many times before, and many times again, it must be done. SpiritFit began. By this merit, prophecy fulfilled. Golden age at hand. Nothing more. Stay still. It is as it is. Work. Journey. Complete. Offering made, nothing left to eat. Dance of life and death no more, creative fire restored. May it bring what it has, nothing more, nothing less. Love, once contained, now ever present in all of us. With the merit of love shared with all, uncontained and free, Spiritfoot wandered into her next adventure. And there it is. The beginning at the end. The offering made. Commons returned. The wedding fulfilled. Thank you all for joining me so much. And here, the lightest night of the year, day of the year, it is done. Offering made and complete. Let it be known that this lowly yogi made this offering from darkest to lightest with only death in his heart so that it might all be freed. Thank you all for finding the Lowly Yogi Tales once again. Hey, if you've been enjoying these stories, do please feel free to share them with others. And if you really do love this Lowly Yogi's work, do free feel to make a little Yogi cash. Send it my way, and I will continue having fun around here. At any rate, I do hope you all have a wonderful week. A week filled with joy. Take care. A week filled with ease, and a week filled with many adventures. All right, Monkey Max, play us out. Play us out. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy Earth mother and friends, You cross our hearth at last. Long have we greyed, While the king of demons had his way. But no longer, no longer, It's time to dance and sing. This is the time when the golden age begins As we welcome love and peace and ease may it never cease Welcome joy and bliss in all the eyes of serpents kiss Welcome mother, welcome child, welcome body tender and mild. Welcome protection, and welcome friends. It's been a long wait, but now the golden age begins. Welcome spring, summer, and fall. Winter is Persephone's and sweetest of all. Welcome immortality. Welcome all, it's time to dance and sing, as the golden age begins. Welcome all you yogis, and we call you in. Welcome all you protectors, and we call you in. Welcome all you yogis, as the golden age begins.