The LFG Show

From Internet Evolution to Family Devotion with Attila

March 09, 2024 David Stodolak
From Internet Evolution to Family Devotion with Attila
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
From Internet Evolution to Family Devotion with Attila
Mar 09, 2024
David Stodolak

Have you ever wondered what it's like to balance the high-stakes world of affiliate marketing with the joys and challenges of family life? Meet Attila, the affiliate marketing maven who not only dominates his field but also champions the significance of personal connections and family values. Our enlightening conversation takes you on a journey through Attila's experiences – from the thrill of recognition at events like Affiliate World to heartfelt stories about his wife and kids enriching his professional endeavors. As a fellow family man, I relate to his view that creating lasting memories trumps accumulating material wealth, and we both agree that the adventures we share with our loved ones are the true treasures in life.

The landscape of affiliate marketing is changing, and Attila is on the forefront, navigating the shift toward more ethical practices and transparency. He reminisces about the early days of the internet, drawing a contrast with today's environment where skepticism reigns and authenticity is key to winning over consumers. This episode isn't just a series of anecdotes; it's a masterclass in adapting to the evolving digital marketplace. Attila shares his strategies for maintaining a reputable presence online, especially when faced with knee-jerk scam accusations. Whether you're an affiliate marketing professional or a curious observer of the online business realm, Attila's insights offer valuable lessons in building trust and staying agile in a constantly shifting industry.

Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever wondered what it's like to balance the high-stakes world of affiliate marketing with the joys and challenges of family life? Meet Attila, the affiliate marketing maven who not only dominates his field but also champions the significance of personal connections and family values. Our enlightening conversation takes you on a journey through Attila's experiences – from the thrill of recognition at events like Affiliate World to heartfelt stories about his wife and kids enriching his professional endeavors. As a fellow family man, I relate to his view that creating lasting memories trumps accumulating material wealth, and we both agree that the adventures we share with our loved ones are the true treasures in life.

The landscape of affiliate marketing is changing, and Attila is on the forefront, navigating the shift toward more ethical practices and transparency. He reminisces about the early days of the internet, drawing a contrast with today's environment where skepticism reigns and authenticity is key to winning over consumers. This episode isn't just a series of anecdotes; it's a masterclass in adapting to the evolving digital marketplace. Attila shares his strategies for maintaining a reputable presence online, especially when faced with knee-jerk scam accusations. Whether you're an affiliate marketing professional or a curious observer of the online business realm, Attila's insights offer valuable lessons in building trust and staying agile in a constantly shifting industry.

Speaker 1:

No money, no honey, no money, no honey. He knows the deal, bro. And you got the beer on there with the champagne. That's fucking good, that's style.

Speaker 2:

Good to meet you, man.

Speaker 1:

Finally We've been talking for a long time, man I feel like I know you. That's the beautiful thing about these shows you meet people face to face, but you feel like you know them forever right, Like you had a connection, right. And that's how I feel about you, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, fuck, you're real man. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Attila, what are you coming here Like? What's your goal coming here? What are you looking to achieve here in that affiliate world?

Speaker 2:

Coming to affiliate world is all about meeting people that I talk to online, like you know, like putting a face to a name, like it's priceless, right, because usually we're behind a computer screen, a phone, but this is like personal, like we hang out in the site. You know it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, and I see you brought your wife here. Yeah, that's awesome. How does she? Because my wife comes to a lot of these shows with me. I love her where she's with me. She's like my sidekick. She's actually brought a lot of deals to the table, but how do you enjoy having your wife come to you to shows? No, I love it right.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm all about family. I've been with my wife since 2006. So we have two kids, a 14 and an eight year old. And, yeah, coming with her is awesome because a lot of girls here love her and you know they're looking forward to her to come and then we party together and it's just a big family party and fucking awesome.

Speaker 1:

And you have two kids, right, I have three. So we talk about that a lot. We don't just talk about doing business. We've got some lead gen together I brought leads from you but we talk about how it's important to value your family, right, I mean, we work hard, but at the end of the day, your family will make your whole incomplete right 100%.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm working and it's nice to have the material things like the nice guard, the nice house, all that shit. But for me, the number one reason why I do this is to make memories with my family. Because what I think about is when you're going to be old and you're going to be tired, then a car is not going to like oh yeah, I had this car, that car, like whatever. But if you had kick ass memories, you'll have something to talk about and remember and give you great feelings when you're old and retired and stuff like that. And that's why we can do it. We travel all around the world. Last year we went on 12 family vacations.

Speaker 1:

One per month man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much the kids have school right. So I cannot be like, fuck school. You know what they have to go to school and you know they have to learn. And every time there's a ski break, you know, spring break, fall break, autumn break there's so many breaks because they go to private school that it's like, fuck yeah, vacation, let's go. You know like right away, if there's a long weekend, let's go. So every time we have a chance, they're always traveling.

Speaker 1:

Listen, we're working hard, we're making money, but it's about memory. You can't take that money with you when you pass away. You can leave it to your kids, obviously, but if you instill the habit of memories, they're gonna do that with their kids and at the end of the day, that's what matters, right?

Speaker 2:

so I love that man.

Speaker 1:

What do you see, whether it's an e-com Legion, like what's some trends that you're seeing that you think affiliates gotta be aware of.

Speaker 2:

One of the biggest things that I'm seeing is that affiliate is becoming more and more clean. Like when it started, the internet was new, then you could fucking upload a scam offer and everybody would be clicking like a madman. Now, on Facebook, even if you upload like something that's legit, people like like scam, scam, scam, like in the comments, right, and then you have to defend yourself, be like it's not a fucking scam. This is a real offer, like.

Speaker 2:

But people are so scared and worried and cautious nowadays that in order to succeed, you really have to go clean and run compliant offers. That's why I think, legion, what you're doing is awesome, that you have you know like the call center and you're buying leads and you're building out, you know funnels and stuff like that which is actually a benefit to your buyer. Right, like, for example, in solar. Right, like the companies that are buying leads, they want to install like solar on someone's house, so, and they rely on guys like us who can generate those leads. So it's all about quality. It's going more towards quality and the scammy, shady stuff there's less and less all the time.

Speaker 1:

You gotta be, you gotta operate clean, because if you don't, you're gonna lose your clients, you lose your name, you lose your reputation, and that's not what we're here to do. I mean, you've been doing this for a long time, and how long have you been in the industry for?

Speaker 2:

Funny story. I first got into affiliate without knowing that I'm doing an affiliate in 1997. Okay, I was in high school and I was building sites and cyber thrill casino and all advantage. I don't know if you know, but the guys that have been doing it forever, I will know these things. And it wasn't until 2008 when I got into it full time because actually my wife Dora suggested that you should look at what your buddy Conrad is doing. Who's huge an adult? I was like okay, conrad, you know Meg Bunny. He built like the engine for most of the tube sites, meg Bunny media.

Speaker 2:

And I can't do that because you know I'm not a coder, I suck at programming. So what the hell can I do? And I started just writing a blog and people like who's writing your blog? That's like me. It's like can you write for me too? And that's how my copywriting company came to be and from there it evolved right like I was an SEO for like three years and then switched into paid after Google basically banned you know, like easy SEO optimization techniques and the rest of this history.

Speaker 1:

Here we are today where can people find you online?

Speaker 2:

I am affiliatecom. We have a very good live community for affiliate marketers to discuss. You know current methods of, you know scaling campaigns and stuff like that, and, of course, I have my blog that I've been updating regularly since 2013.

Speaker 1:

I am atillacom it's all about community at the end of the day, right? So you're building a great community. He's going to continue to get better. So if you're new in the industry, follow atilla. If you've been doing this for a while, follow him as well, because he's on top of shit. He travels around the world, he sees what's going on and fuck it. That's how you go.

Speaker 2:

Alright, atilla, let's fuck it, go baby.

Speaker 1:

Let's fucking go. Good to have you in the show man.

Speaker 2:

One more thing man no money, no honey.

Speaker 1:

No money, no honey. He knows the deal, bro. And the end, you got the beer on there with the champagne, that's fucking good, that's style.