The LFG Show

Unlocking Ad Spend Secrets with BlackJetSetter ft. Ron Hart

March 12, 2024 David Stodolak
Unlocking Ad Spend Secrets with BlackJetSetter ft. Ron Hart
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Unlocking Ad Spend Secrets with BlackJetSetter ft. Ron Hart
Mar 12, 2024
David Stodolak

Get ready to crack the code of online advertising success with the wizard of ad spend, Ron Art, also known as BlackJetSetter on Instagram. This episode is no textbook lecture; it's a gritty, real-world masterclass from someone who's played the game and won big. Ron doesn't just drop knowledge; he throws it down, revealing the truth behind those flashy ad revenue numbers and what it truly takes to scale up from cautious baby steps to confident, cash-flashing strides. Buckle up as he unveils the nitty-gritty of perseverance, competitive analysis, and the unabashed readiness to invest in your campaigns.

Strap in for an adrenaline-fueled recount of Ron's legendary Omnia nights, where he flipped the script on extravagant spending and turned it into a goldmine of business opportunities and raw ROI. This is where LinkedIn notifications explode, and the mantra "You've gotta spend money to make money" isn't just a cliché—it's the law of the land. Ron's dynamism and cut-through-the-noise attitude will light up your entrepreneurial spirits as he shares the pivotal LFG—Let's Fing Go—moment that kickstarted his journey. It's not just talk; it's an electrifying blend of growth, opportunity, and the kind of fun that writes itself into the annals of nightlife legend. Don't miss out on an episode that's as informative as it is unforgettable.

Show Notes Transcript

Get ready to crack the code of online advertising success with the wizard of ad spend, Ron Art, also known as BlackJetSetter on Instagram. This episode is no textbook lecture; it's a gritty, real-world masterclass from someone who's played the game and won big. Ron doesn't just drop knowledge; he throws it down, revealing the truth behind those flashy ad revenue numbers and what it truly takes to scale up from cautious baby steps to confident, cash-flashing strides. Buckle up as he unveils the nitty-gritty of perseverance, competitive analysis, and the unabashed readiness to invest in your campaigns.

Strap in for an adrenaline-fueled recount of Ron's legendary Omnia nights, where he flipped the script on extravagant spending and turned it into a goldmine of business opportunities and raw ROI. This is where LinkedIn notifications explode, and the mantra "You've gotta spend money to make money" isn't just a cliché—it's the law of the land. Ron's dynamism and cut-through-the-noise attitude will light up your entrepreneurial spirits as he shares the pivotal LFG—Let's Fing Go—moment that kickstarted his journey. It's not just talk; it's an electrifying blend of growth, opportunity, and the kind of fun that writes itself into the annals of nightlife legend. Don't miss out on an episode that's as informative as it is unforgettable.

Speaker 1:

Alright, guys, I'm here with my good friend, ron Art, because you have here also known as BlackJetSetter on Instagram. This f***ing guy puts up numbers. Everyone tries to get in this game to put up numbers, but it wasn't easy, right? You start, you f***ing crawl before you walk, then you run, then you crush it. So tell us, man, what's the f***ing key to putting up numbers? The key.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if it's just testing campaigns, never giving up, you know, and don't be cheap when it comes to ads. Basically, you know, because some people think that you can just put up like 50 bucks, 100 bucks a day, you know, and turn that to like $1,000 and whatnot. But it don't work like that, you know. Just keep testing. You know, check out competitors, you know, and see what they're doing and just put your own twist on it. You know.

Speaker 1:

Now, what's the most amount of money you spent on ads in a day, one single day?

Speaker 2:

For tourists a little bit over like 100 grand, like that, whatever. Yeah back in the country during the days and stuff like that or whatever. That's what I buy there, I'm sure, maybe Medicare, maybe a little bit more, but you know it's not the same how it used to be, but definitely not a tourist. You know, I spent a lot of money on tourists.

Speaker 1:

So you say start off small, right? Yeah, build upon that and just grow, and that's how you get to 100k in two or three days Exactly.

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, yeah, awesome. You start small, you know, then gradually increase your budget over time. You know, after you optimize your campaigns or so you can go from there, it didn't take those well for Facebook when it was said you take those on winning post-IDs from ad creators, it didn't create duplicate campaigns like that. So right now I have two creators right now for that, that's killing them. You know like I started off maybe like 100 campaigns I mean 100 ad creators no, I don't say 100. Like a lot of ads could maybe like 50 or so, like that, but it all came down to two to three creators right now that I got the post-ID. You know a company campaign that's killing this man. Maybe like two to three creators, stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

So now I know why we're in Omnia. I had two crazy nights with this guy. One night he went berserk, and then the next year he went even more berserk.

Speaker 2:

Can you?

Speaker 1:

tell the people, the viewers, how much you spent that night or both those nights.

Speaker 2:

The first night we did it, I don't know maybe like 70 grand, I think, to one like that. That's how it went.

Speaker 2:

That second year, well over that. It was probably like 200,000, a little bit over that, like that. Well, I got so much business from that, Like my LinkedIn was on fire. You know my LinkedIn. You know, like I met some dead buyers, Like I'm still, you know, I've still been the fitter from the you know, from that event till today, yeah, you know so well, yeah, and I want people to hear that because you might hear who the fuck spends 70 grand at a club who spends 200 grand.

Speaker 1:

But for people like Ron, it's an investment. You're doing that because you know you're going to get publicity out of that, it's going to go viral and you're going to get business out of it, so you would say that was a good investment. Right, you got a good ROI on that. Yeah, it's good.

Speaker 2:

And we had fucking fun. Yeah, that too. And crazy part like that same week, that same week, whatever I got, I got three prepaidments for a lot of foreign supports. That same week I legit broke, even like the first week. Yeah, yeah, so it was good.

Speaker 1:

So don't be afraid to spend money. You got to spend money to make money. To make money, don't make money. Yeah, another thing I was going to say Ron, this LFG show, what's a moment, what was like an LFG moment for you like in your life? Like I got to fucking go. I got to make some moves. I'm tired of wearing that. How the fuck I got to get fucking going.

Speaker 2:

All right. In the beginning, when I first started off in the affiliate marketing shit, I was just broke. You know I broke. You know I got two kids. It was like, you know, I had to make some additional money and here and now, but one side, you know, I really figured out. You know affiliate marketing as a whole you know, it took off from there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm pretty much so when we say how long ago was that that you were broke and when I first started, like 2012, 2013.

Speaker 2:

Like 10 years ago, yeah Around that. But paper call like 2018, something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's when you say the paper call movement that kind of like changed everything, your trajectory.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm doing leisure in the drop-suit back then it was okay Money I'm making, like you know, like five, seven K a month, things like that. Yeah, when I figured out, like you know, the whole paper call thing, yeah, it took off Nice. Yeah, I think my first big paper call campaign was EDU and stood alone back in the day I was crushing that like 100 K like a week, sometimes even like every two days, some shit was that. But yeah, it was a good day, it was a shit, that's nice.

Speaker 1:

Well, you heard it from the man, Ron Hart. How can everyone here find out about more about you? Where can they follow you? All right.

Speaker 2:

You found me on LinkedIn on Ron Hart and Mobile Pushers. Also on Instagram, black underscore Jetstatted Ron. I appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

You heard it from the man. Follow him. You want to know how to make money. He's got a great lifestyle travels around the world. He's working while he's traveling, making money and he's having fun. That's what it's all about yeah, yeah. Let's fucking go, let's go. Good shit man, Good shit man.