The LFG Show

Transcending Health Boundaries with Dr. D: The Vitality Equation for Success and Longevity

April 03, 2024 David Stodolak
Transcending Health Boundaries with Dr. D: The Vitality Equation for Success and Longevity
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Transcending Health Boundaries with Dr. D: The Vitality Equation for Success and Longevity
Apr 03, 2024
David Stodolak

Unlock the secrets to a life of vitality and peak performance as Dr. Marcos DeAndretti, affectionately known as Dr. D, joins us for a profound discussion that will change the way you think about health and success. Have you ever wondered how aligning your biology with your ambitions can not only optimize your well-being but also elevate your presence in the business and personal realms? Dr. D, with his incredible journey from burnout to pioneering regenerative medicine, delivers powerful insights on transcending traditional medical boundaries and the indispensable role of health in achieving greatness.

Witness the transformative power of dedication as I share a personal tale of how a commitment to health protocols and peptides led me to Dr. D and helped me navigate through one of my life's most stressful periods. This episode peels back the layers on the contagious nature of vitality, the incredible transformations possible through resilience and a focused health regimen, and how feeling good is intricately linked to enhanced confidence, decision-making, and relationship building. We also delve into the mindsets of high achievers and the stark contrast in habits that set them apart from the rest.

Concluding our journey, we address the allure of the 'magic pill' mindset with a critical eye, emphasizing that true longevity and quality of life stem from consistent, healthy habits, not quick fixes. As I share stories of authenticity and the challenges faced by professionals saddled with student debt, we underscore the paramount importance of creating value and positivity in our lives. Join us as Dr. D and I explore these compelling narratives, reminding us that investing in our health is the most powerful investment we can make for a fulfilled life.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the secrets to a life of vitality and peak performance as Dr. Marcos DeAndretti, affectionately known as Dr. D, joins us for a profound discussion that will change the way you think about health and success. Have you ever wondered how aligning your biology with your ambitions can not only optimize your well-being but also elevate your presence in the business and personal realms? Dr. D, with his incredible journey from burnout to pioneering regenerative medicine, delivers powerful insights on transcending traditional medical boundaries and the indispensable role of health in achieving greatness.

Witness the transformative power of dedication as I share a personal tale of how a commitment to health protocols and peptides led me to Dr. D and helped me navigate through one of my life's most stressful periods. This episode peels back the layers on the contagious nature of vitality, the incredible transformations possible through resilience and a focused health regimen, and how feeling good is intricately linked to enhanced confidence, decision-making, and relationship building. We also delve into the mindsets of high achievers and the stark contrast in habits that set them apart from the rest.

Concluding our journey, we address the allure of the 'magic pill' mindset with a critical eye, emphasizing that true longevity and quality of life stem from consistent, healthy habits, not quick fixes. As I share stories of authenticity and the challenges faced by professionals saddled with student debt, we underscore the paramount importance of creating value and positivity in our lives. Join us as Dr. D and I explore these compelling narratives, reminding us that investing in our health is the most powerful investment we can make for a fulfilled life.

Speaker 1:

LFG fam. We just shot a fucking banger. Right now. I can't wait till you hear this shit. It's like next level. No one's talking about this. Shout out to our sponsors, because without them, this shit wouldn't be possible. Shout out to Ringba. Shout out to Adam Young the paper call revolution. There's big, big money in paper call. Whether you're someone who's a novice looking to get into it, whether you're someone who's fucking do this, guys, get the fucking book on Amazon. We're going to drop a link here. Take your shit to the next level, let's fucking go. This is going to be my favorite episode of the LFG show right now. I'm fucking pumped. I don't even want to sit down, bro. I want to stand the fuck up. Man, I really do. I got so much like passion behind what we're going to talk. Dr Marcos DeAndretti, also known as Dr D and bro for the longest time, I still have you on my phone as Dr Dre man.

Speaker 2:

Oh, a lot of people do that?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, bro, it would ring Da, da, da, da, da, da da, right? No, I'm just kidding, but I would really. It would go through my head when you call me. I got to fix that.

Speaker 1:

But, bro, anti-aging performance company, I don't even think that that says enough about what you guys do. You guys are doing some amazing shit. You're dealing with high caliber people, next level shit. I mean, you're getting me on the next level man. I felt like I was already there. You got me like over there and I can't. It's only been a year, so I can't fucking imagine where we're going to go.

Speaker 1:

And I'm excited to have you on the show Cause you know we deal mainly with digital marketers, people. People are there on paper call putting up big numbers, but at the end of the day, health is so connected to your performance in business. It's connected to your performance in your relationship. So that's why I'm so excited to have you on your show, because you're dealing with celebrities, with major sports athletes. You check out his Instagram, you'll see he posted with somebody. He posted with Jake Paul the other day. Paul Logan right Obviously for them to come to you says there's a lot of fucking trust involved. So I'm beyond fucking pumped up. We only have maybe 45 minutes to an hour. I think we're gonna have to do two of these, man, because there's gonna be so much fucking information. So, dr D.

Speaker 2:

Hey, appreciate you my brother Super pumped to have you on the show man. Thank you, bro. Thank you, I'm blessed, graced, you know, for your words and, yeah, let's get a pop and get these people some health and wealth.

Speaker 1:

Let's fucking go, baby.

Speaker 2:

Health and wealth.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about this. So let's go first. Let's jump into this man I mentioned you. When did you start biohacks? Tell us about the whole origin of the whole situation.

Speaker 2:

Oh, bro, when I started biohacks, I mean when I rewind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's go back.

Speaker 2:

Eight years ago, no eight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was 30. Yeah, almost 40, bro Almost 40.

Speaker 2:

And I was a researcher at Cleveland Clinic here the one in Florida after med school. Blah, blah, blah, I wanted to be a trauma surgeon. You know, I was just kind of waiting in line to get into surgery and, and you know, just get the diagnosis of depression. And I'm not a depressed guy, man, I was. I'm a happy guy, and so forth, you know hustler from Newark, New Jersey, just like you.

Speaker 1:

I just found out about that. Like a couple months ago, I got you the shirt Newark's for hustlers right and our medical director from Newark as well.

Speaker 2:

And so anyways, uh, you know, just, I had a you know everybody has their go-through, bro and I had my go-through. I was, you know, everybody has their go through, bro, and I had my go through. I was, you know, pushing hard, a lot of different jobs, son of a, you know, immigrant parents. You know we did what we had to do to, you know, to live the American dream. And then at 30, I was just like gone. I didn't really have depression. Long story short, I I quit everything. I flew to South America my mom's from Brazil Uh, they do a lot of like more functional regenerative medicine kind of stuff there. I flew over there and I met with this doctor, like the celebrity doctor actually, and uh, he's like, bro, you don't have depression. And I'm like, well, so what do I have? And he's like, oh, you have a, you have burnout, what the heck's burnout? And he's like, I'm seeing in your blood. I'm like seeing in my blood burnout.

Speaker 2:

You know, if any traditional doctors listening out there, it's like no there's no such thing, you know, and many docs will dismiss me right now for just what I said and how I presented it.

Speaker 2:

Right and uh. But once he he he did my salivary cortisol levels, I saw some on on another side. He saw chemical toxicities and things that I had issues with, hormone imbalances and I was like, bro, is this fixable? He's like, yeah. So in six months he had me back online and I felt like Rocky three or Rocky four, whatever it is the comeback story. I felt great and I had fallen out of love of medicine. I was like I don't want to do all this crazy medication, all these surgeries and there's a lot of like dark that I had seen there, that I'm like I don't want to partake in this industry. And uh, I went. I got an MBA. I was like I'm going to be a businessman, but in the process I knew how to fix myself. I went to go fix myself and that I was patient number one of biohacks, which didn't even exist at the time. And then, uh, long story short, I had a seminars company.

Speaker 1:

I started a seminars company in uh, um, you know doing health seminars it seminars company in uh um you know doing health seminars it was simultaneous.

Speaker 2:

At the same time, yeah, as I was fixing myself and learning about this, I opened a uh, I started working with that. And then I would talk to guys like you and me entrepreneurs and some of them were trending. Their performance was dropping. Some of them were already like dropped. You know, I would get off stage and they'd pull me aside. It's like doc. And then boom, just like doc, I don't feel right or whatever. Uh, I'm losing my, my gas in life, or. Or, doc, I'm winning, how do I stay up here? And I'm like, hey, I can help you. So I started, you know, helping people with the biohacking thing, but it was just like on the side and at first it was free 200 bucks. That was like my initial thing, dude. And then fast forward just a little bit. I got my first celebrity like huge.

Speaker 1:

That was an idol of mine how did you get the celebrity though?

Speaker 2:

just word of mouth, or yeah, I've always been word of mouth I, I literally did a lady that worked for him and they saw her transform. I didn't even know she worked for the I can't say their name, um, but like a legendary rapper, like one of the greatest of all time, and all of a sudden she calls me. She's like I need you to see this person. I'm like who'd you say?

Speaker 1:

And she's like this person I'm like nah, she's like I work for him.

Speaker 2:

She's like I work for him. I'm like no, so I went there and it was super cool, bro, and then it just started a cycle like one after another and then people referring and you just do a great job, and people will talk and I mean, you transform somebody. And yeah, that's how the company grew. Man, I did not plan to, I didn't plan this out, I couldn't plan this out.

Speaker 1:

Damn, that's such a great fucking story Because it's like you started as a side hustle and also you saw that you were patient number one, bro, if you see my before and after.

Speaker 2:

I never showed you my before and after.

Speaker 1:

No, I want to see that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we could probably pop it up on the podcast. Like when I was feeling like trash. It's crazy dude.

Speaker 1:

I love that story right, and I'll talk about myself. I mean, I found you for referral one of my best friends, the best man at my wedding, nick buffano from new jersey. Love him. He was, yeah, he's been, he's been on doing peptides and he's always been. He was the kind of guy we go to restaurants in jersey. He was barring getting the glass water like the fucking mineral water. I'm like what the fuck's wrong with this guy? He's getting too bougie for me, right. Meanwhile I'm getting like the regular water, and he was onto some shit and now I'm the same way. I don't, I don't, fucking drink plastic water. I want microplastics in my body, right, that's a whole nother story. But anyway, he, I see him. He's in optimal shape. His business is killing it. Don't get me wrong. You know he's dealing with the regular shit from running a business, but the guy's on the right trajectory. So so, tony robbins, we're both a big believer in him. We both, you know part of him.

Speaker 1:

He says success leaves clues. So when I see nick crushing it, he's into health, I'm into health, let me do what he's doing. He's like yo, you got to talk to my man, dr d. He got us connected together. I've been going to you for a year. I refer probably, I don't know six, 10, I have no clue, who the fuck. But like I know, they're happy with you, man, and that's what it comes down to. You provide value. It fucking opens up doors. You provide value for that celebrity or their assistant, whoever it was boom that got you to one. Then it multiplied right.

Speaker 2:

Uh-huh, it's kind of like you build it. They will come in my head Cause I mean I went to medical school, right. So in my head there's no, there's no, bro, I would do this for free. You know what I'm?

Speaker 2:

saying I love I love what I do and I have done it for free, you know. But now I got a lot of staff to pay. I got other doctors, you know got. It doesn't even cross my mind not to try the best with somebody you know, like, okay, let's get this person tip top shape. The only thing that slows me down is if the person isn't committed to themselves. Right, if they don't want to do it, it's like then it's not a good fit you know Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

But but, bro, you, you just do an excellent job with somebody and get them to, like, change their life, feel different. The key word is feel, and their performance starts to increase and then they start to. I don't, I can't tell you how many times people tell me hey, doc, I'm making more money because of how I feel, how I look. You know, one thing is walking into the room chubby, you know, no offense out there, I don't hope to offend anybody, but you know, um. The other thing is walking into the room and you walk with a different presence and your own confidence, the electromagnetic frequency that you're releasing in that room when you an aura.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people are like oh my God, there's a difference there, dude.

Speaker 1:

There's a difference and that's why I came to you, right. The reason I came to you? Another reason is that I was about to sell my company, right. We were talking to all these private equity companies and they were interested in our company an eight-figure exit and I'm like I got to be ready for this shit. Man, I want to be in top shape. I want to make sure that I'm going to these meetings with a clear, clear head.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, during that whole period of time, our earnings went the other way. The valuation dropped 40% and our company I mean my partner I'm like, oh, fuck it, we're not going to sell anymore, we're just going to rebuild this whole thing. But in doing that though, I'm so glad I got on the regimen because it was stressful, man we were like man, are we? We're thinking about selling the company for you know, tens of millions of dollars? And now we're like, oh, are we even going to fucking be around? Man, Like what the hell? All these things came together economically that impact us.

Speaker 1:

But we made some really, really good decisions, Right, and I think a lot of decisions that we made a lot of it was because I had clarity. You know, all these things NED plus my, my cortisol levels dropped 70% and that happened during all this time and I'm glad it did Cause, like when you're going through stress, you're emotional, you're making bad decisions. So I feel like, even though we didn't get the end result, like we were able to get ourselves out of that mess Right, and I know when it happens we have the opportunity we're going to be a lot more valuable because now we're leaner man. So I I want to thank you for that because appreciate, bro, I mean and not only that I go to these shows I feel like I'm walking billboard for you guys. I'll be on stage speaking. I'm like bro, what the hell dave? Like you know, I've always been in good shape, but you guys got me at another level. Like I gotta get different t-shirt size now, man you know, let's go, let's go yeah, but bro you that aura?

Speaker 1:

I'm a high energy person. I think energy is the ultimate currency. People want to be around people with a lot of energy. Man, you know, if you have good energy, it's contagious man. So that goes back to what you were saying, man. What are your thoughts? You have other clients that have had that same experience. What's like the best fucking story, like you know from one of your clients.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I mean like like the top one that I boom there. Well, for a story. I remember. I remember. I mean this I have to be careful with details here but an addiction case, it's a. It's a. It's a very touchy story. You know, this guy comes to me with his wife and it was one of those cases of the wife dragging the guy, her husband, to the doctor.

Speaker 2:

He's like I don't want to go to the doctor man Like one of those tough guys big, big belly tired, you know, um, she's telling me that, you know, she's like really pushing to try to get through her marriage Really good lady, you know. And she's telling me, like bro, this guy eats dinner on his lazy boy chair and like he could put the plate on his stomach. She's like, and she's telling me that she's telling you know, telling herself, you know, till death, do us part, till death, do us part. She brings me the guy and I thought the other guy didn't even want to look at me. The guy's like yeah, okay, um, so then I uh, I saw his blood and I'm like, bro, you're feeling like this and like this, like this, like like this, like this, right Cause, like you, you can tell a lot of stuff just by looking at his blood.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I'm like, you know, sleeping no sex drive, energy's low, and the guy's like starts looking at me kind of a little, you know, a little funny and um, I, I like to really get into it with the person. I really like to take that person in the conversation, to step on that mountain of life. Take inventory right, like what you just talked about. Your resilience, that's the key word. You know you were going to sell, you didn't sell and you were resilient to it. And you know, and you reinvented yourself with your partner. You can't do that if your biological footprint is a mess. You cannot do that. Okay, you cannot do that If you're, if you're, relying on other chemicals. You know kind of.

Speaker 2:

Wolf of Wall Street style, you know, like no, you're going to burn yourself out. You're going to rev that engine too hard. You see what I'm saying. And this guy, you know, he takes a leap of faith and he starts the protocol that guy had to do a massive detox and so forth, et cetera. And he started a protocol. That guy had to do a massive detox and so forth, et cetera. And he started a protocol, handed it off to my team, the docs and so forth.

Speaker 2:

Never heard from him again. The team was following up lightly, whatever, bro, but he was on, he was just very not. He wasn't communicating much with the team, but he was. Later I found out he was doing everything religiously. About six months later at my old office, I look, I happen to look at towards the street and this guy just goes, wow, like hits the door open hard, like cracking the floor, like stepping hard in, like around into my office. But at the same time I start to look at him. I'm like whoa, like whoa. And then he comes close. It was all glass so I could see the whole and but his face was just like I didn't know if that guy was about to like kick my ass, start crying I mean his face was just like and he comes into my office, slams that door open too.

Speaker 2:

He's like listen man, and he starts crying. I gotta tell you something. But at the same time I'm looking at him. I'm like this guy's jacked no, he got really jacked to a point. I'm like he did some other stuff. I'm like he took like steroids and stuff. I'm like who the hell is this guy?

Speaker 1:

he's like you changed my life, dude and he starts crying.

Speaker 2:

He tells me he's like you're the first person I'm gonna tell this, because I'm gonna tell this to the rest of my, my family today, including my wife. He's like I was addicted to opioids and I stopped, and he's like it's been a month. He's like I don't know how to tell my family. He's like but I want to start with you. And he's like I feel so good. He's like I felt like crap before. I felt terrible about myself. He's like because now I feel that's the key word I feel good, I was able to throw that stuff out. That's super. And, dave, that's a very, very addicting drug. And he's like I was able to get rid of that. And he's like I'm producing more. And then he lifts his shirt up. He's like look at me, look at me. No, but I'm telling you like I got jacked. I'm like yeah, I see. I'm like I see you.

Speaker 2:

And he's like that story motivated me so much, you know, and it motivates me, those wins for me, when I see people winning. Yeah, sure, all of us like to get paid, but, dude, there's no better paycheck, especially for a guy. I went to medical school for this, not for the medicine they taught me how to practice. I went to medical school for this to win with my patients, with my clients. You see what I'm saying. So when I see these wins, bro it, it motivates me so much. It's and I was broke for years just for the love of medicine. I've failed some exams and it's like this is my true passion. I'll do this, and when I'm 90, a hundred, I'll probably go teach medicine. I probably know, I will you know, and to see people winning like this is that I mean. I have tons of stories like that, though that's one of the.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing, you know, and I've seen the results of this. I was talking to my wife. You know she's my wife's very much in health. Her and I have very similar eating pattern. We really connected based on our love for nutrition, health, wellness, all that sort of stuff. But I just signed her up health, wellness, all that sort of stuff, but I just signed her up. She got blood work with you guys last week. She's going there today to examine it, right, yeah, and I'm pumped up about it. It's just great when you feel good, you're just better around your family, and especially for entrepreneurs because, listen, I'm in digital marketing. You talk about Wolf of Wall Street.

Speaker 1:

I grew up in that environment. I have my Series 7 dance. I was just in Dubai. There's no sense of time over there Sleeping two hours a day. I'm going out hard. When I say I'm going out hard, I'm working. While I'm doing it, I'm networking, I'm talking to people. Hey, what can we do? How can we create win-wins? And I go on stage. I'm known for that in the industry. I can go out and I can still make my shit happen. I'll go on stage, rock the fucking crowd twice a year like normal kind of shit.

Speaker 1:

I've flown 115 flights since I got started with you. I haven't got sick. One time I was in Vegas at a show. Everyone got COVID, everyone got flu. I never get sick. The glutathione, right that? Glutathione, zinc, the vitamin C I feel like that's the thing that helps me. The conjunction, the other stuff I'm taking, the magnesium it's all interconnected, man. So the point of what I'm trying to say is that you know, when you're sick and you're bedridden, you, how are you going to fucking make money? How are you going to think of deals? Right? I think the people in my industry they're like artists, they're very any entrepreneur you're. The creativity is where the money comes from. Right of being I'm not sick, I can fly 115 flights. People are like Dave, how the fuck do you do it? I mean, this is giving me my edge and at the end of the day, entrepreneurs need an edge, right, and I think that's what you're doing You're collapsing timeframes for them.

Speaker 2:

You just said the word. I was waiting for you to finish that part, bro, and that's why a lot of athletes don't post when I'm a huge majority oh, you think they're never.

Speaker 1:

They want that. They don't want their. No, tell me all the time.

Speaker 2:

It kind of makes sense, yeah they tell me this all the time, just like, bro, I don't, I don't, I don't want people to know who's my age. Wow, all the time I get that all the time. I never thought about that. Yeah, you're right. Oh, I hear that all the time. Wow, you know? Um, I'm I'm not the type of guy to. Also, I prefer doing this for.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, I might not air this podcast anymore. I want my competition on my edge right here. It's like I don't get it hey but you spread the love, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course.

Speaker 1:

I'm fucking around you know.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is like you know, but I prefer being low key just because of the community I work with, you know, especially my personal clients like I. I know they value their privacy and so forth, and so do we. But I hear that all the time, all the time. And, and the thing is, it's not only having an edge, but also because there's there's services out there that are very similar to what we're doing. But where do we really stand out? And um, and this is some advice for the general audience out there, because you'll, you'll, you'll go to a lot of people, or even conferences you know these biohacking conferences like, oh, you know, there's anti-aging and hormone therapy. A lot of people say like, oh, you do, um, hormone therapy or you're a hormone clinic. Bro, if you want to annoy the crap out of me, I'm just like no, I'm not a hormone clinic. Go somewhere else, you know? Or you do anti-aging? No, that's not what I do.

Speaker 2:

We do medicine head to toe. We do lifestyle management and performance period and for that we need to analyze you. You just talked about the water, right? We need to analyze, yes, the water that you're drinking. Like there's a toxin now in water called astrazine, right, astrazine, and this is just to give an example there's one of the guys running for president. He's actually talking about it in his campaigns. He's using this as something in his campaigns. So, astrazine, check this out, dude. In laboratory, we'll make two male frogs attracted to each other and they'll have sex and changes their sex. It's in our water.

Speaker 1:

Bro, as you were talking, I was getting pissed. It bothers me how the fuck does the government allow this shit to happen?

Speaker 2:

man. It's like crazy. Oh, dude, today I was talking to it's pretty much America's most prominent attorney and he sent me this article, whatever that, something with Kellogg's and da-da-da. It's pretty much America's most prominent attorney and he sent me this article, whatever that. You know something with Kellogg's and dah, dah, dah. And it's like where they've promised to take out the red 40 and all that garbage from from the food and they don't. These are all cancerous molecules, man. We check you in the blood for that. So when you come and tell me our hormone no, I'm not a hormone clinic, we do epigenetics so that's really. We base all our science on epigenetics, which is to see your rate of aging. So if you're toxic with astrazine and red 40 and this and that and that, you know, yes, it's going to affect your hormonal levels. Yes, it's going to affect your testosterone. Yeah, it's going to affect. But my guys, my, you know the other MDs and DOs and naturopaths, all you know health coaches. It's like they're looking at the higher level.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, look at the root cause. We have so many environmental toxins and parasites and you're getting hit, man. I'm not trying to be Mr Doom and gloom. You're getting hit daily with your daily dose of toxins and some of them are castrating you. They are cutting your balls off a little bit every day.

Speaker 2:

And then you want to go and be Mr Entrepreneur, let's go. And you don't have what you were saying before the show the human currency. And it ain't dollars, it ain't Ferraris, it's called energy. That leads to a life of vitality. And you see so, if you're not aligned biologically with your freaking vision board, with what you want to do, you are by default losing. Oh, I'm on the top of the game right now. For how long? For how long? You need to take inventory into what's inside your blood. Man, I always say that, bro, and to my personal clients I'm like, hey, I'm already. I mean, I deal with some of the best of the best they're winning already. And I tell them all the time we got to keep you there as long as possible. That's the biggest thing. And I mean be a trendsetter, be a trendsetter, take it to the next level. Your performance is intimately connected with your biology.

Speaker 1:

All right, audience rewind. You got to listen to that. What he said again, that is fucking so powerful, right, and that's why I came to you. I'm always looking for an edge. I think any entrepreneur needs to have that edge and to me, you know, my father passed away a month ago, right 77 years old. That was too young man. This guy was tops no-transcript in your body. That's what happens, man, and like I'm trying to go, I'm trying to go as far as I'm trying to get to like 120 in great fucking shape, man. I mean, you think that is that even possible man, like working with you, like what do you think we can push our life to? What's what's?

Speaker 2:

that number you just hit, actually hit the nail on the head on. That's like my life's work, because longevity and performance are connected. Right, take a 1966 Ferrari. Right, that's all rusted out and so forth, right. Or, and you take now the same car that's in mint condition, which one's going to perform better, the one that's in mint condition, which one's going to perform better, the one that's in mint condition which one's going to live longer, the one that's in mint condition and it's been maintained. It's the same thing, it's a systems model. Right Now, um, rewind, about a year and a half ago, with the lab that we do our epigenetic testing, flew to me. They're like hey, we want to talk to you, want to talk to you in person. I was like, okay, he's like do you know who has the largest epigenetic database in the world? I said I don't know harvard he's like you do oh, wow, crap.

Speaker 1:

I'm like. I thought you were gonna say google.

Speaker 2:

How's that? Yeah, that's crazy because our blood exams are so not by, not not that we have like 20 000 people he's like your database is so complex.

Speaker 2:

He's like because, yeah, you do like you'll do testosterone, but you do gluten, you do cortisol. You do because, yeah, you do like you'll do testosterone, but you do gluten, you do cortisol, you do neurotransmitters, you do parasites. He's like your database is so insanely complex. And he's like and we're seeing, as you guys, because the lab is seeing, oh, this, this group, their, you know, their treatments are being successful or not being successful and slowing down the rate of aging. And he's like, bro, you guys are top notch. He's like you guys are top notch. He's like you guys are actually literally slowing down your client's rate of aging. And we see it.

Speaker 2:

You know, one thing is one, two, three. But the other thing is like, when you start to hit a couple thousand people and it's like, oh, ok, so we want to publish, actually, that's something and that's my, that's going to be my academic proof to the world, I want to say like, hey, if you do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, yes, it is possible for you to I'm going to do a little play on words, I love saying this to die as late, as young as possible. Okay, there is a huge, just just so you understand a little bit of my industry. There are some, like I think, crazy docs trying to find the magic pill one pill, two pills that you can take that's going to make you live longer. Why? Because then it becomes a patentable thing and they can sell it. Just like you know, tylenol is patented and statins are patented and whatever, whatever. And then you know I think statins belong to Pfizer and they make X amount of crazy.

Speaker 2:

No, you follow the laws of nature, bro. I'm a very like spiritual guy. You were built in a certain way. The same way the car is built in a certain way, an airplane is built in a certain way. I don't know if you believe in God or whatever, but I believe in God, your creator. He built you in a certain way. So respect the laws of the grand design. Dude, give your body the glutathione, the amino acids, the peptides, the stem cells, the whatever, whatever, and you'll see your body, you'll see your brain, your energy, and it starts to affect you in even higher quantum levels. I'm super into quantum medicine. Your aura, everything starts to change, your mood starts to change and then, all of a sudden, your life starts to align. Dude, I have the craziest stuff happening to me today, just because of how aligned my life is, and I'll tell you this in 60 seconds. Bro, I, I, I bought a, um, a boat. It's kind of big, it's 79 feet. I've seen it online.

Speaker 1:

It's gorgeous yeah.

Speaker 2:

Bro, this is so crazy. We were in March. I bought it in December, in February. I'm looking through some pictures and I got a little confused. I saw my wife and me, some pictures of us on that same boat, but the pictures are six years old and the oh and actually we're in the studio of the guy he requested me. We're in Roger's studio. Roger requested me a few years ago when I had no money broke. I was figuring this whole thing out for some yacht company here in Miami to take some pictures and we took the pictures and I was. I was like wow, I had never been on a boat or whatever. I put that crap on my screensaver and that's when I was starting to, you know, feel better and you know things were going. Bro, I bought the same boat.

Speaker 1:

that's amazing I bought the same boat. It's behind my house.

Speaker 2:

That's, that's fucking it's like and I told my wife I'm like holy smokes, I'm like it's the same. Did she realize that too, was she like yeah, bro we're like and that's what I'm saying like am I saying it's just because of how we feel? No, but it's part of it, part of the momentum. There's a snowball effect. Yeah, dude and you start to get wins and you, you, your friends win and everybody's winning, bro. We all win together, man yeah absolutely absolutely dude.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, man, it's just a beautiful journey with your biology, but most it's a nebulous world and a lot of people don't understand, and unfortunately my kind, the doctors themselves. They don't understand.

Speaker 1:

It's tradition. They're stuck in their own ways, right, and you have to think outside the box. You're looking at it from like a media bar. Look at shit from a different angle, and how do you approach things right? Right, by looking at that different angle you're going to get the answers and you're going to be doing shit that other people aren't doing, and that's going to make you unique, that's going to give you the edge. Absolutely, absolutely, bro. So I don't know if the answer to the question what age you think that is Like, is there a number you think we could push, 120, 150? I mean, I mean, it doesn't even fucking matter.

Speaker 2:

I guess it's just you know. So I will warn you. And there's a couple of guys that are getting pretty big that tell you they know when you're gonna die and yeah, I've heard about this. No, no, no, no sounds yeah, total bogus, bro. It's total bogus that nobody can do that. And I, I told you that I do work in epigenetics and research, but no, there's not a specific answer. Okay, like just you know a. True, if you go out into the audience out there, you go to somebody that starts playing around with your. You know, I know when you're gonna die and this, and that, no, they're don't run. Well, I love that answer, that's, that's true that's an honest answer bro, I can't give you some bs answer you know,

Speaker 2:

but can we push the boundaries? And now, yes, I mean like my own rate rate of aging. I'm aging right now, instead of aging, 100 of the 12 months that go by in a year, I'm aging at about 75%. It's called the rate of aging. It's a true test called the Dunedin PACE score. We use that test. It's one of the most modern epigenetic clocks there are. We're at the fifth generation. They all started around 2015. Right now, we're currently at the fifth generation of clocks, so it's like the fifth generation of technologies coming out, which is extremely precise. But we cannot yet to give you a quantifiable answer. We cannot yet like hey, dave Stodelag, oh, I'm on your track right now. 119 in two months. No, you can't do that, I love it.

Speaker 1:

That goes back. That's tied to my industry too, and I want to talk about this back. That's tied to my industry too. Like I went and I want to talk about this, a lot of my success and a lot of people I know, success, my industry and I think any industry comes down to being transparent, being truthful. That's exactly what you did and I think that ties into what I was going to say. Ask you you, obviously, when you're dealing with celebrities, you're dealing with athletes. These are people. Are just you next level people, right? And they really their their health, their appearance is super, super important, right? So I, how do you gain their trust, right? And I think, once you do gain their trust, it's like what do you do? Maybe is it the transparency Like you talk to me, is it just your whole process? Maybe it's just a word of mouth? I mean, because to me, that's where the money is. If you create value for someone, that's, you know, high profile, whatever that's that one win will turn into like hundreds of wins, right?

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's, there's, there's celebrities that have brought me millions in business.

Speaker 1:

Sure Like just because of, and that's as of today, that doesn't wait you 10 years from now. That's yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've been super grateful for them, just like I have no words, bro, like you know. I mean I've made paintings for some of them, I've frigging done like artwork. Just to add a gratitude. I'm like it's just like the amount of revenue these guys have brought in, just because but yeah, in the beginning it's always weird, they're very weird to work with, um, and it's not only them, it's their team. Sometimes I'll, but, and there's, there's been celebrities. I've walked away because I'm budding, classically the train, you know, the arrogant trainer comes in and you know what's this, what's that you know, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Or another doctor steps in and I'm like listen, I'm not up for this, you know. So that's happened maybe like five times where.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, just don't. How do you handle it? Do you like? Warn them, like, hey, this isn't, this is how it works, and if you, I'll show you all the studies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I tell, I tell them look, I'll show you all the studies of what we're doing. It's nothing I'm making up. You know you lead in medicine. You lead with studies. Okay, you lead with the research. You lead with the research. And here's the research.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like, you know your classic one, for example, your body's producing testosterone. Right, you got a little boy. You're producing testosterone all your life. Does the hormone inside of you cause cancer? No, it doesn't. It's protective, all right, does the vitamin D inside you cause? No, it's protective. What's in there is protective.

Speaker 2:

But because we're running out of that stuff sooner than we're supposed to, because of how toxic our environment is, you need to replace it. But now, if you replace it with a testosterone that's not like yours, then, yes, your body will attack it and it could cause a high level of an inflammatory response, leading into a cascade that will culminate in autoimmune disease or neoplasia, which is cancer. Now you tried it sometimes to prove this to other docs that we're trained that a hormone is a hormone. We're not trained in the difference of bioidentical, non-bioidentical, blah. So now sometimes they'll come in with a big team that has different. You know a little bit more closed mind, mindfulness on this and and yeah it does it does prove difficult, but yeah, the problem is gaining their trust and but when they do and they feel comfortable, man, man it's like, and you help them win more, bro, you help them bring in those W's. They don't let you go, dude.

Speaker 1:

And then they tell the people they love, like I'm bringing my wife now right, I brought like people that I work with, that I like as well, that I'm doing well with, like I want them to be healthy because then we're going to keep together making money. It's not just about the money but the memories, right, I mean, I know you just came from europe with your, with your wife, probably had an amazing time there right, yeah, and that's what to me it's like, because you know when we're gone, the money's not going to be, you're not going to take it with you, right?

Speaker 1:

you can leave it to your kids or whatever, but you can create those memories and you, you go, you go. Look back at that picture six years ago, like wow, connected at the end of the day, and that's what I like about it, because we have this short amount of time on earth, right, like you know what happens after. What happens after we don't know. But the point is that, bro, let's fucking maximize his life.

Speaker 2:

Man, take care of your health, take care of this shit yeah, and then the money thing too, um, um, you know, recently I've been getting asked more about like entrepreneur stuff and how to grow a business, and especially my space, right, other doctors, yeah, money's great, money's a, but it's about what you said.

Speaker 2:

It's about living a life of abundance. Yes, and money's just a tool for that. Right, I was able to retire my parents and the thing that sure, it's not the yacht, it's not the cars, it's not the house, bro, when sometimes I'm looking at the sidewalk of my son holding hands with my dad and my mom and them taking care of him, I'm like, dude, that's what it's about, but you need money for that. You know that's what it's about, dude. And then when you provide abundant value and over-deliver to the people that trust you to exchange this thing called money for a benefit, and you over deliver, dude, dude, that to me, that, that makes me stupid happy bro, that makes me crazy happy. You know that to me, that's that's I don't know. To me that's success.

Speaker 1:

No, for sure, I see it. I see it all day long. So we're talking about money here. Obviously and I think money is what we're talking about it's a derivative of the value you create. The more value you create, the quicker you're going to make money, the more longevity you're going to have with that. So obviously you're dealing with high level people, right, let's talk about the mindset of the people. I think that's one thing that I know. It's medicine and you're doing things that are changing our lives. But let's talk about that kind of thing. What's the psychology, what's the commonality and common traits you see with some of these high-level people?

Speaker 2:

that you work with. Off the rip, it'll roll off my tongue Ready, it's one word, ready, it's insane. I want to write a book kind of like Napoleon Hill, like interviewing all those guys. Unfortunately there's I don't know. I really like like I can't and I won't mention ever names. But there's one quality these guys all have, bro it's crazy and it's not smart, it's not, and I'm dramatizing here a little bit, I'm holding back on what it is.

Speaker 1:

I know I can't wait to hear man it's not smart, it's not.

Speaker 2:

They're all hungry as hell. That's what they're super hungry as hell. That's what they're super hungry, bro. You throw something at them, it's like throwing you know, freaking meat at a dog. That, like it's like a pit bull, bro. They destroy, like if it's an idea. They like they're like I'm down, let's go. Like they're hungry.

Speaker 2:

These guys are not complacent. I do get phone calls, by the way, have phone calls, by the way. When they're they're the whole team, like their managers. Uh, you know, obviously I talk to a lot of managers. When these guys are losing their the pep in their step, I do get I am the guy that gets a lot of those phone calls caught, be it a fighter, rapper, musician, actor, whatever it may be. So you know I'll get the. You know this guy's not doing so well, because that's also their identifier.

Speaker 2:

When they lose that appetite, the whole team's like yo, something's wrong. You know, I just actually got a referral from another celebrity for a celebrity. The guy is just like can't give too many details, but you know I'm like whoa, was it a tough one? You know, the guy's just off a cliff and that's what makes them man. Sometimes it's like no, they're not. Maybe I don't know about the IQ or whatever, bro, but they're hungry. Dude, it's insane. You, you feel it and you, I'll just, I'll, actually I'll tell you this.

Speaker 2:

Number two would be their confidence. I said this to my staff the other day. I'm like you know, my staff's there, they know who these people are. I'm like, remember when so-and-so walked in the office, what do they do? They walk, bro, they walk. You know me and you will walk into an office somewhere and we'll stop at the front desk, right, we'll stop and you know, look for somebody to. Hey, I'm Dave, you know, hey, I'm Dr D. Whatever, where do I go? These guys? They walk in, unequivocally. They all do the same thing, dude, the first time they walk into my office, they go straight down the hall as if they're going to go, like they know where they're going. And I'm always, you know, I end up greeting them in the hall. I'm like, at the end of the hall, my office at the end of the hall. I'm like where the hell were you going? You know, it's like you've never been here. It's like this level of confidence, like I own you. They walk in.

Speaker 1:

It's. You know. They don't stop at the front, bro, they just keep going that's something they all do it's weird to me. Yeah, I think it's just. They just have a sense of where they're going. They're like I'm, I let's fucking go.

Speaker 2:

Is that the lfg shit? Let's fucking go right. Confidence, bro they have confidence through the roof, bro. And and hormones and confidence, all that, that's all connected yeah, super.

Speaker 1:

And I want to say something too, because when people hear this that are that don't understand this protocol, they might be wondering, like, how does this work? I mean, first of all, it starts with blood work. I went to you. You guys looked at my blood work. You identify where were the issues? My cortisol levels are through the roof. You know, I'm kind of like I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but, bro, I was pre-diabetic when I started with you. I was shocked about that shit. How the fuck is that?

Speaker 2:

possible most people.

Speaker 1:

You know, it was like I think that's five, point, there's a certain level which I was right on the borderline. But I think it had to do with this, this whining and dining thing. I'm always out. I will go to like no boo with people. We'd order everything on the fucking menu. So I will leave stuffed, right. So I think that would spike my blood sugar, all that shit, right. So what I noticed? Uh, my, my, I went down and I'm fucking pre-diabetic. What the fuck are you? Get your test dollars and get all this shit checked, because you never know.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, with that being said, I made lifestyle changes as a result of this. Obviously, listen, this is not cheap man. It's an investment you make on yourself. But to me it's about ROI. If I'm spending X amount, how much I fucking love pizza? I would have fucking five, six slices. Now I'm more cognizant. I'll have two. I'll stop at two, right, if I have it once every couple weeks or whatever the fuck it is.

Speaker 1:

So I think those lifestyle changes and that's that. It comes down to habits, because success is all about habits. So if you're gorging yourself at no boo, you gorge yourself later and then, before you know it, those sugar levels go up. It's all correlated at the end of the day, and over years that's how you have a fucking belly and this starts to happen. That's how you develop this thing and that thing. Cancer can form right. So I think that's the biggest thing I got out of this. It's not like a magic pill, like you said, like people were talking about. It's the lifestyle changes that result because of that and that to me, of getting out of this. So I want to thank you for that.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm so grateful for your words and again, I just happened to put the system together. You sit in front of me without blood work and numbers and data. I don't know anything. I'm like I don't know what to tell you. People ask me that all the time. Sometimes, oh, what do I got to do? I'm like I don't know. I don't know data. I need to see data and and that's the thing, we're data driven right Um, once you change that data like you were saying that those numbers on the pre-diabetes and so on and so forth um, the person starts to change their, their anxiety starts to drop. Uh, happiness starts to elevate, which that's a word that entrepreneurs, I feel like, don't use too much. You need to be happy, You're right, it's funny. Yeah, Happiness is not a freaking word. Entrepreneurs, how many entrepreneurs do you know that are moping around all day?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, Right oh damn man, Are these really kind of?

Speaker 1:

men and they're crying. They're making all this fucking money, right these?

Speaker 2:

guys are like crushing it. I'm like, cause I'm talking to these guys, I'm like I need to understand how your life's going. I'm like, bro, all right, there's, there's a. I remember this, you know. I told people I'm like that's fucking great. By the way, yeah, I'm like you're, you're, you're, you're so poor all you have is money. Yeah, wow, that's a fucking banger.

Speaker 2:

Rewind that shit, man. You're so poor. All you have is money, bro. Some people it's just not in them. They can't find the happiness bro, and then the treatment helps them with that. Yeah, you know, and and that's huge I'm like what's the point of you hustling like this? You know, happy and hustle should be together, bro. Enjoy life, smile, you know, do something good for somebody. You know contribute, tell your wife you know something nice. Do something, bro. Be happy, spread the happiness bro. What are you, what are you doing all this for? You know, it's like happiness is very important, man. That's. That's something that I I, with our protocols we look to. We look to increase in people's happiness. It's like how happy are you? You sit down with somebody and ask them are you happy? Yeah, I'm happy. No, no, no wait, I asked you a question. Are you happy? You ask that enough to certain people. You ask that enough times. Trust me, I've done this. People will just start breaking down and crying.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not I'm like all right, let's talk about it. And then lots of times I'm seeing it in the blood. I think goes back to your story with the guy who was moping. He probably was successful on paper, right financially, but his wife drags him in there. Oh, I'm open. And then he was. So you made him happy, right you? You, well, you helped him he. He actually followed the direction, right, he, his wife just comes from within. Yeah, it comes from within, but you open that door and he walked through that door, which I think is amazing. Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

But it's, it's that key word how you feel. This all boils down to how you feel Like anybody comes close to you. Bro, you have a ball of energy, like freaking happy, Like a guy that you come close to you, like your aura, your vibe it's like has a lot of energy.

Speaker 1:

But you can tell that Brick City in the house.

Speaker 2:

But you know, and you can feel that from you, and that's something that it attracts people to do business. It attracts people to be around and to network and so forth. And quality number three of a lot of these high rollers too their energy levels are through the roof. Man, they can do more stuff. They come, they can do more stuff. More successful people can do more stuff. It's like wait, how many years you've been on this earth? 37, and you've done all this. Why are you so accomplished? Higher energy levels you can either live longer or have more energy. You know do. How do these people do so much? They have so much energy?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I think it's the ultimate currency. I really think that I should try to trademark that shit man. Energy is the ultimate currency man. I really think that I should try to trademark that shit man. Energy is the ultimate currency man. I see it in Tony Robbins, right? I saw him in 2006, 2007. I forgot how old. I think he's like 65. To me, he belongs in a fucking hall of fame. I mean, that's like. It's like he's like an athlete. He's been doing this for like six decades, five decades, whatever it is on stage All like rah, rah, rah. It's just crazy. But he's also doing these kind of things. He's looking at his levels. Oh, he's super into that. You have to be. That's the only way you can do what he does. I mean LeBron James whether you like him or not, man, he spends a lot of money, he invests in his body. He gets it, man. That's why he has so much longevity. That's numbers. He's the highest scorer of all time. He's still fucking going. He might win another championship.

Speaker 2:

So it's fucking crazy man yeah, I mean, but these guys all have an edge and if you're out there and you're not doing anything, just like taking inventory of your pantry, I mean, and god forbid, you have kids and you're letting them eat a bunch of garbage and all that stuff. If you're not taking inventory on your biology, you are losing. If you're not taking inventory on your biology, you are losing. If you're not supplementing today, you are losing period. You know it's part of our day-to-day and the cement jungle we live in, you know, because people ask me Doc, do I need to do this all my life? Is this something? Is this a new lifestyle? I'm like, yeah, as long as you're living in these cement jungles, go move into the middle of the amazon and breathe fresh air and drink fresh water, and you know, no, you won't need it there, but here, yeah, 100 absolutely you gotta adapt.

Speaker 1:

I mean, unfortunately we're in this, we're in america right. There's a lot of development going on. There's stuff in the air.

Speaker 2:

You gotta be proactive, preventative is what it comes down to absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So we were talking about magic pills, right, and people want to be happy and I I don't want to get you in trouble here with what I'm about to say, but, like you know that right now there's a craze going on with a certain pill, right, with those zempic and these kind of drugs, like, what are what? What are your opinions? Because I think and I could be wrong I feel like if you take, really take care of yourself and you do the stuff we're doing, you don't need that shit. You know, and there is no such thing as a magic pill, cause even with that, there's all these side effects. I'm, I'm in lead generation. There is a tort going on where they're getting ready to, like you know, hit these guys man for, like, all these side effects. I heard there's people getting crazy diarrhea. They can't stop, I mean. So so what do you? So?

Speaker 2:

these hardcore medications, it, um, and then I won't get in trouble, don't worry, but it uh, there comes a point. This is how I okay, I'll frame it this way if you've been eating cheeseburgers and all your life and you came to us with no problems, no severe problems, yeah, sure, we could probably, you know, uh. But if you've come to us acutely because of what you've done chronically to your life, then yeah, I'm like listen, man, you were unhealthy your whole life. Now you have a big, big problem like a cancer or an autoimmune or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Autoimmunes are sometimes still salvageable, but you came with a big problem, super strong heart disease, like you're about to have a big one, you're about to make somebody a widow, and then it's like, yeah, then there's, there's drugs. That I'm like my job is to save your life as naturally as I can. That's it. That's what I told myself. I got to save your life and naturally, when it comes into a different scenario that's not a conversation between me and you my job is to keep you performing as freaking, as best as I can. But when somebody comes in life-threatening, you know, and we have a great thing, we have cardiology, neurology, we have a great team for that. It's like, yeah, maybe we're going to use a PCSK9 inhibitor, whatever that's a drug for the heart, or maybe we got to use a GLP-1 analog you know which, it would be the Ozempic and so forth but yeah, the usage of it right now is totally abused and it's excessive, you know.

Speaker 1:

So there's a place for it, where you think it's just being looked upon as a magic pill and being abused? Right now is what you would say.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I mean it's just and it's not done right. I mean you see, these chicks dudes take Ozempic and they're skinny fat and they're all flabby all over the place because it's destroying muscle and so on and so forth. You know there's a place, in time for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think what it comes down to. There's really no shortcuts at the end of the day. Even like what I'm doing with you and what these athletes are doing, it's a piece in their arsenal, right? Among other things, you got to train, you got to eat well. So After you're at it, you got to train, you got to eat well. So it's not like I'm going to go to you and you're going to put me on a regimen and I'm going to keep eating like shit, like you got it. It's all connected at the end of the day, right? So that's what it comes down to, and I think a lot of people want that magic pill. They don't want to work hard for it, so they take it, and then they got longevity. It's consistency at the end of the day. Absolutely, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Absolutely. That's how you do it and it's where you set a mindset of higher standards all over. I tell people all the time listen, you're doing something weird, right, Because we have them injecting themselves daily, taking capsules, doing this, nasal sprays for that, whatever. Now you're doing all this weird stuff, IVs, you know, sometimes our clients are really into it. They get red light beds at home, hyperbaric chambers. I'm like, all right, now you're really hacking. So these standards have to be pervasive all over. So I'm like, okay, now you got to work out, you got to eat right and so forth. You know it has to be all over.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Listen, we can go on. I think we have to do another one of these. There mean we work hard. We all like everyone I know in my circle we bust our asses right, and we live good lives. But to me it's like you could have all the money in the world, but if you're not taking care of your health, that shit goes out the window right. And especially with my dad passing, it's put a whole new perspective on things for me.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to be really a lot more present when I'm home with my kids, when I'm there, I'm there, right. I feel like the last month I've been a lot more present with them because they're going to. That's the shit they're going to remember. They're not going to remember, you know, whatever fuck you spent money on. They'll remember the vacations or whatever. But I think that's the key. And you, man, I feel like I them to get a. You know, I died all of a sudden from a fucking heart attack or some shit. That happens all the time, man, and I want them to know hey, we went out together, we did this, we did that and like, hey, I'm setting the standard for them, I'm setting the bar for them, right? So I appreciate that man and I don't know man, biohackscom.

Speaker 2:

Um, and our Instagram is also biohacks with an S, b, I, o, h, a, x and then an S.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm glad you spelled it out so people don't get confused and uh, so Instagram, linkedin, anything else. Yeah, we're on LinkedIn too, same thing, Bioh, you have a great Instagram, by the way. Your whole presence there, Because you're talking about what we're talking about here. You have some nuggets on there and it's also your lifestyle too. It's very aspirational and you worked hard for this shit. I know recently. I know we're supposed to wrap up, but you paid off your student loans recently, right, Still going still going.

Speaker 2:

man Me and my wife is $1.5 million.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I didn't know that. 1.5 million, wow, yeah, with interest now, yeah, I thought it'd be like a few hundred thousand, which is still a lot, cause, as a you know medical school, she's a dentist.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no she's got bio dent, right. Yeah, she's a holistic dentist. Yeah, yeah, no-transcript. One of you paid off 75 grand, I think one of your aunts co-signed for one, like years ago. Shit, you showed her. That's part of your story, man, and you're not afraid to show your story. You talk about the good shit. The bad shit, you're not afraid, man, and I think that's the new. We're in an age where people appreciate. They appreciate that authenticity, man. So follow him on Instagram, because I'm telling you you will get nuggets, whether you're a client of his or not. It'll help create value, and that's what we're here to do fucking create value, right.

Speaker 2:

And I appreciate you, man. You've really been so kind to me, man and I, and now and always. You know before it's always good to run into you, bro. Your energy rubs off in a beautiful way, bro, so I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Newark, new Jersey. Shit, let's go. Shit, listen to it twice, listen to it three times. Get your health in order, get fucking checked out. Let's fucking go baby.

Transformation Through Health and Clarity
Health and Wellness Transformation Success
Maximizing Biological Potential for Longevity
Value, Money, and Success in Medicine
Success, Habits, and Happiness
The Truth About Magic Pills
Authenticity and Creating Value