The LFG Show

Transforming Aged Leads into Revenue: The Art of Data Monetization w/ Ed Pain

April 29, 2024 David Stodolak
Transforming Aged Leads into Revenue: The Art of Data Monetization w/ Ed Pain
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Transforming Aged Leads into Revenue: The Art of Data Monetization w/ Ed Pain
Apr 29, 2024
David Stodolak

Get ready to uncover the hidden gems in your data stash with the latest episode of "The LFG Show"! Join us for an exciting ride as we reveal how aged data can transform your marketing game and boost your bottom line.

In this epic episode, we've teamed up with a pro to spill the beans on turning old leads into pure gold for your business, especially if you're rocking a call center. Say goodbye to the stigma around old data—we're here to prove it's anything but outdated!

We're not just talking the talk; we're dishing out practical tips on how to make every lead count, while keeping it all legit and compliant. Plus, our guest brings serious know-how to the table, so get ready to turbocharge your campaigns and rake in the profits.

If you've been sleeping on a pile of aged data, wake up! There's no time like the present to cash in on those forgotten leads. We've got the insider secrets to help you do it right, no fancy jargon, just straight-up action.

So, buckle up and tune in as we show you how to unleash the power of your data and take your marketing to the next level. It's gonna be epic—don't miss out!

Show Notes Transcript

Get ready to uncover the hidden gems in your data stash with the latest episode of "The LFG Show"! Join us for an exciting ride as we reveal how aged data can transform your marketing game and boost your bottom line.

In this epic episode, we've teamed up with a pro to spill the beans on turning old leads into pure gold for your business, especially if you're rocking a call center. Say goodbye to the stigma around old data—we're here to prove it's anything but outdated!

We're not just talking the talk; we're dishing out practical tips on how to make every lead count, while keeping it all legit and compliant. Plus, our guest brings serious know-how to the table, so get ready to turbocharge your campaigns and rake in the profits.

If you've been sleeping on a pile of aged data, wake up! There's no time like the present to cash in on those forgotten leads. We've got the insider secrets to help you do it right, no fancy jargon, just straight-up action.

So, buckle up and tune in as we show you how to unleash the power of your data and take your marketing to the next level. It's gonna be epic—don't miss out!

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about major major thing. We talk about hitting potential. Age data been great for you, been great for me On the connecting the dots side. There's only a few months left of this and I want to.

Speaker 1:

This is something that's very important to me because I feel like there's a lot of potential. There's a lot of affiliates, there's a lot of networks, there's brokers. They're generating leads every day. There's people generating, I don't know, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 opt-in compliant leads on a daily basis. Right, they're checking all the check marks right now with the way the law is, but they're not doing anything with the data. Maybe they're using it for SMS, maybe they're using it for email, that kind of stuff, but at the end of the day, the payouts on that stuff are so little. Stuff are so little. You're getting pennies per record Nominal, yeah, or nominal Whereas with connecting the dots and I'll let you speak up with this is that when you use it for call centers, you can get way higher payouts for that.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about age leads. I feel like age leads kind of have a almost like when we were young used car sales people like this there's a dirty, there's a negative connotation to it. People are like oh, I'm scared to call age leads. And same thing with co-reads. Again, there's people that do this shit the wrong way, right, but we've been doing this for so long. I can proudly say we're a group that does it the right way. We have a compliance department. I'm kind of jumping the gun here, but the point is that there's only a few months left to monetize age data in call centers. So if you're sitting on age data, now's the fucking time to do it. So what are your thoughts on all that? I know I said a handful, but I'm fucking. I'm passionate about this man.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's a loaded roundabout comments and question. Yeah, I think the first thing is what I love about connect the dots is that we don't we're boutique, right. A lot of times people are partners, like I. I was, uh, we're going to meet a few of them up at leads con and I asked him how many TCPA issues have I ever got you in? Zero, right, and the reason is because we just don't sell to everybody, right. We don't sell, uh, we don't sell to brokers.

Speaker 2:

If we do a, trusted brokers, um, that are partners, that we know the end buyer um, that, uh, that we most of our relationships are direct to advertiser, that we sell it only so many times. That the integrity of the data and the KPIs and the performance matrix are key, that if numbers start dipping, we dig into the why, just like real-time leads, right, and our publishers they tell us how we can use it or not. We have some publishers that we have data that says we email, so we don't want you emailing it out, so we don't, right. We have someone email, so we don't want you emailing it out, so we don't, right. We have someone that's saying we don't want to SMS or we just only want to use direct mail, right, and there's a lot of different ways to monetize data.

Speaker 2:

Data is a very broad term but, yeah, there's a lot more money in it and you got to think of it like. You already spent the money. Let's just say it costs you $10 for a Medicare lead right Now. The idea of it is, and let's say it took a cost you and most publishers. It's not sexy. No one wants to talk about it, but you're really working on about 10% EBITDA, right, and some days you lose, some days you win. You make a million dollars in sales. You really only made a hundred thousand bucks and you might not get paid by your advertiser and you make a stiff, yeah at a hundred thousand bucks and you might not get paid by your advertiser and you may get stiffed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so what happens is what if I can get an extra 50 cents dollar, or $2 or $3 per lead in perpetuity, right, what does that do to my marketing campaign? What does that do for the stress of the profits of my company? A percentage or two at those kinds of numbers are huge as moving the needle. So for us, what I love about age data, the hard part's already been done. Now it's just the revenue left for your company. And we do a couple of different strategics. We do one or two ways. We buy it all and just say we'll come at a flat fee whether I sell it or not, and most data we don't ever sell, right, Because people have suppressions, they have whatever we sell, maybe like 30%, I know for sure we don't sell and it doesn't matter, we still buy it from you. Or we do a rev split. It's coded in our system in perpetuity Every time that record got monetized, whether it's through email, whether it's through dialing, whether it's our own call center email, whether it's through dialing, whether it's our own call center, whether it's through SMS, regardless of the cadence, we're going to pay you out in perpetuity, and so people get.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we have some people that I'm just like why are we still doing this? I saw a check go out the other day, our invoice come in for like $16 and 32 cents. We haven't dealt with the publisher in like three, four years and they didn't even give us a lot of data. And I'm like why are we still paying them? Well, because it's the right thing to do. That's the agreement. We're going to pay you out in perpetuity. Right Now we do it only if you're a big pub, because I don't want to be dishing out these $16 checks, but it's a huge revenue lift. Secondly, when you talked on the ticker, right, and I think we have probably until about November to monetize data the way we know it today. And so if times are hard, margins are slimmer, economics are getting harder, more and more people are in the industry. Everyone's going after the same verticals in the same space.

Speaker 2:

What would the extra 10, 20, $30,000 a week do for your business? Absolutely Right. It's a hire, it's a pivot, it's an R&D initiative, it's to pay a salary during the downtime, Like Medicare, all the business happens in like a three to four month tenure, right. The rest of the year it's limping along for most people, right. What would that? What kind of what would that do for your team? Right, and I think what I love about our partners like all of our big partners are making hundreds of thousands, if not millions, a year with us. Right, and that's an exciting thing to have, Right.

Speaker 2:

So when you, when you talk about publishers that are saying I don't want to monetize my data, I think it's because a lot of people just do whatever with it, where they sell it to a hundred different people.

Speaker 2:

People or they get in compliance issues or they don't treat it right. But once again, we treat it like our own data. If we have a solar record, we don't sell it. We wait at least 30 days to make sure our first position player gets a chance to monetize it. First thing I tell publishers is don't sell it to me for 30 days. I want it in a week, but don't undo your first place buyer. And who says that? I'm more worried about their success than they are sometimes right. I'm like, yes, but you have to make sure you're with the company that has the right cadences and the right reputation, and I believe that's why we've been successful once again is we create win-wins for everyone, from advertiser to pub and even our team right and each other. So I think I think people are missing out on a huge opportunity right now, for because they're never going to have this gold rush again right, it's limited.