The LFG Show

Igniting the Pay-Per-Call Revolution: Adam Young's Blueprint for Marketing Triumph

April 29, 2024 David Stodolak
Igniting the Pay-Per-Call Revolution: Adam Young's Blueprint for Marketing Triumph
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Igniting the Pay-Per-Call Revolution: Adam Young's Blueprint for Marketing Triumph
Apr 29, 2024
David Stodolak

Ever wonder how someone can rise from the ashes of failure to ignite a revolution in the marketing world? Grab your headphones and prepare for an electrifying conversation with Adam Young, the dynamo CEO of Ringba and the brains behind 'The Pay Per Call Revolution.' This episode peels back the layers of Adam's journey from the chill of selling door-to-door in Detroit's winter to the thrill of crafting a book that's sparked a wildfire in pay-per-call marketing. His story isn't just one of rags to riches; it's a roadmap for entrepreneurs hungry to turn grit into gold.

Adam doesn't just open up about the grind; he lays out the blueprint for success that he's used to empower businesses to scale new heights. Ringba's mission is crystal clear—to bolster client growth by providing indispensable tools for navigating the billion-dollar sea of marketing transactions. Adam's servant-leader philosophy shines through as he discusses his passion for nurturing growth and innovation within the industry. This episode is more than a chat; it's a clarion call to join the ranks of mavericks reshaping the landscape of entrepreneurship. Strap in and get ready to be part of the pay-per-call vanguard.

Show Notes Transcript

Ever wonder how someone can rise from the ashes of failure to ignite a revolution in the marketing world? Grab your headphones and prepare for an electrifying conversation with Adam Young, the dynamo CEO of Ringba and the brains behind 'The Pay Per Call Revolution.' This episode peels back the layers of Adam's journey from the chill of selling door-to-door in Detroit's winter to the thrill of crafting a book that's sparked a wildfire in pay-per-call marketing. His story isn't just one of rags to riches; it's a roadmap for entrepreneurs hungry to turn grit into gold.

Adam doesn't just open up about the grind; he lays out the blueprint for success that he's used to empower businesses to scale new heights. Ringba's mission is crystal clear—to bolster client growth by providing indispensable tools for navigating the billion-dollar sea of marketing transactions. Adam's servant-leader philosophy shines through as he discusses his passion for nurturing growth and innovation within the industry. This episode is more than a chat; it's a clarion call to join the ranks of mavericks reshaping the landscape of entrepreneurship. Strap in and get ready to be part of the pay-per-call vanguard.

Speaker 1:

Yo, yo, check it out. I'm with an industry legend, my man, adam Young, the CEO of Ringba, the author of the Paper Call Revolution. This book is taking the industry by storm. We're going to talk a lot about this book, but the first question I have for you, Adam how does it feel to make so many people rich with paper call?

Speaker 2:

It is really fulfilling to wake up in the morning and know that I'm actually helping people make billions of dollars. It's kind of crazy. I never really expected that.

Speaker 1:

You come from humble beginnings, right? I don't know a lot of people know this and know what kind of beginnings he came from, but you're living in your parents' basement, right? I think a couple, two or three times you had to come back. Talk about those trials and tribulations that helped you get here to where you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, my first business failed miserably and I moved back into my parents' basement with something like $50,000 in debt I owed my investors money. I had no college degree. I barely made it through high school. No one would give me a job and I went door to door in downtown Detroit in the winter, in the snow, and sold cold call through bulletproof glass to small business owners, and it was a brutal process. I love it because it taught me that hard work is required to build a successful business, and that lesson is something that helps me teach others how to be successful now.

Speaker 1:

When you're an entrepreneur, that's going to happen. You're going to go through a lot of fucked up things to get to where you're at. I think every single entrepreneur has made money, has been in debt or sort of similar situations, so I'm glad that you're able to talk to people about that. So now I want to talk about the Paper Call Revolution. This book, by the way, is fantastic the fact that you put so much time and effort into it. How long did it take you to come together with this book?

Speaker 2:

Writing. It took 15 months, wow yeah, with a full editorial team that helped me structure it, but it really was a labor of love and I wanted to do it myself. I wanted to create all the content and put my personal stories in there, because I think what you said is really important that entrepreneurs or people that want to be entrepreneurs, like they don't realize, if they come from nothing or they don't have a background in business, that it's still okay for them to go do this and they can learn if they're willing to work hard and still become successful. And that's something why I love this industry. Where we're at now is a lot of people here, a lot of the entrepreneurs. They don't have MBAs, they don't have formal training. They just showed up and worked their asses off, and that's why I have a lot of respect for the people here and why I love servicing entrepreneurs and businesses.

Speaker 1:

I really mean this from the bottom of my heart. You didn't have to write this book. I mean, you're a ring bus successor. You guys do billions of dollars per year in transactions to ring bus, right, but what's? Am I right or wrong?

Speaker 2:

Well, we track billions of dollars a year. So our customers transact billions of dollars a year, but we provide all the piping and the platform for them to do that.

Speaker 1:

You didn't have to spend 15 months to write this book. You could have just, you know, keep living off your money. But you were driven and I think you know one reason why I love that your sponsor and LFG is showing that we're working a lot closer to that. You feel like you have a mission to evangelize pay-per-call, so let's talk a little bit more about that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, our mission at Ringba is to help our clients' businesses grow, and to do that, they need to learn new ways to do marketing, they need to find more partners, they need to grow their businesses, and so that's our mission here. It's a very servant leader, organized mission. All of our team members believe in this mission and it's one that guides all of our decision making, is what we do in the best interest of our customers, the industry, our team, and then I eat last right. And so when I decided to write the book, I, our customers, the industry, our team, and then I eat last right. And so when I decided to write the book, I was like you know, there's so much opportunity in this space.

Speaker 2:

Paper call is one of the largest opportunities in marketing that no one even knows about.

Speaker 2:

People are literally making billions with a, b right, and so if I can write this book and get it out to as many people as possible, I can help grow this industry and teach people about the opportunity, change their families' lives, get people hired right, like the network effect of something like this can be absolutely massive. And it's funny, you're the first person to say to me Adam, you didn't have to write the book and it's true Like people don't realize this, but we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce the book. This is not a chat GPT book. That doesn't even include my time. This was really a passion project for me and I'm super excited about it and I want people to read it because it doesn't matter if they're new to the industry or they've been in it like you or they're making $50 million a year in paper call right now. There's still things in this book that I've learned over the last nine years running Ringba that, like anyone who reads it, can find value with.

Speaker 1:

Great words of wisdom right there. You talk about some numbers. There Gets people excited. What's the? And you gave away a hundred million dollars. Did it go out yet or not? The hundred million going away? He knows, he knows.

Speaker 2:

It's still in the ring, the mastermind right now. For those of you who don't know, it's Manny Zuccarelli, the CEO of Quote Velocity.

Speaker 1:

I was just on private jet with that guy. Damn, I should have talked to him a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

He was kind enough to fly with us on a golf stream here here out to LeedsCon. I'm so proud of him. I met Manny at LeedsCon I think seven years ago six or seven years ago For the first time at LeedsCon Wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had this tiny little booth in the back and we had, I think, six people on our team and he was a team of one and we sat down and I literally just told him our mission, like I want to help your business grow. What do you want to do? How do we build together? And today he employs many hundreds of people and he literally just got the first $100 million Goat Award for making $100 million using our software in a single year on a single campaign. And what's interesting and we haven't told anybody this yet is we have another $100 million million dollars award that is on its way to the ringba mastermind house. We're going to present it in person to another client here very soon. So it's it's super exciting that's super motivational.

Speaker 1:

We started this off by talking about being entrepreneurs. He was solopreneur, so we got a part of your partners. But man, he's solopreneur, I was a solopreneur. So you hear someone seven years ago solopreneur. You meet here and now 100 million dollar campaign. If that doesn't fucking excite you, I don't know what does right. If that doesn't excite you, shouldn't be watching the lfg show. It's really what it comes down to, honestly. So one last question to you is someone, a lot of people, watching this show or watching you in the offer ball podcast? They're trying to get into paper call, they're trying to get into pay-per-call. They're trying to get in the industry. What would be your number one advice for them as to how to get in the industry and to do it right?

Speaker 2:

Read the pay-per-call revolution. It has everything you need inside of it to learn the beginnings and how to scale a business in this industry. It's everything I've learned over the last 20 years on how to build a marketing company from scratch and also scale that marketing company, like Manny did, to just astronomical amounts of revenue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's real stuff. I'm listening, I'm reading the book. There's something there. He talks about the affiliate curse. It's a real thing. When you sell leads, no campaigns last forever. I'm in solar. Solar was like rocket ship. It's gone the other way. So we have other campaigns but you're like in a hamster wheel is the issue. So you can make good money, but you want to build a real business. You want to build a business with enterprise value so that one day you can sell that business for a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

I interviewed Anthony Sandrea yesterday. Seventy, 50 million, 70 million I don't want to know, it's a lot of numbers. It. He created Enterprise Valor. That's what he did. So read this book. Adam talks about that stuff. He talks about how to break the affiliate curse. He talks how to get into it. It's a very in-depth book. So if you care about doing better for yourself, read the book. And for LFG fans there's going to be a link here you can get this book for free. All you have to do is pay for shipping and handling. That's a fucking steal.