The LFG Show

Jenni White's Playbook for Solar-Powered Savings in the Commercial Realm

May 01, 2024 David Stodolak
Jenni White's Playbook for Solar-Powered Savings in the Commercial Realm
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Jenni White's Playbook for Solar-Powered Savings in the Commercial Realm
May 01, 2024
David Stodolak

Dive into the goldmine of opportunities within the commercial solar landscape alongside the unstoppable force that is Jenni White, our featured guest on The LFG Show! With host David Stodolak at the helm, we unveil the secrets to success in this dynamic sector, where every moment is teeming with potential.

Jenni, a luminary in the field and a key figure at Solar Direct Marketing, unlocks the treasure trove of the USDA REAP grant program, offering a roadmap to financial prosperity for businesses nationwide. As the economy grapples with inflationary pressures, Jenni's expertise becomes a beacon of hope, guiding businesses towards slashing costs while driving sustainable growth through solar solutions.

This episode isn't just a podcast—it's a call to action for solar companies across the nation, beckoning them to seize the reins of opportunity. With Jenni's guidance, navigating the complexities of the REAP program transforms from a daunting task into a strategic advantage, opening doors to new projects and partnerships on a grand scale.

Join us as we delve deep into the heart of the commercial solar revolution, where every insight gleaned from Jenni's expertise is a potential game-changer. From uncovering the hidden potential of aged data to confronting the challenges of business costs head-on, this conversation crackles with actionable strategies designed to propel solar companies towards unprecedented success.

So, if you're ready to elevate your solar game and unlock a world of opportunity, don't miss this electrifying episode of The LFG Show. Tune in, take notes, and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for your business, powered by Solar Direct Marketing and the transformative energy of the USDA REAP grant program.

Show Notes Transcript

Dive into the goldmine of opportunities within the commercial solar landscape alongside the unstoppable force that is Jenni White, our featured guest on The LFG Show! With host David Stodolak at the helm, we unveil the secrets to success in this dynamic sector, where every moment is teeming with potential.

Jenni, a luminary in the field and a key figure at Solar Direct Marketing, unlocks the treasure trove of the USDA REAP grant program, offering a roadmap to financial prosperity for businesses nationwide. As the economy grapples with inflationary pressures, Jenni's expertise becomes a beacon of hope, guiding businesses towards slashing costs while driving sustainable growth through solar solutions.

This episode isn't just a podcast—it's a call to action for solar companies across the nation, beckoning them to seize the reins of opportunity. With Jenni's guidance, navigating the complexities of the REAP program transforms from a daunting task into a strategic advantage, opening doors to new projects and partnerships on a grand scale.

Join us as we delve deep into the heart of the commercial solar revolution, where every insight gleaned from Jenni's expertise is a potential game-changer. From uncovering the hidden potential of aged data to confronting the challenges of business costs head-on, this conversation crackles with actionable strategies designed to propel solar companies towards unprecedented success.

So, if you're ready to elevate your solar game and unlock a world of opportunity, don't miss this electrifying episode of The LFG Show. Tune in, take notes, and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for your business, powered by Solar Direct Marketing and the transformative energy of the USDA REAP grant program.

Speaker 1:

I love GFAM. We saved the best for last year. I got Jenny White here. She's a killer in the commercial solar space. I don't know. A lot of people know too much about commercial solar. A lot of people talk about residential, but let's talk about commercial solar. What are the opportunities there, Jenny?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. So we have a really unique opportunity for commercial solar. That's very different from just a typical lead gen. It's really like a white glove soup to nuts solution. So what we do is we are focusing on the USDA marketplace for the REAP grant program. A lot of people have heard about REAP, a lot of people heard about grants and, as you know, it's very complicated and there's a lot of ins and outs and what have yous. What we have is a very unique opportunity to basically deliver a full package. So it's not a lead, it's literally vetted, it's confirmed, it's underwritten, feasibility studies are done, everything is completely packaged for our partners and we're looking for partners across the country, in pretty much every state. We're looking for people that have high quality boots on the ground. They can actually get in front of people, shake hands. We're really looking for real partnership.

Speaker 3:

All of our big partners are making hundreds of thousands, if not millions, a year with us Age data. There's a lot of potential, a lot of different ways to monetize data. What if I can get an extra 50 cents dollar, $2, $3 per lead in perpetuity? What does that do to my marketing campaign? What does that do for the stress of the profits of my company? A percentage or two at? Those kind of numbers are huge. I love about age data that the hard part's already been done. Now it's just a revenue letter for your company. January 25th is on the ticker.

Speaker 1:

Inflation is to the roof, rising electricity costs. Business owners want to save money. It's all about cutting costs and maximizing revenue right.

Speaker 2:

So it's an amazing opportunity. We're excited we're going big this year. It's already went on for two years. We've been successful in five states and now we're opening up the rest A lot of grant money out there. I'm very involved with a lot of different entities. I'm based in California, but we're looking for folks all over the country. What's really cool about this is it's honestly just like a win-win-win. Expect news soon. I can't say anything quite yet, but we are really focusing on delivering a fully streamlined package. There's no guesswork. Like I said, it's a win-win-win.

Speaker 1:

How can people find out more about you and about this opportunity. Totally, I'm on LinkedIn you can find me at Jenny White, j-e-n-n-i-w-h-i-t-e. I'm sure we can put a link in here. Oh, that's Jenny White. Don't be fooled by the rock she got, she's still.

Speaker 2:

Jenny from the block and so, yeah, we can connect on LinkedIn. I'm always on all day. We'll be launching some new material and some new outreach, more information for people to kind of wrap their heads around what this full program looks like Business owners.

Speaker 1:

I'm a business owner. Costs don't go down. They go up year over year over year. Big inflationary environment. You got to save money. Save money with Jenny.

Speaker 2:

Let's fucking go. Thank you, let's fucking go. That's what I'm talking about.