The LFG Show

Evan Macklin's High-Voltage Strategy for Solar Success: Powering Up Profits and People

May 06, 2024 David Stodolak
Evan Macklin's High-Voltage Strategy for Solar Success: Powering Up Profits and People
The LFG Show
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The LFG Show
Evan Macklin's High-Voltage Strategy for Solar Success: Powering Up Profits and People
May 06, 2024
David Stodolak

Prepare to be supercharged with the electrifying presence of Evan Macklin from the Andy Elliott Group, who's sparking a revolution in solar energy success. Get ready to harness the high voltage wisdom this industry titan brings to SolarCon, as he shares the transformative stories of those who've gone from zero to hero under his guidance. Our conversation crackles with the kind of energy that'll make you want to jump up and shake off complacency, highlighting how a shift in mindset, culture, and habits can lead to monumental change in both individuals and colossal companies like Velez Solar and Spartan Solar.

This episode is bursting with the magnetic pull of ambition and the shock of actionable knowledge. Evan illuminates the keys to rising above industry challenges—resourcefulness and persistence. Discover why selecting the right 'who' over the 'how' can be your game-changer and how attitude, magnetism, and charisma can electrify your path to success. If you're itching to inject some dynamism into your team and business strategies, plug into this session, where the current of Evan's expertise could power up your next big breakthrough.

Show Notes Transcript

Prepare to be supercharged with the electrifying presence of Evan Macklin from the Andy Elliott Group, who's sparking a revolution in solar energy success. Get ready to harness the high voltage wisdom this industry titan brings to SolarCon, as he shares the transformative stories of those who've gone from zero to hero under his guidance. Our conversation crackles with the kind of energy that'll make you want to jump up and shake off complacency, highlighting how a shift in mindset, culture, and habits can lead to monumental change in both individuals and colossal companies like Velez Solar and Spartan Solar.

This episode is bursting with the magnetic pull of ambition and the shock of actionable knowledge. Evan illuminates the keys to rising above industry challenges—resourcefulness and persistence. Discover why selecting the right 'who' over the 'how' can be your game-changer and how attitude, magnetism, and charisma can electrify your path to success. If you're itching to inject some dynamism into your team and business strategies, plug into this session, where the current of Evan's expertise could power up your next big breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

Yo, we're back Day two of SolarCon. I want my man, evan Macklin this guy's a freaking killer the Andy Elliott group I know you guys have seen them online. They're fucking dominating. They come to the show. You feel their freaking energy. So let's talk what's like the biggest success story man you've had with people. Work with you guys Crazy story.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, I don't know if I should hold this thing or not, but I'm ready to bring the heat. I could tell you a lot of success stories of big companies that have changed their culture. They've changed their mindset, they've changed their skill set, their habits. People are in better shape, they're learning more, they're doing all kinds of things. But it's not about the big companies. For me, it's about who can I help right now?

Speaker 2:

No-transcript are the ones that I truly love, because those guys can change like at the flip of a dime. So I got some bad-ass young kids that are running around here. I'm seeing them with new shoes, I'm seeing them with some new cars, some new watches, and they're just jacked up and excited. And just seeing that, because I'm a guy that came from nothing and I think that the guys that come from nothing or have been through the most can end up with the most. So watching those stories are amazing. But then we got companies like Velez Solar, spartan Solar, bright Solar that have totally changed their entire companies, partnering with the Elliott Group. So I'm fired up to see those guys. I'm fired up to see where they're going and and how they're changing from the top down. So you know more than anything man, solar right now is just it's the, it's, it's the industry to be in, and just being able to be a part of it and watching people grow in all areas is freaking phenomenal I've been doing solar for since 2016.

Speaker 1:

I've worked a lot of these big companies gone from like one million to being bought out for a billion dollars. You know, I see one of my clients here yesterday who, like, sold his company for 880 million. So there's been a lot of ups and downs. What, what has separated the the winners from the losers? The people that have gone through like all the bullshit's gone on the past year how are they surviving? What do you think it's called resourcefulness?

Speaker 2:

and persistence, the two most important traits you're going to need um, I think, resourcefulness. Right now we're looking at it. All the resources are around you, but are you freaking awake? Are you watching who's doing what? And then, are you a fast implementer? Are you going to take action when you meet somebody that can change your company? It's not about what, it's not about how you're going to get there. It's about who's going to get you there. It could be one of these vendors. It could be one person that's going to teach you a new leadership hack. It could be one person that's going to drive some new inspiration, some new knowledge into your team.

Speaker 2:

But most people I'm going to be honest with you they're dead. Or their ego, or they're entitled, or they've made the money, so they're caught, they're complacent and they're sitting around because they've made the big checks and they forget what it's like to be on the front line. The people that are resourceful, that can grab a guy like Andy Elliott and make them their resource and use one of those resources to make their team better, they're the people who win, the people who are persistent and teach their team to be persistent and knock on the hard days and show up and have the right attitude and they're magnetic and they're charismatic. That's where it's at. So my biggest thing is are you going to be resourceful when you're around here? But then are you going to be an intelligent and find something that you can use and go implement it?

Speaker 1:

I love coming to this show because you feel the freaking energy. Look at your energy. Energy is contagious. I think energy is the ultimate currency. Do you agree with that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and I get a little pissed off too, because a lot of people are walking around fucking dead and the truth is is they're being little pussies. The world right now has a shortage of energy. It has a shortage of intensity. You got to be a freaking psycho competitor. If you're going to compete with guys like me, guys like savage, you've got to be a savage. And if you're not and you're playing casual and you're walking, so you're talking, so you're learning, so you're going to get dominated by guys like me who are showing up, ready to play. I'm physically ready, I'm mentally ready, I'm in the game and I'm ready to kick ass and if bankrupt your ass. So wake up, get with your people, train them on leadership, train them on sales skill, train them on how to have some love too, like. Train them on that shit man. That's, that's the good stuff in life. And don't fall asleep if you're a leader at the top, because if you go to sleep on a win, you're gonna wake up with the loss.

Speaker 1:

I love it they talk about. We just did sprints today. We ran up hills like my man chance broke. He put his hamstring doing that, but it's all great still. Look, he's still here yeah, so that's fucking dedication right there. So the point is you gotta be physically like people. They forget about the physical aspect of it, right, it's all connected to the mind. I mean you, you guys. You can't work with your guys unless you have a six-pack, right, like a six-pack, you're fired.

Speaker 2:

And it's really. It really comes down to this six-pack mentality or you're fired. I got guys on my team that have lost 150 pounds, you know, and they're still not. They still don't have a six pack, but they got the mentality, which means they just want to get better. There's nothing that makes you feel better in your life than progress, progress. Get some progress in the key four pillars of your life in your mindset, in your skill set, in your habits, in your physical capability. Man, and don't chase money. Don't chase money and forget about your health. Otherwise, one day you're going to give up all the money in the world trying to get your health back, but it will be too freaking late and most people right now they're not talking about that. We're a sales training company, but really we're not. We're a life coaching company no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck we got to do, man.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, baby we can start with doing like 10 push-ups, 20 push-ups.

Speaker 1:

Let's do 10, 20 push-ups.

Speaker 2:

Let's go baby, come on All the way down, all the way down.

Speaker 1:

David, come on. More fun, more intense, let's go. Come on, david, let's get it. Let's go, baby, let's go. I love this, we're going hard man.

Speaker 2:

This is great man, let's go.

Speaker 1:

This is a good stuff in life. I love god damn, I love you all right, you tell me when man're done, bro, whenever you're jacked and ready. Oh man, we're definitely at 50 by now, right? Yep, at least Setting records.

Speaker 2:

Ah, yeah, dang.

Speaker 1:

Ah, oh man, I got to take my watch off.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, look, that's competitive. You see that David didn't want to quit, he was waiting. If I quit, you know you've got to get around some people that are going to push you to have fun, to go to the next level, to be intense, and if you can do that, you're going to wake up and you're going to crush everybody. That's the great separator in life.

Speaker 1:

That's what it is Great.

Speaker 2:

How can people find out more about YouTube, Macklin Twins or Andy Elliott? Look up Andy Elliott. Look up Andy on Instagram. I'm always with him. That was some phenomenal shit.

Speaker 1:

Got to get your shit together. There's savages out there.

Speaker 2:

If you're not becoming one of them, they're going to eat you up, yeah, or don't get your shit together and we'll just come steal your business, steal your customers, steal your reps and kick your fucking ass Wake.