Becoming Your Own BFF

You’re Not Stuck ... You’re Just Scared

Randy Haveson Episode 29

Welcome to Episode 29: You’re Not Stuck … You’re Just Scared

In this week’s episode of "Becoming Your Own BFF," host Randy Haveson shares an enlightening and relatable journey that started with a humorous technical glitch. Randy recorded the entire episode only to discover his microphone was misplaced, resulting in barely audible audio. Instead of letting his inner critic take over, he embraced the situation with a positive attitude, turning it into a learning experience.

This episode delves into a powerful theme: the difference between feeling stuck and being scared. Randy recounts recent experiences that highlighted how often we convince ourselves that we are stuck in a job, relationship, or situation. In reality, it’s usually fear holding us back, not actual circumstances. Through personal stories and practical advice, Randy guides listeners to recognize that they have choices and the power to change their lives.

Randy’s message is clear: you are not stuck; you are scared. He challenges listeners to examine their fears and consider how they can take control of their lives. Whether it’s changing careers, ending a relationship, or moving to a new place, Randy encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and stop sleeping on that metaphorical bed of nails. Life is about making choices and finding the path that fits you best.

Join Randy for an insightful, motivating, and uplifting episode that will inspire you to face your fears, make bold decisions, and transform your life. Discover the freedom that comes from recognizing your power to choose and take action towards a more joyful, fulfilling life.


 Stay tuned for more episodes and remember…
 Your journey to self-discovery begins here.

Before becoming an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, university administrator, TEDx speaker, therapist, life coach, Disney cast member, and founder of the Club 528 community, Randy Haveson struggled with feeling like he couldn’t win. Now, he's on a mission to help you achieve confidence and joy daily.

Learn more about Randy and his mission at