Living God's Way in an Ungodly World

Navigating End Times with Biblical Truth

B. R. Maul Episode 70

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Is your digital Bible leading you astray? Today, I tackle the crucial issue of information manipulation by major tech companies and the push towards a one-world order. I underscore the importance of being firmly anchored in God's Word through physical Bibles, emphasizing how easily digital formats can be altered. By drawing on Matthew 24, I reflect on Jesus' teachings about the end times, reminding you to stay vigilant, grounded in truth, and deeply connected within your local community.

Next, I expose the rampant corruption in mainstream media, driven by financial incentives and deceitful agendas. Referencing biblical prophecy, I highlight Jesus' warnings about false prophets, wars, famines, and pestilences, connecting these signs to current global events. I shed light on the persecution of Christians around the world, like Africa and China, and even in historically free nations like the United States. Through the lens of Hebrews 10, I emphasize the unique and complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ, urging believers to fortify their faith through spiritually focused gatherings.

Finally, I stress the importance of forming and maintaining small groups within the Christian community. Whether you attend a large church or not, regular fellowship with fellow believers is essential, especially in a world where societal and governmental structures are increasingly failing. Drawing from the teachings of James, I remind you of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of seeking God's will in your plans. Stay connected with God's word, prioritize communal worship, and nurture your faith through love and fellowship. Reach out for support and guidance as you continue to grow spiritually and build a strong, united community.

Be a part of my team!  With your prayer, passing along the message, and financial support you can help get these messages in the hands of all those who need them! And remember, you can text me questions and comments by clicking on "Send Us a Text Message".  Until next time!  God bless!

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Hello and good day. I am BR Maul and this is Living God's Way in an Ungodly World. I am taking a break for this session of teaching. Currently the teaching is in the book of 1 John of teaching. Currently the teaching is in the book of 1 John, but it has been put on my heart that I speak to what is currently going on in our world, but through God's Word. Today I was reading some information about how the major search engines are trying to block information that conservatives are looking for and somewhere specific, and I won't get into that. Don't have the time.


Many people are already aware that there are the powers of the elite that are doing everything they can to control the world and of course, they're doing it without God, going by the Bible. It is easy for me to say that they will not succeed. No one other than Christ himself will succeed in controlling the world as a whole. But it's coming. It is coming that we will see the attempts to make a one-world currency, a one-world religion, and much of the stuff is already in place the technology to do so and the powers at already in place the technology to do so and the powers at hand that already have the desire to do so. This message is directly to born-again believers. If you are listening to this and you are not born again, well, you may not agree with what I'm going to say or you may not completely understand the reasoning behind it, but for those who are born again, you will understand. The Holy Spirit will direct you and guide you and help you to know what is right and wrong. As I say with all of my teachings, it is so important, beloved, that you are in God's Word, that you have a Bible. In these times where the truth is being manipulated and changed, is being perverted, it's important that you have a tangible Bible, an actual, physical Bible, so you can open up God's Word and see for yourself. Applications, websites these are all useful tools. I use them myself but we must be very careful, because the day is already here, with artificial intelligence and with the powers at hand, that this stuff can be changed, and it can be changed so easily and quickly and so realistically that the deception is very deep. So be very cautious, beloved. It is important that we are listening to our Holy Father through his Bible and not the manipulation of a corrupt or wicked soul that is changing things online. Let me be clear. I'm not saying stop using these tools. There's wonderful tools online, but if you don't have a physical Bible, if you are able to get a physical Bible, get one. In fact, get several.


My main purpose for the message today is I saw this information about the manipulation online with big tech companies and how easy it is for them to control what we're able to find online and, once we do find stuff, how easily they can change things to fit their narrative. And that really concerned me, and I believe it was from the Holy Spirit that I suddenly saw very clear, because even with my own teaching, I have been striving to reach to as many people around the world as I can. That's the reason I have chosen for now to do podcasting and teaching God's Word. But it's very clear to me that the day will come where we will not have that ability Some of the big teachers out there right now pastors, preachers and Bible teachers that are available on the World Wide Web it'll be so easy for that information to be completely erased or buried or perverted, manipulated. When that time comes, beloved, all the more important that each of you, my brothers and sisters in the faith, every single one of you be very active locally in the community that the Lord has put you in, whatever nation that you are in, whatever environment you are in, whatever connections that you have, whether big or small, it doesn't matter.


I feel the time is already here that we need to start doing that now, before this information is no longer available, before the podcasts of Living God's Way in an ungodly world is prohibited for whatever reason. We would be naive to think that that would never happen. It's already happening. On a political level, politics worldwide are being manipulated. People are witnessing that around the world. In most countries, on some level or another, information is being held and is being controlled, and until our Savior Jesus comes and rules this world, unfortunately, satan is still in control and his army of demons are working overtime to confuse and to deceive as many people as possible, and they're doing a pretty good job, because there are many who have a lot of power, a lot of resources that Satan has convinced and they are among the ones who believe that one world order is going to be the way to go.


I thank the Lord that he has given us, in his word, the information that we will know that that's not going to work, but it's still difficult to witness it. It's still hard to live in this life where we see the injustices over and over righteousness being punished, people who are doing the right thing being jailed, being fired, being shunned, beloved more than ever, it is important this day, this moment you start living a life close to brothers and sisters of the faith, and remember to test every spirit. Don't just assume it's the Holy Spirit who is prompting you or guiding you. You test that. There's some readings that I want to go through to help you understand the importance of not waiting any longer at all to get with brothers and sisters in the faith that, as these small communities, we hold each other up, we work with one another, we care and love for one another.


First, let me begin in Matthew 24. Going over a few things that Jesus was talking about pertaining to the end times, matthew 24, verse 4,. Jesus is speaking answering the question from his apostles Lord, tell us about what's going to happen, tell us about the sign of your coming. The first thing that Jesus says. He doesn't miss a beat. Jesus says take heed that no one deceive you.


We are in that great deception right now, where the majority of the popular news agencies are corrupt, that they are filling the news with their agenda. Why? Because they're receiving money. Money is behind everything of this world. Just follow the money, you'll see where the power is at and you will quickly see the deception behind it. So Jesus says take heed that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many, and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. We're definitely seeing that. For anybody who's following international news, we know that Israel is fighting on multiple fronts right now and we are on the brink of World War III. But Jesus says See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet, for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines oh, we're seeing that. Pestilences, definitely seeing that and earthquakes in various places. We are seeing diseases. We are seeing these viruses and unfortunately, some of them are man-made and they are made for destruction.


I'm not one to pass along gossip, because there's enough of that garbage going on, beloved in this world. I am weighing my words carefully, so everything that I am speaking I have learned. I'm not just going with gut feeling, and many of you already understand that. You see that Verse 9, then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you. When it comes to Christians, we're seeing that in countries already. My heart goes out to our brothers and sisters in Africa who are being slaughtered by the hundreds and at this point perhaps even the thousands, but it's so difficult to know because the world isn't covering it. At one point we would see the injustices going on, but this has spread worldwide, and so we have brothers and sisters around the world being killed. China, oh yeah, he says, and you will be hated by all nations for my namesake, even in the United States, the last light of liberty in the world, which is fading.


We are seeing the persecution, we are seeing hate, and it's being openly talked about in our public square, on the news and on the internet. It's the fault of the Christians. We are these radical right-wingers and if you listen, they put on Christians what they themselves are doing. They are the ones tearing apart democracy. They are the ones that do not want a republic. They are the ones that want to do away completely with any kind of religion, especially a religion that has Jesus in it, and they used to talk years ago that it was just people on the far right or conservatives, but it has shifted already to not just conservatives, but now it's Christian nationalists and some are even just flat out saying Christians In America. They're still justifying the fact that they're not the real Christians. We're the real Christians, which is part of the great deception, because real Christians do not go against Israel. Real Christians do not kill babies. Real Christians do not heap up money and power for themselves. Our goal is to get as many people to know Jesus Christ before we leave this world, and so, yes, we are hated.


Give it time. More of it's coming. If you are listening to this message, please heed this advice and remember. The importance of this message is that do not wait. Do it this day. You start finding, if you don't know already, or gathering together your brothers and sisters to hold each other up.


I'm going to take you now to Hebrews, chapter 10. Now, one thing I want to point out. In verse 11, and even though the author of Hebrews is pointing to the priests at the time that was still in Judaism so doing the ways of the Old Testament with animal sacrifices, when I read this, be aware and many of you are that this is also happening in modern time in a lot of denominations, religions that consider themselves Christian. They're not sacrificing animals, that would be too obvious but they do indeed expect people to come in as often as possible weekly, or several times a week, or daily, for communion or for blessings or for repentance, whatever it might be. But listen, hebrews, chapter 10, verse 11, and every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.


But this man capital M. So Jesus, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever. That's one sacrifice he was on the cross once, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time, waiting till his enemies are made his footstool. Notice this waiting, okay, it's currently happening. Jesus is still waiting till his enemies are made his footstool and God, the Father, says son, go get your bride Verse 14,. For by one offering, he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified Again being so. That is currently in the process, and that would be those of us who are born again. We are being sanctified, we are being made more into his image because he uses us as his hands and legs and mouths and eyes and ears to do his work, to get the gospel message out, to love one another and to help people see the truth and remember he is the truth. There is no other truth. Remember he is the truth. There is no other truth. There is only the Bible, with Jesus Christ being the head of the church, being the head of the body of believers.


I wanted to share that with you because a reminder as soon as you start getting into your small groups and you start to grow in those small groups for those of you who are listening who already have small groups I pray that you are taking it very seriously, way beyond just getting together just for entertainment or just to see one another. It is time that, if you are not already, to share your lives with one another. If you are born again, believers, you are related. You are brothers and sisters in Christ. You are connected by the Holy Spirit, and even Jesus knew that that connection was far more important than blood, because when his mother and his brothers were waiting for him, he pointed out to those who were gathered with him that he was teaching and he said you are my mothers, you are my brothers. Okay, that is so important beloved, because we are running out of time Now that's a good thing overall for those of us who are born again, because the end of time is in the Bible. It's something we should not be afraid of, that we should grab hold of. But let's not let the enemy fool us and put fear in us that we become worthless.


Hebrews 10, 24, and 25. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching. So much the more as you see the day approaching. All right, listen to me. To consider one another doesn't mean just, oh well, I'm thinking about you. No, it means to delve into, to know a lot about, to consider what is going on in other people's lives With love, be passionate about that. And why do we consider one another, he says, in order to stir up love and good works.


In order to stir up love and good works with one another, we must know one another. Our lives need to be entwined, and yes, in America I get it. That can be more difficult for us, because we're brought up being taught that a successful person should do it on their own. They can do it all by themselves. That's what makes a person so brilliant, or whatever it might be, so magnificent. Well, it's not According to God's word. That's not because all glory goes to God. Any skill he's given you, brothers and sisters, it's not because of you. You're not awesome. You're not great, he is awesome, he is great. We need to learn to lean on one another, not just help other people, but lean on one another, accepting help from our brothers and sisters. Once we do that, we can stir up love and good works, not forsaking assembling of ourselves together and good works. Not forsaking assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some.


The assembling, assembling does not mean in a church building. You are the church Born-again believers are the church. The Holy Spirit dwells in us wherever we come together, where two or more gather in his name. What does that mean? Okay, it doesn't mean you have to have traditions, you don't have to have this big fancy setup to do anything. It just means gathering intentionally. We are coming together to read God's word. We're coming together to pray for one another. We're coming together to pray to the Lord. We are coming together with the intentions of knowing and walking with Jesus Christ. That's gathering when two or more gather in his name.


So these groups that I'm encouraging you to get with doesn't have to be big at all. In fact, really, the smaller group that gets together more often, you can get to know each other more and it becomes easier to stir up that love and good works. But stirring means keeping us keeping each other alive with love and doing good works. That we must continue on, because you know what You're going to fall and I'm going to fall. But when there are more of us together, when we do stumble, when we do fall, there's the brothers and sisters to lift you up, to lift me up, because the next time someone falls, you up, to lift me up, because the next time someone falls, well then I will help lift that person up, you will help lift that person up. We must come together, brothers and sisters, brethren when I say brethren I mean family. So we must come together and stay together and that should be at least once a week, no matter what you're doing, no matter how busy you are in life right now.


If you don't have time for that, hear me out. Then you have too much going on in your life. You need to cut something. The first thing to cut entertainment. Whatever you're doing that is taking up time to meet with your brothers and sisters, if it's watching TV, if it's playing video games, if it's doing whatever, anything needs to be cut down so you have time for your brothers and sisters. And we'll see more of that here just shortly.


Going on exhorting one another and so much more as you see the day approaching the day of Christ coming, as we see time itself coming to an end, as things get worse, when deception is even deeper and deeper, when evil is more and more abundant, which we are seeing universally right now, exhorting is urge strongly. You must be able to exhort your brothers and sisters and you must be able to accept that exhortation from brothers and sisters urging you to move on, urging you to stop doing things of this world that is getting in your way of living with your brothers and sisters and I'm going to end here in the book of James, chapter 4, verse 13. Come now, you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make a profit, whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow, for what is your life. It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.


Listen to this last line very carefully, therefore, because of what James just told us. To him, who knows to do good and does not do it to him, it is sin. Remember, james is a big advocate of the very fact that faith without works is dead. And to clarify our works, do not do anything to get us into heaven. Born-again believers should know better. That is impossible. It is the blood of Jesus only that gets us into heaven. That is impossible. It is the blood of Jesus only that gets us into heaven. But once a person is born again, you should be so thankful, so excited of the fact that you are heaven bound and as God continues to sanctify you which I just talked about just moments ago, making you more into the image of Jesus Christ, that desire, that need should burn inside of you to do God's work in doing good works.


Now, with that said, let's go ahead and break this down quickly. This is a reminder that the message here is. It is important to come together now, get with brothers and sisters. Even if you are going to a huge church, that is great. It is abundant with all kinds of activities, all kinds of programs. That is great. And I am so happy then that you have a Bible teaching and preaching church with many resources. But hear me out, if you are not in a small group, you must, you must. This is a must. I have seen it.


I know it's the Holy Spirit that has revealed this beloved that we have to do this, because the time is coming that even accessing teachings like this one here and so many other teachers that are far more sophisticated and better than I am and have much more resources for you, but all of it will either be perverted or covered up online so you can't find it, or just completely erased and annihilated. And if you don't have that community of brothers and sisters, if you're not coming together and reading God's word at least once a week, and when things start getting tougher, well then I pray that you do more. Meet a couple times a week, do two, three meals a week together, if that's what it takes. But as this world continues to crumble and fall down on people. As schools continue to want to pervert the minds of our children, as the governments around this world are doing everything to control the people because they're greedy and they want power, our civil servants, our civil society as we know it now continue to erode and fall apart. We must come together or by yourself, you will be devoured, you will be lost in this world. That's so important, beloved.


Please pass this message on. By the way, send this message to as many Christians as you know. Get this message out there so people start that now, or at least they start to even take seriously the groups they do have. That it's not something you just do on a Tuesday night or Thursday afternoon. No, now listen to me when James is saying come now, you who say and we have many Christians today saying oh yes, today or tomorrow we're going to go, we're going to make money in this city, we're going to buy some businesses, we're going to go do this and that and yeah, we're going to make some good money and we're planning ahead.


It's one thing to plan, but here's the problem we're not taking those plans before our Lord and Savior. I'm talking to the majority right now. I understand, brothers and sisters, that there are some of you that are doing this, but it's far and few in between, because beloved too many are caught up in this world and you need to let go of this world before it is too late. Because James says whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow and we don't, we don't have a clue, but we go on with our lives, pretending we do. We don't want to admit that we could die any second, we just assume, and that assumption in and of itself is sinful, because we are just telling God I got whatever time that I have, instead of going to him and saying, lord, how much time do I have? Guide me, tell me what I need to do with my time. How do I glorify you? How do I add to your kingdom before my time here expires?


James points out for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. He's not downplaying it, he's not making it sound like our lives are nothing, that they're worthless. No, no, we are to do God's work, and James was one of the biggest advocates of that. That faith without works is dead. It's not faith. Our life is so short, so short.


Build your treasures up in heaven, beloved, and you do that by loving your brothers and sisters, by participating in their lives and letting them participate in your life. Open yourself up, put your pride to the side. We have to let each other into our lives good, bad and otherwise it doesn't matter. Now James says instead bad and otherwise it doesn't matter. Now James says instead, you ought to say if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. Did you hear that? That's what we ought to say? If the Lord wills, we shall live. In other words, if we're still alive tomorrow, if he wants to keep my life going, here's what I'll do. Why? Because God said so, not because I just planned it.


And then notice he says and do this or that. See, that's more ambiguous, it's more open. It's a Christian keeping his hands open so God can fill them, saying Lord, what will you have me do today? Today is the day the Lord has made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it, even when things are horrible, because this is the day that we are living, this is the day God has designed, and we, as Christians, born-again believers, should be rejoicing in it because we know the best is yet to come. The very best is yet to come.


But James says but now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. That pride of look what I've done, look what I've built, look what I've made, look how much money I got, look what I bought. If we're living a life where I'm at the center of it me remember. Satan did the same thing. That is how he fell from heaven. Don't do that, beloved. Go to the Lord.


For those of you who have the spiritual gift of generosity and giving, he often gives the ability to make money. You can just touch things and it becomes gold. Now that's a blessing. But remember, spiritual gifts are meant to be put in play with the body of Christ, with fellow brothers and sisters in the faith. It is not meant to line our own pockets. So if you are among those who are blessed with that ability maybe you're just a great business person or you invent things or whatever it is you just whatever ideas you do and what you follow up with just makes money, that's great. But know that that money isn't just for you. It is to do.


God's work, and I'm telling you right now, is to help your brothers and sisters around you. Because verse 17,. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him, it is sin the very fact that you just heard these words. You can curse me if you want, but I tell you what now that you know what you're supposed to be doing, you go ahead and you ignore this message, but you're going to have to answer to God because he puts you in front of this message here and now. Whoever he prompted to send this message to you, or however you found it on the internet, whatever, you've listened to this message and now you know you have an obligation to come together with your brothers and sisters.


You need to be in a community. You need to open up to them. You need to let them open up to you. You need one another, because that is how Christ works. You need one another because that is how Christ works.


First and foremost, we need our Lord and Savior, but he has chosen to work through his people. That's how he has chosen to do it and that's why you are built to work, to labor and to love. We're not born that way, but once you are born again, you are. You are given the ability to love, agape love that God has designed and he gives to us through the Holy Spirit. I'm here right now and I'm telling you you can't wait, because time is running out.


Time is almost over. Can you not feel it in the air beloved For those who are listening, that have the Holy Spirit in them? You must be able to feel it. Just look out your window, listen to the news, whatever it is. But this world is upside down already and it's only getting worse. We are not here to change this world. It is not our duty to make things right. Our responsibility is to those who don't know the name of Jesus and help them come to Jesus so they know that Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life, that his blood was pure, that he was the Lamb of God, that he hung on the cross and for all who believe on him will have everlasting life. And then, when he died, he rose again, he overcame death. That's our number one responsibility, the last thing Jesus said.


But we're also told to love one another, first and foremost. Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. And we do that when we are keeping his commandments, when we are listening to him and we're telling people about Jesus. But second to that is love your neighbor as yourself, and that's taking care of one another. Don't sit in your house, all comfortable and cozy, and think, oh, I just love other people, but you're not doing anything. You're not helping them. Yes, we're supposed to help those in need, so even those who are not born again, who are homeless, we need to reach out to them. We use that opportunity to let them know in the name of Jesus here's some food here, eat. Here's some blankets, here's some clothes. Get warm and know that Jesus is doing this for you. He loves you, but we are to also take care of one another. That is born-again believers. But again, I can't say it enough. Time is almost done Now don't throw this around saying that BR Maul is saying that Christ is coming at this time or that time.


I'm not claiming that. I would be an idiot to do so. I just see and feel the urgency. We can't just sit and casually walk through this life, Because you know what it could be at any second that he comes, that the church is raptured and it's over, but it could be weeks, months, it could be years, it doesn't matter. Either way, we need to prepare and be ready as if it is this day.


Don't wait anymore, beloved. You can reach out to me at brmaulcom B-R-M-A-U-L dot com. Be happy to help you in any way. Just email me, let me know how can I help you. But until we meet again, stay in God's word. Don't let a day go by, beloved. Talk to him, pray to him throughout the day. Come together now. If you're not come together with brothers and sisters, don't wait, and it might be difficult at first, but do away with any worldly stuff that you can to make that time for your brothers and sisters, to make that time to know your Savior, jesus Christ, and worship Him, love Him, love one another. And until next time, god bless.

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