The Wise & The Wandering

A New Life - Episode 1

December 24, 2023 Justin / Don Episode 1
A New Life - Episode 1
The Wise & The Wandering
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The Wise & The Wandering
A New Life - Episode 1
Dec 24, 2023 Episode 1
Justin / Don

Meet Dr. Don Schaefer and Justin Olbrantz as they dive into the why and explain the purpose behind The Wise & The Wandering.   In this episode of shared wisdom between two generations, listen to stories that reflect the experiences of those who were once lost, and a solution is presented to help improve the relationships between people of all age groups.

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Meet Dr. Don Schaefer and Justin Olbrantz as they dive into the why and explain the purpose behind The Wise & The Wandering.   In this episode of shared wisdom between two generations, listen to stories that reflect the experiences of those who were once lost, and a solution is presented to help improve the relationships between people of all age groups.

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[00:00:00] Justin: Hi, everyone. This is Justin Olbrantz.

[00:00:35] Don: And this is Don Schaefer. 

[00:00:38] Justin: And this is the Wise and the Wandering podcast. For those who know the way and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into any of these categories, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in. Let's talk about the Whys and the Wandering.

[00:00:55] Justin: Let's talk about what is the why behind the podcast. [00:01:00] How did the podcast start? And what does it mean to be wise? When you hear the word, or when you hear that somebody is wise. What comes to your mind? 

[00:01:10] Don: Well, hey for me, you know, I mean the judge myself is wise I'm a ways away from that yet, but But what comes to my mind as far as wisdom?

[00:01:20] Don: I think it's the experience that person goes through And I know the bible talks a lot about wisdom being more precious than gold and silver and a lot of times we Try to get our wisdom from different areas and different sources. And it's important to realize where wisdom comes from. And a lot of it is the experiences of life, but it's also tapping into the directions that God would give you.

[00:01:44] Don: Taking time, you know, to listen and read and get the Word of God in you. It develops a wisdom. And as time goes on, it seems like the answers to problems and situations are there for you. Because living [00:02:00] a life allowing God and his principles. To be a part of the areas that you're diving into, it gives you an understanding.

[00:02:07] Don: And sometimes it amazes me that, you know, uh, when situations rise up, you just have an understanding, you have a feel about you and you live your life by it. Some people down the line call that wisdom, but I, it's, it's It's a part of life in a way, but I think as you go through the different levels of life, experience the different areas of life, uh, I think God allows you to have wisdom.

[00:02:30] Don: And a lot of times people will not allow God to be a part of their life and they're really cutting themselves off from a lot because God really does want us to be wise in what we 

[00:02:40] Justin: do. Yeah, no, I agree with that. I think that's really, actually a really good way to explain it. Um, in an in depth way, you know, I've been looking at this guy that we've been talking about Myron Golden, right?

[00:02:53] Justin: It's this guy on YouTube who's this kind of a sensation kind of like a financial type of guy, [00:03:00] but also like a Christian type of, um, preacher, motivational speaker. He has some good videos. And he had one recently where he was actually talking about wisdom and I wrote down some notes here, but there's something interesting that he said.

[00:03:15] Justin: And he said. That knowledge is the accumulation of truth. Understanding is the assimilation of truth. And, therefore, wisdom is the application 

[00:03:31] Don: of truth. Oh yeah. It actually teaches you how to apply truth to your life. So, uh, the get the truth is separate. But the application wisdom helps you to apply 

[00:03:44] Justin: what you've learned.

[00:03:45] Justin: Right. Understanding it is one thing. Knowing it is one thing. You know, knowledge isn't necessarily wisdom. A lot of people think that if I have enough knowledge, well then I'm wise. Not necessarily, because there is a certain level of understanding that comes into it. And then an [00:04:00] application. You need to apply it in your life.

[00:04:02] Justin: And it's only when Through application, do we go through, I think, times, the trials and tribulations, you know, stuff like that, the things that we go through. The things that I've been going through as of recent, with my mother being in the hospital, people around me passing away, with certain things in my family that were just kind of Going awry all of a sudden.

[00:04:25] Justin: It just seems like there's been a lot of things preparing me for what I believe we're about to do here. So I think just saying that is telling me and showing me the importance of the podcast and what we're doing here. Because it's helping me validate what I've been through, what I'm going through, and in speaking on that.

[00:04:48] Justin: Definition we're just talking about it's helping me acquire wisdom in 

[00:04:52] Don: that regard. Oh, yeah Yeah, that's where I know what you I know what you're saying there because a lot of times in life It's [00:05:00] knowing how to handle the circumstance when it comes your way and in like what you're saying Justin you went through a lot different things are happening with like your family and all that and It seems like a lot of times these things here will help you in the future Just to handle life in itself and I, and you find yourself getting where you can help other people and you touched on something too that I just wanted to touch on myself.

[00:05:23] Don: You talked about knowledge, you know, it's amazing sometimes when I see people that have gone to college, they've gotten degrees, they've spent maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars and stuff and they're not even doing. What they were going to school for what they spent all this money for, they gained all this knowledge, but you know, and that's where like the application being able to apply that.

[00:05:48] Don: I think wisdom helps with that. It helps you to take what you have learned and knowledge and apply it to different areas in your life. And I think God. gives us a wisdom. As we learn [00:06:00] the truth, as we learn his word, as we gain the knowledge, then all of a sudden we gain a wisdom of how to apply that in circumstances and situations.

[00:06:09] Don: And you have a different look at things. I know myself, when I was your age, Justin, I looked at things differently. I probably got a lot more shook up over things than I do now. When things happen now, I can peacefully sit through and say, it too shall pass, because I realize everything does pass. It isn't the end of the world, you know, the good 

[00:06:29] Justin: news is it's not the end of the world.

[00:06:31] Justin: No, and you know, I would say speaking on that, this podcast is about for those who know the way and for those who are led astray at today's time period, I can think of a lot of people who are led astray. And I think the main focus here. is highlighting the whys and the main focus is on helping the wandering because the wandering are the ones who have been led astray, the people [00:07:00] who are on all different kinds of paths are being misled in ways or being deceived in ways and people that wouldn't even know where to begin finding 

[00:07:13] Don: the truth.

[00:07:14] Don: Yeah, yeah, that's true. The people, the 

[00:07:18] Justin: downtrodden, the people who are suffering, the people who are, I would say, going through a multitude of things, but they fit the array, they fit the umbrella of the wandering in my eyes. And that's the inspiration behind this podcast is taking people who don't know where to go and bring them to becoming wise themselves.

[00:07:42] Justin: That's right. And we're going to do this on a series of topics. And I'm going to be asking a lot of questions, because I genuinely want to know how the wise views these things. And I genuinely want to know, as much as you don't consider yourself wise, Don, I want to know your opinion on these things.

[00:07:59] Justin: [00:08:00] Because I think it's important to bridge the gap between people who feel like they've been brought into a world and they haven't been given any answers. And they feel like they've been pushed out into a world. And they, but yet they feel so lonely and unprepared, you know, and I feel like in a, in a world where people are so anxious and so, I guess, riddled with the depression and even people that are suicidal, a touchy topic, but something I also want to, I want to touch on, I think those people are looking in so many different places for wisdom and this, this podcast, I would say the, the goal of it is to provide And A clear avenue for those people.

[00:08:43] Don: And I, I think this could do just that. I know a lot of times what happens in a person's life, and we, the Bible calls it strongholds, you know, it's where a lie or something that's not so true is brought into your life, and you make it a stronghold and you base your whole life off of it. And a lot of times when you, you [00:09:00] know, Justin's talking about the wandering, These are individuals that are looking for answers.

[00:09:04] Don: They're living their life, but something is really not working. And, uh, there's something beyond all that. And that's where I don't know if I got all the answers to everything. It's just my thing, but I do have an opinion. So that's what I'm going to be sharing. But I know that, um, Yeah, I realize I'm putting an 

[00:09:19] Justin: impossible standard on 

[00:09:21] Don: you.

[00:09:21] Don: That's true. It's true, but I'm going to share, you know, I'll share what my thoughts are on some of this stuff here. But I know a lot of times people get themselves in trouble and sometimes as we look at substance abuse, we look at a lot of different things because people need an outlet because they can't figure life out.

[00:09:37] Don: Life is just not working for them. And but there are answers to some of that and I know myself, I've been there, you know, earlier on in life. I was I had a lot of issues myself, you know, going through and, and finally one day I had someone shared the Word of God with me, said that guy was real. And I'm sitting there, you gotta be kidding me, and he was telling me that God's [00:10:00]everywhere.

[00:10:00] Don: That we're sitting here right now, and the presence of God is here. And I'm sitting there, wow, it just, it was beyond me, because I used to think I had to go to a church building. You know, and, uh, that God was there, so I could do anything outside the church building, and God wouldn't know it, so I felt pretty safe, but then I started realizing that, you know, the presence of God is everywhere, and that really God wants good things for me, and so I gave God a chance, you know, and actually, I think he was trying to give me a chance, but I gave God a chance.

[00:10:30] Don: And it didn't take me long to start to realize that my life was changing. Just the way I perceive things, as Justin says, as far as wisdom, you know, you go through things and then God uses a lot of that to teach us. Because we don't, you know, on the good days it's hard to learn a lot of things, but when you go through struggles, those are teaching moments.

[00:10:49] Don: If you have wisdom, if you're mature enough to realize that. And I know myself, it's been a whole process of doing it. And 

[00:10:55] Justin: I think, I think maturity is one thing. You know, maturity in an emotional sense is [00:11:00] what most people would probably think of maturity. Maturity is just as prevalent in an emotional sense as it is in a spiritual sense.

[00:11:08] Justin: And there is a spiritual maturity that you gain by walking in your faith, by being obedient. And there's a certain level of wisdom that's acquired there spiritually. And I think that's a lot, that's something that I want to touch on. One thing that I do want to do, is I want to address the elephant in the room.

[00:11:28] Justin: And I bet you're wondering what that is. So, I'm just gonna rip the band aid off, basically. So, baby boomers, I would say, you know, people of your generation, think that millennials are the 

[00:11:38] Don: problem. Aren't they? 

[00:11:42] Justin: And millennials would say vice versa, that baby boomers are the problem. I think the problem is that there's no communication between the two.

[00:11:52] Don: Right, right. It's probably so. 

[00:11:54] Justin: That's, that's the purpose of this podcast. People ask me, what is the purpose? The purpose of this [00:12:00] podcast is to really improve the communication between the two of us. I call it bridging the gap. Bridging the gap, hence is why the bridges in the podcast cover art. Because the bridge is all about everything.

[00:12:12] Justin: The bridge is all about connecting the two. And I think that's important because the communication is so poor that it affects society as a whole, I think. I guess, what, what do you think in terms of that? Do you think that I'm on to something or do you think I'm speaking 

[00:12:28] Don: nonsense? No, I think you're on to something here because I know myself.

[00:12:32] Don: You know, I once was a teenager, it was a long time ago, but I remember back in the 1970s, the saying, it was back when the Vietnam War was around and stuff, and the saying was with the people, the boomers at that time, were saying that you couldn't trust anybody over 36. You know, so that they were sick of establishment, you know, I was 36 That was 36 anybody over 36 you couldn't trust what they said because you know that we felt like we were being lied to [00:13:00] by the Seniors and that sort.

[00:13:02] Don: It's a five 

[00:13:03] Justin: more years before I'm considered. Yeah. 

[00:13:05] Don: Yeah. There you go. There you go But but yeah, and that's where I know like it's just in the same There's so much to share between the generations, and like myself, you know, I've gone through my stuff, and Justin's going through his right now, but as we get older, you know, there's other generations that come up, and I know myself, just hearing people share stories, how they handled it, and it's, it's interesting, because you learn, you learn that, you know, things happen in a certain way, and it's, But you learn through wisdom how to handle these and it's even examples, you know, seeing people, how they handle circumstances to be a good example.

[00:13:44] Don: Because I've seen both ways. I've seen people that there in no way I would want to act like they do. And a lot of times it's when, uh, bad things happen. I know I went one time, uh, to a place to rent a U Haul truck. And this guy [00:14:00] had Multiple people in there going to rent a truck, it's like 7 o'clock in the morning, he's just opening up.

[00:14:06] Don: And his computer system wasn't working, and he just completely lost it. I mean, there was, uh, a word salad, there was a word salad of four letter words coming out of his mouth. And I'm saying to myself, Man, did you ever embarrass yourself? There ain't no way I would want to be a part of that. But, you know, but you see that, but then again you see people that can handle.

[00:14:27] Don: You know, I've had individuals that, you know, seem like the world is dumping on them, but they just handle it. You know, they're calm, they're peaceful, it doesn't change their demeanor. Yeah, the pressure doesn't do anything to them. No, and you can see the maturity in them. You know, and as a young person. You say, man, you know, I know the Bible says that Paul learned to be content no matter what state he's in.

[00:14:47] Don: And I used to wonder if it was Texas, if it was Maryland, but I realized that he was talking about the state of the situation. He learned to be content because in the Bible talks about him being in prison. And he could sing songs, you know, I 

[00:14:59] Justin: think Paul is [00:15:00] one of the, Paul is one of the 

[00:15:01] Don: disciples, right? He was an apostle.

[00:15:04] Don: Yeah, he was an apostle in the Bible. 

[00:15:07] Justin: What's the difference between the disciple and the 

[00:15:08] Don: apostle? Well, Jesus had the twelve disciples, and Paul was after them. Oh, so Paul never knew Jesus? Not physically. Wow. No, no, he never knew him physically. I did not know that. I thought Paul was a disciple. No, no, Jesus went after Paul.

[00:15:22] Don: So Paul, in the 

[00:15:23] Justin: walk of faith that Paul had, and how strong of a faith that he had, he never even knew Jesus. 

[00:15:28] Don: Not physically. No, he probably was around because he was around the time when Jesus was crucified. That's actually crazy. But he was actually the one that was executing Christians in the beginning of his walk.

[00:15:38] Don: Because he was raised up in religion. He was raised up to follow the law. And, uh, things that the law would have at that time, which I know we talk about, that was that religion that crucified Jesus at that time because they were jealous of the ministry that Jesus had because Jesus talked about freedom.

[00:15:56] Don: He talked about getting a life free, free of some of the stuff we're talking [00:16:00]about, the stronghold. Yes, 

[00:16:01] Justin: because the Jews considered themselves An expert on, I would say, religion. It was a former religion. And the Pharisees considered themselves experts on the law. Right, right, 

[00:16:13] Don: right. Yup, and they added to the law.

[00:16:17] Don: You know, that's why the law was ridiculous. I mean, as far as what people could and couldn't do. And sometimes religion does that too. They make up their own laws. But Jesus came and he's got a total freedom about him. He's talking about a kingdom. He's talking about something that can be dwelling, that we can be a part of while we're alive here on this earth.

[00:16:35] Don: A new way of looking at things, a new way of life. And that is such an encouraging thing. And that's where in life as we grow. In the things of God, we start to realize how we handle things. And a lot of times I know when you see people, like when we talk about the U Haul guy, you can see, you know, that this guy here is lacking something in his life.

[00:16:56] Don: You know, that's what Jesus completes in a person's life. As you [00:17:00] mature, you learn to handle yourself. First thing that changed in my life was my language. You know, because I had a pretty seasoned language back in the day, and I know the guys I was working with, That's the first thing they noticed about me.

[00:17:14] Don: When things wouldn't go my way, I handled it. You know, I, I was, I was peaceful. It, it changed me. And, uh, but that's the things that God does as he, in the maturing process. And he uses bad situations to help you grow in this. And that's the beauty of the process of living for God. Yeah. Great hope. And 

[00:17:32] Justin: I think that's very powerful.

[00:17:34] Justin: And I would say though, you know, let's, let's back up a little bit, right? Let's, let's zoom out a little bit. And say that we're, and somebody who is wandering, right? Somebody who is, who really doesn't know their way. For somebody who's growing up in a world today where they're not teaching God in anything, where God's not a part of anything publicly, at least for, for the most part of a younger child's life and teenage [00:18:00] life, God is not being taught to him in any way.

[00:18:03] Justin: For somebody who's listening right now, who might be of a younger generation or someone who just considers themselves. To be in the wandering category. Why God? Why God? Can you tell me versus not having God and having God? Why God? 

[00:18:20] Don: Yeah, well For somebody that's just wandering and God is not a part of their life.

[00:18:25] Don: I am I have to say why not God? You know, I mean, why not bring God in? Because I know myself, I was in a mode of, I had people that would share different things, but I just pushed it away, I never listened to it, until someone took the time to sit down and really explain the presence of God and what God can do in a person's life, and realize that God was real, you know, and then I started To realize that it was important, but I know a lot of people have, uh, grown up where they haven't been involved in any church groups.

[00:18:58] Don: The, you know, school definitely [00:19:00] doesn't teach a whole lot about God, so they have no knowledge of God. And that's where I know like this podcast that Justin's got going here is a powerful thing, because we're going to be bringing God into a lot of different situations and stuff, which will be a help. And that's where also finding other sources, you know, getting other sources of ministry or whatever.

[00:19:19] Don: Teaching and talking to you, getting into the Word of God, giving it a chance, because I know myself, I gave God a one year chance. I sat down, you know, it felt real. You know, because I heard somebody talking about God and just the thought of God being a part of my life. It felt real and I, and I said to myself, you know, and I remember I was working at a company.

[00:19:40] Don: I was doing a list and stuff, sitting outside. It was a warm day in the summer. I said, God, you know, people tell me that you're real and that you're a part of everything. If you're listening, I'm going to give you a year. And, uh, but it only took me a couple of months. You gave God an ultimatum? I did, I did.

[00:19:59] Don: I didn't [00:20:00] realize, you know, that was probably, I don't know what, I don't think, you know, I believe God's got a good sense of humor. I think God has instilled humor in us, so I think he laughs at some of the stuff we laugh at. I look back at that and I kind of laugh, but it only took me about a, you know, a number, a couple of weeks and I started realizing there was changes going on.

[00:20:17] Don: Like I said, my language started to change, the importance of things, so I started getting into praying. You know, I mean, I used to sit, have a written down prayer that I would just read off and stuff, but I learned actually how to have a discussion with God where actually like we're doing right now. I talked to God and I would talk about things in life and I started experiencing God in different ways.

[00:20:40] Don: So it became real. This stuff became real, but I gave him a chance, you know, and I gave him a year. It only took a couple of months, but after that year, man, I was on fire. So, so describe 

[00:20:51] Justin: to me, so you gave him an ultimatum and he capitulated to this ultimatum. In those couple months, what happened in your [00:21:00] life that caused you to, I guess, Have an attraction towards God.

[00:21:05] Don: Oh man, it was a feeling I had. Well, one thing, you know, we can talk about this at another time or whatever, but I, uh, in the process of believing, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and, uh, and I had a desire. Cause I, what happened to me in a short period of time is I felt a hunger. To share just what I had received because I didn't know anything and, you know, in my life, I was always puzzling because I remember back in the seventies, I was thinking that Russia was going to take over the world.

[00:21:36] Don: That was the thing 

[00:21:36] Justin: that used to have you like 

[00:21:38] Don: hide under your desk because 

[00:21:40] Justin: Apparently a nuclear bomb was going to go off, and hiding under the desk 

[00:21:43] Don: would I did that. 

[00:21:45] Justin: The desk would prevent you from the nuclear radiation. 

[00:21:47] Don: I've been under the desk before. I've been under that desk. But you know, but I grew up with this stuff here.

[00:21:53] Don: So it was almost hopeless, because I would think about building a nice house or doing all But everything has an end. Right. You know, [00:22:00] everything you pass away, so what is it? So I was sitting there, I didn't know really what to go after until this came along. And then I said, you know, this is real. Because this isn't just now, this is something going on beyond everything.

[00:22:13] Don: You know, this is eternity we're talking about. So I started seeing changes in me and my hopes and desires, which that was just a beautiful life. Especially love, it brings love into you, which is, uh, 

[00:22:25] Justin: Yeah, and I agree with that. I would say that, um, in my own, in the sense of having like a revelation or something, I remember there was a series of Songs that I was listening to because I've always had a very strong attraction towards music And I would say up until that revelation the wrong music I was listening to a lot of a lot of rap a lot of rap.

[00:22:50] Justin: I grew up on rap rap hip hop That's all my Parents, they did not like it. They did not like it at all. You hit a rap. I [00:23:00] was, um, quite the degenerate. Oh yeah. Looking back, just to be honest, I was quite the degenerate. And I remember listening to a song that was kind of, it was kind of like a rocky kind of tune, like a rock ish kind of tune, but it didn't really sound like a worship song because I didn't really like it.

[00:23:19] Justin: I didn't really like a lot of the worship music, because I felt like it all sounded the same. And, it just pulled me in. It had like a guitar solo. The song was called, Here As In Heaven. And, and that's from, I think the Lord's Prayer or something. I think that's, uh, that saying. But, that's what the name of the song was.

[00:23:38] Justin: And it, it just, I was completely blind to the title. I didn't care. I just liked it. It was that catchy. And I think there's something that, when you, I think what you said there, And from what I gathered is that you invited God into your life. Yeah. I might have said it was an ultimatum, but it was essentially an invitation.[00:24:00]

[00:24:00] Justin: Yeah. You gave him an invitation. I gave him a chance. Because you said God might have a sense of humor, and I think he does have a sense of humor. And I think in, when you're pleasing him and you're doing things for him, there's a laughter that comes from joy because you're doing the will of God and you're walking in your faith and you're walking closer to him.

[00:24:19] Justin: I think. God's love language is faith, in my opinion. It's a hard thing to grasp, but once you learn it, and once you understand it, you're that much closer to developing wisdom in the Spirit. But I think that what might have looked like an ultimatum to you, and what might have gave you leverage, or looked like you were getting leverage on God, and made you look dominant, was actually just an invitation out of desperation.

[00:24:45] Don: Probably so. That's what it sounds like, 

[00:24:48] Justin: you know. And to me, I could be wrong, but But nonetheless, you gave him an invitation and he answered, and he answered within months. And I think what I'm trying to say here is the [00:25:00] person's encounter that they have with God is going to look so different. So when I listen to you and when someone listens to you and they hear that, their encounter is not going to look like yours.

[00:25:11] Justin: And a lot of the times I think people. Are so far away from the point of even accepting God in their lives that they don't even know how and they get misled And they're wandering and now they're wandering down a different path And I want to be clear that the whole purpose of this is to make sure that people find their purpose and their gift Yeah, and they fulfill their purpose and that's the goal here So I guess yours is an invitation in the under the guise of an ultimatum almost, you know What just made you feel good in the moment that you weren't giving God?

[00:25:47] Justin: Yeah, I'm the boss here. God. I'm giving you a year How do you think somebody else that's just listening to this, that doesn't even have God in their life, didn't grow up in a church, didn't grow up around, [00:26:00] didn't have any religious background, not like Paul, you know, somebody who maybe was like myself, maybe, Listening to, um, music and reading, you know, the wrong types of things, watching the wrong types of things on Netflix or YouTube or something that's pushing them away from God, how do they invite God into their life?

[00:26:23] Justin: How do they? Get a relationship with 

[00:26:25] Don: God. Yeah, well I know it's, because what happens when you hear people talk about God, you're actually allowing seed to be passed around. And every once in a while a seed will find some dirt, and where it can grow. And I don't know, you know, whoever's listening to this, if Where your land is or what your soil is like if it's gonna be a part of that But you know something like this resonates at all I always encourage people to talk to God, you know, and just just pray to him and say hey Lord You know 

[00:26:55] Justin: do when you talk to God, do you have to refer to him as like?

[00:26:59] Justin: [00:27:00] Dear Lord, or you know, how do you approach God? Is it just like talking, like you and I? Oh yeah. How do you 

[00:27:06] Don: talk to God? Very much so, very much so. I know myself, I was just saying, Lord, I, uh, I need, I need you in my life. And I know myself, when I first began, I used to say, Lord, teach me how to love. How to love you.

[00:27:19] Don: How to make you a part of my life. Help me to understand this and the importance of things. You know, a basic, because I remember one time a restaurant owner, I don't know if I should mention the name of the restaurant, but it's a local one. So you were very 

[00:27:32] Justin: vulnerable. I 

[00:27:33] Don: was. To God, the way you approached him.

[00:27:34] Don: Oh yeah. Because I know the restaurant owner. He used to sit down and he'd have his business meeting with God every morning, you know He'd have a time and he treated like a business meeting He'd ask how much how much he should price french fries for you know If he should they get a special on burgers or you know, it would be a business meeting But he would talk to God and I think a lot of times in life.

[00:27:56] Don: That's what it is It's just talking to the Lord because you're actually when you do that You [00:28:00] acknowledge that God is there and you give God an opportunity to work in your life and how God how that all works is Like Justin said, everybody's different, everybody's understanding is different, what, what triggers one trigger isn't going to trigger another trigger, but we're all different.

[00:28:16] Don: But I know the same process, you know, is opening up yourself to whatever may be, however it comes. And sometimes a podcast like this is the answer. It's just a matter of hearing, because you hear testimonies of people who have found God, how little things here and there. It made the total difference. And that's where myself, you know, this is something that resonates with you.

[00:28:39] Don: It's probably God knocking on your door a little bit and give God an opportunity. I mean, you don't have to make a deal like I did and give him a year or anything like that, but, but you can give him an opportunity and just talk to him a little bit. You know, because I know even at work, when I worked, sometimes I would have phone calls and situations that would happen that weren't good, and I'd feel like I'm reaching [00:29:00] my wit's end, and I would just stop for a second and say, you know what, I'm going to put an end to this.

[00:29:06] Don: And I would start saying, Lord, I love you. I praise you. You are so wonderful. And I'm just going to allow you to take care of this situation. And I, all of a sudden, it would be like a peace that would come over me. You know, so I, myself, actually, to lay it all out there, living for God is very enjoyable. The Bible talks about a peace that surpasses all understanding.

[00:29:28] Don: And that's where if I find people that say they're living for God that are miserable, I'm saying that they're missing something. You know, because they're not, they haven't really allowed God to work in their life. Because you can learn to find peace no matter what the circumstance might be. It's enjoyable, but you have to make room.

[00:29:45] Don: You know, you have to open up yourself a little bit. 

[00:29:47] Justin: Yeah, I think what you're describing is a relationship. It's a relationship where I feel like it has to be a completely unconditional relationship. [00:30:00] Your story is that I think what it says is that God reasons with you. And he does, and I think he's more, I think he's more reasonable than anyone that doesn't believe will give him credit for.

[00:30:13] Justin: Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I think that's a good way to say that people who are, are not believing don't understand what kind of power that he has, but what kind of power they can possess in their own lives. Listening to your story again, you were able to diffuse the whole situation. By almost tricking your brain in a way of just speaking in a loving way towards a higher authority.

[00:30:40] Justin: And just trusting that they will take the matters in their own hands and figure your problems out for you. 

[00:30:48] Don: That's right. It almost sounds kind of selfish. It sounds easy. 

[00:30:53] Justin: It does sound easy. Simple and easier a little bit different, but I think it's a simple thing to do to [00:31:00] make a belief change to make a Devotion to God to make an invitation to God to make a proposal I would say even in your case you made a proposal to God I think that it's a relationship, nonetheless.

[00:31:13] Justin: And I think when you're speaking in terms of love, love only comes from relationships. It's true. 

[00:31:18] Don: Love is a very strong 

[00:31:19] Justin: word that I think is often misinterpreted in this entire world. And I think that when you're dealing with a relationship, though, you have to really want to get, you have to really have the desire to want to get to know somebody and to be in their lives.

[00:31:33] Justin: Yep, that's true. If you want love, You have to be willing to 

[00:31:37] Don: give love. I know today I sent out a little clip on Facebook called Making Love. It was for marriages. But, uh, but the whole clip was the fact that we use it. That could go one or two ways. I know, I know. That's why it was kind of a catchy term.

[00:31:54] Don: But the whole gist of the thing was, like Justin was saying here, we do, we make love. It's by the [00:32:00] giving, you know, and with God too, you know, we, we develop a relationship because the Bible says God is love. That's the essence of what he is. God loves all of his creation. No, and that's where he loves each and every one and he wants us to be in relationship with him so he can share that love.

[00:32:17] Don: And I know we're, you're talking about simplicity and that sort. I know the Bible says that we come to the Lord as a child. And so to come to the Lord as a child, we are very needy. You know, we're not afraid to ask. And we talk to God, and whatever we want, we just blurt it out, we ask for it. And, in Bible 2, Jesus, I know when he was on this earth, he portrayed us as sheep.

[00:32:42] Don: Sheep are not intelligent animals. You know, I, I know sheep have to be Not very. No, they can't be driven, they gotta be led. And they will stay in one area and eat. Grass until there's nothing left in that area. So the shepherd has to move them around purposely because they're not intelligent. And, uh, but he [00:33:00] calls a sheep and he wants to be our shepherd and a shepherd takes care of his flock.

[00:33:06] Don: He protects that flock. He takes care of all the needs, making sure that that, that sheep, that the sheep. It's taken care of and all the needs are met and, and I know God wants to do that in our lives. But with an attitude of that, see, again, too, when we get, we talked about the law, we talked about Pharisees and all that.

[00:33:24] Don: We talked about religion. Religion sometimes swipes the joy of what God wanted to do. Jesus came in a very peaceful way, very loving way, and the kids loved him. Everybody loved this guy. I mean, crowds of 2, 3, 000 people, like, hard to get my mind around all that, of people that he ministered to. And he, and he set them free.

[00:33:45] Don: And I have to believe that a lot of the things that he did is he spoke truth. And what it did, it broke the strongholds, the, the thoughts that they held on to about the things that were not correct in their lives. And that's where I think right now, Jesus [00:34:00] His presence and words that are spoken, they break strongholds, they, they set people free that they can really enjoy life.

[00:34:08] Don: And I mean, if I always say, if I got to live it, I might as well enjoy it, you know, and it's good. And I also say that if God promises things in his word, I'm going to try to get every promise I can while I'm still alive, but it makes it exciting. And I think, uh, this podcast is going to be very beneficial to people that are involved in 

[00:34:26] Justin: it.

[00:34:27] Justin: Yeah, I think so as well and I would also want to add to that because I want to talk about this So let's say just staying in the timeline of things here. So you wanted to have a relationship with God you wanted to Have God be solving your frustrations and problems for you And you wanted him to show you how to love him.

[00:34:50] Justin: That was your approach Yeah, so so what happened after that since then are you are you going are you? Are you preaching to people once [00:35:00] you once after those few months that you're kind of waiting in the wilderness period, right? And you're waiting for him to reveal himself to you in your life. Yes, and he does.

[00:35:09] Justin: Yes. He honors his Side of the proposal, you know, yeah, he did he was good. He caters to the ultimatum, right? What what does your life look like then I mean you're awakened to the to this new presence in your life This newfound presence that really seems to handle your life a little bit better for you What's going through your mind?

[00:35:30] Justin: Are you willing, are you wanting to share that with people? Are you preaching and, are you preaching to people in like churches? What does that look 

[00:35:37] Don: like? Well, I've done, I've done all the above, but um, no, I, I know the first year when I was giving God a year, and he was so kind, kind with me. And, uh, but it started changing me.

[00:35:48] Don: And I, I would say within six months. I had my own Bible study going. I was, I already, um, six months. Yeah, within six months, I was teaching a couple, I could have sent them a sympathy card because I [00:36:00] didn't know much, but I was hungry and this stuff was real and I was trying to get to learn it. And the best way you can learn things is get right out after it and start, you know, ministering whatever way.

[00:36:11] Don: You see fit and a lot of people do things see the problem we have a lot of times in christianity is People come to a knowledge of who god is and they get part of the fold But they're not put out to work right away, you know, so Or you got to go to school for three four years or whatever it is, you know get licensed or whatever You don't have to do that And I know for myself it became real real quick because I started talking about it.

[00:36:36] Don: I actually carried a little bible In my back pocket at work. I know people are sort of like making a little bit of noise about that, but but I got myself doing something right away. And that's where myself as far as young, you know, as far as talking to young people myself, it's getting active. It's like, like Justin saying, as far as Giving to develop love and you find yourself in a place where you help out and [00:37:00] so I mean not everybody's going to be Preaching to people but helping is an important thing because you know, you find different needs different things like that It changes your whole life and he gives God a chance to develop himself in you and I believe in that year Uh, God did a lot of work inside of me because he made something solid that I've never walked away from.

[00:37:23] Don: I've always looked for ways to minister in the way that I was called. Okay, so 

[00:37:28] Justin: when you When you talk about having a relationship with God and you talk about being so Devoted to something that just made its presence in your life How does that look like is it just because you're seeing your life improve?

[00:37:44] Justin: Are you seeing are you hearing like? Is there a voice telling you to do something like what's what's directing you in your path? You just now feel like you have this path now You feel like in a sense from if I'm understanding correctly that you have the truth, you know The [00:38:00]truth has been revealed to you in a way Yeah Where it hasn't before and it makes it so apparent and so evident Yeah, knowing the truth and now you just kind of want to stick with that, you know You just want to walk in that In that lane, like you feel like you got things designated down to one lane, you know, what's guiding you though?

[00:38:19] Justin: Are you again? Are you hearing a voice or how do you know? How do you know where to go next now that you've I guess established 

[00:38:27] Don: a relationship? Yeah Well myself through the years I've learned I hear God in different ways and circumstances I can see God working in those areas, but I know in the beginning I, I, I was very pampered and babied.

[00:38:42] Don: I gave God a year, but By God or in general? In general, because I, I got involved in like a Bible study and I started getting involved in, in church meetings and stuff, you know, where I was being taught, being taught the Bible. So I got myself a good foundation. And once you teach the Word of [00:39:00] God, you, then you really learn.

[00:39:02] Don: You know, I would hear it and stuff and that would excite me. But once you have to get to the point where you gotta dig the scriptures and all this stuff and put it together and make sense out of it, then you really start learning. And, but it just blossomed. And then I got to the point where people were coming back to me, you know, and saying how much they appreciated.

[00:39:21] Don: what I did. And I started seeing things. You know, I, I had one guy at work, uh, and this guy was, he ridiculed me. I mean, I couldn't believe it. You know, I'm, I'm at work and I'm just a loving type guy, you know, following the things of God with a Bible in my back pocket. And, and one day he, uh, went, you know, he had radios in our, uh, plant and he went to a Christian radio, turned all the radios to a Christian radio.

[00:39:47] Don: I was out of the department. I come walking in and he's sitting in front of a vehicle with a big smirk on his face. You know, like he was doing, it's just a rub something in, but then his wife. Wanted a Bible study and I [00:40:00] remember going over tables return I know he invited me over to his house and that first night that first night So this guy 

[00:40:07] Justin: that just tried to put you on blast that is right Invited you over to his house to teach a Bible study and he was included 

[00:40:14] Don: in this Bible study.

[00:40:14] Don: Yes Yes, and it didn't stop it. It was his wife You know, and she was on fire. She wanted to know everything I knew that night, which wasn't that much, but she wanted to know everything. But I gave her a Bible study, and he went through it, and then her mother And, uh, her stepfather came to a study and they got involved, you know, uh, everything.

[00:40:35] Don: And then her sister and her brother in law got involved, you know, I mean, and then she had five kids. I remember teaching a study and they had, they had five kids under the age of five and they were all in a room while I'm teaching a Bible study. This room was just turmoil with kids, but she was hungry.

[00:40:54] Don: She was hungry and we had a good time and and then her children, they you know, they're old [00:41:00] now They're married and all that stuff, but they memorized chapters in the Bible You know, they they got involved in Christian churches and stuff And I mean, but it's amazing what one little moment can do and this was a guy, you know That giving God a chance for 

[00:41:14] Justin: one year, you know, cuz it's it's very interesting to me I find that actually Fascinating because we're talking about like how your encounters are so different.

[00:41:22] Justin: Yeah, and how you come to God and how he reveals himself To you is so different in everybody's life Think about this guy his encounter with God was he was trying to like essentially mock the believer He was mocking a believer Yes, and God basically said like I'm gonna turn this around and show you my goodness I guess you know by allowing this nice guy to just come to your house yeah, and Preach.

[00:41:48] Justin: That's right. Your wife and children. 

[00:41:50] Don: I know, I know it was. And then it was amazing because within a couple of weeks, this guy was coming to the church. I went to, I never [00:42:00] invited him there. He just showed up. He probably, you know, he found out where I was going and all this stuff and they just took off. So, so right there, 

[00:42:06] Justin: that's so important to just note, right?

[00:42:08] Justin: So when, cause he's showing up now, just like you were after, you know, having your encounter. Yeah. It's I think a testament to say that. Now God is speaking through him. I would say speaking to him, right? So when people are, you know, when people say God's speaking to me, that's kind of what it looks like, right?

[00:42:27] Justin: Yeah, when God's speaking to you, you know, so now there's something this guy goes from mocking somebody at his work Yeah So now being completely enlightened I would say as an encounter with with the Lord really you know in his house by because I mean, how could you be against some nice guy coming to your home just to preach the good news to your wife and your children?

[00:42:46] Justin: Right, right. So now he's, now he's having an encounter, right? And now he's being led, and he's being led in his own way. And that just goes to show you that everyone's encounter, everyone's It's different. It's [00:43:00] so different. Oh, it is. It's so 

[00:43:01] Don: completely different. So you gotta be open to that. You gotta be, you gotta be open to it.

[00:43:05] Don: Cause you never know, you know. I mean, you never know who you run into. Where they're at and what can be said, you know, because 

[00:43:12] Justin: I exactly I think you need to be open to it And I'll just say because I think it needs to be said and I think I mean I've said this to you before in our Conversations, but I think that God can meet you exactly where you're at You know, you don't need to change you don't need to say certain words and we're talking about like prayers and stuff I don't think that you need to say certain words talk a certain way to reach God.

[00:43:38] Justin: I don't think that you're Tattoos matter. I don't think that your music choice matters. I don't think that your gender matters Yeah, none of this stuff matters. God is going to meet you exactly where you're at and sometimes In a place where you don't want anything to do with them. In a place where you're mocking somebody openly.

[00:43:57] Justin: And your intention is to hurt their feelings, bully them, [00:44:00] whatever. Because you feel like you're above them for whatever reason. But you go in with the intention and God sees your heart. He sees behind that veil. He sees behind that mask that you're wearing around people. And he sees the heart. And I think he allows, I think when God, when God comes into your life, He's working in that heart.

[00:44:23] Justin: I think when he's when he's when people say he's speaking to you He's speaking to me. He's guiding me. He's working directly through your heart 

[00:44:30] Don: He is and he actually gets you to like people, you know I mean a lot of times in life you get to the point where you really there's only one person you like in the world and it's not anybody else, but But as when you start getting God into your life, you start to like people, you learn how to love people and you find that people want to be loved and if you can take some time just to listen to them, talk about whatever it is, you can just, they just open up, they just open up.

[00:44:58] Don: And I find a lot of times [00:45:00] then you can season some thoughts and say how God can really help them in life. But yeah, it's amazing. How God operates and how different it is for everybody, you know, 

[00:45:10] Justin: and so that moment right there where you're You're preaching to his wife and you're preaching to this guy who you thought might possibly hate you.

[00:45:18] Justin: Yeah. And you're just, you're, you're going because you're being, you're being led by God right now. Obviously something is telling you, I mean, you have to be thinking in this moment, this is a little awkward at this moment with the kids all there and stuff like that. At that moment that had to be. One, just one thought, one minute thought that was going through your brain is, this is 

[00:45:36] Don: a little awkward.

[00:45:37] Don: But you, but there's something here that I didn't mention before. Yeah. You get hungry. Yeah. You know, when you start getting into the Word of God and doing different things like that, there is a hunger. So you start to look at people and as everything is an opportunity. You know, so you say to yourself, you know, the guy might treat you a little poorly.

[00:45:56] Don: I don't know if he ever did apologize. I'd have to think about that. But [00:46:00] he might have treated you a little poorly, but you know, you're very forgiving. You really, because I know Jesus said it all on the cross. He says, forgive them, Father, for they know not what they're doing. So when people do something bad to you, you don't get offended.

[00:46:13] Justin: You know, that's just crazy to think about the way you just said, because he said that on the cross. Like he said that as he was nailed up to a cross. Nailed him to a cross and he's saying to the people that are, are crucifying 

[00:46:25] Don: him, forgive them. Yeah. They don't know what they're doing. I don't think 

[00:46:29] Justin: anybody in the world can comprehend or possess that level of forgiveness towards people.

[00:46:36] Justin: I know. I don't think, I don't think that level of forgiveness is even possible. 

[00:46:39] Don: Yeah. And they even gave him sour wine. They couldn't even give him decent wine. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yet he was forgiving them for whatever they did. Yeah, I 

[00:46:50] Justin: think what they say is it was like a dirty quality.

[00:46:53] Justin: They like mix it with so much water. Yeah. You would have like two parts water, three parts water. The way [00:47:00] the wine was. Yeah, 

[00:47:01] Don: it wasn't even good. Yeah, yeah. But yet he was very forgiving. It was like Boone's Farm. Yeah. These are examples. You know what I mean? That's where you say you find people in life.

[00:47:10] Don: They are examples. When, when situations happen, and they have every right. What the world would do, curse or whatever, but they don't. They don't, because they have really reached a maturity. They realize that these people don't know what they're doing. They really don't know, and until you really have a relationship with God, you are a wanderer.

[00:47:30] Don: You know, you really don't know what you're doing. God is the one that wants to show you. He wants to be the light in your life, and He wants to lead you down the path of life. He's got things. to show you. 

[00:47:41] Justin: Yeah. And I think that's, that's interesting that you say that about you being the wanderer, because I think up until that point, you think you're the wise, you think you're the one in charge.

[00:47:51] Justin: You think you're the one that knows everything, right? You're, you think you have your life all figured out and it isn't until you get to a point where you [00:48:00] realize you don't have things figured out. And it's, I think, uh, a hard thing to admit to oneself, but I think it is when you get to that point. That you realize there's something greater than you.

[00:48:11] Justin: And I think that's what it, what it does is that shift from even being thinking you're in the wise to now you're a wanderer because now you're, you almost have to like, I wouldn't say you have to start all over. In that moment, I think you almost feel completely lost when you have to accept to yourself that you don't have things figured out.

[00:48:28] Justin: And up until this point, the way you've been living, the way you've been operating, the way you've been handling things, haven't been working for you. It hasn't been producing fruit in your life. And actually, it's been doing the opposite. So it's when I think you, you come to terms with that and you get to a point where You do recognize that there's something greater than yourself.

[00:48:51] Justin: That it becomes possible to look at things differently. You know, the Bible talks about this as renewing your mind. [00:49:00] And, uh, renewing your mind in Jesus. Specifically, in what Jesus stood for. Is the process of being born again, which I've had the pleasure of doing under your wing, which is actually something that's really special to me, but I would say that that process itself is something that you have to get to a point of, I wouldn't say calamity, but you have to get to a point where you have to reach out sometimes for something that's greater than you, because up until then, you just, you feel like you are the answer to all your problems.

[00:49:35] Justin: And unfortunately then you're the reason when everything goes bad in your life. Yeah, you fall into a You know, a cycle of just shaming yourself and this guilt that you go through and you suffer from it. But what if there was somebody who paid the ultimate price? Where you wouldn't have to suffer and you wouldn't have to feel shame and you wouldn't have to feel guilt.

[00:49:58] Justin: Wouldn't that be 

[00:49:58] Don: great? Oh, it [00:50:00] certainly would. You know, a lot of times I get people coming up and discrediting certain things. I always tell them. It's a lot easier to believe the Bible than some of the things that you're trying to get me to believe. Yeah, and I think, I think we've been given a better plan.

[00:50:14] Don: You know, if somebody can come up with a better plan, I might be open to listen, but I haven't found a better plan. You know, most I don't think there is one. No, most of it all ends at the end of life, and this one here goes beyond all that. You know, and myself, I'm not in a position to take chances and I tell people I have not arrived.

[00:50:32] Don: You know, I'm a baby boomer that's still being worked on. I have not arrived yet. I just got 40 years on me. That's all. Yeah. Only 

[00:50:39] Justin: 40. Well, I think that wraps it up for today. 

[00:50:43] Don: This was a good one, Justin. I 

[00:50:45] Justin: think so too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today and we hope you can join us again next week.

[00:50:51] Justin: For another good word until then, 

[00:50:54] Don: stay blessed by the best. See you guys.[00:51:00]