The Wise & The Wandering

Your Healing is Coming - Episode 5

January 31, 2024 Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz Episode 5
Your Healing is Coming - Episode 5
The Wise & The Wandering
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The Wise & The Wandering
Your Healing is Coming - Episode 5
Jan 31, 2024 Episode 5
Dr. Don Schaefer & Justin Olbrantz

It is safe to say that our world needs a collective healing. 

Many times we are so close, but there is still something blocking it.  These are the concerns that everyone has, and this is going to be an episode everyone needs to hear.   Let's identify the causes of our damage, whether they are physical, emotional, or psychological–and learn some easy actions to take moving forward on our personal path of healing! Join us as we explore the natural and spiritual remedies that are available for you, no matter what you have been through in your life.

Not only is your healing possible, but it is coming.  Are you ready to receive it? 

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It is safe to say that our world needs a collective healing. 

Many times we are so close, but there is still something blocking it.  These are the concerns that everyone has, and this is going to be an episode everyone needs to hear.   Let's identify the causes of our damage, whether they are physical, emotional, or psychological–and learn some easy actions to take moving forward on our personal path of healing! Join us as we explore the natural and spiritual remedies that are available for you, no matter what you have been through in your life.

Not only is your healing possible, but it is coming.  Are you ready to receive it? 

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[00:00:00] Justin: Hi, everyone. This is Justin Obrantz. 

[00:00:35] Don: And this is Don Schaefer. 

[00:00:37] Justin: And you are listening to the Wise and the Wandering podcast for those who know the way and for those who are led astray. And if you feel like you fall into either of those categories, then you're in the right place. So let's get into it. So Don, what are we going to talk about 

[00:00:54] Don: today?

[00:00:55] Well, I think we're going to talk a little bit about healing, and , it's going to be something [00:01:00] that I think everybody needs to hear, and everybody has to deal with. A lot of times we think we have to go to a doctor, but there's more to healing than just that. 

[00:01:09] Justin: Yeah, I definitely think the world needs to hear about healing.

[00:01:13] I think that the world needs healing right now. There are so many Wounds. Yes. So many wars going on. Yes. So many things that are, you know, festering in that sense, that I think, the world itself needs a collective healing. Yes. And I guess, how do you think the world is going to get that healing? 

[00:01:33] Don: Well, I, you know, a lot of it I think is, it starts on an individual basis.

[00:01:38] We ourselves realizing that we need healing. I know like in life itself, so many times people will have an issue or things happening in their life, but they just continue to live with it, and they get comfortable with it, until the point where they maybe can't walk or something happens and they have to go to a physician.

[00:01:57] But you know, if we can come to the realization that [00:02:00] everybody needs a healing in some ways, it's just the way we were created. Our creators came to save the loss and came to heal the sick, but the sick wasn't like I got the measles or I got the mumps, you know, a lot of it is deals with my mental problems, the way I see things, and I think the world right now struggles in understanding the way.

[00:02:21] things are meant to be seen. And our hope and prayers is that there's a breakthrough, that some reality can come through, that people can understand that they need a healing and realize that Jesus Christ is the only source of true healing. And we need to allow that to happen in our lives.

[00:02:39] Yeah, 

[00:02:39] Justin: he definitely is. And I think you touched on something there You talked about Jesus, setting people free and healing them, and I think that you kind of, before you can receive healing, you, you have to be set free of something. You have to be, I would say, liberated of something before you can be set free of sickness or dysfunction in the mind [00:03:00] and stuff like that.

[00:03:01] But I think that. Jesus did provide the ultimate healing for us, which is the forgiveness of our sins. Oh, yeah. And I think that, by his wounds, we were healed, right? I think that's the phrase, right? By his wounds, we were healed. His 

[00:03:14] Don: stripes. That's right. 

[00:03:16] Justin: And I think some of us never really did heal.

[00:03:19] I think in some cases, and I'm talking about like traumatic experiences, I'm talking about, um, things that, maybe wounds that you've had in your life. Yeah. That haven't been dealt with. That have just been left, wounds that have been left open. Untreated. Um, in some cases some dirty wounds that are there.

[00:03:41] You know? And I think that some people haven't gotten past that healing, and it's affected them definitely in their later parts of their life. Because they weren't healed as children. Yeah. And I guess, could you talk about, like, the long term effects of an untreated wound?

[00:03:59] Don: Yeah. [00:04:00] Well, long term effects affect us different ways. You know, the physical side, you can have all kinds of issues, and those things are obvious. But a lot of times, our emotions, our mental stability, our spirituality, All these things here are affected when we've been hurt. We've been damaged in some way, and it hasn't been healed properly.

[00:04:19] And a lot of times, it can scab over a little bit, but the deep part of that wound has not been healed. And that's where I know when Jesus came, he was the hit parade back in his day when he came on this earth and, and preached the gospel. And the gospel means good news. So the poor and the people that he preached to.

[00:04:38] They received this well because he talked about a different healing. You know, he says, those that think that they're well, they don't need a physician. So if you think that everything is okay, which. In everybody, we all have issues. The Bible tells us about that, and I believe it's true. But, we all have issues.

[00:04:54] But there's a lot of people out there that think they have no issues. And this sort of thing is [00:05:00] something that will fester in their life and show itself in different ways. But the person who realizes, you know what, I need to see the doctor. I am not going to live like this anymore. I realize that my life is falling apart.

[00:05:12] I'm not as strong as I used to be. I'm not as healthy as I used to be. So who's the physician? And that's where Jesus says, I am the truth, the life, and the way. There's no way except through me. And that's where he preached a different type of healing. He came to heal the, the sick and the lost, preach the gospel to the sick and the lost, and he healed them and that's where in the Bible, you know, the Bible says that if everything that Jesus did was to be written down, there wouldn't be enough books in the world to contain all that.

[00:05:38] You know, they talk about him raising the dead. They talk about leprosy and stuff of that nature. But there was a lot more healing going on. It was a healing of the mind and the soul of individuals and allowing them to be strengthened in great ways and giving them a complete change of mind. 

[00:05:56] Justin: You said that Jesus came and he said, I've come to [00:06:00] set.

[00:06:00] The captives free, but I've you said he's the truth the way in the life Yes, and I think that that speaks to me Personally because I think you know knowing that he is the truth and knowing, you know when I was born again, and I went through that process of Dying to the old self and you know still in process of that But when I realized the truth that was a complete healing for me.

[00:06:25] Yeah It was a complete healing to my mind. So when you say like he mentioned setting the captives free, I really understood that when I put myself into that place, when I put my mind into that place. There was definitely a healing that came about that because I think, I think we focus mainly on the, physical side of healing and not enough on the spiritual side of healing.

[00:06:48] Yeah, 

[00:06:49] Don: that's true. And I 

[00:06:50] Justin: think that spiritual healing includes both physical cures of diseases. And dysfunction as well, but also, spiritual [00:07:00] healing also includes like a regeneration and a restoration of our lives. It really does. And I, I think until you go through and you accept that and you, and you hold I would say a belief system rooted into spiritual principles, you cannot receive the healing.

[00:07:16] Yeah, 

[00:07:17] Don: yeah, that is true. I know we need something to happen. See, what happens a lot, Justin, in our lives is the fact that it's much like in this world, there is a virus that's going on. And our whole process of thinking and living our lives, we've been. I don't know, hacked, or we've got a virus that has hit us in such and such a way, a lot of times it's, you can't see it, you just open up your life or open up an email someplace, and all of a sudden you've got something going on, and it is starting to take over your whole operating system, and it's causing a Depression is causing angers, it's causing jealousies, it's causing fears, it's causing all these types of symptoms that are happening into your life, [00:08:00] but it's areas of your life that need to be touched in a different way.

[00:08:04] And I know we've been talking a lot about the fact that we're all basically coming to this world as a hardware. But it's the software, as a child that comes into this world, he is programmed by his parents. He's programmed, uh, how to speak the language, how to eat the food. You know, I see little kids using chopsticks.

[00:08:23] I couldn't even begin to think about using that. But they use it so well, you know, they're one, two years old and they're using chopsticks. See, and that's what happens in life a lot of times. What we do in life, we get a virus. Things that are poured into us. So then all of a sudden we've got bad software, and this stuff is, needs to be healed in some way.

[00:08:43] And that's where it takes a redeemer to redeem us from some of this stuff.

[00:08:49] Justin: It definitely takes a redeemer and it's good that we have a redeemer. And I think you kind of touched on something about getting a virus and, and allowing yourself to kinda get thrown off. And I feel like we live in a world [00:09:00] full of constant discouragement and I think that discouragement, you know, in order to. In order to believe in the spiritual side of healing we need to be rooted in spiritual principles We have to have a belief system that's rooted in a spirituality itself But in order to believe we have to have kind of the courage to believe into something we have to have the courage to go out and do things.

[00:09:23] We have to have the courage To want to seek the truth. We have to have the courage to, to know that things can be better. We're constantly being discouraged by this, by these things in our life, these distractions, all of these, even these wounds that are in our life that haven't fully been healed. We're constantly being reminded and we're being distracted by these things and that discouragement, I think it turns to like a lethargy.

[00:09:48] It makes us Sluggish and it makes us not try as hard over time and yeah over time I think it sometimes just overpowers us and we never get to where we really want to go You know where we want to [00:10:00] be and then what happens is I think the state of fear Will cause you to kind of just go through the same Impulsive patterns that allowed the wounds to keep festering in the first place living in that same state of fear That's what causes that those same impulsive patterns to come out of you.

[00:10:18] That's true it further prolongs the healing in your life. It just keeps kicking it down the road And I think that's something that's hard to break out of in my life especially in my life because healing in my life is something that I've Kind of lived with and experienced at different ages and different, parts of my life, but I think it's kind of hard To fully grasp it until you're healed, you know, it's a hard concept because up until then there's so many things that get into your head that Getting better is usually one of the last ones Yeah, and it's hard because if you already believe that you were healed, I think you kind of would be healed So it's hard to get yourself into that level of [00:11:00] belief Or, that level of expectation or or agreement that you need to get healed because you're stuck and you're dealing with the sickness, you're dealing with the dysfunction at the time.

[00:11:10] And it's, it's hard to even have hope. You know what I'm saying? It's hard to even have hope in that situation. 

[00:11:16] Don: And, and there is a lot of things in this world that, claim to heal in different areas and they really don't. But I, I know myself, tomorrow. I am going to the doctor for a checkup, and I do this twice a year because I don't know if he likes to see me or what it is, but, but I get checked up, you know, and he takes a blood sample and he goes through and he, he tells me where everything lines up, he says, and usually it's pretty good, he and I got a good relationship like that, but you know, our Lord is the same thing, you know, he's meant to be the physician in our life and we need to be, have a checkup every once in a while because a lot of these issues that we have, we don't realize they're even there.

[00:11:53] We've, like Justin says, we've never experienced the healthy side of it. We've dealt with, maybe from young on, we dealt with the [00:12:00] fears and different things of that nature. We've never dealt with the healthy side of it. It's like, whoa. It's almost like, I know my wife, Shirley, just got cataract surgery within the last month.

[00:12:11] She had both eyes done, and it's like a whole new world for her. I mean, the colors, everything that she sees now, it's street signs, she can read these things. It's like a whole new world. They put a different lens in there, but you know, it's a healing is much like that we don't know the relief of it because so many times we're fearful.

[00:12:30] We're reluctant. I don't really need this What are what's Justin and Don talking about here healing? You got to be kidding me. You know, I don't have nothing busted You know, I don't have anything going on. But yet, you know, if you got any type of emotional issues and things that are bothering you, because we're supposed to be at peace.

[00:12:48] I know the Bible says that we're supposed to come to the Lord as children, you know, with the attitude of a child. And a child is very, very accepting. A child feels totally [00:13:00] comfortable with their parents. They have faith in their parents. And it's interesting too, sometimes when you go to the doctor, it seems like they prescribe anything and it seems like it, you just feel better.

[00:13:10] You just feel like you went to the professional. You know, I'm going to get well. Everything is taken care of. I'm going to get well. And 

[00:13:17] Justin: that level of expectation is there. That level of belief is there. Just because you're in a building, speaking to a certain individual. Yeah, 

[00:13:24] Don: he knows what he's doing. Yeah, he's gonna take care of you.

[00:13:27] And Jesus is the same source. He knows the heart of the individual. The great physician. Yeah, he knows how to heal and take care of things and that's where this podcast here is great because you know Basically the message is everybody needs a healing of some sort, you know The Bible says that everybody comes up short whatever it might be in life.

[00:13:47] We need somebody We need to get as the Bible would say on the potter's wheel. We need to be molded and You know, we're put into this world as a hard drive that has to be programmed. And until we place ourselves back [00:14:00] into His hands and allow the right thinking, a change of mind, to take care in our life, we are going to struggle in areas.

[00:14:08] And a lot of times it's not pretty. And a lot of people spend their whole life not knowing that there is an antidote. There is a source of healing. There is a booster shot, if you will, or something that you can have that will make you feel well. And then you'll have a wellness that you've probably never experienced in your life.

[00:14:25] Some of these people, you can tell by looking on their faces, they are miserable. You know they're hurting on the inside. They won't admit it to themselves, but their whole expression, the way they walk, the way they carry themselves, the way they dress, all this stuff, you look at them and you say, This is a hurting individual, and you'd love to help him.

[00:14:44] But the source of the help is God working in their lives. And until they're willing to open up to that doctor, and as Justin said, are not afraid to open up their lives, you know, they'll struggle for all their life. And what a peace there is. What a peace [00:15:00] there is to have God touch you. You're His creation.

[00:15:03] He created you to love Him. He loves you. He wants the best out of you. He wants to take care of everything in your life. The Bible says that we cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. He cares for us more than we care about ourselves and making us well. But we have to place ourselves. He's given us a free will to choose.

[00:15:23] We either go to the doctor or we don't go to the doctor. I remember one guy I worked with. He was kind of a guy that I'll never have to see a doctor. I'll never go to a doctor, you know? And he went on for like about 40 years, not going to the doctor, not realizing he had a high blood pressure. All his organs were affected.

[00:15:40] A recipe for disaster. Oh yeah. He had operations. They thought he was going to die. You know, he, and after he got through all that, he says, you know what? I wish I would have went to the doctor because it could have been taken care of a long time ago. 

[00:15:52] Justin: Yeah, definitely. And I think that anybody who's listening to this right now, the reason I titled this this way is [00:16:00] because I believe that your healing is coming.

[00:16:03] And I believe that if you believe that, sincerely, your healing is coming. And if you're, obedient. to the fact that it's coming and you're expecting it to come, it'll come. Just like Don is saying, when you go to the hospital or you go to the clinic and you're meeting with your doctor, you're going in there and you're expecting to be healed.

[00:16:20] Well, when you go to your father, when you go to your, the great physician, when you go to the, your doctor in, in the heavenly realm, You expect to be healed. You expect your traumas to go away. You expect your wounds to heal up. You expect the experiences in your life. Anything that's needed to get past those, you expect that.

[00:16:37] You expect that it's going to be given to you and you receive it. Yeah. You, already take it. You don't, you expect it, but you already receive it. I think that's so important because there's a lot of people that are held back and you mentioned maybe they're possibly their whole lives by not accepting The healing from the spiritual side, I would say there's a spiritual level of healing that people do not understand that [00:17:00] they need until they come to that, that maybe they get that revelation that they do need the spiritual healing.

[00:17:06] And I would say that there once was a time in the world where. Science and spirituality that the spiritual side of things and science work together and healing worked in that regard. People respected the science and they respected the methods and procedures that were being used. Then they also respected the higher authority that was already taking care of things.

[00:17:29] There was a certain level of respect there. I think of the book. That I read, called The Power of Positive Thinking. Yeah. By Norman Vincent Peale. Peale, yeah. And he talks about, I mean, there's a whole chapter about healing in there. And it talks about, again, what I'm saying is how there was a congruency there between the science realm and the spiritual realm.

[00:17:49] Almost, almost to the, to the degree that the terms are all the same. Meditation is just like medication, right? [00:18:00] To meditate is to be in prayer, to medicate is to, you know, in the modern way of medicine. And then you have wholeness. Wholeness they now use in terms of physical health, and that comes from holiness, right?

[00:18:14] So these things used to work hand in hand, and now it seems like It's not the case anymore and now it seems like we're not even focusing on the spiritual side of things and that's kind of left as an afterthought. And I think that's a reason why people are not getting healed because you're missing out on a whole nother side of it.

[00:18:31] You're missing out a whole nother dimension, a whole nother dimension of a part of your problem that you're not addressing. It's going to go unaddressed and it's The longer that it it goes unsettled the more destructive it becomes and the harder it becomes to heal I think because those those wounds fester, you know those wounds that you have that are there and they're going untreated They do fester and if they're left untreated for so long they just kind of get worse and worse and it healing becomes [00:19:00] something that is Unimaginable, I would say, in some people's lives because they're not open to accepting the spiritual side of things.

[00:19:07] That's 

[00:19:08] Don: right. And you're asking a question from the very beginning here. He says, Don, what's, what's going on with this world? How can we fix it? I think a lot of our problems that our world has is an ego problem. They have an ego problem and what I say by ego problem is edging God out, you know That's where people who have had big egos They have taken God out of their lives and placed themselves on the throne in our society today They have edged God out of their lives A lot of things.

[00:19:37] I know our schools right now, kids can go to school for up to 65, 000 hours from kindergarten right straight through high school without even having God spoken about inside the classroom. They have no knowledge of God. They have no knowledge of what Justin and I are talking about here as far as God getting a hold of their life and allowing a healing to take place.

[00:19:58] And God really does have [00:20:00] a plan. He believes each and every one of us is a variable, very valuable Part of his plan in life and for him to succeed in what he planned for us We have to be whole I know back in the Old Testament time You know that the animals and everything that they offered up every one of them had to be perfect They had to be here without blemish without blemish, you know, not saying that we can't have freckles or anything like that But we God wants this whole as Justin was saying in the mind.

[00:20:29] We have to be whole We have to think properly and the only way we can do that is to get God in, not edge him out. And our society is going to continue to struggle if they talk about the conditions of the world and man being able to take care of all that and, uh, you know, all man being able or using science, using science to dictate areas that God was meant to reach out and deal with, and being able to.

[00:20:54] to come up with chemicals to take care of some of these issues in a person's life where it's a heart [00:21:00] problem. You know, it's a part of their heart and a love problem where they haven't learned how to love or they haven't conditioned themselves. I know a lot of people in life, they're always looking for the right person, but they need to become the right person, and it isn't until we give our life lives over to him and ask him, help me, Lord, to become the right person.

[00:21:19] Help me to be a part of the plan that you would have. Help me to look at things the way you'd want me to look at things. Help me to develop the love that you have for me in my heart for you. Yeah. So that we can have a relationship together. So that you can transform me. That you can make something new.

[00:21:36] Cause I know the Bible talks about born again. Talks about a brand new birth. Talks about being able to take the old and make it brand new again. Having a new beginning, a different way of looking at things and seeing things, and this isn't something we can do ourselves. It'd be nice if we could just read a couple books in the in the library and say, you know, I got it, I got it.

[00:21:56] You know, step one, step two. But it isn't that way. It's a spiritual [00:22:00] operation. And that's where people years ago, many years ago, never even had a Bible. But they had a relationship with their Lord. And with that relationship, they went through a lot of things. And it's one thing that's interesting too, like, even in the South, prior to Civil War days, when they had slaves and stuff, these people here were very strong in the things of God.

[00:22:20] Many of our, Christian songs were developed in those ages. Because they went through some hard times. But they knew where good healing was, the healing of the mind, even though they were treated poorly. And that's where today, even if we're treated poorly, we can be well. All is well within my soul. You know, we can be well no matter what conditions we're in.

[00:22:41] We live in a society where a household of yellers Terrible people. We can be well. We can live through those things if we allow the healer to heal us of anything and keep us well. And that's where I know this podcast is all about a wellness. It's about a healing. You know that your healing is [00:23:00] on its way.

[00:23:00] God is wanting us and wanting to perfect us. Yeah, 

[00:23:04] Justin: and I think if you're willing to believe it, it is on its way. And I think if you're willing and you're going to believe it, you're going to be healed. And let's talk a little bit about prayer. You know, let's talk about the meditation, right, side of things.

[00:23:16] Yeah, and I guess how important do you think prayer is in terms of healing? Well, 

[00:23:22] Don: I tell you what, I think it's a lot about relationship and prayer. Bill's relationship and it's just like you can have your best friend and all of a sudden your best friend has to go someplace And you haven't seen him for five years haven't spoken to him You know they come back and you hug and you say but you're not as close as you used to be because used to talk Every day, you know, you share your inner feelings and that's where I think you develop a relationship with God and because you you know, you get into the Bible and you get into circumstances, you know, like I've I've mentioned this before about being prayed up.

[00:23:55] There's something about praying to God, reaching out to God, bringing Him into your life, [00:24:00] and it's a conversation. It isn't something that you take a prayer on a card and just read it off a card. But you sit down like we're talking right now, and you talk to God. You know, Lord, I've got a day in front of me here.

[00:24:10] I got this and that going. I don't know what your thoughts are, but you know, I'd sure like it if you could be a part of all this. You know, I'm going to have some fun today at Great America. You know, and I'm going to probably be taking some rides. I'm praying that you can have some fun with me.

[00:24:23] You know, that you can be a part of everything that I do in this day. And if somebody would come against me, help me not to get offended. Help me not to get angry because I know this is a sickness. You know, this is signs of disease. I want to be well. You know, and that's why I'm going to take, take my pills along with me, the gospel, but I'm going to take my pills along with me so that situations come, I got an antidote, I got someone that I can talk to.

[00:24:46] Many people in this world are terribly lonely. You know, we talked about happiness a few, uh, episodes ago, but a lot of people are terribly lonely, and a lot of it is because of an illness. It's an illness inside of them. They don't have the relationship, and [00:25:00] that's where the meditate to. You meditate on the thing.

[00:25:02] things of God, you develop an understanding. God sees when you're interested. I know the Bible talks about those seeking after the things of God. So when we have a hunger inside of us and we're seeking Him, this is something that brings Him into the picture and gets Him to be a part of our life.

[00:25:20] And you can see that, because the Bible talks about a peace that surpasses all understanding. It's something that nobody can come up with. They can't, you can't go to books or anything. How does this person get this peace? The situations around them are falling apart, but this person is totally peaceful.

[00:25:35] Because they've been in the hands. They've been, they've developed a relationship that only prayer, and meditating, and seeking after the things that God can bring. 

[00:25:43] Justin: You know, If you had asked me years back how I felt about prayer, like thoughts, when somebody would say thoughts and prayers, I would just kind of roll my eyes a little bit 'cause I didn't really believe in it.

[00:25:54] Yeah. And that's kind of the key word. I didn't believe in it. Once you believe in it, I think you can start to understand [00:26:00] the power that's behind prayer. Oh yeah. 'cause I think by praying, we are putting out. In public or private essentially, that we are in unison and we're in agreement with receiving a particular expected outcome in advance.

[00:26:16] Yeah. Yeah. And when we do that, in some cases we, in some cases we recognize and we accept that it has already happened and it's already been granted to us. Mm-Hmm. . And I think it's that, that level of intensity of belief that's bringing a bunch of people together. That accelerates the healing or accelerates the expected outcome that we're looking for.

[00:26:38] Oh, yeah I noticed this recently with my mom in the hospital is that when I prayed over her and when I had People around us that were involved in praying for her when she was when she was going through her cancer that there was A heightened level of belief that was going through my mind at the time and my [00:27:00] spirit.

[00:27:00] I could really feel that it was already working, you know, and if I thought like I did years ago and I just rolled my eyes, I would never even believe in it to begin with. So I think that meditation is so important, not only just public, but privately, whether you're in groups or. If you're in a private setting, that meditation is so important, that communion to have with God, but not only that, that, that open display of Confidence that open display of expectation and belief is what's going to get you that healing is what's going to get you that Expected outcome that you're already asking for in advance.

[00:27:36] Don: Yeah, that is so true. And I know myself There's part of prayer that's called intercession prayer where you pray for someone else because then not everybody praise. Not everybody believes in prayer, but God works with prayer. And when you're a believer, you expect in the things of God and you intercede for a person that puts, gives God an opportunity.

[00:27:58] Cause that's where the Bible says that [00:28:00] Jesus is interceding for us. You know, he's praying for us because he wants what us to come to the light, to be able to see things, but the operation. praying and I know we've talked about this just in a little bit about the fact that everybody comes to God from a prayer.

[00:28:15] That's my belief. I believe that everybody that comes to God comes because of someone taking the time to pray and lift their names up before the Lord, asking the Lord to intervene in their life. And it's probably their grandma. It could have been their grandma. Yeah, you know, grandma's prayers go a long way.

[00:28:31] They go a long ways, that's for sure. And that's where I know, we have a tremendous opportunity to find people in our life. We should, you know, the Bible talks about praying for our enemies, praying for all these things. Because one thing about prayer, too, is when you start to pray for people, it seems like They don't, they're not so much your enemy anymore.

[00:28:48] God gives you a peace, but he also does something in this person's life. I, and I know, as far as people and changing and being satisfied in their life. If you have a strong Christian [00:29:00] that takes you on as a project and starts praying for you, you can almost expect things to start happening in your life.

[00:29:06] Because once God steps in, once he sees the sincerity of the heart, he steps in and starts doing things. And I know that's a powerful thing. And I know Jesus Christ himself, he dedicated himself in prayer. You know, I'm sitting there, you know, after he would be ministering all day, you know, he would leave the group and go off and pray.

[00:29:27] He had to make connection with his father. You would think someone in his status. Being filled with the Holy Ghost since the day he was born, never cheated at marbles or basketball or cards, you know, and this guy had to straighten narrow that he would not have to pray, but he knew the power of prayer.

[00:29:44] And even like at the last supper, he's praying unto the father, you know, I bless this food and all this sort of thing. He himself showed us how powerful prayer truly is because there's power in the spoken word and prayer gives us the opportunity. [00:30:00]

[00:30:00] Justin: Yeah, keyword being the opportunity. And I think that, we have to be healed first ourselves before we can help other people.

[00:30:08] And I think that in terms of your saying praying for your enemies and stuff like that, you know, that might be a little hard of a concept to grasp. But I think that once we do help ourselves. We can start helping other people. You know, you can't help, you can't just start helping other people the right way until you help yourself first.

[00:30:24] You know, you have to love yourself first, and then you can properly love other people. You have to help, you have to be healed, and you have to go through the healing process yourself and be healed. And then that will allow you to, it will allow you to help heal other people, and to bring them to their healing.

[00:30:40] Because you're allowing God to come into your situation, which will make you You become an answer to someone else's prayer. Yeah. You talk about praying for other people. You become the answer to someone else's prayer by allowing God to work into your situation. Yeah. And I think that God has given us value, [00:31:00] I would say through Jesus, so that we can give value to other people.

[00:31:04] Yeah. Yeah. And giving that value to other people is almost like a. There's a transference. , it's a transaction between one person to another person and that, that can cause healing just doing that alone. You can transfer what's going on inside of you to someone else. That energy that you have inside of you, that feeling that you have inside of you, you can transfer that directly into somebody else.

[00:31:31] Don: That's powerful stuff there, Justin. Yeah, because I do believe, like Justin's saying, it's the energy, it's the stuff inside you that, you know, you get into a room where everything is down, you get one person in there excited, and things start to happen, because what you do is you bring the presence of God along with you.

[00:31:48] And I know one time I, I gave a talk, and I took, you know, I don't know you, you folks out there, if you've ever experienced this, but we used to have drills. That had cords that you plugged them into the wall to [00:32:00] use, now they're all cordless, but I came into a, talking experience and I brought my drill with the cord, you know, and I had a nice drill in the end of it.

[00:32:07] I says, you know what? I had a piece of wood. I says, I have a problem with this drill because I can't get through this wood. You know, I said, I can't figure out what the problem is. And then somebody raised their hand. Hey, you got to plug it in. You got to plug it in. Oh, so I plugged it in, you know, drill look fine.

[00:32:24] See, that's where I think what prayer does. It plugs us in, you know, it gets us plugged into the source of energy as Justin is talking about, and once that source is inside of us, working inside of us. It touches everybody. It's just like the common cold, it's contagious. And people will want to know where the source comes.

[00:32:44] Because they feel something, they feel something. And a lot of times too, I've, and you probably have too Justin, but I've experienced that people have been very down, you know, and had a rough day, you know, and they just drag themselves in. So we get in and we start talking about God a [00:33:00] little bit. We start saying how God loves them, God is there for them, all the possibilities, how they can become valuable, as you were mentioning, you know, so that their value can be given to others.

[00:33:10] But then afterwards, he said, you know, I came in here with all kinds of problems, but, you know, right now I'm leaving, and it doesn't seem like I got a problem in the world. Cause that's the way God works. You start getting into the presence of people that are lifting up God, and you yourself are doing this, all of a sudden the problems, We'll start to take care of themselves, and a healing process starts to take in, you know, I worried myself sick Well all of a sudden, you know what i'm going to trust I feel good about this I feel that god is going to give me the answer, this too shall pass It doesn't matter how bad the situation this too shall pass You know god has been the answer for a lot of this and healing is a big part of our lives Everybody needs a healer.

[00:33:54] Justin: Yeah understanding That God loves you and wants you to love yourself. [00:34:00]Just understanding that alone will promote healing. And will bring healing. Because I think there's a, there's an enemy, an adversary out there that wants you to hate yourself. Yeah. I, I really believe this. Because the enemy, the adversary, cause he hates you.

[00:34:17] Yeah. He hates you, wants you to hate yourself. Be miserable. Whereas God is on the other side of that. He loves you. Yeah. Wants you to love yourself. Yeah. So you equate everything with You equate everything in your life that happens to You know, God is punishing you, or God is, God is being hard on you, or God is purposely putting you through hard times.

[00:34:37] I don't think that's at all the case. I think God just loves you and wants you to love yourself. And when you love yourself, and when you love Him, He wants you to love other people. That's the commandments in order, right? So, I mean, that's, that's, that's the greatest ones, or at least in Jesus 

[00:34:51] Don: case. Top of the line.

[00:34:53] Justin: And I think that, that's the importance here, is to, to love your God. To love yourself and to love your neighbor [00:35:00] the way you love yourself. And if we could just get back to that, if we could just get that down on a base level, I think we would have a much easier life. I think our world would be in less tatters than it is right now.

[00:35:13] I think we might even have a level of world peace, if I would say. Just by, just by obeying these three commandments. 

[00:35:21] Don: Yes, yes. And it's, 

[00:35:23] Justin: it's because of disregarding that it's because of putting that and shelving that to the side and not even allowing ourselves to even encounter into a spiritual side, to not even invite in the spiritual side, to not even accept the spiritual side, that we are doing a disservice to ourselves because we're not even allowing ourselves to have the opportunity to have that kind of blessing in our lives, to have that kind of revelation in our lives, to have that That, you know, hope and the future and the love that, that God has for you to have that reciprocated love back towards

[00:35:58] Don: him.[00:36:00]

[00:36:00] That is true. . And I know myself, I've talked about this a lot with different people, but I remember my wife's mother, her name was Tilly, and she had bad knees. She had diabetes. She had bad eyesight, and she had a hard time remembering things and stuff, but I would sit with her, you know, and I was sit with her and I talked to her about Jesus.

[00:36:22] And I would tell her, you know, God is going to take away all the pain. He's going to give you a brand new body. He's going to wipe away all the tears. He's going to share love with you. He's got everything waiting. I know Jesus himself said, I prepare a place for you. So no matter what. Condition you are in, not everything, you know, I mean, you got bad knees or whatever.

[00:36:43] It isn't like God is going to instantaneously heal some of that stuff. Yeah. I think healing, it takes time. Oh, it does. And, but he, but he, what he wants to do is heal your heart and your mind. He realizing that we place ourselves in his hands. Lord, do with me whatever you see [00:37:00] fit to do. I'm gonna love you, no matter what the circumstance might be, because the healing that I really need is in my heart and in my mind.

[00:37:07] And you're, you're 

[00:37:08] Justin: referring to your spiritual heart. 

[00:37:10] Don: That is absolutely right. You know, I need to get that right. I need to get that right with you, because I know as long as I, I, I live, I'm not gonna Leave this world perfect. It seems like we're born into this world and we reach a level where we grow up but then it seems like the process of decay or getting old, body aches and pains, slowness, all this stuff comes upon us and no matter how hard we try to stop it, it just don't stop.

[00:37:37] Someday we're going to leave this world, but we want to leave this world with the right heart. Realizing that on the other side, no matter how bad it is. No matter what the circumstances, He's there with a loving arms wanting to take us in and call us home and be with Him for eternity. No more sorrow, no more pain, no more crying.

[00:37:55] All this has gone away because we're in the arms. We have made [00:38:00] it. We have allowed the healer to touch our heart. to touch our lives. And that's important, I think, for every one of us to realize that God wants to do great things in our life if we give him the opportunity. But a lot of times we're afraid, as Justin mentioned earlier, you know, or we got an ego.

[00:38:16] God has been totally edged out of our lives. You know, we got an ego. We don't want to let nobody, I'm in charge, you know, I'm in control. But it's only when we come to the place where we're broken, where we realize, hey, we need it. We need a healer. We need the one, the source, the creator to take us and redo some areas in our heart.

[00:38:36] We need to be reborn in some way or some fashion and have a renewed mind, thinking in a different way. Because 

[00:38:43] Justin: unfortunately, to get healing, you have to be hurt first. Sometimes. You have to go through some type of, you have to go through some type of pain. Yes. I would say before you're Before you're gonna get healing.

[00:38:55] Yeah, one has to occur before the other. Oh, yeah And I think that's a kind of a hard [00:39:00] concept for people to grasp because They get so caught up in the source of the pain and they get so caught up on the wise behind the pain I know and it stops them like I was kind of saying before is it discourages them and it It causes them to be lethargic, I guess, in their ability to try to find the healing, the remedy for their pain, rather than focus on what caused the pain to begin with, if that makes sense.

[00:39:25] And I think it's that constant cycle of just focusing on where it came from and why it happened to you, and why it happened to me, and why doesn't it happen to them. And it's that constant cycle. And I honestly think that's a spiritual thing itself, is that's something that the, uh, we'll call him the adversary.

[00:39:43] That's something that the adversary is doing to you, and he's trying to kind of tempt you into falling into that same cycle of constantly believing those same things. To keep doubting yourself, to keep being discouraged, to keep living in dysfunction, and to keep living in [00:40:00] fear, and to keep living in doubt.

[00:40:02] Yes, because that stops you from your healing because your healing is what your healing is What's gonna save you because the truth is you're already saved. We're already saved Jesus paid the he paid the price Cash the check and full for our forgiveness. Yeah for what he did on the cross. So we're 

[00:40:19] Don: already healed Yeah, as we open up our lives to 

[00:40:22] Justin: Him.

[00:40:22] We just, exactly, we just have to accept it and understand it. Yeah. And then we have to embrace it and we have to promote it. Yeah. And I think we have to be obedient to what He wants out of us. Yeah. Because the more, the more we are obedient to the truth, the one who called himself the truth, the way, and the life, the more you will get the truth in your life.

[00:40:41] Yeah. The more you will be told the way. And the more you will be given 

[00:40:44] Don: life, right? Right. Yeah, and that's where I I know he has paved the way for us And it's made away. I look at Jesus when he came in this world with many things that he came to do You know last time we we talked a little bit about forgiveness He so he talked about [00:41:00] learning how to forgive and we talked about how we need to forgive ourselves a little bit, too But like today this week, we're talking a little bit about healing How the fact that, yeah, every one of us is damaged goods.

[00:41:11] We come into this world as a young child, but eventually we have a nature to become damaged good. Because it isn't until we become spiritually born, reborn, that we come alive. Our old nature, the human nature of man will constantly be drawn to things that will hurt him and, destroy him and cause all kinds of issues in life.

[00:41:31] But when we come to Jesus, he gives us a brand new birth and it's a spiritual birth. And allow that spiritual birth is what allows healing in us. It helps us to see things, to think clearly, to see things as they really are. To realize that there's more to life than this side. There's the other side also.

[00:41:49] And we're living for the king. We're waiting to go home someday. And we realize that everything is perfect on the other side. But in this side, it's going to be a challenge. And it's going to be something that's going to attack [00:42:00] or come against you every day. Trying to get you to doubt. You know, because once we start doubting, we don't expect, we don't realize, and pretty soon we place God in a position where He can't work.

[00:42:10] Because I know the Bible talks about where there's doubt, it takes faith. We have to have a trust in Him, and that's where, I guess, in this podcast, we're asking you to trust in Him, and realize that He is the only healer that we truly have. And to have hope. And to have 

[00:42:28] Justin: hope. To truly have hope, because He gives us hope.

[00:42:30] And I think that You know, the Bible says that, that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. That's right, 

[00:42:38] Don: that's right. And because of 

[00:42:40] Justin: that, we have to have hope. Because just like you can weaponize You know, I've talked about this last week is you can kind of weaponize forgiveness in a good way You can do the same thing with hope you can weaponize hope I can have hope in any situation I'm gonna have hope in every situation no matter what I'm in no matter what no matter what I'm going through I'm gonna have [00:43:00] hope I can have faith.

[00:43:00] It's a little bit harder I guess to just have faith to understand that it's gonna go it's it's gonna go right in everything It's gonna turn itself around which I think if you believe it will But I think I can have hope in any situation. It's easy to have doubt. It's easy to live in fear and kind of just let yourself.

[00:43:20] Be discouraged and, and and put off and distracted. But I think you can have hope in any situation that you're in. , it's important to never lose that hope. Because on the other side of that hope is your healing. Yeah. And that hope is 

[00:43:33] Don: going to get you healed. That's right. That's right.

[00:43:36] That's where we're hoping that you aren't, uh, in a position as we talked about. We're hoping, we're hoping that you realize that if you're sick, There is help out there, and a lot of people have become so used to being sick and hopeless in life that they don't go after or want to change anything. And we want to just mention that change is there.

[00:43:58] It is there. Jesus is [00:44:00] there. He has been the source since the beginning, and those who find that Find all the needs, all their help that they need to get themselves where they need to be in life. And there's no greater life than that because, you know, in life itself it is very hard for people that, that live a life without realizing that God is a big part of it and that God has something special for them.

[00:44:22] Because I know as Justin mentioned I was in a period of time too where I, uh, wasn't seeking after things of God. Everything seemed pretty hopeless to me because it didn't matter what I did, how I think the world looks hopeless 

[00:44:35] Justin: to anybody that just focuses on this world. I mean, you can, if you've, if you follow the news anywhere, I feel like you're always going to be hopeless looking at these articles and looking at just reading the headlines, to be honest.

[00:44:47] I mean, it's so easy to just open up Yahoo news and just leave feeling completely 

[00:44:54] Don: hopeless in the world. Yeah. It could be a real downer, a Johnny downer. 

[00:44:59] Justin: But I think that the [00:45:00] belief is so important and the hope is so important. The faith is one thing, but in the Bible it talks about when the leper comes to Jesus.

[00:45:07] Yeah. And the leper says, you know, Lord, if you're willing, will you, will you heal me? And he says, I am willing. And I, I believe he flips it around on him and he says, will you believe? 

[00:45:18] Don: Yeah. Yeah. And 

[00:45:20] Justin: just because essentially the leper believed in the healing, had the hope to approach him, but then had the belief that he 

[00:45:28] Don: was healed.

[00:45:28] Yeah. And I 

[00:45:30] Justin: think that speaks volumes because up until then living in a hopeless world, it's hard to have hope in a hopeless world because they're not giving you any reasons to have hope. They're giving you every reason. Every reason to not have hope. So it's hard to acquire something that just doesn't seem like it's obtainable in the world.

[00:45:48] I think with the, with the acceptance and with the understanding of needing God into your life and understanding what He wants to do in your life, it allows you to have, like you were saying, that, that peace that [00:46:00] surpasses all understanding, but allows you to do the impossible or what you thought was impossible before.

[00:46:05] Because I think it's really God just doing the impossible in your life. But, you know, your ego, like you mentioned, might, might make you believe that it's you doing it in your life. That's right. But once you allow him to work into your life, he's gonna do the impossible. But you have to allow him 

[00:46:20] Don: first. Oh, yeah.

[00:46:21] Yeah, that's right. That's where God has made us a fine, well planned piece of equipment that he allowed to be birthed on this earth. He gave us a birthday, and he allowed us to be Growing up in, in many things, but part of the equipment is damaged, you know I mean it can never completely do what it needs to do I know they take airplanes and they put them through a total inspection Because they can't afford equipment failure when they're flying someplace because it might crash but a lot of times in our life We've got equipment failure.

[00:46:54] We never get checked out. You know, there's reasons Why our attitude is the way it is, the way we see things, the [00:47:00] way we do, and the way our, fears and anxieties and all this stuff, these are all indicators that something is not well, and we need to get our equipment perfected, and only he can do that, and once we're walking in that type of perfection, there is nothing that's going to stop us, because we're well equipped to handle any situation as it would come our way.

[00:47:22] But until then, it is a scary world. It is scary. There's lots of doubt. And there's, like you said, the Yahoo news, all the negative stuff that comes our way, it throws us off track. I mean, our plane is ready to crash at any moment, you know, because we never really went through the inspection program. And there's only one inspector that can do that.

[00:47:41] And it's a spiritual inspection that has to happen on the inside. To be able to make sure that we are firing at all eight cylinders and our landing gear is ready to land. And he's got the owner's manual. And he's got the owner's manual. And very few people even want to read that owner's manual. You know, it's a powerful book.

[00:47:59] It really is. [00:48:00]

[00:48:00] Justin: That's true. Definitely read your Bible. And, so quick question. What are your thoughts on fasting for healing? So I see people that, when they, when they want to get healed, I've seen this a couple times, is people actually fast for long periods of time. Is that something that you agree 

[00:48:17] Don: with, or support?

[00:48:18] There's a couple thoughts on that. There's a couple thoughts on that. Because the one thing about fasting, it takes away the fleshly desires. Because I usually tell people that, you know, either the flesh is in control, or the spirit, the soul, mind. is in control of you. A lot of times you know what you should be doing, but you can't do it.

[00:48:35] Because your flesh won't let you. It wants to be comfortable, it wants to do certain things, it wants to be pleased all the time. You have to fight the flesh. That's right. And that's where fasting is probably one of the most difficult things to do. Uh, taking, I mean just try doing it for a day.

[00:48:49] You know, it seems like everything you think about has got food involved in it, your body starts to feel things, you know, and if you do it longer, your body gets used to it, and you go on. And I think so it [00:49:00] gets you in a place as far as your love for God, connection with God reaches. But then you get into, like Justin was saying earlier, the scientific.

[00:49:09] Part of it, too. I know there's many books out there that talk about fasting, allowing the toxins, allowing all the poisons, detoxing yourself. Yeah, getting all the poisons and stuff out. So that is a plus, too, because we're gradually sometimes poisoning ourselves in this world and the physical side of things and then there's a lot of different types of fasting.

[00:49:28] Like, say, fasting TV. For a week or a month, i'm not gonna watch any tv So i'm not gonna allow any or i'm not gonna look at yahoo Or whatever, you know because I because it does something to me. There's only net benefits with that Yeah, but you know, so there is different types of fasting but I do think To answer your question, I think it does work.

[00:49:50] I mean, it is there for a reason. Jesus himself fasted for 40 days. I'm sitting there, why did he have to do this? Why did he have to do, 40 days? I'm sitting there, man, [00:50:00] you know. But yet, you know, he showed his strength. He was tempted, all this sort of thing. And he was mentally strong. He didn't have fleshly desires to, give up on it and take some bread.

[00:50:10] Or to, you know, jump off of an area. Take on a kingdom or any of that stuff. He was following his father's will. He was strong and what he wanted to do And I think fasting helps you to do that because you're really dedicated I think it helps the commitment to what you're doing because it really says something about the person that is willing To do whatever it takes, you know, I want Everything God wants for me.

[00:50:35] I want the healing process. I often say this to people I read the good book and I say all the promises in the book are mine, you know So I want to live an expectation saying that everything god says he will do He will do if I get myself in the right spot. So I'm going to be faithful in seeking Him and doing whatever it takes because I am hungry.

[00:50:57] You know, I am hungry for Him and I'm [00:51:00] hungry for healing. You're 

[00:51:00] Justin: hungry literally, but you're not going

[00:51:02] Don: to eat. Yeah, that too. That too. 

[00:51:05] Justin: Yeah, that's good. That's encouraging. That makes me, I mean, I've fasted before for 24 hours. And to be honest, when you do that first couple of times, that feels rough.

[00:51:14] Listening to you talk about this makes me want to. Is almost giving me the, the hope and the drive that I need to possibly do a longer fast and get some more healing here. 

[00:51:25] Don: Yeah. You know, it gives me, just talking about it gives me the same drive. That's where it's nice to talk about things sometimes because it, it brings your mind and awareness to things.

[00:51:34] Which is good. Yes, it does. 

[00:51:36] Justin: Well, I think that wraps it up 

[00:51:38] Don: for today. This was a good one, Justin. I think so, 

[00:51:41] Justin: too. Hey, we're glad you guys found your way here today, and we hope you can join us again next week for another good word. Until then, 

[00:51:50] Don: stay blessed. By the best. See you guys.[00:52:00]