Books In the Middle Podcast

The Canyon's Edge by Dusti Bowling (Adventure and Novel in Verse)

Tasha Squires

The Canyon's Edge by Dusti Bowling

When Nora and her father set out on a hike to a canyon they have never visited before, Nora is hopeful. After all, this year has been awful. First, to lose her mom on her birthday to a shooter has been horrific, but then to see her father change from a confident outgoing person, to someone afraid of everything, has been incredibly hard. The fact that he has removed himself from the world is bad, but he wants to remove Nora from it as well and so when she asks if she can start going back to school again, she is met with her father shutting that idea down fast.

But just as fast as that conversation is over, something neither of them thought was possible or had considered happens. A flash flood...and they are in a slot canyon with high sides and no way to outrun the water!

Recommended for grades 6th and up.