Your Creative & Magical Life

Microdose 2. Why you need CREATIVE SPACE & how to get it…

Cecily Sailer / Typewriter Tarot

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In this shorter episode, I stay with The Emperor just a moment longer (see previous episode), and invoke his energy to talk about creative space and why Creative Spirits need it — and deserve it!

I talk about The Emperor's relationship to space as a container for his leadership, just like Creative Spirits need containers to move and hold their creative energy.

I also talk about different forms and kinds of creative space, what that can look like, and I share a story about recently giving up creative space, feeling pretty twisted up about it, and how I claimed a new space once again.

Finally, I share simple steps for increasing your creative space, while acknowledging that space is at a premium in late-stage colonial capitalism. But it's worth fighting for!

If you'd like me to speak to a creative challenge you're wrestling with, please use the form below and share your questions! I'd love to bring them on the show.

+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.

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