Redefining Wisdom

Ep. 023 - Scott Kolbaba, MD - The Alarming Rise of Teen Depression & Suicide

Daniel Cianci

Scott Kolbaba, MD is a physician who works in the adolescent psychiatric unit of Northwestern Medicine and is the author of two bestselling books 'Physicians' Untold Stories' and 'Clara's Magic Garden'.

In the last decade, mental illness has been on the rise at an alarming rate. More and more people are suffering from anxiety and depression, leading to a scary increase in suicide rates. Teenagers are one of the groups that have been heavily affected by this in recent years.

Dr. Scott shares his insights about how much teen depression has increased over the last few years and the delicate situation parents have to deal with to help their children effectively. He also shares clues to look out for in teenagers to detect early signs of mental illness and ways parents can help them navigate those times, providing all the help they need.

From preventing suicide attempts to creating more connection and understanding with teenagers, this episode encapsulates all you need to know about mental health among teens, what causes it, and techniques that can be applied to save a life.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Causes of teen depression
  • Preventive actions for mental illness among teens
  • Relationship between purpose and depression
  • Signs to look out for in teenagers
  • Communication techniques that invite openness
  • Why girls are at higher risks than boys when it comes to depression
  • Plus much more...

0:00 Intro
01:48 Preventive actions for teen depression
06:43 How to talk to teenagers 
07:48 How to help teens find their passion
10:58 Depression signs and what to look for
14:53 Differences between mental illness and puberty
18:58 Main causes of depression among teens
25:33 Clinical depression vs sadness
28:53 Why people contemplate their lives
30:23 Boys vs girls suicide attempts 
34:13 How to help boys and men open up
38:08 Communication problems, how to communicate better
44:48 How purpose helps to battle depression
50:33 How physicians/therapists deal with heartbreaking stories
57:23 Closing question
59:03 How to get in touch with Dr. Scott

Follow Dr. Scott Kolbaba:

Phone: (630) 668 - 5985

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