Becoming that Holy Girl Podcast

Beyond the Baptismal Waters My Testimony part 2

January 30, 2024 Angel Faith Season 1 Episode 4
Beyond the Baptismal Waters My Testimony part 2
Becoming that Holy Girl Podcast
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Becoming that Holy Girl Podcast
Beyond the Baptismal Waters My Testimony part 2
Jan 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Angel Faith

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Ever wondered what happens after you come up from being Baptized? I'm Angel Faith, and I'm about to share the inspiring story of my personal journey with God that doesn't end at salvation, but truly begins. In the wake of my baptism in May 2023, I experienced a big transformation, not just in my routines but in my entire outlook on life. This episode peels back the layers on that change, revealing how a commitment to the Word and the church community has reshaped my daily existence. Join me as  Whether you're a follower of Christ or someone exploring the extent their faith, this episode promises to offer heartfelt insights and real talk about my  life-changing journey of aligning God's will and what Gods wants for my life.

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Ever wondered what happens after you come up from being Baptized? I'm Angel Faith, and I'm about to share the inspiring story of my personal journey with God that doesn't end at salvation, but truly begins. In the wake of my baptism in May 2023, I experienced a big transformation, not just in my routines but in my entire outlook on life. This episode peels back the layers on that change, revealing how a commitment to the Word and the church community has reshaped my daily existence. Join me as  Whether you're a follower of Christ or someone exploring the extent their faith, this episode promises to offer heartfelt insights and real talk about my  life-changing journey of aligning God's will and what Gods wants for my life.

Speaker 1:

Some people think that you can like get saved and get baptized and then you can still do your own thing, like no, that's not how it is.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome to becoming that holy girl podcast. I'm your host, angel faith. Welcome back. Today. I will be talking about the rest of my testimony, part two. If you have not already watched part one, go check in the description. There is a link to it. This one is going to be a little shorter than the other one, but let's just hop right into it.

Speaker 1:

So after I met my boyfriend, brennan, and we started going back to church and it was really good and in May 2023 I got saved and baptized and after that my life did a whole 360, like completely like a complete flip. I Changed my life around. I stopped doing the things that I was doing before. I really started reading my bible and I really started being in the word and I really started wanting to go to church, like Consistently, like it was like, oh no, I can't miss, like I need to go to church. I loved being there and I loved Just hearing about God and I loved worshiping and everything like that. I think there's a lot of Things people say after you get baptized and saved. People think you have to be baptized but you don't. That is just your way of telling people like, hey, I am a Christian and this is the way I'm living, and so For so long I wanted that. There was so long I wanted that and it finally happened. And I was Honestly super excited, like right before I got baptized I was literally already almost crying. So after I got baptized, everything was going good. You know, I was going to church, I started going to our youth group, I started going to young adults class and then I became a leader and then I felt Conviction. There was a trip I was supposed to go on and I didn't want to go on it. I felt it just in my chest. I felt it Just God telling me this is not where you need to be, this is not what you need to do like, this is just not when I'm want you right now, and you know you're not supposed to be doing that. And so I didn't go and it was better, it was good. I, I felt good about not going.

Speaker 1:

I think we need to understand that. If we feel that, or if we feel a tug from God, I think it's like pretty much him telling us, no, don't do that. Or like taking us away from sin you know what I mean Like he knows we're about to sin. So it's like, hey, no, no, not supposed to be doing this, I don't want you doing this, your life doesn't need to be like this. And I think, after so long, god is going to keep doing that and tugging, tugging, tugging, tugging, telling you, telling you, telling you, you know, even if you're not saved, like tell you, hey, come to me, come back to me, come back to me. I really think there was a point where God would be like, okay, they're gonna live their life like this, but he's never gonna give up on you, he's never gonna leave you, he's always there with you. Like you can not love God, but God's gonna love you. He gives you that unconditional love.

Speaker 1:

Some people think that you can get saved and get baptized and then you can still do your own thing.

Speaker 1:

Like no, that's not how it is. No, you're gonna. You're gonna do what God wants you to do. You're not gonna do what you want to do anymore. You know people think you can go and still get drunk and smoke and do all this other stuff. No, you can't do that. No, like it, it doesn't work. Like that, it really doesn't. Yeah, you can keep doing those things, but you're sinning. You can keep doing those things Like. You can keep doing those things if you want, but your relationship with God's not gonna grow, your journey is not gonna go further Because you're just gonna have to keep repenting for all these things that you have done. Like I think the best thing after you get saved is to get around people that are also saved or that go to church. Like You're gonna lose a lot of friends. You're gonna lose a lot of people You're gonna lose. Like you're just gonna lose a lot of things. You're gonna lose who you were. You're gonna lose. You're gonna lose your friends. You're gonna lose some family. You're gonna, like, your whole life is gonna flip around and you're just gonna say, like that's okay, like it's okay, god did that. Like that's what you're gonna say. Like some people will be like oh my gosh. No, like I can't believe that's happening. Like I can't believe I'm losing all this. No, no, no. You're losing for a good, like a good thing. You're not losing it for a bad thing. You're losing for a good thing Because we're gonna get to go to heaven like that's, that's, that's just it, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I give up a lot of stuff, like I said, that I Used to do, and I'm so glad I did, because now my life has changed and I love it. I love the way my life is going and I'm so blessed. I'm so blessed with this podcast. I'm so blessed with the people that I get to talk to every day and I'm just blessed. I can't even give credit for it because it literally was all God. Like God has Literally been there for me through everything, like even when I felt like he wasn't and I was wondering why, god, why did you put me through this? Like, why did you put me through a bad childhood? Why did you put me through Bad relationships? Why did you put me there with those toxic people? But I have to understand that sometimes God puts us there to help other people. So it was to help other people.

Speaker 1:

That's how I take it, as I needed to be there for somebody in that moment, and I just can't give God enough credit. Like there was nights that I would sit there and I would ball and cry and cry and cry and just be like God. Please help me. Please help me like I need you right now. And God was with me. He was because he got me through it all and he brought me here to where I am today, to telling people about God Like that's where he brought me, and To think about it now like it's so crazy, like there was so much that I endured through my whole life and I'm I'm only 26 and not even a whole life like Years. You know, 26 years. God has done all that, but then he brought me here and I can't even wait to see where he brings me in the future. That's a whole nother topic, but I am so excited to see my future.

Speaker 1:

Like, if your future or present is not Focusing around God, and like, centered around God, if your relationship is not centered around God, like you need to get there. Centering God in your whole life Will change you and it will change you for the better. That's my little rant. That's my little story today. That's all for the podcast. Guys, I appreciate every single one of you being here. Thank you for listening and I hope you have a great day. Bye, hey guys. Thank you for listening to becoming that holy girl podcast. I appreciate you for being here. Don't forget to leave me a review down below and follow me. If you haven't, share this with your friends and don't forget I'm praying for you today.