Let's Talk About It by Nimiah

You are your own support.

April 16, 2024 NDRJ Enterprise
You are your own support.
Let's Talk About It by Nimiah
Show Notes Transcript
Speaker 1:

Hello guys, welcome to let's Talk Out All Nehemiah and today's episode is called you Are your Own Support System. So the reason why it's called that is because sometimes I feel like we complain so much about not having support, like, whether it's like business or like you're going through something or wherever it go, wherever, wherever it fits you. Sometimes your only support is yourself. You have to support yourself. You really have to treat yourself well, like you really have to be the support that you want. Sometimes people, some a lot of times in life people are not going to support you, whether it's family, friends, significant other Cause a lot of times people don't understand what you're going through because it's not them. A lot of people, believe it or not, do not know how to put their self in your shoes. So you have to support yourself. Never feel like people owe you support. Yes, it's a nice gesture, yes, it's nice to have support, but nobody owes you support. At the end of the day, you have to be there for you and I remember um, my mom, telling me that, like um, and also, don't let support somebody, not support you. Make you, not support them. Be the best you always. Have you always been supporting that person. Are you always been a supportive person? Support them. But back to what my mom was telling me. My mom was telling me um, you know, don't ever let somebody change your heart. Because I remember one time you know me post my podcast up. So you know, certain people were posted and a few people didn't post it, but they always need my help and and my mama was just like DJ do not let that change your heart because you will be just like them. And I am today's yourself when I realized that is so true because people want that for you, people want to.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times people do things to get a reaction out of you, to change who you are, and sometimes don't even be people. It'd be a little deeper, like a lot of people be having a lot of things going on and it really it really how can I explain it? It really put a tax on their character, like, like it makes them, like you know, a whole different person, whatever they're going through. So they're just transferring that energy to whomever. But more, what I'm here to say is honestly, like, be your own support. Like you keep posting your business, you keep going to therapy for your depression, you keep going to your counselor, for you know, for support with anything you're going through, like, you have to be your, your own support system. Do not expect anybody to be a support system. It's not old to you yes, it's nice, but nothing in life is old to you. You continue being great, you continue pushing, especially with a business, because that's what a lot of my, a lot of the support I wanted for people was supposed to come in, but it didn't. But at the end of the day, you know it is what it is A lot of people still support it, because you just never know who's listening.

Speaker 1:

Every other day, like you know, I have a conversation with either, like sometimes my sister, my sister, my sister, friends listen, which I would have never expected it, but they do, and I'm so thankful for, I'm so thankful for all the people that that's important, that you don't know of Like, it's just really like I just really be so thankful. You always bring tears to my eyes to watch like the seed you plant grow and a lot of times people don't support until they see, like I always say, they see the seed that you plant bear fruit. Like they see that you're successful, like you know, your business bloomed and it's crazy, but that's just how some people are, believe it or not. So just don't ever feel like you know. You feel like you know people are not helping you promote your business and they're not. Some are, some not, and you have to keep going. You shouldn't hold a grudge. You shouldn't have no ill will to them. It's not their responsibility, you know. You just keep pushing your business. You keep pushing it. You keep pushing it. Whether you fail, you keep pushing it Like you really have to keep pushing. You fail. You make sure you start over. You just keep going, because Amazon didn't become successful until years later. Apple didn't become successful until years later. You have to push through that. Push through all the doubts. Be your own support, you know, just be your own support. Push through.

Speaker 1:

You got this um. If anybody have any questions about um you know what they're going through like are they need any help, any words of encouragement, any support. I'm here for you. Guys can message me via instagram, um twitter, you know facebook, facebook anywhere and I'm available to talk because I feel like sometimes people just need that reassurance or that support and I'm here to support people. I. Every day I wake up, I learn something new and it really lighten my heart for the world.

Speaker 1:

I feel like sometimes we have harder hearts for the world because of the experiences we went through, but don't ever let somebody not support you hard in your heart. You know you take that as a loss or you take that as a you know as your answer. You know like this person not going to support me and this is what it is and you keep going with your life. Don't you ever, ever, ever, ever not support them because they didn't support you. You keep being you at the end of the beginning of the day. But I want to wrap this episode up. I hope everybody have a great day. See you guys next week for the following episode, please, and thank you.

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