Start2Finish: Fueling Discipline, Focus and the right mindset
Start2finish is about starting a journey towards achieving fulfilment and the guidance to travel through the voyage until reaching the shores of your goals and visions. The mission is reaching the finish line in whatever endeavours of your life. Many of us lose track of our goals or abandon ship due to situations surrounding us or we lose the will power to go on. Hence regularly reminding each other of what is at stake is key to keep us going
Start2Finish: Fueling Discipline, Focus and the right mindset
Resolutions or Goal setting does not work unless its clear and internalised
When we go through a goal setting process do we really understand what we are doing? Do we understand what it takes and the price we must pay to see the finish line with victory? It's one thing to have epiphany and write resolutions down, but are we committed to internationally study it succinctly and internalise it making it come alive? Can you breakdown that beautifully visualised and written goal into daily bite size chunks you can work on daily? This can be a make or break if our goals are not ,
Time Bound
Fueling Discipline , focus and the right mindset!