Brewing Reflections

Live in the Now

Gayathri Season 1 Episode 11

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It is easy to dwell on the past or worry about the future. However, the truth is that where we are right now is the best place for us to be.

This perfect intersection between space and time offers endless opportunities for growth.

Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we should focus on the present.

Whether it is a cup of coffee, pouring our heart into something or spending quality time with family and friends, the secret to happiness or bliss lies in embracing the present moment.

Believing that where you are is the ideal place to be completely changes our mindset. It allows us to believe that what is happening is the planned course we must follow. This logic transcends time and space.

As Siddhartha said to His beloved friend Govinda in the book “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse, it is from the seeking to the finding. While seeking is goal oriented, finding is not restricted to a single goal. The objective is open. 

We have been what we have been, and we will be what we are yet to be. 

When we realise this truth, we become part of the infinite. A part of our now.

Brewing Reflections—your space for some deep reflection and real growth. Whether you’re driving, running, sipping that first cup of morning coffee, or just taking a moment to breathe, I’m so glad you’re here. This podcast is all about life—learning to accept yourself, understanding how your mind works, and guiding it towards love, empathy, and a healthier way of thinking. Each episode is a chance to reset, reflect, and realign. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started.

Thank you ! I hope today’s episode brought you closer to seeing yourself and the world around you with a little more clarity, love, and empathy. If something spoke to you today, —share it with someone who might need that same insight. And remember, the journey of self-acceptance and mindful thinking continues. Let’s keep the conversation going—find me on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, or YouTube, and let me know what’s on your mind. Until next time, stay kind to yourself and keep growing

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