Financially Adjusted


May 07, 2024 Leslie Roth


I’m Leslie Roth and this is the Financially Adjusted podcast. In this trailer episode, I'll introduce myself and let you know about the content I'll be delivering to you, my new entrepreneurial friend. My goal with this podcast is to deliver foundational financial education so that you can gain clarity and confidence in your small business and in life. I'll also discuss personal finance and how it links with your small business finances AND we'll talk about money mindset. Be sure to follow me so you don't miss out on valuable content that can help you grow your business!

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Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult with an accounting professional for direct advice based on your specific business situation.

Hi there entrepreneurs. Welcome to Financially Adjusted. This is something I've been thinking about doing for a long time. 

I have a huge, huge passion for helping small business entrepreneurs with their finances. My name is Leslie Roth and you're listening to the Financially Adjusted podcast. The reason I started this podcast is to bring more knowledge to more entrepreneurs when it comes to small business and personal finances, and just getting started going back to the basics. So, my goal with this podcast is to bring you content that will enlighten you and empower you on a weekly basis.

A little about me  - I have been running a virtual bookkeeping business helping chiropractors most specifically and I'm looking to just help more people that are either thinking of starting a business, starting a business, or have been established in their business for many years. I've noticed that a lot of different types of entrepreneurs, they have this skill or this product that they want to share with the world, and they want to do it on their own terms and there is nothing cooler, in my opinion, than being an entrepreneur and calling the shots. And getting in there and making it happen and kind of designing the life that you want. I've done it for myself and has been one of the things I'm most proud of in my life and, not bragging or anything, but I just want that for everybody else. It's brought me to life and lit me up and it has been everything that I have dreamed of. It’s just been a huge blessing and something I want to help other people with as well.

Something I have noticed with having my virtual bookkeeping business is that when it comes to financial systems, a lot of people just straight up were not trained to understand what it means to run a business, do their own bookkeeping, set up financial systems. Some people are naturally good at that. Some people don't really love talking finances or doing the day-to-day financial stuff when it comes to their business. I think a lot of times people go to school, and they learn their specific skill or trade and it wasn't on the radar to have a business class or it wasn't something that was required of them. And they didn't really have any place where they acquired that knowledge. I think what happens commonly is that financial professionals assume that a business owner already has this base knowledge in existence and so they kind of speak on a higher level, assuming that the entrepreneur already knows all the business basics, knows how to read financial reports, and understands what's going on in their business.

But I think there's a gap of knowledge out there when it comes to knowing how to set up a budget, how to set up your bookkeeping, how to read your financial reports, and how to understand managing your money with cash flow on a month-to-month basis. And how often should you check in, how should you pay yourself, how should you pay employees. There's a ton of questions that pop up along the way and it leaves a lot of business owners scrambling and not really knowing what they're doing or feeling confident in their business. And I'll touch on personal finance as well because it all flows together. Your business is your livelihood. And they're intertwined so we're going to get into all types of topics around small business and personal finance.

A little about me on my background - I have a business degree from when I left high school, I went to college and actually started with an accounting major. And I got my business degree, but I eventually switched to marketing because I was young, and I was kind of lost and confused. I didn’t know quite what I wanted to do. But I always just had this passion and natural bent towards numbers and finances. I was the nerd that even in high school I was like sitting down and doing my budget, writing it out or doing it in a spreadsheet, when they came available. But I always just loved numbers and organization. I watched my mom as an entrepreneur. She had a hair shop in the basement of her house, and I saw that it gave her so much independence and flexibility. So, I always had it in the back of my mind that that was something I really wanted to do. Eventually…

Long story short, in my late twenties I went back to school for ultrasound because I also had a huge passion for healthcare, and I fell in love with ultrasound. I practiced for about thirteen years. And over those years, just found myself really thinking ‘oh I wish I could you know have my own business somehow with this’. It's not really feasible with ultrasound to do that, so that didn't happen. But over the years, I just thought if I could go back and do anything else business related it would be to dive back into learning more about accounting and bookkeeping and start my own venture.

So that's what I did. During the pandemic, I actually applied for a scholarship on a whim to a local community college because I wanted to brush up on bookkeeping. So, I got this scholarship for frontline workers which was fantastic. I got this bookkeeping certification while I was still working. And I ended up deciding to just start my own business once my program was done. So, I dove right into virtual bookkeeping and then I decided to niche with chiropractic.

How I got there was, personally, I just had to respect for chiropractors because I started seeing one maybe five years into practicing ultrasound. It's a really hard career for your body. It takes a toll with your musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic was personally a game changer for me. It kept me in the field much longer than I would have been otherwise. And my husband and I have some friends and a family member who are chiropractors and they kind of brought to light that a lot of chiropractors go to school for learning their craft.. learning their skill and their practice, but they don't necessarily teach much about running your own business in school. So, I thought well this would be an industry that I could really help and would love to help because I have a deep respect for them and I knew I wanted to help a service-based industry. So, I decided to just take the chance on chiropractic and never looked back. It has been a huge blessing over the years to serve the chiropractic community and I wouldn't have it any other way. Something that I found though, through running my business, is that I would absolutely love to help more people. There's so many business owners out there that really desire to learn more about their small business finances, how to run their business, and they don't necessarily have a ton of avenues to do that. I mean, there's a lot of people out there that are speaking on this, but I have noticed that a lot of information that's out there isn't really starting and going back to the basics.

My goal is to bridge that gap of knowledge and really empower business owners to take action in their business and manage their money with confidence. I think that it really does something for you as a business owner when you have a realistic financial picture of what's going on, whether that's good or bad. It equips you with the knowledge you need to take action in your business. I think starting with a solid financial foundation is key when you're running a business.

I'm so grateful that you're joining me here. And I can't wait to go on this journey with you. 

Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult with an accounting professional for direct advice based on your specific business situation. 

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