Konnected Minds Podcast

From Kiosk to Millionaire: How I Bought 280 Acres of Land! in Ghana | Dr. Abbeam Ampomah Danso

May 03, 2024 Derrick Abaitey Episode 19
From Kiosk to Millionaire: How I Bought 280 Acres of Land! in Ghana | Dr. Abbeam Ampomah Danso
Konnected Minds Podcast
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Konnected Minds Podcast
From Kiosk to Millionaire: How I Bought 280 Acres of Land! in Ghana | Dr. Abbeam Ampomah Danso
May 03, 2024 Episode 19
Derrick Abaitey

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Have you ever considered the profound influence your environment has on your ability to thrive? From the corner provision shop to the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship, I've ridden the rollercoaster of success and failure, learning the hard way that the spaces we occupy and the company we keep can make or break our ambitions. I share these pivotal moments with you, offering a narrative that's as much about resilience as it is about the indelible impact of our surroundings on our journey.

As we unpack the layers of business acumen and loyalty, our esteemed guest lends their perspective on the intricate dance of forming wise alliances, navigating workplace dynamics, and facing the unique entrepreneurial hurdles present in Ghana. The conversation spans from the strategic approach to investments and the necessity of market research to the cultural integration vital for thriving in Ghana's business landscape. It's a candid look at the challenges and opportunities awaiting those who dare to venture, with practical advice steeped in personal experience.

To round off, we broach the elusive quest for balance in life and business. Is the notion of a perfectly balanced life achievable, or is it merely a myth? Our dialogue shifts to the importance of self-care and mental well-being, underscoring that while dedicating ourselves to our paths is crucial, it should never come at the cost of our health. We close with insights on the power of belief and connection, drawing wisdom from historical parallels and personal triumphs to inspire you to forge ahead with support and conviction in your own endeavors.

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Have you ever considered the profound influence your environment has on your ability to thrive? From the corner provision shop to the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship, I've ridden the rollercoaster of success and failure, learning the hard way that the spaces we occupy and the company we keep can make or break our ambitions. I share these pivotal moments with you, offering a narrative that's as much about resilience as it is about the indelible impact of our surroundings on our journey.

As we unpack the layers of business acumen and loyalty, our esteemed guest lends their perspective on the intricate dance of forming wise alliances, navigating workplace dynamics, and facing the unique entrepreneurial hurdles present in Ghana. The conversation spans from the strategic approach to investments and the necessity of market research to the cultural integration vital for thriving in Ghana's business landscape. It's a candid look at the challenges and opportunities awaiting those who dare to venture, with practical advice steeped in personal experience.

To round off, we broach the elusive quest for balance in life and business. Is the notion of a perfectly balanced life achievable, or is it merely a myth? Our dialogue shifts to the importance of self-care and mental well-being, underscoring that while dedicating ourselves to our paths is crucial, it should never come at the cost of our health. We close with insights on the power of belief and connection, drawing wisdom from historical parallels and personal triumphs to inspire you to forge ahead with support and conviction in your own endeavors.

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Speaker 1:

If you don't change your environment, your environment changes you. And if you change your environment to suit where you want to be or where you want to go, it's become easier for you becoming who you are and what you want to be. If we don't do it, then who?

Speaker 2:

Number one business and self-development podcast. Connected minds podcast. Okay, so, doc, do you? Do you not also think, though, that people need to have experience in certain fields before they start thinking about business in certain areas?

Speaker 1:

of course I mean um, they start thinking about business in certain areas. Of course I mean um. First of all, you, you need the experience. You need experience, as I said, um, you need to be mentored, and, and, and. As a mentee, you could be able to learn the trade. You learn how to talk to people about it.

Speaker 1:

I always say that, um, even these conversations we are having you should be able to be listening to such conversation to understand what somebody went through. But if you start by yourself and you have no idea, you end up falling. Because I mean, when it comes to business, it entails a lot of things, and so I believe that if, let's say, you want to go into cars and you have no idea about how to even ship cars from abroad to Ghana, you should be able to have an idea of those things Going to the harbor you know to pay, who you pay to and all those things you know. You should be able to have those ideas. If you don't do so, you'll be facing problems.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, I think so. I think it's necessary because, especially for us, before we started, we had to take a job, you know, in the same pharmaceutical industry, understand how the SOPs are put together, the standards you know, regulatory framework you know before we started. And obviously, because we did that, it slashed a lot of the mistakes that we would have made, that maybe the big boys made in the past and they've corrected.

Speaker 2:

So I definitely think that you know. You hit the nail right on the head. Now I've got a question, though, which is what's your? What's the first business that you ever created or started?

Speaker 1:

It was a provision shop.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yes.

Speaker 1:

And it was a kiosk.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know that small kind of kiosk these days they call it container. Yeah, but it was a kiosk. That was what I started. I had one fridge, you know defreezer, and so I bought farm milk and then rice you know a pack of rice and then also sugar and gary. So, uh, you know such tree right right right right you know that sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

So that's how I started it. It so buying one bag of rice. After selling it, I was able to buy two bags of rice. So that is how the business started, wow. But you know, eventually I invited my brother to come and take care of it and he collapsed. But then what are these challenges? To come and take care of it and it collapsed.

Speaker 2:

But then, while these challenges pose as risks, to the business how do you, as an entrepreneur, rise above those challenges and failures that you face in business?

Speaker 1:

One, we believe we are called for it. Two, we believe that if we don't do it, then who People's daily bread is in your hands. I mean, there has been some times where, monthly, you know you did not make any money, but you have to go look for money to pay your workers. You know that they were not able to meet their target, but you still have to go and look for money and pay them to meet their target. But you still have to go and look for money and pay them Because if you don't, they are going to sleep without eating. You know, and if you're a true entrepreneur, when you see yourself even paying them, that becomes your joy. You know, because you have the heart to care and to love. And then also you see those who open jobs, those who are entrepreneurs. They are the ones who love the nation because they believe that that is what they can do to add their quota to the what do you call it? The country. You know, and I won't lie to you. Sometimes I mean where we are, I mean you'll be there, and then GRA will just drive and pass every you know business on the line around the area. Just come to your place.

Speaker 1:

Last time they came with a car when they saw the facility oh, we know, you're making money da, da, da da with force. Why? Simply because they think you are part of one particular political party. You know, and that's what happens. Yeah, you know, but what can you do? You still have to be in business, and most of us, I can also say, because of where we are coming from, we know how we have suffered looking for a job, looking for a meal to eat. That was a problem. So if you have got opportunity to be able to create jobs, why do you give up? You still have to keep on doing it. That makes you a true entrepreneur.

Speaker 2:

Wow, you know. You mentioned that there are two most dangerous things that can work against a person, which is friends and environment. Can you elaborate on that?

Speaker 1:

I, I would have even say environment, environment, environment and yourself. If you don't change your environment, your environment changes you. If you don't change your environment, your environment changes you. And if you change your environment to suit where you want to be or where you want to go, it's become easier for you becoming who you are and what you want to be. And so your environment, your smell, the smell of your environment is part of your environment. The way you dress is part of your environment. The way you talk is part of your environment. What you eat is part of your environment. I mean the friends you have is part of your environment. You know what you touch is part of your environment.

Speaker 1:

So you must be deliberate by creating your environment. I hope you understand. You must be deliberate by creating your environment. If you want to be a great businessman, you must be deliberate. Look at the people that you know. They are wiser, they are more wiser than you. Walk with them, listen to them, you know and ask questions. These are the people you should be around if truly you want to go to that place you want to get to. You know there's a saying show me your friend and I'll show your character. Yep, you know. And so the thing is that I mean if, if you say you don't smoke weed, all right, I mean you, you study medicine, so you know what I'm saying. And you said you, you don't smoke weed and you're among people who are smoking. Scientifically, you inhale more than the one who is actually smoking.

Speaker 1:

You're actually getting more, more. So it tells you that the people that surround you, you benefit from them, even if you are poor and you're among rich people. If you are poor, anyone watching us, if you are poor and your're among rich people, if you are poor, anyone watching us, if you are poor and you are among your friends are rich. The problem is not your friends, the problem is you. Yes, most times, if you find yourself in any business as just a worker, don't look for what they will pay you. Look for how you can be a partner. Invest to be a partner instead of seeking for increment of your pay. Learn how to pay people.

Speaker 1:

When you have the mindset of paying people, you become the master yes, wow, that was deep and there is another thing that I believe that I mean most of the people should look at. When you go to a workplace, your colleagues are not your friends and the one you must be loyal to is not your colleagues. Work with your colleagues and be loyal to the work and the owner of the work. Your loyalty should go for that person, not to your colleagues. Your colleagues are there for you to work with them. So expose anything that destroys the work. Become the work. You know the business must be you and become the business, and when you do so, automatically you will be spotted and you become the work.

Speaker 2:

Recently we had an issue at the pharmacy and it was the manager that was causing the issues. So I went in and I realized all the manager that was causing the issues, right, so I went in and I realized all the issues that were happening. Then I started calling them out. I had to speak to them and every person knew what he was doing, but never spoke to me. They all knew. They all knew what was happening, ghana, but they were very loyal to the manager, not to you, you Not to me.

Speaker 1:

And this is what destroys business in Ghana. Hey, so I won't say it. No, what about after the business has collapsed and you go back home?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think what then happened was, a month or two after that, one of the colleagues that knew what was happening and never told me came to me for support, personal support, and then I said, well, it's great you've come to me. But then the question I want to ask you is if you had watched this business collapse where would the?

Speaker 2:

help come from. So sometimes you know people we work with, we employ. They don't think very far. In fact, most people say that they are very myopic in the way they think, very close-minded I think it's wickedness.

Speaker 1:

They are wicked to themselves and to you. You see, do you know, in Ghana, one of our problems, apart from the politicians okay, one of our problems is workers, huge yes, and there's nothing governing or supporting businessmen because they see us as thieves, or supporting businessmen because they see us as thieves, you using your money to build a business. They see you as their money is in your pocket, you know. So you have a manager in which that manager or, let me say, a secretary and you give him a document to go and photocopy. You give him a document to go and photocopy. The secretary will photocopy and photocopy one for herself or himself, because he's going to open the exact business you are opening. So he will just take the business module and go and reopen same form of business.

Speaker 1:

But they don't know that vision, the visioneer carries the architectural you know diagram. So you have no idea, but they will destroy yours and cannot also run theirs. This is what is happening in Ghana. So I think that we, as businessmen, we should I wouldn't say we should be careful, because we cannot be careful we should be able to come up and find a way to speak to the politicians that there should be a law. Instead of thinking about these laws and all that, they should think about a law that would protect business owners. So I mean, abroad these things happens. There are protections, you know, and if they could do so, businesses would thrive?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Doc, after being in the UK and being successful in the UK, why did you finally decide to move to Ghana? You?

Speaker 1:

know I lost a lot in Ghana. I mean, when you came to my place, we had microfinance. A lot of people don't even know that this thing happened when they were collapsing microfinance and all that. In my case, I should have made the government pay the people and my name would have been everywhere. But I looked for money and I paid every person that were, yes, that know, working with us you know, and so it was a serious issue.

Speaker 1:

I spent a lot of money and then, also looking at what we've built here, I saw that it was necessary for me to come down to take care of it myself. And I didn't know that Ghanaians they love people who travel than people who have come to Ghana to build a nation with them. They respect people who travel. So, even Tontoroa you know anybody that has traveled even if you go to Dubai, hey, the guy has traveled. Why are you not traveling? Is it because of this or no, my guy, I have enough here. I went to get a capital to start something, and I've got more than a capital. Why do I still go there? And let me tell you, there was those days. I mean, anyone in England should start watching this.

Speaker 1:

If you are in England, BBC Sky News there is a time they show African stock exchange, the time they show African stock businesses that are thriving in Africa. They don't show it in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, In the midnight, from 1, 2, and 3. And I was always waking up to watch it and I saw that these people were making money from there. They know that we, as soon as you come back. You're sleeping, so this midnight you are not watching, Right? So I said, oh wow, Our diamond, gold, oil, our you know things they were showing, but in the morning they show you how poor Africa is. So I realized that, okay, if Ghana is poor, then I need to help my people. I must do something. But I can tell you there is money in Ghana. The only problem is that we don't help ourselves. We don't work together. We don't help ourselves, we don't work together.

Speaker 1:

Whilst Ghana banking system was collapsing, Nigerian banks are doing well. Why? Why? If you check businesses that are doing well in Ghana, all those businesses, it is Caucasians, the Asians, the Arabs, they are the ones owning those businesses. Or somebody who is a Ghanaian having the idea to go and bring somebody, a white person, to come and take over. You know to manage it as a face, Because Ghanaians, we don't love our own and that's the biggest problem, you know. So, for me, I am here to build, I am here to support my nation and it's going very well, oh no, you've done fantastic.

Speaker 2:

I've been to your city. You've done fantastic. It's going well. We have spent hours of time and resources putting this. You've done fantastic. I've been to your city. You've done fantastic. It's going well. We have spent hours of time and resources putting this content together. Unfortunately, many of the people we get on this channel are viewers and not subscribers. Please subscribe and become part of the family, as this will allow us to produce even better content for you. So many people speak about you know diasporas back to ghana, um to try to help the country you know build. What sort of things, though, do you think people need to have in place abroad before they even think of trying to do business in ghana or moving back to ghana?

Speaker 1:

I will say to any you've, I know, you know what I'm going to say. You know I will say to everybody who wants to build businesses in Ghana yes, bring the money, put it in the bank, come as poor your business, your money is here. Come as poor, your business, your money is here. Come as poor. Learn the poor people how they think. Learn the Ghanaians how they think. Understand what you really want to do. Have the poor mindset, because you need it, you need it. And then take the european mindset out and understand them. Work with them. Tell it eat the uh aboboy with them, eat, eat the akpana with them. Eat all that they eat. Let them see you as you are one of them, and then the money start releasing it Little by little and you'll be amazed that it will grow.

Speaker 1:

And two, know which area you're going to start your business, because you see, when you come to East Legon and you set up a business, how people will patronize is different from going to Kaswa, and even within Kaswa there are places you will be and if you are not careful, you will lose all your money. East Legon, there are places you can start your business and you lose all your money. So you have to do a thorough investigation and know which business you are trying to set up, where the people that will patronize are. If you go to Kumasi, there is a place you should be. You just don't go to anywhere because you have the money. Oh, I brought machineries, I have brought this, I brought that, so I'm going to do it. I am genius. No, if you come like that, you look like a fool. Yes, so you have to relax, although you want to establish so. So you have to relax. Although you want to establish so quick. You have to relax. Get to understand.

Speaker 2:

But then it leads on to my question, which is you know, everybody that moves to Ghana wants to come and do business. But there are some people abroad. They are working nine to five and they have all the papers, they have all the documents to be able to go into business abroad. They're not doing that.

Speaker 1:

But then, as soon as they think of Ghana, business is the first thing they think about. You see, when it comes to Europe or States, or states or England, there are gurus, there are people who are there To come to the middle class, especially being a black person. It's not easy. I remember I mean my place when you came there. There was a white person here, another white person here. These are Caucasians, caucasians. What shocked me? The other white here was from South Africa. He stayed but still came to me to ask me why are you here? The other white moved and they gave it to another person. They wanted to know why. How did you come to this place? They called police for almost about three times before they stop. Yes, wow, you see.

Speaker 1:

But when you come to Ghana, you are here, right, so you become more comfortable and you feel accepted until, you see, you realize that you're actually different. You're actually different from the people, yes, from the people. So basically, that's how it is. But for me, my advice is that there are some things. We didn't do Research. We heard things, but we actually did not research deeply, but we actually did not research deeply, and so before the business needed money, we had already finished our money. So if anybody wants to come to Ghana to make you know any business, my advice is spend time to do your research. Put the money here, no problem. Put it in a good bank and then spend the time, do a search, at least for a year. Be here, know how people are and at least if you get two or three people who think like you, you're good to go.

Speaker 2:

Should people be thinking of renting a property when they come to Ghana, or they should build before coming to Ghana? What do you think?

Speaker 1:

Rent is good. It depends on which business you're trying to do. Rent is good. I know packaging. People do packaging. It's okay, it's part of our environment. But I would advise Ghana. When you have a property is money.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I remember buying one particular land 280 acres of land. Each plot those days was 5,000. Wow, Now it's going for hundred thousand big cash so you can imagine yeah, that's 10 years ago it's going for a hundred thousand. And so if I start selling and people are buying around and I say, oh, wow, okay, good, wow, so I mean you will not lose if you buy land, wherever it is, I mean you get your money. It's better than even putting the money in the bank.

Speaker 2:

You know, but I guess some of these things, and there's a reason why we sit on this show and we have conversations like this because people out there can learn from the experiences that we've been through. That's why I loved it so much when you said if you're coming to do business in Ghana, forget the business, come to Ghana, study the people, study the place. It's awesome.

Speaker 1:

The most dangerous thing is that somebody in Ghana telling you Charlie, business, will call Charlie for come. Charlie, that business. No, no, you've heard it. It's okay. Calm down, don't give yourself one month, give yourself a year, steady it, I mean, and enjoy Ghana. Steady it, and you'll be shocked that some business B will just come and say this is the gold, go for it. When I came, that's when I realized that there are businesses, there are some petty, petty businesses that nobody even think about and it will sell just like that. And you, seeana, also needs every business in ghana, needs you there I think you need to say that again, because that's the juice.

Speaker 1:

No, yes, yeah every business in ghana. If you are the owner of the business in ghana, that business needs you there as soon as you move. The business is dead and do not trust anybody. If you have any trust to trust anybody, trust them that they can collapse your business. That's solid Because it's a serious thing. So you are not. You are not having time for the business. Don't waste your time. Yep to come and no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

They will just eat your money for you wow, wow, I'm gonna lead on to my questions. Okay, but then I've got two questions from my previous guest. Okay, my young lady asked two questions and the first question is does balance in life truly exist? So can a person have a beautiful and happy family, beautiful job, beautiful relationships, friends, everything balanced out? Does that truly exist? No, it doesn't. It doesn't at all.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't, it doesn't at all, it doesn't exist. Definitely, as the Bible says, if you serve two masters, you would definitely love one and hate one, you know. So I mean being a pastor, I have lost my marriage, okay, definitely there may be something you didn't do right. There may be some communication that didn't go well. Kids, you may be so busy doing this whereby they need you in this place, you know, and sometimes you may not even have time for yourself because you are so busy doing this whereby they need you in this place, you know, and sometimes you may not even have time for yourself because you are so busy thinking about others. So, um, there is no balance. But my advice is wherever you find yourself and you know you are doing the right thing, do it with all your might and with all your strength, because nothing is balanced, but what you think is good for you, do. That's very biblical.

Speaker 2:

Then her next question is how do you look after yourself, self-care, your mental health, your overall self, holistically?

Speaker 1:

I think when we're coming. We spoke about something where mental, when you talk about mental health, all of us are mad. I mean so. But I mean, what do I do? I mean, you just have to live. I love to meditate, I love to pray, I love to give, I love to advise, and then I love to listen to advice as well. I always want to be around people who are mentally, uh, positive. I I love to listen to you because, thank you, I mean the, the, the, the, the wisdom and the encouragement within the words that comes out, it's, it's, can do work. You know, we, we we're living in this um world that people have lost. You know, um love they have lost. You know caring. You know, when somebody is doing something to you, they don't care at all and people have become so negative. But, um, if you really want to live sane, you have to look for positivity, always think about positive stuff, you know. So these are some of the things I do.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to food, I'm very careful, very particular um my way of eating. Um, I love to eat. I don't, I don't drink any. I don't drink. I'm not saying drinking is bad, no, I don't smoke. I'm not saying I don't smoke, I'm not saying no, I don't smoke, I don't drink yeah, I don't drink, I don't smoke.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm not married, you know. Yes, but I also don't have a girlfriend. Yes, um, this time I'm trying to be more careful, right, you know, to stay, because I need all the mind at this age 40, 46 is a crucial, you know year or a man. So my focus is I'm thinking about my retirement, so I don't need to fail. I must be able to do what I have to do one for myself, two for my kids and my children's children, so, and then for the nation. So my focus is to make sure all mistakes I've made, wrong moves I've made, this time I can. If I can rectify some of them, I can fix one or two. So I can, I can move.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's one of the things I'm trying to do, wow wow, that was that, was that had depth, our question from connected minds. Well, for me, derrick, is motivation or discipline motivation, okay, motivation, motivation.

Speaker 1:

I mean everybody needs somebody that will motivate him or her, especially men. Men we need motivation because we're not strong.

Speaker 1:

Motivation is for weak people, we are weak yes you know it's, it's it's for us to be motivated to do. Sometimes, you know, your mind tells you that it's, it's impossible. And somebody somewhere says I'm watching you, you are great, you are powerful you, and that energize most of us to do more. I remember I met one young lady, young lady, and she walked, you know close to me and said to me, pastor Danso. I said yes. He said you know what? You've been my father all these years? I said huh. He said yes, I was thinking. And then he said yes, I was thinking if I could collaborate with him, he would be with me, right? And then he said, no, I have been watching your videos and the things you've said about me. You said, in general, it's what I have followed. And today I'm a midwife, yes, and she was going to get married. And she says I want you to be my father, to work with me. Wow, yes, we will be doing it.

Speaker 2:

Um next year. Okay, no, no this month?

Speaker 1:

may yes, next month we are in april, so may yes, wow, you know. So these things encourages some of us to say keep on doing what you can do to help mankind.

Speaker 2:

So I would always take that as the most important things in our life encouragement then my next question is what's the best advice you ever received out of the many? You have?

Speaker 1:

people will talk of you.

Speaker 2:

Whether you like it or not.

Speaker 1:

Even if you're dead, people will talk of you. You should know and you should understand that what they say does not define you. Truth has no evidence. Facts has evidence, but what stands is truth. Let people bring their facts to show evidence, to show that, yes, you are bad, but you are the only person who knows you are not bad but you're good. And those who are lying knows they are lying and the one who is telling the truth knows he's telling the truth. So always live within the truth, and I tell you that advice from my mother. This was coming from my mother. It was even a poem.

Speaker 1:

He said people will talk of you. When you see this, Remember me. He said bear me in your mind. The whole world will stand to talk of you. I was a baby and my mom gave me this and it has been one of the things that has encouraged me so many times. When I see people bashing me, saying evil things about me sometimes some of the things when you say to yourself huh, oh, I did this. Okay, Some you feel like you want to believe it. Yeah, they say things and sometimes you are not careful. You end up becoming what they say you are, but you should know people will talk of you, no matter what they will talk of you. So do what is necessary and leave the rest to God.

Speaker 2:

Wow, leave it to God. Indeed, what's your favorite personal development book? I think when we're going through this, you had a very interesting personal development book. Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

I have. I mean, I'll say Bible, yes, yes, bible has a lot of books within, so that is what I'll say. And then I have revealing the heroes. It's a very powerful book which I wrote, and it's my own book, not because I want to be biased. Right, it was about David and his mighty men. You know, when God said David is a king and he was anointed by Samuel, he was still not a king. But even killed Goliath, he was still not a king. Until these five strong men, they said we will fight with you. They were stronger than David. They were powerful than David. They were powerful than David, but they said there's an anointing in your life and we will make sure it comes to pass.

Speaker 1:

And everybody in this world, you need such people. You need one or two. If you get two, thank God. It means you are blessed that they say we will never make you fail. We will always be with you In the time of your sorrow, in the time of your strength, in any time, all times, and good times, bad times they are there and say we will make you. You know God can bless you, but for your blessing to come into reality, it comes from man. So you need men that can reveal you as a hero. Yes, very important that's solid.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll take a question. Okay for my next guest. Okay from you, alright is love one way or two okay, I mean okay, right, I'll leave the answer to this question to the next guest, but if you've been listening, please subscribe and become part of the Connected Minds family and I'm going to take anything that you would like to tell the people of Connected Minds, the audience.

Speaker 1:

I would say to anybody who is watching me that you don't need to believe in yourself, because we're not wired like that. Believe in something. Believe in God, because if you waste time to believe in yourself, it will be just a time-wasting. But if you know you don to believe in yourself, it will be just a time-wasting. But if you know you don't believe in yourself but you believe in something, you can live very long, because the more you try to believe in yourself, you become arrogant. Yes, majority of people. Yes, somebody will say, oh, but persons have confidence. Yes, of course Confidence doesn't make oh, but person have confidence. Yes, of course Confidence doesn't make you to be a person who believe in yourself. And if you say you believe, it simply means you do not know, you are not sure. So believe causes you not to be sure of who you are, but leave belief to something that's exist wow, that was very biblical once again, but that is expected right now.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. You're welcome and, um, I'm really honored that you came today I'm so happy, um, that you blessed us with all of this knowledge and at a higher level wisdom, because these are things that you've been through, things that you've experienced yourself firsthand. I appreciate your time, I appreciate your effort and traveling all the way here. Thank you, stay connected, guys.

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Powerful Connections and Belief in Something