The Treasury of Solomon
In the Treasury of Solomon Podcast, we go through the book of Proverbs to find all the wisdom that God has for us. We look at what lessons we can take from these wise sayings that we can apply in our day to day lives.
The Treasury of Solomon
Proverbs 3:6
Vincent Fitzgerald
Episode 61
In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 3:6. This verse says, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." We look at what exactly it means to acknowledge God and how we can do that on a practical way in our daily lives. We look at the difference doing so makes in our life and on our future and we look at what it means for us that the Lord directs our paths and how He does so. We all should desire for the Lord to direct us and He will if only we'll acknowledge Him.