Navigating a World of Strife and My Search for Solace

April 09, 2024 Jeff Alan Wolf Season 1 Episode 11
Navigating a World of Strife and My Search for Solace
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Navigating a World of Strife and My Search for Solace
Apr 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11
Jeff Alan Wolf


Navigating the stormy seas of modern politics requires a seasoned captain at the helm—I’m Jeff Alan Wolf, and this week, I'm charting a course through the turbulent waters of U.S.-Israel relations, dissecting President Biden's raw response to Gaza's strife, and examining the paradox of his ongoing arms deals.
As we sail further, I confront the maelstrom of former President Trump's legal odyssey, scrutinizing the repercussions of his continuing misinformation surrounding his court skirmishes and pleading for a beacon of truth to cut through the fog so we can move forward!

The world stage seldom offers reprieve, and this episode doesn't shy away from contentious figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the charged atmosphere enveloping the Mar-a-Lago case. With the meticulous precision of a master craftsman, I lay bare the judicial intricacies Judge Eileen Cannon introduces, and her meddling, AND the ramifications on the due process. The shadow of an Iranian threat over the horizon compels us to remain watchful—vigilance is the currency of peace in times as volatile as these.

But it's not all about the external cacophony—there's an introspective passage within this audio journey that reflects on my transition from radio waves to podcast bytes. I peel back the curtain on the content creator's emotional landscape, where the feedback void echoes loudly and current events shape the contours of my thoughts. In the sanctuary of my loft library and music room with my family I find solace, and I encourage you to seek those people and places of comfort and inspiration in your life, holding fast to joy and gratitude amidst a world that can often seem mad. Join me on "A World Gone Mad," and together let's keep the flame of hope alive.


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Navigating the stormy seas of modern politics requires a seasoned captain at the helm—I’m Jeff Alan Wolf, and this week, I'm charting a course through the turbulent waters of U.S.-Israel relations, dissecting President Biden's raw response to Gaza's strife, and examining the paradox of his ongoing arms deals.
As we sail further, I confront the maelstrom of former President Trump's legal odyssey, scrutinizing the repercussions of his continuing misinformation surrounding his court skirmishes and pleading for a beacon of truth to cut through the fog so we can move forward!

The world stage seldom offers reprieve, and this episode doesn't shy away from contentious figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the charged atmosphere enveloping the Mar-a-Lago case. With the meticulous precision of a master craftsman, I lay bare the judicial intricacies Judge Eileen Cannon introduces, and her meddling, AND the ramifications on the due process. The shadow of an Iranian threat over the horizon compels us to remain watchful—vigilance is the currency of peace in times as volatile as these.

But it's not all about the external cacophony—there's an introspective passage within this audio journey that reflects on my transition from radio waves to podcast bytes. I peel back the curtain on the content creator's emotional landscape, where the feedback void echoes loudly and current events shape the contours of my thoughts. In the sanctuary of my loft library and music room with my family I find solace, and I encourage you to seek those people and places of comfort and inspiration in your life, holding fast to joy and gratitude amidst a world that can often seem mad. Join me on "A World Gone Mad," and together let's keep the flame of hope alive.


Speaker 1:

On this podcast. Jeff does not pull punches. He does not make comments that are safe. He tells the truth. He tells things like he sees them. He's very opinionated. You don't like his opinions Tough, he says the things out loud. You're probably already thinking he's unfiltered, unspun, a little unhinged, but he offers a lot of common sense. This podcast could make you mad. This podcast could make you smile. Regardless, it will make you think this is A World Gone Mad.

Speaker 2:

Hello again. This is Season 1, episode 11 of A World Gone Mad. I'm your host, jeff Allen Wolfe, and in this first segment we do odds and ends of news national and around the world and politics. So let's jump right into it. Biden is very pissed off at Netanyahu in Israel, and President Joe Biden this past Thursday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the overall humanitarian situation in Gaza is unacceptable and warned Israel to take steps to address the crisis or face consequences A stark statement from Israel's staunchest ally Now. The 30-minute conversation with the two leaders was the first phone call since an Israeli strike killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in Gaza. The killings have set off a furor inside the White House and Biden has been described as reaching a new level of frustration with Israel's campaign. President Biden emphasized that the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation are unacceptable, the White House said in a statement shortly after the call wrapped. Now he made clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel's immediate action on these steps. Biden also said Israel needed to announce and implement a series of specific, concrete and measurable steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering and the safety of aid workers suffering and the safety of aid workers. Let's be clear, though, at the same time that the administration was alluding to potential changes in policy if Israel doesn't stop killing civilians, the US was sending more deadly weapons to its ally. Biden is set to greenlight an $18 billion sale of fighter jets from the United States to Israel, and the administration recently authorized the transfer to Israel of over 1,500 pound bombs and over 1,000 small diameter bombs, according to three people familiar with the matter. So two things happening Again.

Speaker 2:

I stated before several episodes ago Israel has the right to defend itself. That's a given, but it's been getting out of hand for a while now and it's a slaughtering of people in the Gaza area. So I'm sorry, I have friends living in Israel, but there's a certain point where Netanyahu is going above and beyond, to the point of cruelty and wiping out people, and it's got to stop. And thank God Biden stood up, said something. Let's see if anything comes forward or forth from that from Netanyahu. I believe recently and you can look at details online that Netanyahu did agree to pull out troops from a certain area. Johan, johan, I believe if I pronounced that right. So we'll see if anything changes if I pronounce that right. So we'll see if anything changes.

Speaker 2:

Trump, trump, trump, trump, trump again in the news. Former President Donald Trump was dealt two major setbacks this past week in his efforts to derail the criminal cases against him, with judges in the Georgia election interference case and in the federal classified documents case both rejecting bids by the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee to have those cases thrown out. The judges in both cases have yet to decide other requests put forward by the big orange guy seeking the dismissal of the Georgia and federal prosecutions which were brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis and Special Counsel Jack Smith, of course, but for now, the prospect of the case is eventually going before Jury's remains alive and a trial in a third criminal prosecution against Trump. That's the 2019 campaign hush money case. Brought New Yorkers on track to start this month Trying every trick in the book, which, hey, as a defendant, donald Trump is allowed to do. But I'm tired. I'm tired Anybody else out there? Fed up with this? Let's get to the trial. If you're innocent, be proven innocent. If you're guilty, be proven guilty. Move on, let's go past this minutia. Staying with the Trump silliness. Past this minutiae. Staying with the Trump silliness.

Speaker 2:

Donald Trump falsely claims that appeals court said you won the civil fraud case that he lost. Former President Donald Trump continues to make false claims. What else is new about the New York civil fraud case he lost, including a wildly inaccurate declaration this past week that an appeals court previously said that he won the case? Trump said the appellate division actually gave me the case. I won the case because I won it in the appellate division. I won the case because it's called statute of limitations. You are an idiot, donald. The appellate division ruled in my favor. That means most of the case is gone. The judge refused to honor it. Now he nobody ever heard of that before. So the appellate division said you won the case, that's it. And the judge said I don't accept it. He's called a rogue judge. Trump said he's a rogue judge. He's a fake judge. Me thinks you doth protest too much. Facts first. Okay, trump's assertion is false. The appeals court never said he won the case. While its June 2023 ruling did exclude the former president's daughter, ivanka Trump, as a defendant in the case, it did not repeat, did not dismiss the attorney general's claim against Trump himself, his adult sons or his company. Rather, the ruling set a precise cutoff for claims in the case, saying that claims against Trump and the other defendants were too old if they concerned transactions that were completed before certain dates. The court set the cutoff date of July 13, 2014 for any defendants Engeron decided were covered by an agreement signed in 2021 by a top lawyer at Trump's company. Engeron then ruled that Trump and all of the other remaining defendants were indeed covered by this agreement, that they submitted fraudulent financial statements more recently than July 13, 2014, and that they were therefore liable for civil fraud. They never dismissed the case.

Speaker 2:

Trump will say anything, and most of you out there who support him believe it. Marjorie Taylor nutball Yep, nutball, that's disrespectful to nutballs Is back in the news again. She never really left. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene bluntly warned Speaker Mike Johnson this past Wednesday that moving ahead with an aid package for Ukraine would be one of the most egregious things he could do. As she said, she was not backing off at all. As she said she was not backing off at all over her threat to Ukraine in its war against Russia, even if it included some border security provisions. Let me state something out loud Idiot, marjorie Taylor nutball, loonball green and anybody who believe this that Ukraine is not important and to give aid militarily as far as weapons and money to Ukraine to stop Putin's expansionism are stupid. That includes family members of mine and friends. And if you don't get it, wake up, read the news, pay attention. Putin is a threat. Putin is a continuing threat and he has to be stopped. So to say that Mike Johnson can't bring a floor vote about Ukraine aid that they desperately need, otherwise Ukraine falls, the country is taken over and Russia at that point goes screw it. I could do whatever the F I want and I'll keep going. Wake up, america. For those who are not paying attention, here's the trial. That is a sore thumb for me. That stands out OK.

Speaker 2:

This past week, special counsel Jack Smith threw down the gauntlet on an extraordinary filing in the Mar-a-Lago prosecution, the case that centers around former President Donald Trump's retention of classified documents and his resistance to government attempts to recover them from his Mar-a-Lago estate. Smith warned Judge Eileen Cannon that her approach to the law governing the handling of presidential records, and so Donald Trump's credibility in the case, was fundamentally flawed, and threatened to seek rare pretrial review by the 11th US Circuit of Appeals. Trump denies, of course, all wrongdoing. Cannon is headed for the most trouble she has faced since the circuit reversed her or twice remember two times they reversed her in her original meddling in the government's pre-indictment investigation. If she does not course correct, she's headed for another shellacking by the court rather by the circuit and possible removal from the case. She's either ignorant of law, which I don't think so with all her background, or she's prejudiced, and I believe she's prejudiced. She is putting her finger on the scale of justice towards Donald Trump to help him run out the clock to keep this trial from going, this court, rather case from going to trial, and something has to be done and either reprimand her or remove her. But this is becoming a joke at this point and in a very dangerous situation.

Speaker 2:

The US is on high alert and actively preparing for a significant attack that could come as soon as the next couple of days to the following week by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region, in response to Monday's Israeli strike in Damascus that killed top Iranian commanders, the senior administration official tells CNN. Senior US officials currently believe that an attack by Iran is inevitable, a view shared by their Israeli counterparts. That officials said the two governments are furiously working to get in position ahead of what is to come, as they anticipate that Iran's attack could unfold in a number of different ways and that both US and Israeli assets and personnel are at risk of being targeted. A direct strike on Israel by Iran is one of the worst-case scenarios that the Biden administration is bracing for, as it would guarantee rapid escalation of an already tumultuous situation in the Middle East. Escalation of an already tumultuous situation in the Middle East. Such a strike could lead to the Israeli-Hamas war broadening into a wider regional conflict, and something Biden has long sought to avoid. This is dangerous. This is on the fire pit right now, smoldering and steaming, and this could escalate and blow up the Middle East, where there's no putting you know everything back in the box again. So be alert, watch. This does have ramifications worldwide and does affect us.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to take a short break. When I come back my commentary on, well, my anger within myself, I'll be right back. You're listening to A World Gone Mad. Just wanted to let you know. You can reach me with our toll-free number 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that number is 833-399-9653, 833-399-9653. Leave your name, your age, your location, where you're listening from. Don't forget to subscribe, hit subscribe on whatever app you're on and also rate the show and give a review. Thank you so much. Now back to the show and give a review. Thank you so much. Now back to the show. Welcome back.

Speaker 2:

So I was saying before the break that the anger within myself. So I, in a nutshell, I'm trying to tap into something here. I've been angry for a couple of weeks now, legitimately, and I'm going to be jumping back and forth with a couple of thoughts. So bear with me Everything that I read and come across because I do a podcast has the possibility of making me angry and react. So that's part of why my mood is that way. Other parts are because of health issues, etc.

Speaker 2:

But let me digress for a second and explain what a podcast is For those of you that know and are listening. Some of you have never heard a podcast before until now. Some of you have just started listening to a podcast. A podcast is basically radio, and the difference between this and radio is the following Radio, when you're on the air, whether you're a DJ or a talk show host, like I was for many years is you're on the dial at a certain time during the morning, evening, afternoon, weekend night, all over the place, the morning evening, afternoon, weekend night, all over the place.

Speaker 2:

And you're hoping, whatever other shows are on the dial at that time, you stand out enough for the listening audience to tune in and be part of your show. So, for example, I was competing against Howard Stern in Florida in the morning. Doesn't mean Howard Stern was my audience, far from it but at that hour of the morning Howard Stern was on, I was on, sports was on, news was on and it's a locked dial in that area for 50,000 watts across hundreds of thousands of miles across the state of Florida. And if you, the listener, tune in, you have five or six shows and that's it With a podcast. I'm all over the place and I hope people discover the show.

Speaker 2:

So the frustration and anger besides the news that I read is will anybody listen to the show? And I've said this before, people supposedly are listening, but I don't get a lot of feedback. So I don't know where to turn the show or to improve it. I want to have guests on, I want to change segments, I want to improve segments, but without feedback I can't do that. So when I was in radio I would say XYZ news. Here's the phone number and then the lines would either light up or not light up. Here it's, here's an email, here's a phone number contact me. And I don't have feedback until days later. And I see I do or I don't. So podcasting is a new type of beast. It replaces radio.

Speaker 2:

Someone asked me and said where are all the great liberal talk shows on the radio? There aren't, unless it's serious radio and syndicated. Podcasting is the way of media and there are hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there. A lot of them are not good. Some of them are great and some of them are not good. Some of them are great and some of them are very good becoming great. I'm hoping I'm in the very good becoming great area. I have a friend who does a podcast and he's in the same boat. I have a t-shirt that says let me read you my t-shirt One who talks crap for an extended period of time that's what a podcaster is.

Speaker 2:

One who talks crap for an extended period of time that's what a podcaster is. One who talks crap for an extended period of time. And my friend Bill, who does two great podcasts, by the way Bill Mongey's Guide to Getting Older and Tales from South Florida. He said you know, jeff, podcasters, we sit in a room and talk to ourselves. And that's true. We sit in a room and talk to ourselves. We don't see the station manager, we don't get the phone calls lighting up instantly. We sit in a room and talk to ourselves. We might as well be in a rubber room talking to ourselves.

Speaker 2:

One of my favorite phrases and I've said it a couple of times during this last couple of months on the podcast the opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy. And when we Bill myself, other podcasters don't hear from you and it's crickets. That's hard. Okay, podcasting is the tip of the iceberg. This is a new media that is going to explode each and every year. That's hard. Podcasting is the tip of the iceberg. This is a new media that is going to explode each and every year. It's a multi-billion dollar industry.

Speaker 2:

So I thank you for listening. That's part of my anger Not hearing from people. The news in itself Donald getting away with crap, the war in Ukraine, putin attacking Ukraine, israel and Hamas, netanyahu going overboard All of this just creates anger in myself. And I have my highs and I have my lows during the day, and some of my lows were the following. And, by the way, the cool thing about doing podcasts that Bill and I do and other podcasters we can do whatever the hell we want on our podcast because we don't always get feedback. So if we want to sit there and go or bark, whatever we want to do, we could do because it's our podcast. So I'm going to give you my low for the week and I'm going to give you my high and to show you what we go through, like you guys do. We're nothing special.

Speaker 2:

I'm on a lot of Facebook groups and all these Democratic Facebook groups, and one guy infiltrated was a Republican. I wrote basically in one of my posts that here's my podcast, here's my link. I'm unfiltered and unspun. Give a listen to my podcast. And he wrote back oh my God, an unabashed, unashamed Democrat. How's things going? You really liking the wide, open southern border, the price of gas, groceries and insurance? You like the world at war? How about crime? You think letting criminals run loose is helping?

Speaker 2:

Do you actually listen to our demented president? No, certainly not. Do you take any to our demented president? No, certainly not. Do you take any hard questions on your show? Probably not. And this is the typical crap I get from most Republicans Not all Republicans. They throw out something garbage-wise, they make a loon ball assumption of something Demented. President Biden no, I think you're talking about the big orange guy that's dementia, that's demented. So I get that type of commentary and basically I answered back and said you know, I deal with you on a daily basis. I wrote to this guy and it's not worth my time.

Speaker 2:

All right, then I get something out of the blue. I'm coming out from the doctor's appointment checking on some tests that I went through for my heart. I wear a mask. My girlfriend wears a mask. I'm sorry, we're some of the few in the United States that wear masks. It's important to us with health issues to not, you know, get any problems with COVID or anything else. Whether you believe in COVID or not, I don't care. This is what we do. Whether you believe in COVID or not, I don't care. This is what we do.

Speaker 2:

And I'm at the front desk making an appointment for my next appointment and I'm joking with both of the nurses and I'm saying how the previous client or patient who was here before was disrespectful. And how can people do that to doctors and nurses etc. When you guys are trying to help us and I'm making them laugh and I'm joking, I'm just being charming, whatever, and you know, because I just got done with my appointment and I'm happy. And she says to me out of the blue you know, if you had a podcast, I'd listen to you. And I thought that was an odd comment and I went I do. And she said no, no, no, come on. And I said hold on, pulled out my phone, started to pull up my podcast web page. She says I don't know if you're joking with me behind the mask, I can't tell. Showed her the picture of the link. She says oh, send that to me. Got her email. The other nurse across from her said I want to listen too. So there's my highs for the day, my lows and highs. We go up and down, like everyone does in this world, and we have to keep a moderate tone and just not let the lows get too low for us or the highs get too high, because other things will come up to knock that down and keep an even keel. I want to thank you for letting me vent.

Speaker 2:

It was just one of those couple of weeks that I was just angry and upset about everything going on, as I've said multiple times towards the end of my show the thick plattens. I'm taking a short break and when I come back, my uplifting story, I'll be right back. You're listening to A World Gone Mad, thank you, and you could reach me by sending me an email, and the email is aworldgonemadpodcast. Aworldgonemadpodcast at gmailcom. Leave your first name in the email, your age, your location, where you're listening to us, from what app, etc. And any comments you have. Also, don't forget to hit subscribe, that way I can let you know when the new episode goes online. It's automatic and it's free. Also, if you can review, rate, rank the show on the app you're listening from, that helps me tremendously. I thank you for listening, whether you just joined us for the first time or have been listening for a while. I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

And now back to the show this week, my uplifting story. I decided not to actually share a story that I found, but just some thoughts I have, hopefully to put a better frame of mind or better peace of mind in your soul and heart. And it's offering you this when you're down, when you think negatively, negatively, there we go. When you think negative, let's do it that way. See, we don't edit everything on the show, when you have negative thoughts and you're feeling blue. Think about the people friends, family in your life that inspire you and uplift you. In my case it's my better half, natasha, my golden retriever, cooper, and my Maine Coon cat, phoenix.

Speaker 2:

Also think about the places that you go to that make you inspired Physical place in your house, backyard or area. Mine is. We have a library upstairs of over 6,000 books. It's a 15 by 25 foot loft and there's a corner there on the ground with pillows that I just lie down. Dim the lights and it's very peaceful. I also have a music room downstairs. Dim the lights, put on some jazz music and that relaxes me. Or in our backyard with my girlfriend watching the timber bamboo sway back and forth in the wind at night. That's fun. So whatever you're uplifting, inspiring people, places you have, think about that each day, each week, be grateful. I'll be back next week with another show and until then I'm your host. Jeff Allen Wolfe for A World Gone Mad. Stay hopeful.

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