Indian.Community Podcast

The Rise of Ayurveda in America: Meet Meerika Khanna founder of Rthvi #24

May 01, 2024 Meerika khanna Episode 24
The Rise of Ayurveda in America: Meet Meerika Khanna founder of Rthvi #24
Indian.Community Podcast
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The Rise of Ayurveda in America: Meet Meerika Khanna founder of Rthvi #24
May 01, 2024 Episode 24
Meerika khanna
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Show Notes Transcript

I was born and raised in India.


What was America's reaction to Ayurveda when you started off?


Not everybody knows what Amla is, what Bhringraj is. We know, we understand, we're from Indian origin, but,


I'm sure a lot of our viewers, would have heard this term for the first time. Trichology.


Hello and welcome to the Indian Community Podcast. I'm your host Amit Gupta and with me is my co host Rahul Mehra. Today we are excited to host Meerika Khanna on our podcast. Meerika is the founder of Rthvi, a pioneering ayurveda brand at the forefront of clean and sustainable hair care. Meerika has masterfully combined the ancient practices of Ayurveda with the precision of modern science to create products that not only nourish hair but also embrace eco friendly sustainable practices. Prior to founding Rthvi, Meerika was the global marketing director at SAP. Meerika lives with her family in New York and is here to talk about how she established a well loved D2C brand in the US. and the opportunities in the sustainable beauty sector for immigrants like us. Welcome to the Indian Community Podcast, Meerika.


Thank you.


Welcome Meerika.


Thank you, Rahul. Thank you, Amit.


So Meerika, to start with, can you share your journey with us? What inspired you to start Rthvi and how did your journey with Ayurveda begin?


Well, I was born and raised in India. I came to the U. S. in 2005. And like everybody else, I had dreamed to be a part of the corporate world. And I was a part of the corporate world, like Amit said. I was with SAP for over 10 years. I reached a point in my life where I felt like, There was a disconnect in terms of what I was doing, who I was, and I felt a need to create an opportunity for myself and for Ayurvedic practices in the US. that just led me to gain more knowledge in Ayurveda, in cosmetic formulation and trichology. And I launched Rthvi that's. basically it.


That's cool. Uh, so


What was America's reaction to Ayurveda when you started off?


Did people know about Ayurveda? Do people still know or understand Ayurveda?


Well, the things that, you know, time has really changed. When I first started in 2019, when I started to think about launching an Ayurvedic brand, to explain Ayurveda to people, but that's not the case. And I think COVID helped a bring this shift. You'll see, you know, in general people who are wellness minded, they're taking supplements like ashwagandha, they're taking turmeric and they try to be more mindful and anytime you're trying to be more mindful of your body and of your health and wellness, are you aware that just, Automatically plugs in and also, you know, yoga as a, you know, as a practice has been now widely followed all over the world and especially in the US. And I think all of this combined the basically to the success of Ayurveda or the awareness I should say of Ayurveda in the US. now I don't have to, I don't get that question. What is Ayurveda? I don't have to Oh, this is Amla. Oh, this is Ashwagandha. I don't have to do that. They know it.


And people so this is not just the Desi population. So you're also talking about, uh, the rest of, uh, the people who are not of Indian origin. Is that


Interestingly, yes. Yes. Part of our customer base is Caucasians. So Westerners, right? And and they've adapted to the way they lifestyle and it's easier. Absolutely.


to entrepreneurs like you who are also spreading the word and creating that awareness. I follow a lot and I also have purchased on your website. Previously, you'll see on in your CRM and the one thing that I've noticed Rahul on Meerika platform is she speaks regularly about herbal products and herbs, especially right. So there's always great explanation available on her Instagram page about, uh, what the herbs are and you know, all the myths and facts are clearly explained. So thank you for that, you know, helping us build that awareness and visibility about, uh, these, uh, uh, ancient, uh, Formulations,


Right, right.


You know, there, there is there have always have to be some sort of an education and awareness that you have to bring in to the process. you know, play when it comes to,

um, like Rthvi or Ayurvedic


products, because not everybody understands, right? Not everybody knows what Amla is, what Bhringraj is. We know, we understand, we're from Indian origin, but in general, you know, now the customers are more open to such ingredients and herbs and they're welcoming it.


especially the second generation. So




a teenager and, uh, and now she understands Avla Shikakai and these kinds of things because of the awareness that's being put together, right? I mean, these kids have not grown up in India, so they don't know. the power of these, uh, uh, herbs, right? So I think this is really helpful for making sure that our future generations are also able to hold on to these values and, uh, recipes. So,


absolutely right. And I think, uh, I forgot to mention that, you know, they, one of the reasons I did start the brand, because I felt that Ayurveda, when I started, it was really glamorized in the Western world, you know, there was like a Bollywood uh, angle attached to it, but when you grow, exactly, when you grow up in India, You experience a different side of way that it is. It is a lifestyle. It's wellness, right? We're not looking at yellow colors and like Bollywood movies. We are really it's, you know, name you know, Ashwagandha. These are, you know, these are basic ingredients that we use in the daily lives. And I wanted to make sure that the wellness aspect of the benefits are. Correctly portrayed so that our future generations know that they have this wealth for them and and to use it effectively.


So mi like you said, that, Ayurveda is a very glamorized term, used in the US So, how should can a customer, you know, a buyer know whether a product is truly Ayurvedic or not, or how much Ayurvedic it is? I mean, you know, there are so many products.


things have definitely changed Rahul. There was a Customers specifically went for those authentic Ayurvedic, uh, formulas and recipes. However, In today's day and age, I think it's important to look Ayurveda not in you know, in isolation, but as a part of your entire wellness journey. So if you have, you know, if you have, uh, amla or Chika Kai mixed with, uh, a clean science-based ingredient like amino acids or, soy protein it is it's beneficial for you, right? And more and more customers are looking at it. Uh, that perspective, they are, they're adapting it as a wellness routine, not just focusing on i. e. whether it's you know, it's authentic Ayurveda or not. Not to say that they are, you know, they're not, no other brand is doing it, but definitely there are brands that are they're authentic Ayurvedic and customers love them too. But for Rthvi, it has always been about, you know, Combining the principles of Ayurveda and age old wisdom of and taking it and marrying it with the modern technology, science, and psychology to give our customers the best.


So, uh, it's an interesting mashup of modern science and ayurvedic knowledge. Right. And so what is your typical process of developing a product from concept to market? So, you know, initially the product. takes birth in, in the mind, but then how do you




that product, uh, to market?


So Amit, when I first started, uh, my, my whole purpose was to make sure that our customers get products that are, and that really do help them. and because of that in mind, I studied trichology and what I do when I start a, uh, you know, formulation process, I look at my customers and their needs, and I see what exactly they're struggling with. If somebody is struggling with, let's say dandruff or dry hair or scalp. We keep that in mind. and the requirements of the customers and create the products according to that requirement. So if we're going to be doing that, so we're going to pick based oils, for example, we'll see which oil will be best suited for dry scalp or dry hair and what other science based ingredients we can put in it to increase the effectiveness of the product. So, So we take all of that in account and create some time, like 20 to 30 formulas and then test those formulas. And once we have the final formula, go ahead and start the production.


for each product, there are at least 20 formulas created. how do you test them? How do you test a product?


So we basically ask our customers to test, uh, a lot of times and family are, you know, are willing to test. So that's how we get it. So, you know, now we have a large customer base and anytime we have a product close to, uh, final, we will it out to our customers to test it. Absolutely.




We have to get on her friends and family list around. That's very true.


Rthvi is also a business, you know, it has to make money to itself.




So can you throw some light on marketing strategies? What marketing strategies have been most effective?


So when it comes to Ripley, You know, when we first started this was during the the COVID time. So it's really, uh, 2021 is when we, uh, actually, you know, the brand kicked out. We focus on digital marketing, uh, for D2C's brand, that was one of the main marketing strategies that we focus on because we knew that's something that can be done easily during the time that we were living in. And that was the focus of social media. We did a lot of Google marketing and, Pay Per clicks here, paid media. And in addition to that, I would also say that public relations, PR help us a lot, organic PR definitely helps and organic social reach. So that's something that we noticed that if you produce content, like what Amit said, initially, if you produce content that is. beneficial for your target customers, and it's actually helping them make a decision or solving the problem. It always works. So understanding what your customer wants to hear what they going through is very important when it comes to marketing and just choosing the right chance.


You are following a problem solving approach for your customers. That's the approach.


You know, Rthvi is a brand that solves problems. It's a proactive hair wellness brand. We try to educate our customers, that they should proactively take care of their hair and their scalp in order to you know, have this beautiful hair forever. So, so basically the essence of Ayurveda. So it's important to to educate them through various different channels.


And how did you


Excellent. Excellent.


What is the origin of this, uh, this brand name? I really like it. I mean, I don't think I've come across this word in this format ever. So it's a very unique name.


So was taken from the word Prithvi which is the Earth. So, and you know that's how we started. But uh, also means in sense get right guidance, and that is the essence of the brand, right? So we wanna guide our customers, uh, with right products and right routines to help them achieve hair wellness.


rithvi means right guidance in sanskrit.




okay. I








that. That is I was always thinking it's a play with the word prithvi, which you've also acknowledged, but I wasn't aware of the sanskrit origin of the word rithvi.


is how it actually started, a play of Prithvi, but when we found out it also means right guidance, it was a no brainer for us.


Absolutely. So in fact You know, speaking about problems and problem solving, I think one of the most problematic topic these days is about sustainability. We hear a lot about companies you know, focusing on sustainable products and sustainable marketing and strategies around that, right? In especially in the beauty sector, what are the trends that you're noticing around sustainable beauty? And how is Rthvi adapting to these changes?


So Rthvi from the day one has been a sustainable brand. our name comes from Rthvi, so we cannot, you know, mess around with that, right? So each and every ingredient that we put in our products, they're sustainably sourced. So there's no palm oil in it. We also make sure that the packaging that we use sustainable packaging. So our bottles, like you see, these are glass bottles that we use and our shampoo and conditioner bottles are by our HDPE. So they're recyclable, recycled, and recyclables. So from our end, we make sure that our products are sustainable, packaging is sustainable, and I think that is one of the biggest trend in the industry. Customers are really mindful. their you know, of the footprint on the planet. And they want to make sure that they using products that are sustainable, especially packaging and recycle them correctly. So Rthvi has always been a sustainable brand and we will continue to be that way.


So the oil is in, glass bottles. So does that also help you with, you know, preventing oil? Yeah,


Absolutely. So, absolutely. So, we have two bottles of this bottle. So, this is our revitalized scalp oil and revitalized scalp oil has a lot of extracts and essential oils. And when a bottle is dark, it does help, uh, prevent, uh, you know, any sun exposure or damage to the product. So it actually helps.


the one thing


Plastic doesn't,


I have the exact product at home, uh, and we also have, uh, an Indian and I'm not going to take the name of it, but there's also another Indian oil brand that we have at home. But that freezes up in winter, And now this winter, uh, my Rthvi bottles did not, you know, the oil was pure. Pretty much in its liquid form, and I was amazed. I was like, Okay, I don't have to, uh, you know, go down to the microwave and heat this up and make sure that this is usable, right? So the bottle was pretty much, uh, you know, intact, and the oil was in its liquid form. So I thought that was a really good you know,


I think that doesn't have anything to do with the glass bottle. To be honest, it is the actual oil itself. So certain plant based oils, uh, will they're, you know, will lose a liquid form, especially coconut oil even jojoba also does that. So basically, you know, it's. In India, you know, it's a common practice, but our products are created for the global market. So we've made sure that we create a balance in terms of our formula that the product remains ready to use throughout the year.


that's nice. Yes, that's very helpful because that was When I actually noticed a big difference because that was something that I couldn't use immediately and this one was, uh, you know, maintained its form and shape the year. So I was particularly impressed with that. I wasn't sure what is causing this, but I was like, okay, this is happening.


Now, what happens if you use a clear bottle? For a product that has a lot of plant based ingredients, it will go rancid. So, that is the reason, you know, we use black bottles to preserve the the amazing ingredients you put in there. So, even after three years, if you open a Rthvi bottle, you will see the product will smell the same, will perform the same.


And how did you get all this knowledge?




uh, because is it because of all the research that you put in into the products? How are you? How are you such an expert in this category?


Well, I had to educate myself. This is, this definitely was a new category for me. Interestingly, when I when I quit SMP, uh, I wanted to join L'Oreal, but I didn't have any experience right in beauty industry. So, I decided to just start my own brand, but it was a, you know, it was definitely you know, years and years of learning and educating, uh, and understanding what it really takes to create good products.


That is it and


Meerika, I read it somewhere that you know about you. I was reading an article. There was a mention that you have done some kind of certification or you are some kind of, uh,


That is correct. I am a certified cosmetic formulator. So,




in the beginning, when I, uh, when I left S. A. P. and I wanted to do something of my own and I knew that this was my calling I went ahead. And did a course. I always feel that it's important to educate yourself and know what you're doing before jumping into something, especially if you're new to the industry. Cause it's, it makes the journey easier when you're well informed. So that is of the things that I did. And go ahead.


What I read was something related to haircare. Uh, that was something. Okay.


Like I mentioned. So, I also, yes I'm also a certified Trichologist. Yes. So 1st, I did




certification in cosmetic formulation, and then I realized that. Understanding ingredients is a great thing, but if I'm not able to understand my customer's true problem, I will not be able to create products that will help them. So, keeping that in mind, I gained a certification in Trichology. And I feel like, you know, that really makes a good combination being able to use this amazing ingredients. In your radar and even modern science and having that understanding of what my customers are going through and how to help them. So,


So, I mean, I'm sure a lot of our viewers, uh, would have heard this term for the first time. Trichology. Can you put a little more focus on this? What exactly a trichologist?






you could say, a hair expert, so a hair wellness expert. And it's a lot of times a dermatologist also, uh, provide the same services, but, uh, a Trichologist is as, you know, a specified, a special, uh, certification when we understand The hair growth cycle, the kind of issues you know, you can have when it comes to your scalp and your hair and how the hair ages, how to prevent certain conditions, that's what it is. It's basically modern hair science, I would call it.


Raul, there's




interesting thing that i'm noticing here or a interesting trend. I dwelt in this space a little bit, uh, you know during my university days I used to explore the hair industry from a different lens altogether. And the one thing that I would hear a lot of hairstylists say back in the day, uh, was don't use oil. You know, oil is not good for hair. Right. And, uh, Yeah. And this was more of a Western sort of a belief that, uh, that would come down and I would hear a lot of good celebrity hairstylists, uh, actually be, vocal about not using oil, uh, on the scalp. now I'm seeing a very different Uh, trend, right? And, uh, things have turned around.


And I think that happens a bit because when you educate yourself and there is awareness, you know, it's easier to adapt to a new routine or newer, uh, you know, for in this case oils, which is quite foreign to Western lifestyle, when you know exactly how it performs and how it truly helps, it's easier to adapt.


Right. No, I remember that, you know, whenever we, when I was a kid, you know, we used to have a oil bottle, you know, it was, it used to be a very normal or like a coconut oil or, you know, a mustard oil kept in the, you know, kept near to your place of birth. bathing, you know, and you would, uh, take a shower and put some oil in those days. It was not considered, you know, greasy hair was not considered anything bad, you know, so that is one of the reasons, you know, a lot of people had healthy hair and that in those times.


You're absolutely right. You know, I get this a lot. People say, Oh, you're Indian. You have, you know, good genes. You have good hair. It's like, no, that's not what it is. We start hair oiling. When we are infants, as soon as the baby is born, you'll see grandmother, they start doing their massage and jumpy. That's just part of our lifestyle. So our hair is always nourished.


What is the right hair care routine? So let's hear this from an expert of how someone should actually take care of hair because there's a lot of, misinformation out there. You know, some people will think, you know, don't use oil, don't shampoo, or, uh, there's also this don't color your hair, uh, don't go out in the sun. There's so many, different misconceptions out there. So what is your recommendation of how somebody should take care of their scalp and hair?


I think the very first thing when you're trying to create a routine for yourself is to see what kind of issues you're having. If you know, a routine for somebody who is experiencing excessive shedding will be different from somebody who has like say dry scalp or dandruff. If you are, if you have healthy hair and scalp and you know, want to adapt and you should a proactive hair wellness routine, then I would say Once or twice a week you know, or massage, oil your hair a bit, some herbal oils, massage your scalp, go to bed, wake up next day, and wash your hair. I also recommend not using shampoos with sulfates, because sulfates are, uh, Not good for your hair. So sulfate is basically a really harsh cleansing agents. And what they do, they strip your scalp and hair of its natural oils. And you do need natural oils to maintain your scalp and hair health. So, that is something that I would definitely recommend. And there is something here in,




lot of women, they don't like to wash their hair regularly. And I think that is a complete no. Should never you know, not wait for 10 days or 15 days in some cases to wash your hair. Hair should be, and scalp should be cleaned regularly to maintain proper and optimal hair health.


often is regular, uh, is appropriate?


Yes. Good. Great question. I think it actually depends on your on your hair type. So if you have thin hair, thin and oily hair every day. Every other day is great for you. If you have long hair and you have curly hair and dry hair, you could wait I would say five to six days before washing your hair.


So Meerika, the, what I see is there are a lot of people I know who will not be able to, you know, categorize their hair type and, you know, how greasy their hair is or how thin their hair are, you know, easily. So is there a place to go where, you know, they can ask questions about their hair routine and, you know, somebody can,


If people don't know what kind of hair texture they have oily scalp, they can absolutely come to us. We do have a section on our website. Ask the expert, just go ahead and ask her, you know, ask her experts and we'll get back to you and you can just send our picture, your picture to us and we will analyze them and we'll help you.


we'll put the links in the description. Yeah.


That's cool. Meerika, can you share a particularly memorable or an unexpected customer moment which made your day and said, yes, this is the reason why I wake up every day.


I do receive a lot of emails uh, on a weekly basis from our customers and reviews and how, you know, how beautiful the hair is and how, you know, great the products are working. However, there is one particular email I remember you know, as. As a very ethnic brand, right? You know, people do associate Rthvi, and especially I got this from a lot of Indians here in the US. Uh, when I first started the journey, we were going to name the brand Earthy. However, we had some issues with the trademark. Which is, which now is ours, by the way, but initially we had a lot of issues with the trademark, and we decided to go with the brand name Rthvi. there came a time when people were coming up to me and saying, it is a very ethnic name. People may not understand here. And. There was one specific day that I received an email from an existing customer saying, are you changing your name from Rthvi to Urti? was an old bottle that they saw, and they felt that we were going to change it. And it was not an Indian customer. It was a Caucasian customer. And they specifically said, please don't do it. We love who you are and what you stand for. And that truly made my day because I felt as, you know, as a person it's a BIPOC founder in this country, you know, people appreciating and understanding who you are and your unique identity. It always is one of the greatest feelings.


That is beautiful. And you started off digitally, right? So selling online was where the product was actually




And where can we find your products offline? Uh, is, can we find it in stores?


So basically for right now, we are expanding our retail footprint. Yes, we are essentially a direct to consumer brand. And that's how we started. But you can find behind over, I would say, 200 salons at this point of time. Yes, we launched on a specific, uh, platform called Salon Centric, and through that we've been able to penetrate to our, you know, professional community. So there is a long list of salons where anyone can walk in. And in addition to that, we recently launched on a platform called Thirteen Lune. we are on Amazon, we are on RI shop, and soon we'll be adding more.


that is excellent.


Great. And what about, uh, international plans, Meerika?


So yes,


we have


great question. So we are, we definitely are working on entering new markets. It's in works. We are working on Dubai, UAE and Canada will be once we launch, we'll be announcing that.


Excellent. Any new products that are being, you know, formulated right now that you can talk about


We, we always have a lot of formulas that we're working on. However, for now, we're trying to be mindful of what we're launching. And I think it's important to, to be sustainable, not only in your approach, when it comes to ingredient sourcing and, uh, and your packaging, but also be mindful of only launching products that your customers truly need. And that's been our focus. So we feel that, you know, the current assortment we have. helps our customers. And when we do see a need from our customer, we will launch


was that is a purely, you know, intentional question because I wanted to make sure that Rahul and I get on that friends and family list.


it. Well, we all, we are always testing formula. So we, you know, we may not launch them, but we always have, you know, that process is always on, so I'll definitely add you to the list.


So for a lot of people, Meerika, I would like to tell them that, since I know you, you are a mother of two. And, you have your, uh, household responsibilities also. You do take care of them. So how do you balance your time with such, your business is upcoming and you are everywhere. So how do you balance the two things? It's not very easy.


is not easy. It's definitely not easy. And sometimes I succeed and there are times I fail. I'll admit that. But I do make sure that, uh, evening times I'm kept from my family. I try not to take any calls. And I also try to avoid travel unless it's necessary. So for trade shows, I'll travel to meet new buyers. But I try to, you know, stay away from a lot of partying and unnecessary, uh, networking. If I can, because I do know that I have responsibilities. My, my family needs me, my girls need me, and I need to be there for them. And that makes me happy. You know, that makes me happy.


Right. Great. That's excellent.


That's wonderful. And America, when you spoke about these new markets like Dubai and, uh, You know, UAE, uh, the, there's a dramatic difference in culture and beliefs and, uh, even let's say even hair types and stuff, right? So the routines may be very different from what you would see with Caucasian customers, right? Uh,




are you investing time and effort to study more about, uh, the market and the consumers in that market. So how do you do your research with these, for these new markets?


So, I mean, I always say that our website itself shows us a lot of data. It gives us a lot of information. We do get a lot of organic traffic from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Canada. So we know that the, you know, the customers here are interested in a product. In terms of, you know, different hair types, uh, we have different hair types in the U. S. too. Our products are created for everyone, right? So, for example, if you have really dry hair, you may leave in the oil longer or you may, if you have thin hair, you may go for the serum more. But essentially, the products work for everybody. So we don't really have to create newer products for your market. We just have to understand the customer base. And I think marketing is where the difference is going to be. But, uh, you know, in general, and Ayurvedic awareness is everywhere. And there are a lot of Indians in Canada and even in UAE. But even locals, uh, appreciate wellness based products. And know that there is a big market there.


And this is a personal question. Does diet play a role with, uh, with your hair wellness? It does.


Absolutely. I diet definitely plays a huge role that plays a role, you know, with everything, right? So if you want, here is a reflection of our overall wellness. So if we have to maintain balanced diet you have to control stress and exercise regularly. In order to have beautiful hair,


any particular foods that we must avoid or maybe have more of, uh, for healthy hair.


I think it's in general, you know, your proteins and green leafy vegetables should be focusing on those. There is nothing in, you know, in particular that you need to avoid everything that you avoid to maintain a healthy and unbalanced you know, body that's enough basically.


Raul, that means chole bhature is safe. Right. So, no,


right? Chole Bhature is actually because of chole, right? A lot of protein.


Some people like it because of Choli. Some people like it because of Bhature. So, you know, there are personal choices.


I, you know, so the next time we can you know, if you're, uh, being stopped from having Chole Bhature, we can say, Meerika said that you can have Chole Bhature. It's good for hair. It has protein in it. So I'm going to quote this, uh, this part of the video.


you can get it for the chole part, you can curd, but for Bhature, for the cholesterol, I will stay away. I am not going to make a comment. You should definitely listen to your physician when it comes to your cholesterol levels and your consumption of Bhature.


Absolutely. The other day




we were in a podcast, uh, with a young guy who's making candies in India. And, uh, Rahul asked him for a Chole Bhature flavored candy. So you can imagine,




Oh, that is quite interesting. You know, there used to be, uh, when I was younger, there used to be this Swad, uh, Swad candies, Swad Golis, right?


Yes. Yeah.


they, I think something like that could definitely be done with Chole.


They were like Masala,




Masala stuff.






I'll have to know,










up Swad every time we go to Patel's, uh, we'll pick up Swad or Pulse and those kind of candies which have masala in it. So, Rahul, you should go for a patent for the Chole Bhature candy. That is excellent. Perfect.




Perfect. Thank you so much, Meerika. I think this was a wonderful session. You shared so much about your brand Rthvi. How you went about you know, establishing it and, uh, also so many insights about both hair wellness and the beauty industry itself. Uh, we are really delighted for you know, the work that you're doing for the community you know, in terms of the awareness and the education that you spread across your social channels. So we're really thankful to you on behalf of the, uh, entire community and, I would like to just say that, please go on, continue and we're cheering for you. Uh, and, if there's any last message that you want to share back,


Well, first things first. Thank you. It's my pleasure to be here and to be able to speak to Indian community. I should say, short and simple message that I want to say, I want to give is Oftentimes, when we come from India and we, you know, we see initially we see opportunities, but then comes a time. They're not there. No opportunities for us. But if you are going through a phase where in, you're not finding right opportunities for yourself. ahead and meet those. Create those opportunities. And I think that is one of the most important things that I think our younger generation and youth should remember. Be it workspace, be it your social space, if you are in the US or any other country outside of India, or even in India, oftentimes you won't find the right opportunities. You should go ahead and create those opportunities for yourself.


That is very thoughtful. And Meerika, are you also open to people reaching out to you, as a mentor? Especially people who are trying to, who are getting started off in their journey. Uh, are you open to mentor them?


Absolutely. Absolutely. I would love to do that. I would love to do that. So if there's anybody out there who wants to start their own business you know, I'm here, I can guide you, uh, on trademarks. I can guide you how to incorporate your companies and everything that you want starting your, you know, marketing and everything. I'm always here. I can, I would love to help and mentor people


I think


from our community.






on trademarks. Uh, you know, especially for a lot of founders, uh, who, who need it. Uh, in fact, sometimes I feel




need it. So, uh, that's definitely.


The very first thing when you start a brand, trade market.


That's great. Perfect. So, Merica we're going to come knocking on your doors, uh, asking for help on this subject. And, uh, also hopefully, uh, more from the community should reach out to you, uh, and then, uh, you know, you can guide them.


Absolutely. It'll be my pleasure.


so much. Very good.


Thank you.


on the Indian community podcast.


Thanks Amit. Thanks Rahul.