Branches of Faith
This is an exploration into different houses of religion and an attempt to find any underlying consistencies and commonalities. We visit a different House of Worship each week and report back in the podcast. Members and leaders will also be interviewed. These locations are primarily in the Midwest of USA.
Our running notes and links from research:
Branches of Faith
Interview with Pastor Greg Washington of United Fellowship Ministries of Peoria, Illinois
Learn about Pastor Greg Washington, his love for music and how the Jackson 5 influenced everyone in his neighborhood to get into music. Discover how he got into ministry, leading a church, and how his roll as a UPS driver has helped him establish relationships in the community that he serves. He has a great "StepUp" program finding housing and work for men recently released from incarceration. People are out there doing amazing things, and Greg Washington is one of them.
United Fellowship Ministries of Peoria, Illinois
UFM giving page
UFM Facebook
References and Links
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-Medium Blog
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