Behind Closed Doors with Ali and Adri

S1 EP 22: Healing Through Yoga and A Message For You

July 16, 2024 Ali and Adri Season 1 Episode 22
S1 EP 22: Healing Through Yoga and A Message For You
Behind Closed Doors with Ali and Adri
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Behind Closed Doors with Ali and Adri
S1 EP 22: Healing Through Yoga and A Message For You
Jul 16, 2024 Season 1 Episode 22
Ali and Adri

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On this mini episode of Behind Closed Doors, Adri takes you on a journey from apprehension to obsession with hot yoga. She shares how it has transformed her entire summer and the huge impact it has made on her self-worth. She also discusses the importance of affirmations. Listen close because Adri has a special message for you towards the end of the podcast. Happy Listening!  

Instagram: @bcd_aliandadri
Personal Instagrams: @Ms_swoleshady and @adrianarabita
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On this mini episode of Behind Closed Doors, Adri takes you on a journey from apprehension to obsession with hot yoga. She shares how it has transformed her entire summer and the huge impact it has made on her self-worth. She also discusses the importance of affirmations. Listen close because Adri has a special message for you towards the end of the podcast. Happy Listening!  

Instagram: @bcd_aliandadri
Personal Instagrams: @Ms_swoleshady and @adrianarabita
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Good morning, afternoon, evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Behind Closed Doors with Ali and Adri. Again, it's just me this week. Miss Alikin is still in the Fort of Knox. She is fighting for her life over there. I've been texting her, I've been sending her letters. Please pray for her. She's doing good though. You know it's a little tough, but you know the army is fucking tough and but guess what? ALIKIN is tougher. So she got it. But we all love you and we miss you, miss Alikin.


But today I think I wanted to give a little like a life update it's gonna be like a little mini episode on my views about yoga. So currently I have been doing hot yoga. It is my literal favorite fucking thing to do. I still weightlift and I still do, you know, cardio and all those things, but I don't know like hot yoga has been hitting fucking different.


I've always wanted to do hot yoga. I've always felt it's so interesting, but I've never felt like confident enough to go to hot yoga because I always felt like the girls who went to hot yoga were like the skinny and pretty girls and they were rich and I just never felt like I was part of that community. This summer I felt I was not that my confidence level is like because you can go, you should be going to hot yoga no matter what your confidence level is, whether it's low or high, because it really is a safe space. But this summer I was like you know what? I'm going to switch it up. I want to like take a group exercise class in a way, like I want to be part of another community, just like I am at school, because the yoga classes at school you're part of, like you have a new community, you make new friends, and I kind of wanted that at home. So I found a place called Connecticut Power Yoga and's all hot yoga classes and it is so fucking fun.


I had my first class last week. It was on Wednesday and it was with this girl named Jane. Shout out to you Jane. I don't know if she's listening to this, but she was so warm and welcoming. So, jane, a little backstory you have to sign up online, you have to do all this stuff online, so you know, you type your name in whatever and you add yourself to the schedule. So I walked in and she was like oh, are you Adriana? And I was like oh, yes, I am Adriana. And she was like, yeah, I figured that out because our classes are so small that, you know, I just I saw a new name and I was like, oh, that's cool. I saw a new name and I was like, oh, that's cool. First green flag small fucking classes.


I love any exercise class that is small and it's more personalized. I would say it's not the right word I'm going to use, but I know it's more personalized, I feel, because when you're in a room with not a lot of people, I feel like the instructor is prone to kind of like come to you and like kind of support you and help you, which love. I think some people, some people don't like that, but I personally do. I love when they walk around and they come and they like kind of move your foot or they do this or do that, because it if it feels like I'm shown attention, they care about like what I'm doing, because sometimes I feel like some instructors I've been with some instructors before and I feel like some instructors I've been with some instructors before and I feel like all they do is just sit in the corner of the room and they don't really give you any real like instruction on what you're supposed to be doing, like they'll describe it, but sometimes, like when they describe it it's really hard. And then sometimes they don't even do it, like they will just stand and they don't do any of the poses they don't show you. And especially when you're a beginner, you need to be shown like what the poses they don't show you and especially when you're a beginner you need to be shown like what the poses are and stuff.


So first, green flag was like it was a small class. So I walked in. It was fucking hot. It was like 95 degrees and I was like sheesh, literally the thermostat, like this electric thermostat. I've never seen a thermostat read like 95 degrees. It was actually crazy, but it was like a. It was a hot where like it wasn't humid, it was more of like a dry heat. And I know some people don't like the heat. I don't like the heat either. I don't like being hot, but it's not like a hot feeling. It feels like you're in like a warm, cozy bed. I think 95 degrees with the sun is way different from when you're inside like a room and it's 95 degrees. It honestly kind of felt like a little less than a sauna. It really like was not bad at all.


The instructor Jane she was amazing. She had a great soothing voice. She was very clear on the poses and what she wanted you to do Like. She was like, okay, move your left foot back and down. Like it was very like specific. She also showed us like the specific pose that she wanted us to do. So it wasn't like a guessing game in a way, like cause some instructors they'll say like okay, now we're going to do supra loco, piccolo and you're like what the fuck is that? I just think teachers really need to be visual, because some people are auditory and some people are visual. I'm more of a visual learner, so I appreciated that she did every single pose.


Another green flag loved how she had accommodations for every single pose and she was like if you want to like, tuck your toes, and you can do that. If you want to lay them flat, you can do that. If you want to move your arm this way, you're able to do that. Whatever you want to do, this is your class. Make it comfortable for you. This is one of my favorite things that yoga instructors say too, which this is what she said. She was like it's all about effort and ease.


I think some instructors they don't realize like what they're asking of the people in the class could be very, very challenging. Sometimes they don't understand the different levels of experience that people will have. I just I loved how she made it very inclusive for everybody there and also it was really cool how it was like I'm a 22 year old and then there was like some people in their thirties, forties and there was like a six year old. Like I loved how there were so many different people there and everybody did their own thing and then everyone was happy and the instructor was like encouraging it. She kind of gave you the reins and you. And it's nice when, like when you're in a class and you feel like you're in control of what you're doing and you're not being instructed too much, because I think sometimes when I'm instructed too much, I get frustrated because what they're instructing me to do is something that I maybe can't do or maybe I'm not there yet.


Hot yoga you'll be sweating it up. You'll be sweating it the fuck up. I literally was sweating between my toes, on top of my feet, between my eyebrows. My sweat has never dripped into my eye as much as it did that first class, because you're also up and over, like your head is down a lot and you're facing the floor. So it kind of kept dripping in my eyes a little bit. But I think, like I don't know, but I feel like when you feel yourself sweat during the yoga, it feels like you're just melt. It literally feels like you're melting away all your fucking problems.


I had one of the most like euphoric experiences because after every pose I was breathing and I felt it just like drip out of me and just I watched like my sweat go onto the mat and I just imagined like all of my worries, all of my stressors literally falling out of my body and just melting into the mat. And now I am not concerned with it anymore. The way I made it symbolic was like a life-changing thing. I don't know Like I literally had the best like epiphany during it and it just kind of it just I really just truly felt like all of my issues were kind of just like melting away and they were more calm and I was able to release and like truly like relax, let go of my problems. I absolutely loved like watching my sweat just like drop. Like it was great and it really is.


Like you know people like say, like yoga or like whatever, like the heat like melts, like the stress away, like in your feet, like if you were to get a massage, and they put like the hot stones, it literally melts the stress away. That's exactly what hot yoga does Not only like mentally, melts your stress away or whatever is heavy on your mind, but you, you like feel it, leave your soul. It was just amazing. And then towards the end, when you're in like the meditative state, and she grabs these cold, like I'm telling you, like freezing cold stones, and she will lay one like in your hand and each one says something different. So the first time I got strength and I was like Lord knows, I fucking need that shit. Sometimes you really do need strength and you need to be reminded that you are strong and that you can overcome the issues that are going on in your life and it's not a dire thing, your life's not ending, you're stronger than what you are, all those things.


I took the stone and I wrote strength like all over, like my hot body, and it felt like I was engraving that word into me and really feeling that affirmation, because naturally, when I do my meditation, I give myself. Affirmations and I always do, I am statements. It's always like I am beautiful, I am strong, I am pretty, I am more than my body, I am capable of whatever I set my mind to, I'm a good friend, blah, blah, blah, things like that. So I love the fact that I was given that cold stone and what I did is like when I sat, like at the end, it was just like after we said namaste, I just sat there and I wrote affirmations with the stone all over my body and like feeling like the cold, like press into the heat in my body, like it just really felt like I was taking in that affirmation. It truly felt like I was carving. You know, I am beautiful, I am pretty, like it. It really felt like I was truly putting that into my body because, yeah, like saying it is great, obviously writing it down is great, but like tracing it with a cold stone all over your body, just it just feels like you're giving yourself like a little tattoo in a way, and I loved it. I just absolutely fucking loved it. So, in light of talking about affirmations, I figured I'd do something a little bit newer.


If you just need something to uplift you today, whether you are struggling with your confidence or feeling like you are behind in life or you're having a hard time with loving yourself. I wrote a little mantra, if you will, that you can take with you today when you listen to this podcast. So here we go Today remind yourself of your worth. You are deserving of love, both from others and from yourself. Always nurture your soul with compassion and understanding. Trust in your journey, for every experience, whether it's joyful or challenging, shapes you into the remarkable person you are going to become. Always celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each accomplishment you make in your life contributes to your growth and deserves recognition. Always Radiate confidence from within. Whenever you're feeling down or stressed or anxious, always know that you are capable, you are strong and you are enough. Believe in yourself as much as those who believe in you Love yourself unconditionally. You are deserving of your own love, kindness and respect. Always remember that you are worthy, you are loved and you are enough. So I hope that little mantra you take with you on your day today, whether day, afternoon, night, vacation in the morning, whatever, just take it with you and think about how much you are loved. Always remember that there is light at the end of every tunnel, every struggle, every problem you have and live today to the absolute fullest. Make sure to do your yoga, make sure to do your affirmations. I encourage you guys to write your own every day. Put them around your mirror. I do that all the time.


This was kind of a mini podcast, so you know, kind of shake things up a little bit. Thank you so much for listening. We post new podcasts every Tuesday 6am. Make sure to follow us on all of our Instagrams BCD underscore, allie and Adri. And make sure to go follow our Miss Muscle Mommy at Ms Swole Shady. That is on Instagram and TikTok. Make sure you look at the description below. There is a little code. I never can remember what it is, but I'm pretty sure you get 15% off a Muscle Mommy purchase. Again, thank you so much for listening and I love you guys. Bye.