The Space Between

Join me in the Space Between

January 18, 2024 Kate
Join me in the Space Between
The Space Between
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The Space Between
Join me in the Space Between
Jan 18, 2024

Hello beautiful souls, I have created this space to support you on your journey, to help you feel seen and validated, to offer an unconventional and sacred space for healing. 

To equip you with the tools to be your own healer, to guide you on this journey and to support you as you shed old beliefs and versions of yourself. 

To re-introduce you to the version of you that's always been there, but was conditioned to exist in the old paradigm. 

Join me as we have deep conversations about the very real challenges of being an awake mother and woman navigating the day to day life while also doing the inner work to support as we shift into the new paradigm. 

I am so excited to offer you my personal healing tools and lived experience to further guide and support you on your journey in the space between. 

Send Kate a Voice Message on SpeakPipe:

Connect with Kate on Instagram at:

Show Notes

Hello beautiful souls, I have created this space to support you on your journey, to help you feel seen and validated, to offer an unconventional and sacred space for healing. 

To equip you with the tools to be your own healer, to guide you on this journey and to support you as you shed old beliefs and versions of yourself. 

To re-introduce you to the version of you that's always been there, but was conditioned to exist in the old paradigm. 

Join me as we have deep conversations about the very real challenges of being an awake mother and woman navigating the day to day life while also doing the inner work to support as we shift into the new paradigm. 

I am so excited to offer you my personal healing tools and lived experience to further guide and support you on your journey in the space between. 

Send Kate a Voice Message on SpeakPipe:

Connect with Kate on Instagram at: