The Space Between

Stepping into Authenticity: Owning Your Power and Magic

May 01, 2024 Kate Ikert
Stepping into Authenticity: Owning Your Power and Magic
The Space Between
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The Space Between
Stepping into Authenticity: Owning Your Power and Magic
May 01, 2024
Kate Ikert

In this episode of The Space Between podcast, Kate delves into the concept of embracing authenticity and allowing oneself to shine fully. Drawing from personal experiences, particularly with ADHD, she shares insights on unmasking and accepting one's true self. She emphasizes the importance of showing up as one's authentic self as an act of self-love, even in the face of societal expectations or past experiences of rejection. Throughout the episode, listeners are encouraged to reflect on ways they may be hiding or suppressing parts of themselves and to explore stepping into their true power and magic. Kate also highlights the significance of embodiment and boundary-setting in this journey towards authenticity, culminating in a reminder of self-love and acceptance.

As mentioned in the episode, here is the link for the Spotify playlist. Enjoy!

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of The Space Between podcast, Kate delves into the concept of embracing authenticity and allowing oneself to shine fully. Drawing from personal experiences, particularly with ADHD, she shares insights on unmasking and accepting one's true self. She emphasizes the importance of showing up as one's authentic self as an act of self-love, even in the face of societal expectations or past experiences of rejection. Throughout the episode, listeners are encouraged to reflect on ways they may be hiding or suppressing parts of themselves and to explore stepping into their true power and magic. Kate also highlights the significance of embodiment and boundary-setting in this journey towards authenticity, culminating in a reminder of self-love and acceptance.

As mentioned in the episode, here is the link for the Spotify playlist. Enjoy!

Send Kate a Voice Message on SpeakPipe:

Connect with Kate on Instagram at:

Speaker 1:

Be honest. You know deep down you're here for more. You feel the calling, there's something you're here to do. But as soon as you start working on yourself, life interrupts and you're zapped back to reality. You feel like you're stuck in the messy middle, the space between being a mom and this deeply profound spiritual being. But what if I told you you don't have to choose one side or the other, that you can exist in both.

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a NeuroSpicy conscious mama, human design projector and shaman here to guide you into raising the vibration of the collective, one small practice at a time. I invite you to let me guide you on this journey of growth, healing and expansion. I'll equip you with the tools and the resources to be your own healer, to strengthen your discernment and give you the actual, tangible embodiment pieces that you can apply in your day-to-day life, in the little moments between making dinner, picking up your kids or whatever it is for you, because your spiritual growth doesn't have to be another thing on your to-do list. Pop your earbuds in and let's pretend each episode is our weekly commitment to join each other on my virtual couch for deep conversations about things like how the patriarchy serves no one, embracing your feminine energy in an actual, tangible way and what it's like to actually break generational trauma so you can know yourself deeply, shed your old self and move into this new paradigm. Don't let your spiritual growth sit in a box collecting dust in the attic of your mind. Let's navigate it together in the space between.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Space Between Podcast. Okay, I am wanting this episode to feel a little bit like a love letter to you. I really just want to have a conversation with you around all the ways that you're maybe not letting yourself shine in all the ways that you know you can shine, showing up as your authentic self all of the magic that you hold. So what does that mean when we say you know, show up as your authentic self. So I struggled with this for a long time because I have ADHD. My authentic self was not appreciated, accepted, valued, and so when I started the process of unmasking after my ADHD diagnosis, after my ADHD diagnosis I realized that that is my authentic self To be wild and weird and impulsive and healing the relationship I had with all the times I've been myself in the past and where it wasn't again appreciated or valued, respected. Of course we want to put ourselves in a box, in the closet, and hide away all the ways in which we're not enough, Right. But when you do that, when you hide away all the ways in which you feel like you don't quite measure up the pieces of your soul, quite measure up the pieces of your soul, pieces of you that are the magic, no one can find you, no one can see you, no one can love on you for who you are. And so I want to invite you in today to start to reflect on all the ways in which you sell yourself short, hide pieces of yourself, and where you tend to compartmentalize who you are as a safety mechanism.

Speaker 1:

I understand that, right, we want to be loved, feel safe, feel secure. But how can you step into showing up as your most authentic self, as a form of self-love? How can you allow that little version of you who maybe was too loud, too sensitive, too emotional? How can you give her a chance to shine every single day? How can you let her be seen? Her a chance to shine every single day? How can you let her be seen and how can you let her be loved? How can you show up weird? How can you dance in the kitchen and walk out the door and have a magnetism about you that calls in more of what you want, simply because you're letting your true self be known. Energy work and going on this healing journey is all fine and good, but the point is to be in our truest expression of who we are.

Speaker 1:

And that was that pivotal moment for me, as I really felt like there was this disconnect between being this teacher and this medicine woman and the shaman who was supposed to carry herself in a certain way. And I was like but what about the rest of me? That isn't, that doesn't fit neatly in a box with a bow. What about the other part of me that's chaotic and messy and disorganized and impulsive and very, very, very human? What about that? And remember that it's both and right. So how can you step out of black or white, thinking about your identity, about who you are, how can you start to embrace all the dynamic pieces of yourself, all the ways that you're a walking contradiction, all the ways that you feel like you don't quite measure up and know that you are right, where you're meant to be and you're made perfectly as you are. And that's been the power of going on this journey, really pulling in tools like human design and astrology to see myself in a whole other way and have that reflected back to me all the ways that I am a very nuanced individual, that I'm very much this contradictory soul having a very, very human experience sometimes more human than I care to have a very human experience.

Speaker 1:

But how can you start to show up in little ways that can support yourself on this journey of alignment and authenticity? Part of my journey and many of you are on the same journey is stepping out of places and spaces where you're no longer seen or where you were never seen, where you're not respected for who you are and what you bring to the table right when all you've ever seen is women around you who settle for less than they deserve. You're maybe the cycle breaker who's doing things differently. I know I am. I would rather be alone than be in a room of crowded people, feeling alone. I no longer put time and energy into people that don't see me for me and respect me for what I bring to the table. It's all an inside job. How can you start by setting these boundaries with yourself? How can you start by removing yourself from places and spaces where you're not seen, valued and appreciated right, and being your authentic self is a really great way to make sure that that happens right and whatever that way it looks like for you. Now, the embodiment piece of this is how can you embrace this more, how can you step out of your comfort zone more?

Speaker 1:

For me, it's maybe being a little bit more bold with how I dress. That's a way that I can step into deeper alignment with myself, deeper authenticity. I really love to wear red lipstick. I haven't done it in a long time, so providing opportunities for me to do that I feel like a badass. It's not typical you don't people don't really wear red lipstick anymore around but it's a way that I can start to step into deeper embodiment of my authentic self. I channel that Aries energy and it's fun and it's magnetic and it's a really great start.

Speaker 1:

Stepping into your authenticity, stepping into who you truly are, helps you to find purpose, helps you to have fulfillment in your path and where you're headed, and maybe what you're feeling called to do in this lifetime To show up in your true power and your true magic and watching what unfolds. When you do just that, there's an alchemy to it. There's a power to it To be able to take those steps to being who you truly are. And the best part of this journey for me, the absolute best part of this has been watching my 11 year old daughter own it.

Speaker 1:

From the start, she is weird and wild, and spicy and emotional, and she the confidence that she holds and to be able to hold that space for her to be able to show up in the world in the way that she does. That's the point, right, that's the point of this work. Is that not once have I ever said you know, maybe you should tone it down a little bit Not once. That's not anything she's ever going to identify with is me wanting her to be smaller, allowing her to take up space. So how can you allow yourself to take up more space? How can you allow yourself to own all the ways in which you are way too much being around other people that are doing the same thing, expanders for you that are showing up as too much and owning it? The pendulum tends to swing way too far in the one direction when we're used to living at the other end of the spectrum. Right, so it's going to feel like a lot, but I want to invite you into this. I want to invite you into this journey of starting to own who you are, starting to heal your like, healing your relationship with yourself, the too sensitive, the too emotional, the too loud. It's all perfect, it's all right, it's all exactly as you're supposed to be Now.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's easy. It's easy to forget. I don't know about you, but I get caught up in the day-to-day sometimes, and sometimes I need a reminder of how awesome I am. I don't know if that's just a projector thing, but sometimes I need that reminder, and so there's nothing like music to help me to remember that. So I'm going to link my Spotify playlist below to remember that. So I'm going to link my Spotify playlist below. If you need that reminder of what you bring to the table, of how awesome you are, of what you're capable of, of the magic that you hold, I want you to remember that. Thank you for listening, thank you for tuning in, thank you for listening to my TED Talk on authenticity and loving on yourself. I hope you found it beneficial. Again, if you want to connect, please send me a message on Instagram. You can send me a message below on SpeakPipe. I'd love to hear from you Just a little love letter to you to remind you of how freaking awesome you are. I love you lots. We'll see you next week. Bye.