The Space Between

The Transformative Power of Energy Work

June 05, 2024 Kate Ikert
The Transformative Power of Energy Work
The Space Between
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The Space Between
The Transformative Power of Energy Work
Jun 05, 2024
Kate Ikert

Ever wondered how energy work can heal deep-seated emotional pain? This episode takes you through the powerful practice of energy work, starting with grounding exercises to clear non-beneficial energies. By setting clear intentions and understanding the simplicity of the process, you can release physical manifestations of emotional pain and find profound clarity. Hear my personal journey through debilitating chest pain and esophageal spasms. Discover how prioritizing holistic self-care and addressing unaddressed trauma transformed my life. This episode is all about tuning into your body's signals, practicing restorative self-care, and connecting with like-minded individuals for support. Join me for a heartfelt discussion that promises to bring clarity and encouragement to your week.

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Ever wondered how energy work can heal deep-seated emotional pain? This episode takes you through the powerful practice of energy work, starting with grounding exercises to clear non-beneficial energies. By setting clear intentions and understanding the simplicity of the process, you can release physical manifestations of emotional pain and find profound clarity. Hear my personal journey through debilitating chest pain and esophageal spasms. Discover how prioritizing holistic self-care and addressing unaddressed trauma transformed my life. This episode is all about tuning into your body's signals, practicing restorative self-care, and connecting with like-minded individuals for support. Join me for a heartfelt discussion that promises to bring clarity and encouragement to your week.

Send Kate a Voice Message on SpeakPipe:

Connect with Kate on Instagram at:

Speaker 1:

Be honest. You know deep down you're here for more. You feel the calling, there's something you're here to do. But as soon as you start working on yourself, life interrupts and you're zapped back to reality. You feel like you're stuck in the messy middle, the space between being a mom and this deeply profound spiritual being. But what if I told you you don't have to choose one side or the other, that you can exist in both. Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a NeuroSpicy conscious mama, human design projector and shaman here to guide you into raising the vibration of the collective, one small practice at a time. I invite you to let me guide you on this journey of growth, healing and expansion. I'll equip you with the tools and the resources to be your own healer, to strengthen your discernment and give you the actual, tangible embodiment pieces that you can apply in your day-to-day life, in the little moments between making dinner, picking up your kids or whatever it is for you, because your spiritual growth doesn't have to be another thing on your to-do list. Pop your earbuds in and let's pretend each episode is our weekly commitment to join each other on my virtual couch for deep conversations about things like how the patriarchy serves no one, embracing your feminine energy in an actual, tangible way and what it's like to actually break generational trauma so you can know yourself deeply, shed your old self and move into this new paradigm. Don't let your spiritual growth sit in a box collecting dust in the attic of your mind. Let's navigate it together in the Space Between. Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the Space Between podcast.

Speaker 1:

I was literally just sitting here getting myself ready to record this podcast episode. I had tried to record it a few hours earlier and I was all over the place. I'm going to take a minute. I went and had a bath. It's always my go-to for anyone who's been around for a while had a bath, had a nap and now here I'm ready to go. I'm still just like, okay, I need to just be here. So I went through my practices, my rituals I do before I do anything and I was like, what am I doing? Why don't I just hit record and we can do this together? Because, no matter where you are right now, if you're listening, I'm sure you've maybe had a busy morning or you have things going on. You're in your process of continual growth, shedding old identities, moving into something else. So there's always things moving. So let's move some of this energy together. Why don't we so? Before I hit record, I literally just sat here, just steadied my breathing. So do that with me now. Just steady your breathing. So do that with me now. Just steady your breathing. Just take a minute to just do that with me. We're going to do it one more time.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know about you, but I feel better already and now I do my daily practice, sometimes multiple times a day, and I just imagine anything that is not meant for me, leaving my energy field. You feel free to brush yourself off. I'm currently holding my microphone because I record in bed. I sit in bed, it's comfortable, it works for me, so I'm not set up at some desk with a microphone stand. So I am literally holding my microphone right now. So do it for me, do it with me. Just brush off everything that doesn't serve you.

Speaker 1:

Somebody else says make sure you brush off the back of your head, the back of your back, okay, and just all the way down and just say it with me. Return to sender with love, light and compassion. Just imagine anything that's not yours, not meant for you. Just leaving with gratitude and compassion, going back to where it belongs. Take another deep breath for me. I can feel the spaciousness in my hips when I do that. Do a quick body scan. See what loosens up for you when you do that. Do a quick body scan. See what loosens up for you when you do that. Do another breath with me. So good, now say it with me. I call back my life force energy. I just want you to imagine you can even use your hands and guide it towards you All the pieces of your life force energy that have maybe been scattered about from other places. Returning back to you now, just imagine that coming through. Imagine this screen around you that is being cleansed and cleared and making its way back towards you and making its way back towards you. So good, so good, and it only takes a few minutes. It's just your intention that matters. I invite you now. I'm not going to go through the process with you, but you feel free to pause here.

Speaker 1:

Go back to the grounding cord meditation episode. Drop a grounding cord. I just like to go through it quickly. Imagine the light coming through my crown chakra, through my body, entering the earth, dropping a cord into the earth, wrapping around that crystalline core, absorbing that mother earth life force energy. You can sit there for a second and breathe that in, and then that life force energy coming back up to meet me, back up through my grounding cord, back up through my heart space and filling my energy field. It doesn't have to take long. If you want a little bit longer nurturing practice, again, go back to the grounding meditation, but the intention, it just. It can be quick, it can beishing, it doesn't have to be complicated, okay, it doesn't have to be complicated, and just like that.

Speaker 1:

So, in tune with what I'm about to talk to you today, I'm going to share with you the power of energy work. So if you didn't just experience that right now, I hope there was something in there for you. I hope you maybe feel a little bit more grounded, a little bit more supported. I know I feel a little bit more spacious, regulated. I'm going to take another deep breath here. I can just feel it in my body, okay. So that's what we're going to talk about today.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to talk to you about the power of energy work and I've talked about this on my episodes, okay, but I'm going to kind of bring it in together and I want it to be a go-to. It's going to be a little bit more on the educational side, okay, but speaking to energy work, because I do have people that come into my world and they're like I don't understand. I don't understand what this does. Lots of people have been through things. They're on their second, third, 15th dark night of the soul. They very much understand spirituality, they understand energetics, which can be different, by the way, I'll probably have to do a whole other podcast on spirituality versus energetics. But what is the power of energy work? What is energy work? So I'm just going to take a beat. I'm going to actually go through, if you were to have a session with me, what it would look like. Okay, so when you have a session with me, I start by opening what's called my wear a kocha.

Speaker 1:

It's an energy bubble from my eighth chakra that I put over you. It's a little bubble of light. I put it over myself. I put it over my mesa, my medicine bag, which has healing crystals to support us in the sacred space. I then open sacred space. I invite in all four directions, which are the archetypes, the shamanic archetypes within Peruvian shamanism. I invite, in the snake for shedding our identities, the jaguar to help us alchemize difficult, heavy, dense emotions. I invite in the hummingbird, which helps us to trust in this journey. I invite in the sweetness, the juiciness and the eagle that helps us to zoom out and see the bigger picture. I invite in Mother Earth energy. I invite in the sun, the sky, the stars, the moon. I invite in your spirit guides to support us in this time. Any power animals, any ancestors meant for this work. I ask for a blessing from the dwellers of the land and I ask anyone else who's not meant for this work to remove themselves and I open the sacred medicine space. I invite in the elements to support us to move things along.

Speaker 1:

I then go through and I scan through all of your chakras Okay, all seven chakras. I go through, I get an idea. I connect with your guides. I get an idea as to what maybe needs to be cleared. I usually have a pretty good idea leading up to the session.

Speaker 1:

I also will ask my client you know, what do you feel like is coming up for you? Some of them have a very solid idea, some of them do not. Most people are like I'm just, I'm stuck, or I'm done, or I don't want things to be the way they are right now. Right, pain is a wonderful teacher. Right, it's a wonderful motivator. I have a lot of people that are experiencing physical symptoms, physical manifestations of holding onto things. Right, not letting things go. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So I go through and I go through each chakra. I clear each chakra. I get things spinning again. I let them breathe, I allow them to let go of things they're holding on to. I do have my Reiki attunement, so if I feel that there's some chakras that are needing an extra little love, I will use some Reiki there too. I remove any cords, any anchors, things that are holding you back, separate out your energy, make sure your life force, energy is coming back.

Speaker 1:

I might go through other shamanic practices that I won't get into today because I have multiple tools in my toolkit, but different ways to clear your chakras, different ways to detach you from old, dense energies that may be holding you back. Okay, the way in which I do that will vary, but I am clearing things away, we are getting rid of things, we are making space for things. I then make sure to add light to each chakra, making sure they're feeling full, that they're circulating properly, okay, that you're feeling good, grounded. Maybe things are open again, just making sure everything's balanced out. Okay, I check with my pendulum to make sure that I didn't miss anything or that this was the right work to do or whatnot.

Speaker 1:

I'm always checking in right ethical work, work that has energetic hygiene practices, all of this. After I'm done all of that, I take you out of this hypnosis state, if you will, having grounded you in before that. I didn't walk through that, but grounding you in before and then taking you out of this, letting you take your time to just come to right, I then make sure that I close sacred space, right. I then make sure that I close sacred space, send everybody home, thank them, show them so much gratitude for supporting us. And then we usually chat and I share, maybe, what come up, what came up, any pointers, anything that needs to be done. I always give you suggestions for taking care of yourself. After Lots of water, you might need some salt to help support you in grounding. I always recommend an Epsom salt bath. So that's what it would go through in a session, okay, and then I'm making sure to support you after.

Speaker 1:

I get messages from clients where they're having big emotions or they're navigating an ego death, they're letting go of an identity. They just need someone in their corner, right? So this is what you would experience with a session with me. Again, the reasons why we would have a session or go through this specific session tenfold multiple reasons, right, but at the end of the day, you're not where you want to be. You want to experience a different reality. You're ready to let go of things. So this is the number one reason people come to me they want to make space for what they want. They want to let go of old identities, old beliefs. We're clearing things away, we're washing things away. We're letting go of things. That's why you would maybe do this work Now.

Speaker 1:

When I first experienced energy work, I had been through therapy on and off throughout my life. It was always a great support in my life. 10 out of 10 recommend therapy. But I always just had this like denseness to me. I always just felt like there was this heaviness and proverbial suitcase, if you will, of things I was carrying around and just could never quite get to. And then I had a body talk session, an energy clearing session, and I moved through things, lifetimes of things in a matter of an hour and it blew my mind. Blew my mind. I couldn't believe what I had moved through. I couldn't believe how light I felt. I couldn't believe it and I was like I'm hooked. I'm hooked and I was doing energy work for a couple of years before I actually leaned into offering it myself and getting my Reiki attunement and then continuing down the path of becoming a shaman.

Speaker 1:

But the sheer magnitude of what I had experienced was not lost on me. I remember having multiple experience where there was things that felt like they'd been in my body, that I hadn't moved, I hadn't grieved, I hadn't alchemized, just poof, with the support of a very talented practitioner, was able to remove things that felt like they were stuck in my body. And one of the biggest takeaways for me experiencing energy work and then also now being able to be a facilitator to it is that lots of times what's coming up for people is very heavy, is very dense. You know I've had a client that was navigating sexual trauma and that's painful, that's painful memories. Those are painful things to experience.

Speaker 1:

And while there is validity in talk therapy and talking things out, I found with energy work is that you don't have to name it. You know naming it can be very powerful. I don't like it's both. And here, right, naming it can be very powerful, speaking to it can be very powerful, but being able to shed it from your body and not necessarily having to re-experience it, right, you just it's this energy that goes, it's this dense energy that leaves. Okay, you don't have to hash over things, you don't have to go back over things. I've gone through so many, like you know, released so many big, heavy, dense things in a matter of years that would have taken a lifetime with other healing modalities, and that's why we're doing this work, that's why things are becoming more mainstream, right, we don't need to hold onto things for lifetimes. That's not what we're here to do, right? We're here to clear, we're here to make space. Things happen, things happen to you, things happen for you, but holding onto them, right, it becoming part of who you are, that's not the point, right? So, being able to release these things, go through the process of grieving if that's what you need to, and then be able to let go of them, right, that's the magic. And so I've just found, with energy work time and time again, the wild transformations that it's facilitated.

Speaker 1:

I was speaking, I was just at a business conference this last weekend with shout out to anybody else that was there. It was so, so good. I an unconventional business conference, like a holistic business conference. We did everything from talk about wealth to you know how to be a heart centered leader and entrepreneur to crying during breath work and it's all beautiful. It was amazing. I really, really enjoyed myself to be around amazing humans like that is just chef's kiss, chef's kiss. So, as I was introducing myself to people and networking and meeting new, wonderful, amazing souls, I was speaking to.

Speaker 1:

You know some of the transformations that people who have worked with me have experienced and it's just been everything from you know having physical manifestations of the grief that they're holding on to, or you know they have diseases, whatnot and then being able to see a complete shift and change in not only their physical health but also the spiritual health, just being able to be more balanced in all areas. It never gets old to see I have in-person clients that I work with more recently that it's just to see the changes, to just see how light they are and how vibrant they are. It's just so, so rewarding, so, so rewarding. So it is a way to let go of things. So that's one reason why the power of energy work Now, as we just experienced at the beginning of this episode, be able to do a daily energy practice.

Speaker 1:

So, as an empath, as a neuro spicy individual, as someone who's neurodivergent, with ADHD, my energy gets scattered very easily. Okay, it's like I start this idea, I start this thing and it goes over here and then blah, blah, blah, blah and I'm flitting, floating all over the place and I can literally see and feel pieces of my energy disappearing. I can literally see it just getting scattered. And so very often I'm doing these daily, multiple times a day. Little moments of cutting a grounding cord, re-dropping a grounding cord, taking a breath, calling back my life force energy, sending it back these are things I'm doing multiple times a day.

Speaker 1:

When I started on my practice as a practitioner, I did a lot of traveling at night, a lot of astral traveling, a lot of lucid dreaming, a lot of things. I was always exhausted and I needed to set a reminder on my phone to make sure that I was calling my life force energy back in the morning because it had been a night. Okay, and even if you just have young kids like, do that anyways, because it's all over, right, it's just a really great way to bring your life-first energy back. Okay, call that back, do it multiple times a day. I do it before I go to work. I do it after work. I'm doing lots of clearing practices after being at the hospital, right? It's a lot to navigate, right, when you're around a lot of people, when I used to go grocery shopping I really don't go grocery shopping anymore, but when I'm in groups of people, I'm making sure I'm doing these things.

Speaker 1:

So, set these reminders, because some of them are like, oh, this is great, but I always forget to do it. Put alarms on your phone. If you already have ADHD, you probably have 500 alarms on your phone. Anyways, just set a few of them. Okay, remind yourself to do these practices. Okay, remind yourself to do these practices. Okay, when your alarm goes off in the morning, drop a grounding cord. I used to actually have a video like, if you, if you go way, way back on my Instagram, I actually have a video of me like trying to be funny about how I would go to the bathroom in the morning and drop a grounding cord. I wasn't very good at anything online at that point, so it's really funny because it's so cringe. But I mean, if you're not cringe, if you're not looking back and cringing at the things you've done like you're not doing it right, right. So anyways, I'll leave that for anyone who wants to go try that. But just drop a grounding cord the first thing you go to the bathroom, put a reminder right on top of your toilet paper roll, like whatever you need to do. But like just these little practices, they really make a huge difference. These small practices throughout the day. They really really can add up.

Speaker 1:

Another part of energy work that I want to speak to is what I would do as a shaman and do specific journeys. I have done some of these recently past life regressions. They can be really, really powerful for really clearing old karmic cycles, really really acknowledging ways in which you've lived your life in the past, maybe ways in which it's presenting itself in this life. So it's a really great way to bring some awareness to things. That is something that I offer with caution because you know it can be. It can be a lot of information. So making sure that again clearing after those practices. But that can be another really beautiful way to bring some awareness to things that are maybe coming up for you getting some sort of knowledge, some things that you might be able to take action on.

Speaker 1:

Another powerful part of energy work is shedding these old identities, right, we talked about clearing practices. So often we are really bound, especially as women, to that identity of being a woman and being a mother and being this and it having such a chokehold on us, right, having such a grasp on us. I find a lot of my clients. They have a lot of cords, a lot of energies wrapped up in their sacral chakra, so their second chakra, and so I'm really doing a lot of clearing practices to support that womb energy we hold a lot in there as women, we don't let it be very vibrant. There's a lot of trauma that can happen there. There's a lot of stories, there's a lot of beliefs. So shedding a lot of that and those old identities, right. So energy work, obviously, that I've spoke to as well. Again, this might be a little redundant, but just the purposes of healing trauma, right, it lives in your body in ways that you may not be able to understand. Lots of people come to me when things have already started to physically manifest. They're really not sure why things are happening.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take a little side quest here and share a quick story with you about my experience. So from about the time that I was 19, I would say till about 25, I had extreme health issues. It manifested as esophageal spasms. It started in nursing school and I couldn't figure out what it was. It's funny even talking about it now I can kind of just feel that old memory, muscle memory. That's interesting. I'm just going to put my hand on my chest and send some love and light to that time, to that place, to that version of myself. I was going to speak to this in my intro episodes but it just didn't feel right and so I want to speak to it now because it's important and I want to be able to support. I hope that one day maybe somebody, even if this helps one person, to be able to come across this episode and be like, oh my gosh, this is me or I know someone, or maybe this will work for them. This is me or I know someone, or maybe this will work for them.

Speaker 1:

But I started having these episodes of chest pain, esophageal spasms. It got chalked up to heartburn. You know everyone's like it's just heartburn, it's anxiety, it's heartburn. Okay, irregardless, a band-aid solution, right? I continued to have these episodes. They got more intense. It felt like I was being stabbed in the chest, in the throat. It was awful, it was really awful, and this continued for many, many years.

Speaker 1:

I experienced it in depth when I first started working as a nurse. It got to the point where I was on a handful of medications every day, from cardiac meds to pain medications. I was on high dose narcotics. I was barely functioning. It was really, really bad. I had my first child, had my daughter, and continued to experience these. When I was pregnant with my second one, pregnant with my son I continued to have experienced this and then I did end up being seen by a doctor in the area who had looked at me and said you know, I don't know what's going on with you here, but is there anything that you maybe need? Like that needs to be witnessed? And we never did find the cause of it. It was multiple contributing factors. I ended up consulting with doctors down in the States to find answers.

Speaker 1:

I was a 25-year-old on high-dose narcotics. It's wild to me. I was on multiple different cardiac meds. Like I said, like it's crazy to me, and so I thought that was going to be my life. Right, I thought there was no hope for me. I was going to be addicted to narcotics and this was it for me. I was never going to live a full life. I wasn't able to live a full life Like, was I taking care of my body? No, right, I was in this thing that the side effects from the meds alone left me struggling most of the time. I did end up having some dental work that I do believe some of that did contribute Stress, 100% Learning now that I'm a projector and my need for rest was huge.

Speaker 1:

I look back now and I realize that that was one of the things I needed to really speak to was my need for restorative rest, just basic things. But you know what Back then, then it just wasn't. You know, the fact that it was so normalized that a 25 year old woman would be on these medications is what is what really bothers me, right, knowing, now that I have this ADHD diagnosis, right, how much, like, I just was living in such misalignment, right, that all of that energy had to go somewhere, all of these emotions had to go somewhere. Growing up the way I did, experiencing trauma, you know it had to go somewhere, so it was stored in my body. I never moved that energy, right, you know, could my body have been trying to tell me something with going into nursing that that you know maybe was misaligned? Something with going into nursing that that you know maybe was misaligned, who knows?

Speaker 1:

Okay, either way, it did resolve, after starting to take a long, hard look at all the ways in which I was abandoning myself, all the ways in which I wasn't supporting myself, I started to move my body more and take care of my physical health, and that helped. It was a beautiful journey of then starting to take care of my mental health and starting to take care of my spiritual health. It became a holistic way that I could take care of myself, prioritize myself. I have come so far. When I look at that version of me 10, 12 years ago, I don't even recognize her. She went through the ringer and I'm just so, so grateful to be where I am today. But I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for going through what I went through. Right, the only way out is through, and so if you're listening to this and you're experiencing something, maybe some things are manifesting in your body.

Speaker 1:

I do have people, like I said, come to me with that, like holding onto things for 40, 50 years or like okay, I guess it's time, like my body is yelling at me, like, and I want you to. I want you to take a second. What is your body trying to tell you? Just do it with me, take a breath. I want you to take a second. What is your body trying to tell you? Just do it with me, take a breath, ask it what do you need? Mine immediately said water. I don't know how much water I've had today. Okay, maybe it says rest. You know, at least for myself as a mom, you know it's 50-50.

Speaker 1:

Lots of times I'm really great at taking care of myself. Other times it's just there's not enough hours in the day. I don't know how it happens, right? So just make sure you're checking in, okay, and if you are feeling, you know maybe some physical manifestations of some things that you have yet to move through, to grieve, to release, that might be coming up for you, and energy work is a really, really beautiful way to move through that, because you don't necessarily have to re-experience it. You don't have to re-experience it. It can just be this dense energy that you release, right, and it's coming up to be released is the beautiful thing, right? So, and the last part I want to leave you with. I mean, wow, I am surprised I was able to talk this long for not feeling very talkative. Today I messaged a friend. I said the words are not wording today, but here we are.

Speaker 1:

The last piece that I want to speak to you about the power of energy work is anchoring what it is you do want. Okay, I've had lots of sessions with beautiful, beautiful practitioners that are starting out on their journeys, wanting to step back into their witchy ways. You know like, oh, I've done this lifetimes before, but in this lifetime I'm really scared because I know what happened in the last lifetime, that I did this work, and so I've done lots of healing work with other practitioners. That really anchoring in that it's safe to be seen, it's safe to be seen in this work, it's safe to do this work. You know they're protected in this work, right?

Speaker 1:

Anchoring in stepping into your power, taking up more space, which can be scary, right. If you've maybe been told your whole life, you know, within individual experiences or just collectively as a society, that you know we're supposed to stay small, don't take up space, don't be too loud, too emotional, too much, too big, too, whatever, quote unquote. So when you really start to take up space, your nervous system's like this is not a good idea. Your brain, your ego's, like I don't know if this is for me. So, being able to anchor in this vision that you have for yourself, for your life, working with your highest self, your truest self, that can be a really powerful catalyst.

Speaker 1:

Usually will present itself afterwards with some wonderful integration opportunities in the form of tests so you can look out for those right. Are you prepared to get what you ask for? Right, to grow into the person that can receive that thing? Okay, so, as you can see, there is multiple multitude of things that energy work can support you in, from everyday nervous system regulation to just feeling your best, feeling vibrant, letting go of things that no longer serve you. You don't need to hold on to everybody else's stuff, you don't need to hold on to the things that happen to you and you get to step into your purpose for being here, what it is that you want for your life, and energy work can be a very powerful support for that.

Speaker 1:

So, if any of this is of any interest to you and you would like to work with me one-on-one, please reach out and we can find a way that works for you. It is really beautiful work. It's a very new paradigm. It's very much becoming more mainstream, which I'm loving, so I absolutely love that. I do have options for how to work together. We can definitely do work where I'm the facilitator. I also love equipping individuals to be able to do this in the day-to-day on their own with certain. You know, a handful of tools which can be really supportive, so more of a mentorship style that's available as well, and I'd love to hear, maybe, your experiences If you've had transformations, if you're listening and you're a client of mine and you've had a wonderful experience you'd love to share, feel free to send me a message on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

You can send me a message below on SpeakPipe. Again, I love connecting with each and every one of you. I hope this served you. I hope it maybe brought some things to light, reminded you of some things, if nothing else, just supported you in some way, shape or form. I'm grateful to be here, to be with you, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and we'll see you again next week. Bye, bye.

Navigating Spiritual Growth in Daily Life
Energy Work
The Power of Energy Work
Healing Through Energy Work and Self-Care
Connecting and Supporting Each Other