The Space Between

Navigating The Space Between

June 19, 2024 Kate Ikert
Navigating The Space Between
The Space Between
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The Space Between
Navigating The Space Between
Jun 19, 2024
Kate Ikert

In the latest episode of The Space Between podcast, we prepare for a summer hiatus. I'll leave you with invaluable insights on navigating personal transitions, whether in motherhood, career, or healing. Reflect on the crumbling of old paradigms, like the patriarchy, and how these shifts might be influencing your life. Feel the emotions that surface and understand that anger and rage are part of your healing process. I'll also provide practical advice on performing a social media audit to ensure your online environment supports your vision and growth. Let's nurture our souls together and prepare for a powerful return in the fall, equipped with the tools to thrive in the space between. 

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Show Notes Transcript

In the latest episode of The Space Between podcast, we prepare for a summer hiatus. I'll leave you with invaluable insights on navigating personal transitions, whether in motherhood, career, or healing. Reflect on the crumbling of old paradigms, like the patriarchy, and how these shifts might be influencing your life. Feel the emotions that surface and understand that anger and rage are part of your healing process. I'll also provide practical advice on performing a social media audit to ensure your online environment supports your vision and growth. Let's nurture our souls together and prepare for a powerful return in the fall, equipped with the tools to thrive in the space between. 

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Speaker 1:

Be honest. You know deep down you're here for more. You feel the calling, there's something you're here to do. But as soon as you start working on yourself, life interrupts and you're zapped back to reality. You feel like you're stuck in the messy middle, the space between being a mom and this deeply profound spiritual being. But what if I told you you don't have to choose one side or the other, that you can exist in both.

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a NeuroSpicy conscious mama, human design projector and shaman here to guide you into raising the vibration of the collective, one small practice at a time. I invite you to let me guide you on this journey of growth, healing and expansion. I'll equip you with the tools and the resources to be your own healer, to strengthen your discernment and give you the actual, tangible embodiment pieces that you can apply in your day-to-day life, in the little moments between making dinner, picking up your kids or whatever it is for you, because your spiritual growth doesn't have to be another thing on your to-do list. Pop your earbuds in and let's pretend each episode is our weekly commitment to join each other on my virtual couch for deep conversations about things like how the patriarchy serves no one, embracing your feminine energy in an actual, tangible way and what it's like to actually break generational trauma so you can know yourself deeply, shed your old self and move into this new paradigm. Don't let your spiritual growth sit in a box collecting dust in the attic of your mind. Let's navigate it together in the space between.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Space Between podcast. All right, so this is going to be a final episode before we take a break for the summer. I'll restart sometime in the fall. You know how things get busy with all the kids and all the things, so stay tuned for an announcement on that. But for right now we're going to take a bit of a pause. I'm going to regroup. I'm going to step back and get the creative juices going again, nourish myself, my soul, whatever it needs to be seen and witnessed this summer to be able to come back and really, really guide you and to just have a whole different layer of how I can support you in navigating the space between. So, before I sign off for the summer, I want to just leave you with a few reminders around how I can support you navigating the space between.

Speaker 1:

So that space between being this transition, some sort of transformation you're experiencing right when you're going from A to B, whether that be in motherhood, whether that be in a career or business, whether that be healing, whatever that may be for you, stepping into more of an expansion time for you, I want to remind you to surround yourself with those that support you. I like to call them expanders, a way that you can kind of forecast where you're headed. Right now. I'm in a phase where I have kind of outgrown a lot of the people that used to inspire me about where I've headed, which I love. I think that's a great sign of like the growth that you've experienced right.

Speaker 1:

So, again, reminding you to go through, do a social media audit, unfollow those that don't serve you. You know whether or not it's even being on social media, but just what is it that you're consuming and is it in support of the vision that you have for yourself, the way that you're headed, what you want to surround yourself with that feels supportive and expansive. So just a reminder there there's a lot collectively that's crumbling. You know, collectively there's a tower moment happening. There's old paradigm shifting into new paradigm, things that are happening. So you may be feeling that on more of a collective level and you may be experiencing it individually, and I want to invite you into embracing the crumbling of systems that we've known for a long time, whether that be internalized misogyny, the patriarchal system all of that is coming to a head. Things are definitely shifting and changing.

Speaker 1:

So, inviting you into reflecting as to where you maybe contribute, where these things are falling apart within you, I want to give you a permission slip if you need to feel this anger and feel this rage, if it's coming up inside of you, if it needs to be witnessed. It's been pushed down for so long individually, collectively, within society, and I do feel that that comes up quite a bit when I work with my clients. There's just this rage. I'm like feel it, baby. You need to feel it. So allow yourself a healthy way to express that. If that's what's coming up for you, it's a very powerful part of the healing journey to feel those feelings right.

Speaker 1:

I always like to say if you want to throw a pity party, throw a pity party. You're allowed to throw a pity party. We're just not going to camp out and stay there. The point is to move through. Move through it, right. So permission slip. You didn't know you maybe needed was to allow yourself to feel your feelings. Okay, if that's what you need to do, permission slip to quit. If that feels good for you, be angry, to grieve, to take up space to, to change your mind, to do something differently.

Speaker 1:

As you're in this space of transition, I want to remind you that in order to bring in something new, something old has to die. Okay, allow something or a piece of you to die, an identity that no longer serves you, and to walk hand in hand with that process to grieve it, to feel it, to experience it. It can't go with you where you are going. If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. You're going to have to let go of trauma, let go of old identities, roles that you've served, to step into a new way of existing. So what is it like? You're letting go of a new way of existing. So what is it that you're letting go of? That might be something as simple as forgiving someone. More often than not, it might be as simple as forgiving yourself for doing the best you could at the time with the knowledge that you had. How can you let go? What can you let go of to make your travels lighter to where you're heading. And lastly, I want to remind you to expect miracles.

Speaker 1:

Mantras I love to live by is show me how this gets better. When something is going less than ideal, it's always this or something better, always this or something better. Rejection is redirection and I always live by. Things are always working out for me. It took some time to get there. Start in small ways, start playing around with the universe to provide evidence to you that things are always working out for you, so that when the big things happen the tower moments, the crumbling, the feeling like you're being stretched thin and you have no idea what waits beyond this obstacle or this test or the shedding that you just know that everything's always working out for you. For your highest good, keep those mantras in front of you, remind yourself of them often.

Speaker 1:

Again, this is just a short little episode. I want to invite you into making sure you're in your own energy grounding, often clearing your energy. If you want support on that during the summer, please reach out to me, as I am doing individual energy healing sessions. If you're looking for more support, feel free to reach out and that's something we can explore together. I hope you go back and listen to other episodes that it can support you throughout the summer as you're navigating your journey, and I want to leave you with and remind you that you're right where you need to be, even if that's not where you think it should be. You're right where you need to be. I love you so much. I'm so excited to see what comes of the summer. I'm so excited to meet you in the fall feeling refreshed and feeling more creative and ready to dive back into supporting you on this journey. Take care of yourselves and we'll see you again next time on the Space Between podcast. Bye.