Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 1: Over 2000 Penises Later...

February 18, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 1
Ep. 1: Over 2000 Penises Later...
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 1: Over 2000 Penises Later...
Feb 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Lee Jagger

When life handed me lemons, I not only made lemonade—I started a lemonade empire. I'm going to take you through my unconventional journey from being a single mom and homeless to an erotic massage therapist whose hands have touched over 2,000 penises. Feel the rawness of my early days in the industry, with awkward first encounters that soon became the bedrock of my expertise in bedroom confidence. It's a candid, unscripted tale that cuts through the taboo of sex work.

I'll explore the intimate challenges women face, from the pressure to conform to societal expectations to the battle with personal insecurities. This episode is an invitation to shed those inhibitions and embrace your sexuality with open arms. You'll hear how flipping the script on traditional norms can ignite a fire in your relationship, leading to a richer, more playful connection. And remember, this isn't just about sex—it's about seizing your empowerment and finding joy in all areas of your life. 

Lee's website:

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When life handed me lemons, I not only made lemonade—I started a lemonade empire. I'm going to take you through my unconventional journey from being a single mom and homeless to an erotic massage therapist whose hands have touched over 2,000 penises. Feel the rawness of my early days in the industry, with awkward first encounters that soon became the bedrock of my expertise in bedroom confidence. It's a candid, unscripted tale that cuts through the taboo of sex work.

I'll explore the intimate challenges women face, from the pressure to conform to societal expectations to the battle with personal insecurities. This episode is an invitation to shed those inhibitions and embrace your sexuality with open arms. You'll hear how flipping the script on traditional norms can ignite a fire in your relationship, leading to a richer, more playful connection. And remember, this isn't just about sex—it's about seizing your empowerment and finding joy in all areas of your life. 

Lee's website:

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Lee Jagger:

Welcome to the Rock the Bedroom podcast, where we talk about sex and intimacy. Hi, I'm Lee Jagger and as a sexologist, I've helped thousands of women spice things up in the bedroom, even if intercourse is off the table. And this is the first non-sex sex podcast that shows women how to be more confident in the bedroom, create passion and playfulness in the relationship and have the best sex of their lives. Just a heads up I will not be censoring my guest's language, so you may hear the occasional F-bomb. Get ready for a juicy conversation as we explore how to rock the bedroom. Hey, I'm Lee Jagger and welcome to episode one yes Of the Rock the Bedroom podcast.

Lee Jagger:

I'm super excited, but it's funny because this doesn't actually feel like episode one to me, because I recorded a bunch of other episodes before recording this one. I realized after recording the other ones with, like, I had guests on that. I had to record this one because I kept mentioning things in the next few episodes that you'll find out that you're not really gonna understand without having some context of who am I to be talking about sex-related stuff. This podcast will make so much more sense if you know what exactly I am an expert in and how I came to have this very unique skill set. So in this episode I'm going to come out of the closet, so to speak. For those of you who don't know me yet, and just FYI, these episodes will be about sex and sexuality. I'm gonna be saying sex like the word sex a million times, so listen at your own discretion.

Lee Jagger:

So I want to take you back a few years when my son was 10, he's an adult now. We found ourselves homeless for a while and I remember crashing for a bit in the living room turned into a bedroom of a hoarder's house. Yeah, rough times. I was lying belly down on the bed counting out the coins in my in the bottom of my purse and a few bills, and all the money in my purse added up to $28.23. I will never forget that amount and that was more than what was actually in my bank account. Yeah, it was a super rough period we were going through.

Lee Jagger:

And as I'm scooping up all the change from my bedspread, my phone rang and it was a woman who saw my Craigslist ad that I had placed, looking for work, and she said, "ey, you want to do erotic massage? You can make a ton of cash doing these happy endings. Yes, I said erotic massage like touching the penises of men. I didn't know. Now here I am with my mouth hanging open and thinking, "Me?! Now, let me tell you a little something about my sex life.

Lee Jagger:

Up until this point in time I wasn't exactly what you would call a tigress. I had a pretty low libido and half the time my boyfriend couldn't get or maintain an erection. You know, when a guy pulls your hand towards his penis silently asking you to tickle his pickle? I'd be thinking, oh god, just I hope he gets hard fast so that we can just stick it in already because I don't know what to do with my hands. So me doing erotic massage as a job was ridiculous. I was not qualified at all and I certainly didn't want to do that kind of work. But here I am looking down at the change on my bed. I needed the money, so I figured I'd just do it for a couple weeks just to get ahead. So I took the job and on that first day I was determined to be that sexy tigress and pretend to be all confident. So the guys would give me a big tip.

Lee Jagger:

You ever watched the show Seinfeld? And you know the character Elaine? Yeah, and her crazy dance moves? She thinks she's being all cool, busting out some funky moves, but she just looks awkward. Yeah, that was me, except, unlike Elaine, I was not oblivious to my awkwardness. I was feeling it deep in my bones, especially the happy ending part. I was just fumbling around. I didn't really know what to do other than you know, up and down. There was no warm-up training on a cucumber or a dildo. No, I was just thrown right in, naked man on a massage table. And at one point, during the happy ending of my first client, the guy pushed my hand away and he finished himself off and I just stood there silently, trying not to fidget. I didn't know where to look or where to put my oily hands. God, I hated that feeling: the feeling of being incompetent.

Lee Jagger:

I n personal sexy situations, I was used to the guy taking the lead and me just going along with whatever he wanted to do. I had no creativity in the bedroom. I didn't know how to rock a guy's world other than opening up my legs and letting him go at it. What it came down to was I had no game. I had no power in the bedroom. I thought I did.

Lee Jagger:

I thought I was great in bed until this time, where there's a guy on the table who isn't in a relationship with me and didn't care if he hurt my feelings or not. He was paying for a service and he wasn't getting it and he pushed my hand away. That was the first time I realized no, I'm not so good in bed-- not like I thought. And you know, I could have booked it out of that office with my tail between my legs and never gone back. But I thought, Lee, it's time to put on your big girl panties.

Lee Jagger:

And, dang it, I wanted to be great in bed. I wanted to know how to touch a guy's privates. I wanted to be confident, and I knew deep down that this job was my opportunity, my practice ground to step into my power. So, instead of running away back to my comfort zone, I leaned in and I did that work, not for two weeks like I thought I was I was gonna be doing, but I was there for years. Years! I accumulated, get this, over 2,000 clients. You do anything 2,000 times and you're gonna get good at it. You're gonna work out some kinks. And don't worry, I am not here to teach you how to start your own erotic massage business and have to touch a bunch of strangers' penises. I'm not going down that road. I've lived it, so you don't have to.

Lee Jagger:

Now, by practicing on all these guys, I ended up creating about 69 different ways to touch a guy's privates to bring him to his knees. When I had a client who couldn't get it up, I figured out exactly how to knock his socks off. I felt like Beyonce strutting on to her stage and just owning it. The power that I yielded in my hands. It felt awesome. It felt so good. And a surprising side effect was that sexy time with my boyfriend immediately turned around. All of a sudden, I was this wild cat, always in the mood. And the first time, I remember the first time I ever gave him an erotic massage. He said, he looked me right in the eyes and he's like, "hatcha doing for the next 50 years? He was looking at me like I was the best thing since pizza and beer. We were playful again. We were giddy again. We were connecting more. It was like when we first met and his erection issues no longer a problem. I rocked his frickin' world, whether he was hard or not, but most importantly, I rocked my world. I had the best sex of my life, even if intercourse was off the table, like if he couldn't get it up. Who knew that was even possible?

Lee Jagger:

At some point my girlfriends started noticing sparks flying between me and my BF and were like, Lee whatcha doing. They wanted me to help them and give them tips for their boring, sexist marriages. And I kid you not, some marriages were saved because of what I told them. So helping my friends have a happier relationship or getting guys off in my office, helping the girls, was way more gratifying than what I was doing with the guys. So after honing my skills on over 2,000 penises, I stopped working with the men and now I help women get their sexy back and have a super fun sex life.

Lee Jagger:

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. It was a crazy journey. I'm writing a book all about it. It was nuts. There were lots of bumps in the road. You don't even know the half of what happened in that office when I was working with the guys, but I have to say it was worth it. It was totally worth it to gain the skills that I gained over all those years and all those penises.

Lee Jagger:

I think I have the best job in the world. Honestly, now that I get to work with women (I'm not talking about from before. That was not the best job in the world." but now working with the ladies, yeah, it's totally the best job in the world I get to see ladies evolve into this confident goddess and find her voice in the bedroom and learn how to set boundaries and learn how to speak up in the bedroom, because if you can speak up in the bedroom and set boundaries and have the tough conversations in the bedroom, then you can easily do that out of the bedroom. Yeah, and that helps not only your sex life but your relationship in general. So, dear listener, you are in the right place if you are into having a happier relationship, a more playful relationship because that's my intention with this podcast to give you lots of tools to navigate the low libido, the vaginal dryness, the erection issues, all that stuff that cock blocks or maybe I should say vag blocks your sex life, your sex life self-esteem, your relationship, happiness, like all those things that get in the way. I'm here to help you navigate that. I'm so happy that you're here. We're going to have so much fun.

Lee Jagger:

Just hit that subscribe button, or is it a follow button? I don't know. Whatever you got to do to get the notification when another episode drops, hit that button. I plan to release one every week. So thanks for listening. You can also catch the episodes on YouTube. If you want to be able to see me and my guests, just look for Rock the Bedroom on YouTube.

Lee Jagger:

Oh, I want to mention that a cat lives here. Her name is Bella and I am her humble servant. From time to time you'll hear her meow, which is her basically beckoning me to open the door for her, even though she's got a little kitty door so she can come and go as she pleases. But she likes the human door to be opened for her because she wants to be treated like a lady should be treated. And I considered editing it out, but I really want to keep this show real and raw, with minimal editing. I mean, the world needs more real, don't you think so? Once in a while, we'll be taking a three-second Bella- break while I lean over and open the door for her. All right, so that's it for today.

Lee Jagger:

I'd love it if you gave me five stars and a review. It helps this podcast reach more women out there, and there's a lot of women out there who need help being empowered in the bedroom and in their relationship. So thank you in advance for your reviews. Go be passionate, go be playful, and I'll see you next episode. Did you know that 9 out of 10 women don't feel confident touching their man's privates with their hands? I believe being confident in the bedroom means unlearning everything that we've been taught our entire lives about what it really means to have a great sex life and a happy relationship, which is why I created an online video training called Drive Him Wild. I want to show you how to become the confident woman that you were meant to be, so you can have a passionate and playful connection with your guy. And the best part is this training is yours, absolutely free. To dive in, just go to rockthebedroom. com and we can get started right now.

Humble beginnings