Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 4: Harnessing Sexual Energy, with Linda Bogdanov

March 28, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 4
Ep. 4: Harnessing Sexual Energy, with Linda Bogdanov
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 4: Harnessing Sexual Energy, with Linda Bogdanov
Mar 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Lee Jagger

Tune in for an expedition with Linda Bogdanov, a divine feminine coach who reveals the alchemy of intertwining our divine feminine and masculine energies. We discuss integrating tantra into the tapestry of our daily lives, from sacred morning rituals to amplifying sensual pleasure with mindfulness.

Linda's website:
Linda's IG: @linda_bogdanov

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Tune in for an expedition with Linda Bogdanov, a divine feminine coach who reveals the alchemy of intertwining our divine feminine and masculine energies. We discuss integrating tantra into the tapestry of our daily lives, from sacred morning rituals to amplifying sensual pleasure with mindfulness.

Linda's website:
Linda's IG: @linda_bogdanov

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

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Speaker 1:

I have with me Linda Bogdanoff. She is a divine feminine coach yummy and she helps people harness their sexual energy. I'm just saying right now I'm pretty sure it's going to be a juicy conversation, come on. So thank you, linda, for joining me today. I'm really excited.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. I'm really excited. Thank you so much. I'm super excited to be here to chat with you as well.

Speaker 1:

Will you please tell our listeners what you do, and who you help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, as you said, I'm a divine feminine coach and I help men and women connect with their divine feminine. So that means allowing you to receive more, whether that's pleasure, more abundance, just receiving, which is a very hard thing for a lot of people to do so receiving listening to their bodies, the wisdom of their bodies and their intuition, so that they can make the most aligned decisions for themselves, instead of needing it to come from externally.

Speaker 1:

I love that and let me back up just a second. So you said you help men and women with bringing out their divine energy. So I imagine bringing out their divine energy. So I imagine male listeners right now are doing a little in their brain and and wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm a man. What are you talking about? Feminine? Like that might feel threatening to guys. What can you speak to?

Speaker 2:

that, yes, so I think our world is very imbalanced in the masculine energy and that is the energy of doing, um, for the sake of doing sometimes, and and some, you know there's other things, but, um, we're stuck in that masculine energy. And so the feminine, you know, everybody has masculine and feminine energy. It doesn't it's not just. You know, your sex indicates which energies you have, and the whole idea is to balance the two. And a lot of us, including women and especially men, have that imbalance of the feminine energy about nurture and love and, um, intuition and embodiment, um, so we, we kind of need both, yeah, yeah, and so it's really important for everybody to have that balance. Otherwise, otherwise, where we may be, like women operating from masculine energy and men operating in very masculine energies, and and, and then the feminine energy is left out and it's needed to create, to to provide kind of that direction as well for us provide kind of that direction as well.

Speaker 1:

For us, yeah yeah, feminine and masculine energy don't really have anything to do with man, woman. We got to like separate those because because, yeah, being feminine is not does not mean being weak at all, it's just accessing this, this other part of us. So I'm glad that we got a little clarity on that definition right off the hop. So, men, listen up, oh my gosh, it's like the more men are in touch with their feminine, they don't feel so insecure and needing to prove themselves all the time. And just you know, being the stud when they can get in touch with their feminine energy, being the stud when they can get in touch with their feminine energy, ooh, there's a level of security there and like security in their masculine security out in the world, like just being in touch with more parts of themselves. Oh, it's so delicious when you're with a man who's who's getting in touch with this feminine.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, and it might be jarring for some of us. So like initially, when you do meet a man that is feminine and masculine, um, because you're just not used to someone being vulnerable and, in their feelings, like allowing their feelings to come up. So, yeah, even in the evolution of my relationship with my husband we've been together for 12, 12 years and very different people in the beginning and like when he started to balance his feminine energy and it's still kind of a work in progress but in the beginning I remember being like oh, wow, like I wanted him to do this, but I didn't expect. You know how it was going to unfold. It didn't. I don't know if I was necessarily prepared for that, but now you know it's. It's just been a really beautiful kind of I don't know it's a different energy, but but his masculine does feel more secure as a result of that.

Speaker 1:

Well, I love that, and I love that you've got evidence in your own relationship to back this up. That's so good, so good. So let me ask you what brought you to this line of work? That's a great question.

Speaker 2:

It's definitely a personal experience, but I really started the the first half well, not first half, but the first 30 years of my life um, basically being so in that masculine energy, like I wanted to just work and be independent and, you know, not need a man or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So I was just like compensating for that, for like wanting to prove myself that I, that I could be fiercely independent, and I went down the path of analytics, actually so making very logical decisions, using data coding, you know, doing all of this stuff.

Speaker 2:

That was very mind oriented, like we couldn't get anything wrong, you know, and it was just very, very masculine and I was on that path for maybe 10 years and I just it was actually my 30th birthday where I was in the Turks and Caicos, and at this point I've traveled quite a bit and um use travel as a way to escape, but during this journey, this trip, I couldn't escape, like I was miserable in paradise, and that's when I realized something has to shift, something is not right in my life, because I can't even be happy. In paradise there's turquoise, blue waters and it's like perfect weather and it's just incredible, like in the 3D. It's incredible, but like internally, I just felt so miserable, and so that was a turning point for me. I was like, all right, I got home and I was like something needs to change because, like who, who is miserable in the Texas Bay coast?

Speaker 1:

Right, and we think that external, you know, Ooh, I'm going to go somewhere or I'm going to do something and that'll make me happy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah not really Exactly. And then you know, the next thing that was like very pertinent in my life was my job. So I was like, okay, I just have to change my job, my job situation. But I started building my own e-commerce business during the time that I was working in corporate and then I ended up leaving shortly after that and just being full time in my business. But I realized, even in my business I was very masculine about it.

Speaker 2:

And they say that when you go on your entrepreneurial journey, lots of things come up. It's kind of like its own spiritual awakening with relationship and with your journey to entrepreneurship. And so so many things were just coming up and I was just realizing that I was still trying to prove myself through my business, like I was trying to prove myself in my job, in my corporate journey, and it just forced me to go down this healing path. And that was several years ago now and that had led to lots of different retreats, lots of different like doing a lot of inner child work, doing lots of different experimenting with modalities to try to fix myself, because I was like there's something wrong. Um, I'm still not like internally, I just still feel so unsatisfied. And so, yeah, the search kind of was before. That was like, okay, let's search for external things that can make me happy. And now it was like okay, I know, I have inner work to do, things are coming up.

Speaker 2:

And I remember there was one night in particular where I was, I saw like a YouTube video on Tantra and I'm not sure if you're aware of Salma Isadora she actually okay. So she, um, her story is really beautiful and I watched this 30 minute video and she was talking about like basically, her sexual trauma and how tantra she used tantra to help heal that trauma. And it was just this beautiful story. And after I watched that video I was like I need to work with this woman, like there's something here Like we all mean sexual healing, and I was super excited. And I found out that she had passed away like years before and I was just, I was crushed. I was like this was my chance, like to, you know, work with somebody.

Speaker 2:

And she was a woman and I felt comfortable with that. Especially, I had some sexual trauma with a man and I was just like I want to work with a woman and I got this clear message and it was like it's your turn to take on this, this role, and help women heal and men, and men as well heal that part of themselves. And at the time I shut it down like I heard the voice and I shut it down because I was not ready for that.

Speaker 1:

Right, because you're still on your own journey. And who are you to be the teacher when you're still a student?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I had like I'd suppressed my sexuality and there was like a lot of shame and judgment around talking about the topic, you know, and being a person, like a public person that talked about this and taught other people that, let alone not having that kind of fully healed yet, and I was just like this is too much. Like, what are you? The first thing was like what are people going to think of me? And I was just crying and crying and my husband, remember, he was just like holding me and he was so supportive. He was like, if this is your truth, it doesn't matter what they think. And and I, I think I just I went to bed after that and then kind of forgot about it until, um, I went on a retreat, um, and this retreat was a general spiritual retreat and it was to heal, a healing spiritual retreat, and I didn't have the intention to heal sexual wounds or anything, but that's just what happened.

Speaker 2:

The kind of sexual trauma came back up and this whole time in my life I knew about it, but I didn't. I didn't like admit to it, but I didn't. I didn't like admit to it. I didn't in my mind tell myself it was real.

Speaker 2:

Um, until this retreat, I was like this happened to me, I know it and I claimed that and I released it and it was like this opening up in my body, um, and my sexuality just felt like liberated and free, um, and it was the first time I felt free within myself and it was such a beautiful, beautiful moment, um, and it was the first time I had seen the goddess in myself, like she came out. Yeah, I just I felt so sexually liberated, so so liberated in general within myself, and that was the feeling I decided. I was like this is what everybody needs to feel, like this freedom within ourselves, because then we wouldn't rely on these external sources to make us feel happy and fulfilled, because it doesn't work anyways, right, not for the long term yeah yeah and I I find that, um, I can totally relate to that feeling of when you have a breakthrough and you have a release and you have this, I guess, opening of new possibilities.

Speaker 1:

It feels so good that at least for me, like I'm a teacher at heart, just always knew that from a child, from when I was a child, I wanted to teach. I was a child, I wanted to teach, and so a part of me just wants to give that gift to everybody else and anybody else who is suffering in some way similar to me. I want to give them that transformation too. So I can understand how you would go through that, that healing, and just want to help everyone else heal.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, and then I went down like kind of the medicine, the plant medicine journey. I felt the call to do ayahuasca. The first night. I ended up getting this message that I was a goddess of pleasure in like a past life and it was really beautiful. Like there were a bunch of people that came to like basically heal themselves sexually in what looked like my palace, but then there were people that I guess were armed, that came and like burnt down my palace and so there was a fear there that I had realized. There was a fear of being in my pleasure because I would hurt people, it would destroy my palace, it would hurt the people around me that I really cared about. And then I kind of released that that fear.

Speaker 2:

Um, in that first night and then the second night I was like, okay, it was a goddess of pleasure, like show me what pleasure is.

Speaker 2:

And it was the best night of my entire life, like my whole entire body felt just so incredible, so blissful. It was the most blissful experience I've ever had and I was connected to you know, something bigger than myself, like my higher self or God. It was just so magical, like every ounce of my body was just um, felt like ecstasy and I I was dancing and I remember, before I got up to dance, I remember asking how do I, how can I be in my pleasure in dance while everybody else is clearly suffering? And the message was when you step into your pleasure, you will heal their pain and theirs was the people around me, but also my ancestors and it was this beautiful message of we don't need to struggle, we don't need to be in pain to heal other people. You actually can't do it that way, but by being light pleasure you actually give people permission and you heal and dissolve kind of their own struggle right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You have to be on the boat to throw the buoy to help someone who's drowning. You can't be splashing around with them, you got yeah, exactly, exactly, um, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think after that I was like oh yeah, this one's really juicy, this one's really juicy. So after ayahuasca, which was like a November, it's like November 21 that January I set an intention for the month to have a self-sufficiency practice every single day of that month, and it was also something that I wouldn't allow myself to do, like, or if I did, I would feel really guilty about it, and I hadn't, in my relationship, done that because I was like well, you know, he's available, like I don't need to do this. But it was at that retreat that I was like no, I get to do this. And so in January I was like well, let's just experiment with this. And so every day I was like have some sort of self-pleasure practice, even if it's for a little bit. And at this time I also learned that the clit was basically made to just have orgasms, like the function of the clit is just to receive.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's all about pleasure. When you think about it that way, yeah, there's no other function than to just have pleasure.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it's so beautiful and that you could have unlimited. Pretty much women can have unlimited orgasms, and I didn't really know this and I didn't, you know. I think we have like one and it's like okay, that's enough, like that's, that's good enough for me, right, just even have one sometimes it's a miracle. But I built on that and I was like let me play with this, like let's see how many I can get to.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't like a competition or anything, but I was just like doing it from a place of curiosity and I ultimately built it up to a point where I was able to have like 20 orgasms at least, because I kind of lost count, but I was able to get to 20 orgasms in a session and in some of these sessions it just like opened up this beautiful portal and like was so blissful and like really felt like I connected to God, like in those orgasms and they like time stopped and I was like whoa, there's something deeper here, like this connection with the divine, which actually led me down the path of tantra, training in tantra, so that february I started training um, doing like a tantra yoga, training um remotely, but they were based in India.

Speaker 2:

And then, a year after that training, I went to India to study from a different school just to have my bases covered. It has been a beautiful journey of allowing myself permission to go into the pleasure, because that was the first thing that was like really hard for me I was denying my own pleasure, right.

Speaker 1:

So let's define Tantra, because I know years ago I took a lot of Tantra training myself which is like absolutely incredible and life-changing. I looked up the definition on Google or something Tantra, pooja and all the definitions I found out there. I'm thinking that does not resemble what I have experienced with Tantra. I'm sure some listeners are like what the hell is Tantra? And they're Googling it as we speak. So what does Tantra mean in your world?

Speaker 2:

The high level definition is basically that Tantra is a tool for expansion. That's kind of the main high level summary. There's different um different paths of Tantra Um, but that's kind of the idea is it's a tool for expansion. So whether that is using mantras, which are spoken syllables and languages to connect with the divine, or yantras, which are symbols for using sex, or yoga or yoga, it's one of the tools to connect with um, liberation and freedom and expansion um in connecting with the divine, and so that's kind of the gist of the high level version um, but there's there's different elements of it that I personally kind of practice and that is um.

Speaker 2:

Basically, tantra is about presence. It's being so present in every situation that you're in. So and creating everything is treating, everything is sacred. So if you think about sex, it is being fully present and experiencing the sacredness of the act, whether it's with yourself or with a partner or whatever it is, and it can be in cooking or even cleaning, like everyday things can be beautiful. You don't have to go to the Turks and Caicos because you could be miserable there anyway.

Speaker 1:

Right yeah, there's a whole buffet of bliss inside your own home.

Speaker 2:

you know I guess yes, and it's actually realizing that first, that you're able to experience the world through the lens of. Let me experience it, as it is not what I expect it to give me or allow it to feel oh, I love that yeah, so practicing presence has been a huge one on this tonic path.

Speaker 2:

For me, um and um. The other thing is connecting with goddesses is a big one in the divine feminine energy. So that is either channeling the goddesses, asking for guidance, working with them, um, in some capacity, and allowing the divine feminine to enter your life. So that is a more flow, connecting your body, um, as the, the guidance for wisdom, um and just yeah, there's so much more more there, but but generally speaking, um connecting with the divine feminine, connecting with the divine feminine.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so you've mentioned the word goddesses. So is that a specific religion or is it more down the spirituality path? Because I can see, sometimes when we throw out certain words, like when you throw out the word God, that means so many different things to so many different people, depending on whether they're religious or not, and so it's a loaded word and I can see goddess for someone who belongs to an orthodox religion, then they would throw out everything you're saying just because you use the word goddess. So let's unpack the word goddess or goddesses so that everyone because I believe that everyone regardless of their, their faith, their beliefs, spirituality, religious, all that, um, that they can benefit from from this information.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely so. There are goddesses from different religions. Like you know, hinduism, they practice working with goddesses from um, like the hindu goddesses. So that's a big um those are, that's big. In the tantric path is working with those specific goddesses, like khali, churgath, um, satsavati, pravati. There's a ton of goddesses with different kind of shadow aspects, with different gifts as well. So there's that. But there are also other goddesses and Mary Magdalene and Mary. You know those are some of the goddesses in Christianity. Mary Magdalene has a different reputation of Christianity you know Catholicism than this kind of spiritual goddess kind of world, if you will. But yeah, it can be from myth or like from stories from you know ancient traditions as well. I kind of work with all of them, the ones that kind of resonate at the time, depending on my journey, depending on the day, and I believe that we all have a god goddess within us. We are that. That's in everybody. That's what I believe.

Speaker 1:

Right, and isn and isn't it? I mean even pulling back even further. Isn't it really just a permission slip to call upon some external or internal source of power and some of for some of us who don't are, don't have a high sense of confidence or self-esteem, self-worth then it's easier to look outside of us for some source of power. And isn't that just a permission slip to say, yeah, I'm calling upon the power of this thing that's going to help me reach some goal in my life or attain some something that I want? It's just permission slip, I think. Call it a goddess, call it God, call it higher self, call it whatever you want, call it aliens, I don't care. It's whatever works for you. It works. It's like a placebo effect. It doesn't matter really what it is, as long as it aids you. It how it's of service to you. Big old permission slip to go yep, you deserve that. Yep, you can have that. And here's the path yes, I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love that. You said that and and it really that's it. It's however you want to, however it feels called to work with the divine. That's what I used to call it. God, goddess, whatever um it's, however, it wants to show up for you now, however you feel called. Yeah, and, and I agree when, sometimes, when we're starting this path, or maybe just like starting to learn about the goddesses, it's like it's outside of us because you know we don't realize how much power we have, how powerful we are, um, so seeing this gives you like that inspiration and um allows you that permission exactly to step into that eventually. And now I step into it all the time and I know that that's it's me and I got to work with them, but they're still in. That makes sense yeah, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

what is that? What does tantra actually look like? For those people who don't know anything about tantra and all I mean a lot of people I find confuse. Kamasutra and tantra, like this, is all about sex positions, and tantra is not that at all. It can incorporate sex, but, um, it's not about, okay, how many different sex positions we can get into. It's not about that at all. So so what's it? Look, paint me a picture of what that looks like and hold on, I'm gonna take a bella break. Okay, I think this is the first time in the podcast we're taking a Bella break, so I want to explain what this says.

Speaker 1:

I have a little goddess here and she's called Bella and she's a furry goddess. A lot of people call her a cat and she likes to be treated like a goddess and have the door open for her, even though she's got not just a cat door, she's got a dog door, like it's huge door little flap that she's got to push with her face. Sometimes she doesn't want to push it with their face to get out, so I'm just going to open my door to let this goddess out. She heard her name, there we go. She heard her name, there we go.

Speaker 2:

I can sit.

Speaker 1:

I stressed about that, thinking oh my goodness, how am I going to deal with Bella when I'm doing a podcast interview? Because sometimes, if I'm home, she has to be let out with the door. If I'm not home, she'll use that flap all day long. Or if I'm sleeping in the middle of the night, she'll use the flap, but if I'm sitting right, she'll use that flap all day long. Or if I'm sleeping in the middle of the night, she'll use the flap, but if I'm sitting right here, she's like mama, come on, treat me well, open that door for me. So I thought no, let's just keep it real, let's just take a bella break occasionally. That's perfect. Okay, so paint me a picture of tantra. What's this look like? What? What are two people engaging in tantra do? What's it look like?

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, even before engaging, you know somebody else, I'll take a little step back from that um. So for me, what that looks like in my day is I start the day basically connecting with my higher self. And how do you do that? I call in basically my higher self, um the divine, to guide me through the day. I'm, throughout the day, I'm always like talking to the divine um, manifesting and asking for guidance, being gratitude um, and then I will usually do meditation and then go into yoga, tantra yoga, and tantra yoga is like it's.

Speaker 2:

It's like yoga, except you're holding the pose for like 15 minutes each, so it's very intense, um, there's a whole practice within each pose, but it's working with that sacral well, not just the sacral energy actually, um, but that's a big one. For you know, working with sexual energy is tuning into that sacral energy, even breathing into it, like when you're taking a deep breath. Maybe you, you can do that right now. So let's take a deep breath into that sacral, so deep belly breath, deep, deep belly breath, and just feel that energy circulating and bring it up through the chakras, up through the, the crown, and you just like allow it to circulate and energize you. Um, because it's about waking, awakening, kind of that, those energy, energy fields, the chakras, and um allowing your life force to circulate, its energy, which is this flow through our entire system, um, which is connected, very much connected to all the chakras. But the sacral chakra is that sexual chakra. So I'll usually do like like one chakra, um that I target where, like I tune into my body, I'm like where is it tight, where am I feeling tense, and then I'll just I'll kind of release that tension, so so I'll use my, I'll tune into my body and then throughout the day, yeah, I'll just notice, I'll just be super, ultra present.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'm not able to do this for every single thing I do throughout the day, but I try, when I'm walking my dogs, really tuning in to what is happening around me and within me. So that is connecting with the trees and just feeling how alive they are and tuning into the energy and almost like receiving the energy from the trees actually really energizes, because nature can be very energizing. Um, and then it's when I'm cooking breakfast. I'll just feel into how good that feels, how much I'm nurturing the appreciation, gratitude of how much I'm nurturing my body and I'm very careful about sourcing good ingredients from local farms and things like that in California.

Speaker 2:

I moved here a little over a year ago from New York City so I've been eating that all up, the sourcing of the local fresh ingredients. It's been so good. It's been so good, um, so relishing in that, like seeing where sometimes, seeing where, like the ingredients are coming from, seeing the whole process of how it got to me, and just having so much immense gratitude before I put it into my body and I try not to be distracted while it eats as well so like just enjoying every bite. Um, so you can kind of pick and choose, like where you start, right, working with presence and treating whatever it is as sacred. Um, and by the time you get to the bedroom like for me it's the evening I, I like, I, like you know, I don't know, it's like like the sun is the masculine energy, the moon is the feminine energy, so I'm more likely to feel, you know, in my feminine or feminine at night, and so during that time I'm more prepared and more in that feminine energy and it is just treating that whole act of secret.

Speaker 1:

And slowing down, yes, and not trying to rush through it or race towards a finish line, but just slowing down and kind of basking Right. That's why I really wanted you to be on the show, because our agendas for the lack of a better word align. That's what I teach women all the time is slow it down, just slow everything down, don't do anything fast, just really bask in it, and that alone totally starts to transform how two people are relating to each other in the bedroom. You know so that slowing down is just like, even when you're, when you give your guy a kiss in the morning or you know little peck before he goes off to work Slow it down, like make that kiss last for seven seconds or something. What would that do for someone's relationship If every time they kiss their guy, they made it a seven second kiss? Ooh, that I think that would ignite just a little bit more passion and and presence to that relationship. Totally, totally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and and it's in those little, in those everyday moments, that you, you can practice that, that ultra presence, because we're so fast, we're so distracted, we're so we're always doing multiple things at once, our minds are like multiple things at once, our minds are like spinning, spinning, and so the slowdown is so critical, um yeah, and I have some tips as well to go into when we're ready yeah, I would love to hear some tips yes, so um, so first um.

Speaker 2:

For me it's about setting that sacred space, and that can be with candles, with music, with you know whatever makes you feel into that energy. It could be lingerie, it could be, you know whatever it is to create that space where you know you're not going to be interrupted and you know close a door and um, create that sacredness from the beginning in the space. Make sure it's not messy, um and cluttered, so that the energy can like flow and you want to also regulate your nervous system as well. So that is, and it could be together.

Speaker 1:

It could be separately, but like breathing, um, meditating, you can do that together and you can really just like make that part of the, the kind of foreplay, if you will, right so when you say, um, regulating the nervous system, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you talking about, like, getting out of a place of stress and hurry, and you know, go, go, go. That's the sympathetic nervous system, nervous system where it's more relaxation. You know more, more of the relaxing hormones are pumping through your veins, as opposed to adrenaline and cortisol, and you know, is that what you're talking about?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Because you know we're most of the time, our nervous system is generally go, go, go and this is dropping, about dropping into the body and going to that relaxation, um, getting out of the mind, trying to slow that, that mind down right, setting aside the to-do list for a little while yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I find that, like just doing deep breaths can help, even if it's just deep breaths, um, whether it's you or doing it together and creating that intimacy as well before sex. So that could be through kissing first, just touching, you know, the erogenous zones, or um, eye gazing is a big thing in tantra, and looking into your partner's eyes and connecting before anything happens, um, your hand, the heart, those are all things you can do to build that intimacy before you go into penetration. And then one of my favorite things to do honestly, like I love this so much, is playing the role of the goddess. If you're female, if this feels good, feeling like a goddess, it doesn't have to be religious, it doesn't have to be any particular goddess, it can be just you owning that you're a goddess and then your partner is god.

Speaker 1:

And if that is too much, just practice the goddess thing right or think, maybe think of it as like king and queen.

Speaker 2:

True, yes, if that's, if that takes it out of the religious realm, and yes, yeah, and that just takes it to another level, when you were imagining yourself in this, you know elevated kind of optimal version of yourself being with your partners yourself, or optimal version, or, you know, king, whatever it just it just feels so juicy and you feel so special and so held in secret.

Speaker 1:

Right, there's an element of honoring honoring yourself Like I am a queen, I am a goddess, I'm a I'm freaking fantastic. So honoring yourself and also honoring your partner, treating him like the king that he is yes, god that he is, like there's this, this self love and love and honor towards your partner, which I think just those alone like treating your partner like there's someone to be respected and admired and honored that alone could move the needle in someone's relationship instead of just someone, you can get something from. I'm just going to get an orgasmic release from this interaction with you. That just totally changes the vibe altogether.

Speaker 2:

And then this is so we're still not going into penetration yet. And then this is so we're still not going into penetration yet. But one tip that I've played with that has been so magical and, oh my gosh, it just makes me want, it makes me feel so ready. But this concept that the goddess needs to beg at least three times before she is penetrated, she has to want it so bad that she cannot resist.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I love this so much because it puts the foreplay or the outer course I suppose inner course in the forefront Like we could have a lot of warming up, a lot of juiciness, a lot of touching, a lot of a lot, all the the pre-penetration stuff before penetration. Yes, yes exactly.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. I guess the last couple of things is one is releasing that expectation of orgasm and just being present to how good it feels in any moment throughout. Because if you have so much, um, some of so much of your intention on the orgasm, it could not happen because you're so focused on something else instead of being present to what it feels like right now, which can feel so good. If you follow all of those steps and even one of them, even if you take one of these little tips, um, that can make such a big difference. And then the last one is slowing down, like you said. So if think slow, like think slow and then go even slower than you think, because we're so conditioned to think that sex is fast and that's, you know, sometimes it feels good but like, try going slow, you know, try going slow and then go slower and see how slow it can get. So you know, try to go slow and then go slower and see how slow it can get.

Speaker 1:

Right, Because we think when we go fast that's more stimulation, Whereas when you go slow that's not less stimulation. That can be more stimulating and drool worthy, you know like it's. I did that a lot when I was seeing male clients in my office. When they're getting closer to an orgasm, I would slow down. It would drive them crazy, drive them crazy, and so, yeah, that slow has been underestimated so much. Fast and furious is not really where it's at.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's a place for it, but oh, that's like teeny tiny piece of that pie, the bigger part of the pie. Slow. Slow equals moan. People Write that down Slow equals moan. He will moan so much more when you go slow and vice versa. And to train your guy too, to train him. Oh see how this feels really great when we go super slow. Yeah, same here. So you're kind of training your guy to to go slow with your body too and take his time and that's going to see how much you love it as well.

Speaker 2:

And there is another thing that came to mind, and that is they say that men have a lot more fire. Generally speaking, there's more fire, energy in them, energy in them, and so that means that if they are the ones exerting force, mostly they will orgasm quickly, and so it's really beneficial, if you want to like extend the session, to have the woman be on top as a way to circumvent that and kind of not do all the work. But you know, the the person on top is generally the one that's um, has more fire, and that will help with slowing things down and kind of elongating the.

Speaker 1:

The Right, because we don't always orgasm at the same time. Often not always, but often, women we need a little bit more warmup time before we're going to have an orgasm, so we need to slow that train down just a little bit. Let us catch up. Exactly, yeah, yeah, and that can help.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Maybe you can have multiple orgasms after today's session, knowing that it's possible. You know Right. Yeah so good, I love this conversation. I can talk about it all the time oh yes, yeah, this is.

Speaker 1:

it's a juicy conversation that has so many facets to it that we could easily talk for hours and hours. Are there any parting thoughts that you want to leave the listener with as far as tips or things to keep in mind?

Speaker 2:

I think one thing I didn't cover was like the energy component, which I won't go into detail with. But you know, there's this term called sex magic and that is Sorry. What was that?

Speaker 1:

Sex Magic. Sex magic. Oh, ok, do tell, do expand on.

Speaker 2:

That won't go into all the details, but the the idea is that you basically um use kind of your orgasm to manifest faster. So you kind of the idea is that you hold the thought of what you're trying to manifest um before you orgasm and you then use that energy as your orgasm to basically send the energy out there so that manifestation kind of comes to you. Remember how we did spoon bending in the business conference seminar?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes. So it's kind of like that You're working that energy, that energy it's so active and you can use that energy to kind of send it to something that you're calling in much faster. Right then, just using your mind, right, I was able to bend the spoon with my sexual energy, exerting and redirecting the energy towards that physical spoon. I was able to bend it.

Speaker 1:

So it's kind of like yeah, so, so, um, and for the listeners who don't know what we're talking about so there was this exercise we went through where we're holding a spoon and, um, we're not trying to, you know, muscle it and bend it, but we're just trying to get the spoon to a state where it's it feels like rubber, like it just wants to bend on its own pretty much, and doesn't take any brute strength to do it, and it's all just, you know, using your mind and getting yourself into a certain frequency state to get the spoon to bend, and it does.

Speaker 1:

We are more powerful than we think. It's not just about muscle power that makes things go, it's about brain power too, and that's probably the most effective way actually to do things is to line up with the energy of that thing that you want first. You know it takes way less effort to do that than to muscle through it. So that's what she's talking about Linda's bending spoons with her mind, like in the matrix. If you saw the matrix and the, the, the little kid sitting on the floor and holding the spoon by the handle, and the head of the spoon just like droops over, like it's melting or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Welcome to our world. World. There are different techniques which I won't go into now, but, um, you can just breathe into that sacral, like we kind of did earlier. Um, either you know when you're orgasming you're already using the energy in that area. Um, but just in general, like you can just breathe into that area and work on energizing it yourself before even, you know, going into using it for sex.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, the breath is super powerful. It's underestimated. But when you really consciously breathe, gives me shivers every time, like when we did the deep breath down into the belly. Gives me shivers every time, like when we did the deep breath down into the belly I don't know if you saw I was like going up. Oh yeah, it um, every time I sit down to take, take deep breaths and just consciously breathe Cause we do it unconsciously all the time. Thank goodness you know that we can breathe unconsciously. But when we when I bring my attention to it and really deliberately breathe and follow the breath into my body and feel it expanding my body, oh, magical things happen. It's really quite, quite cool, just sensationally.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's, it's divine, it's so delicious, yeah we only spend a few seconds there, you know, imagine going longer, you know it might. You might get an orgasm if you're an energetic type Actually like we all are kind of different in that way but breathing into it for a long time can give you an orgasm.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, yeah, powerful stuff. It's so good. Linda, you are blazing a trail for people to have incredible relationships and a level of intimacy that people outside of the world of Tantra cannot even imagine, cannot even imagine. Thank you for being such a bright light in this world doing this work. It's just, it's so important and just so delicious and life changing and heart opening. I love it so much. Where can people go to find out about your trainings?

Speaker 2:

Get more of you. Get more of you. I really appreciate you holding space for me, for me to tell my story and for giving these tips, and hopefully people can just take this and apply it to their lives. But if they want to work on a deeper level, I do offer currently offer a one-on-one coaching. You can find me on my website at tantricasoulcom.

Speaker 1:

We'll definitely link it in the show notes, but I yeah, I will spell it for people who are just listening in their car or whatever Tantrica, so T-A-N-T-R-I-K-A soul S-O-U-L. Tantricasoulcom. Yeah, and I'm on Instagram as well. Well, thank you so much, Linda, for being on the show today. Thank you so much for having me.

Balancing Divine Feminine and Masculine
Journey to Self-Love and Healing
Exploring Tantra and Connecting With Goddesses
Sacred Tantra Practice and Connection
Enhancing Sensual Pleasure Through Mindfulness
Transforming Relationships With Tantra