Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 6: Dating With Confidence, with Marie Ruzicka

April 11, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 6
Ep. 6: Dating With Confidence, with Marie Ruzicka
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 6: Dating With Confidence, with Marie Ruzicka
Apr 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Lee Jagger

Imagine unlocking a deeper sense of joy and empowerment in your most intimate moments. That's precisely the journey we embark on with the effervescent Marie Ruzicka, who reveals the transformative power of intimacy education and the ripple effects it has on confidence and relationships. We reflect on how using just a few techniques to pleasure a man can shift the dynamics in the bedroom toward mutual delight and exploration. 

Marie Ruzika’s website:

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Imagine unlocking a deeper sense of joy and empowerment in your most intimate moments. That's precisely the journey we embark on with the effervescent Marie Ruzicka, who reveals the transformative power of intimacy education and the ripple effects it has on confidence and relationships. We reflect on how using just a few techniques to pleasure a man can shift the dynamics in the bedroom toward mutual delight and exploration. 

Marie Ruzika’s website:

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Speaker 1:

Welcome, oh my gosh. On the show today I have with me Marie Ruzicka. She is a dear friend of mine. She calls herself a catalyst for joy Gosh. I just love that, and she's normally like upgrading the conversation around wealth monetarily speaking. But on today's show, because we don't talk about money per se but we do talk about wealth in, like emotional wealth, sexual wealth, all the yummy, sensual type wealths, and she definitely has something to say about this. So today we are talking about, among other things, how her single life was affected when she applied what I teach. So thank you, marie, for joining me today.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I'm here, it's so good to reconnect with you we haven't talked in so long and that last conversation we had and you're saying you're good to have this podcast, so I thought we got to tell the story of what happened between us, you know, and yeah, yes, we do, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

Marie's been my friend for a number of years now and I guess how our how this story begins and please fill in the blanks as as we go here but I'm thinking it begins when and maybe this is I'm picturing us at Mission Beach about to go in the water boogie boarding. And I think this is where this conversation started, where you were asking me about my beta group. I had just launched my program and you were like you know how's it going? You know normal conversations that friends have finding out what our friend is into and how it's going. And I'm telling you and, and at one point you said, well, why is it you've never invited me to be part of your beta group? And I was kind of embarrassed at the time because I'm like, oh, that wasn't a very nice friend thing to do to be talking about my program and oh, wow, you know these ladies are having all this success, but I didn't invite my friend to be part of my program. But the reason okay, in my defense, you, it's a good defense, it's a good defense, you, it's a good defense.

Speaker 1:

I think A you were single. B I had nothing to fix with you. Like, you had a beautiful sex life. Even your first time was beautiful and considerate, and your partner was lovely and you've already always had really great experiences. And here I am wanting to help people and wanting to fix women's sex lives, and you didn't have anything to fix. So I thought, oh well, that would just be like I'd have nothing to teach you. So that's why I never asked you to be part of my. So that's why I never asked you to be part of my, my beta group, when I launched it, and so I do apologize. I think I've apologized before, but I'm going to apologize publicly, very publicly again, that that I I never, you know, I just assumed that you knew everything there was to know and didn't have anything else to learn from little old me. Apologize for that assumption.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know I, you know it's. It's so interesting when sometimes, when you bring up a story, you think, oh my gosh, I'm going to tell that story again. But this I just love the joy in in what happened. Right after that we had just done a full boogie boarding session. It was so much fun. We met every Monday and we were at the restaurant and that's when you were sharing, and outside in California. I mean, come on, it was just gorgeous and really the conversation just led to if I don't. For me it was just led to. You know, if I don't. For me it was like, why wouldn't I want to know a skill that would better my experience? And so it was so easy. And then the just conversation just got so easy. You got me the link, I started to do the course and it was so fun. It was fun to think because to me, I just don't want any type of sexual experience, I want a connection.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, not so much a wham bam, thank you, ma'am, like just for the sake of sex. But I'm with you there, like it's kind of hollow for me without a deep emotional connection and just like yeah. But I want to back up just a little bit and expand on what you said, unpack this a little bit, because you said you had touched on I can't remember exactly what you just said, but you had said something about wanting to learn more because I find you know, we think we know a lot about what we know, and some people think, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm good, we're good, we're good in the bedroom, it's all good. Or my sex life's fine. I always have a great sex life, it's fine, so I don't need to learn anything else, and so it's interesting that you said you know this would be something else for me to learn. I think that's important to have a mind that is always exploring and humble enough to know that we don't know everything about anything.

Speaker 2:

Well, I knew how much, I didn't know. But isn't it interesting how we make assumptions? We make assumptions even with people who know each other, and so that's I love. I love this idea of awakening to something new. And that's really you're you. You have talked about this, for you had talked about this idea for really as as long as I have known you. So it's always this intriguing little thing like what would this be? What would this look like it? Because it was a beta test. Like I love beta tests, because I love coming in and going. You know what about? You tried this and what do you try? Yeah, I just, you know to me, yummy, beta test, yay and so, but and here, an awesome subject. So, yeah, right, yeah, it was. It was really the shift was so lovely and it was so easy, and I certainly never I mean, they never took offense. It was really like are you considering single people, because they're a large part of the population?

Speaker 1:

here here. Right, I just figured. Well, you know, my techniques are erotic massage, where you have to actually roll up your sleeves literally and get your hands in oil and put them on a man's body. And you were single at the time and I just assumed that I would not be serving a single women population. I always thought, well, you know, if you don't have someone to practice on, you're not going to want to learn these techniques. That I was totally dumb back then and I didn't realize. I didn't realize, oh well, those are the ladies who actually need the confidence and the skillset to go out and, you know, get themselves a guy and rock it. Yeah, it didn't even occur to me to serve a single demographic at all. So I'm so glad you are instrumental in me changing who I thought I would be helping and, re, you know, changing my messaging just a little bit to include the single ladies out there. So thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that, yeah, yeah you were ground zero single person. You, you were, you were the number one, you were it. I didn't choose any other single ladies, you were, you were the first person. So I really appreciate that. Okay, so you don't. You jumped in.

Speaker 1:

Yep, you looked at some training videos and I do want to mention to the listeners who I'm sure most of the listeners who are listening to this haven't been through my program and they're like what are they talking about? And so I don't demonstrate anything on a cucumber. I don't have drawings and like just graphics, it's all video, it's all like um, camera is pointed at my hands and a guy's privates and I'm actually showing and teaching on a male body, a live male body, not a, not a dummy, not a, not a cucumber, not a dildo. Um, I cause, I figure, I can't figure, I can't show all these things in detail without having the real thing, and I wanted it to feel educational and very step-by-step, instructional, not like, you know, raunchy or all embarrassed that, oh, we can't show a real penis, because that's a bad thing.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to, you know, change the education around the private parts. They're normal, they're lovely parts and they are to be respected and understood, and so I had to show on a real live guy. That's why you have to be an adult to watch my stuff. Yeah, this isn't like the Joy of sex book or anything. This is, this is all video. So you jumped in, you watch some videos and then, and then what? What happened? What was, what was the journey for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so so you know, people say that knowledge is power, but knowledge, knowledge, knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power, right? So the idea of I have all this knowledge and I'm walking around with this brazen knowledge of you know, like, oh my gosh, who is the guy who's going to be have this possibility and opportunity to practice with me? Right? Who's the lucky guy? Who's the lucky guy out there? And isn't it fun to just consider that, wait, wait, I have, I have skills, I have knowledge. Now, and that's what made it so fun. So, literally, I, you know, I want to make because most of your listeners won't know me I went into what who would I want to choose? I wanted to choose a man that I already knew. I wanted to choose someone who's a friend. I wanted to choose someone who I could trust. I mean, my gosh, you're doing something very privately. So I want to make sure, in this scenario, I want to be really clear that it just wasn't any guy on the street. I want to be really clear that I just wasn't any guy on the street or any guy that I was, you know, had had, you know, wanted to have a relationship with. That wasn't it at all it's just literally wanted to practice, and so you know, I just it was a really cool conversation.

Speaker 2:

I was really a part of this ecstatic dance community and so we had this wonderful gentleman. We'd known each other for a couple of years. After the dances we would, as a whole group, go out to lunch and our conversations were just fun and a little bit flirty, and so it was a fun relationship right. I really saw it as a fun friend relationship. And just one day it just so happened that we were on a motorcycle ride together and I thought, hmm, can I ask him now? And I thought, first of all, let me wait till he's on a straightaway.

Speaker 1:

Right, because that could be jolting and take him off guard just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

And you know, to me the whole fun factor of this, you know, and the fact that I said, hey, my friend Lee is doing this wonderful beta test about erotic massage, and I paused, I thought yeah, let it sink, let it land, did he hear?

Speaker 1:

me, you know, like this long pause Because you're commenting on the bike right, so you can't see his facial expression.

Speaker 2:

And it was. You know, it's just so playful and so fun and we just got into this conversation of that sounds awesome. What does that look like? You know, I'm sure I mean I haven't talked to him in you know like what? I don't remember what that felt like because that was a couple of years ago, so more than a couple of years ago. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a few years ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So anyway, we made a date for that, and what was really clear is that we had such good communication. So, and I knew that this would be an ace in the hole for him. I mean, it was like so fun for him, right, but for me, he, we, I wanted to make sure that if at any point that I was feeling uncomfortable, that I wanted out that I had that I had. You know that we talked about that, yeah, and that was, oh my gosh, that was so wonderful just to have that in play, and so it was just such a fun evening and really I was almost seeing it and I know this seems strange, I was almost seeing as a science project, right.

Speaker 2:

I'm always seeing like I have to do these things. You know, you've given me what I love is you use food. You use food as the premise of each of the moves that you do, right, yeah, and uh, you know the, the, the easy ones, and I'm sure you know I the easy ones, and I'm sure you know butter and powdered sugar and orange juice, and you know those sweet, wonderful, and I would, literally we were. He's just having a conversation, right, and I'm telling him all of this, so but it ends up like we're getting into more than just here's what I'm doing and all of a sudden we're having this really wonderful conversation about like why don't more couples have this kind of playful fun? You know it. Just, it ended up being an evening of. It was really cool. It was cool to go through everyone that I had learned and I did it. You're so wonderful about saying make sure don't look at them all. Go step by step.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And um, yeah, it was. It was a wonderful evening with a person that I totally trusted and that I had my out if there was any uncomfortability and it just it really ended up being a wonderful evening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I mean I'm glad it ended so well. I actually I haven't heard any stories of where it ends really bad. It's usually pretty juicy and leads to other very juicy things, but so, um. But. So let's be clear here you had not been intimate with this guy prior to this evening that you, or this day that you decided to do these techniques on him for the first time, correct?

Speaker 2:

That is very correct.

Speaker 1:

Right and so so I would imagine I mean, yes, it went really well, but before you actually like he lays down on the bed and you actually put the oil on your hands and put your hands on his body and his privates that you've never seen nor touched before, what was your state of mind? I can imagine you would be a little nervous the first time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but before getting to that point, you know we had a long conversation that ended up being you know, I love that we laughed. I love that you know that we came up with the idea of at any point, if you want out, we're going to. We're going to do that, you know, because you know, gosh, you know I wasn't looking for a relationship, I was looking for someone to practice with, and that isn't my MO. I go in and I want to have a relationship with someone, and so, because it wasn't my MO, I felt that that kind of offness to it. And, um, I guess I remember texting you and going do you put water in the the? The thing with the washcloth on the crock pot? No, don't put the water in there. I remember that and it was so funny before he got there.

Speaker 2:

And, um, so I felt like I also had you, you coaching me all the way through, just without you being there. But just because, because you're so clear, you were so super duper clear on what these techniques do, what they mean, how it feels like everything. You just so it really felt like there was. No, it's not like I didn't know what it looked like, it's not like I didn't have fun with it before, but it's just, it just it was such a newness and it was so fun and joyous and so yeah, and for our listeners who who don't really know what she's talking about.

Speaker 1:

Marie, you mentioned the the hot towel thing with a crock pot in the water and stuff. So I have a. I have a module where I show you how to make hot towels if you don't have a towel warmer, and there's a few different ways you can go about doing that. But it's sort of like the cherry on the top at the end of this massage to give them, wipe them down with some hot towels. It's just really yummy. So that's what that was about. So if you have a crock pot, you can.

Speaker 2:

You can do the hot towel thing but there's other ways to make the hot towels but that's what she was referring to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so okay. So what was his reaction? The first time you started doing butter and powdered sugar and you know all the techniques that you tried that first time what was his initial reaction?

Speaker 2:

It was so interesting because I stayed clothed too. I wanted to make sure that this was this, was that I? You know, that's a really important part right, we're clothed. He was naked yeah, because I didn't. The thing is, if you get that kind of you know that tension, that sexual tension, then it I'm not doing it for that. I I am really doing it for practice. And it just you know what are you going to do, right and anyway.

Speaker 1:

And I had encouraged you to insist that he just receive and not be reaching for you and trying to pleasure you.

Speaker 2:

I forgot this part. Oh yeah, I forgot this part. Oh yeah, I forgot this part. Okay, so, so I, because we are on a bed, you know, you, I, we didn't have a massage table, because he was on a bed, I was straddling his leg and and he started moving his leg and I went nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, but no, yeah, thank you Awesome. Because I mean in his defense he's thinking okay, I'm feeling so good, I want to reciprocate, I know I know.

Speaker 2:

But and it was very playful on my no, I said no, sir, this is our agreement. And I said this is only for you to receive. And literally in that moment I just felt all the tension go out of him that he fully received and it was, you know. I know that he has mentioned that sense and it was really so lovely to, because the stress of them on a, on both parties to, you know, when you're first getting to know each other and all this kind of craziness, um but why? Why leave the stress? Like I love, the idea of what you promote is that this is your time, your time, me practice, you enjoy.

Speaker 1:

Right, the guy just receiving, and guys aren't used to receiving, they're used to giving. Which gosh, God love you. I love that you guys are givers and providers and all that. I love, love, love, love, love, love that. So it's it's kind of nice to turn those tables a little bit and let the guy receive it's. It's a new thing for a lot of guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was so nice to just feel his body, just go like oh my gosh, are you flipping? Kidding me? No stress, like okay, go yeah. And and the fact that we just kept the conversation going you know we already had that playful banter about each with each other, so that's that's what I felt is like I trust this guy, I like really like being in the presence of this man and he understood what, what the context was for me, that he didn't have to be anything but just a person enjoying pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Right, and, and I want, I want to just address like I love that you said that you guys had this conversation during this whole play session, let's call it. There's so many people out there who are not comfortable with talking in the bedroom, so much so that they would say, oh well, that that would ruin the mood. If we're talking the whole time like, shut up and let me concentrate on the orgasm, you know, what would you say to that?

Speaker 2:

You know that we're all unique, we're a unique point of nature. And if you get two people who don't want to talk and have that kind of that kind of an intimacy thing, hey, and you're having a great sex life. More power to you. I love it. I, on the other hand, once that kind of playfulness, you know, I, I am a quality time. If you're talking about the five love languages, quality time is high. I just don't want to sit in front of a TV watching, you know, a show or a game. I want that quality time. So this is totally works in my favor to have quality time with someone.

Speaker 2:

And what I liked is that, because you, each of the, each of the moves has a name to it, I wanted to make sure that he knew what I was doing, that I wasn't just moving from one thing to the other. I said, now, this is called butter. Moving from one thing to the other, I said, now, this is called butter, and then that cause, that was, you know, that's the first move, and just to do this idea of what butter was. And is that, wow, okay, awesome, Feels good, all right, go, okay, yeah, it was really, it was really really fun and and and you know, powdered sugar is obvious.

Speaker 1:

It's my favorite cause there's a lovely story about powdered sugar that we can talk about now or later that I've expanded on it in my program since you experienced it and incorporate a lot more communication so that it opens up. Like there's so many silent conversations we're having in our head like, oh, I wish he would do this. Or oh yeah, he's so close but he's not quite there, but we don't actually say the words. You know, move a little bit to the right, we don't say those words. And so to kind of crack the door open to communication in the bedroom, everybody wins in that scenario.

Speaker 1:

And so I kind of bake it into the training of the program now where I'm saying, okay, ask these either, or questions to find out how to get those techniques just right for him. Like if you're doing butter on your guy, maybe you're doing it a tad fast and you need to slow it down, and you won't know until you ask him, because your hands are on his body. He's just happy. But if you try to make it even better, then okay, that changes the whole environment. It's like, oh, she's not just trying to get something over with, she's basking in this, she's enjoying this and she wants to get it just right for me we're all good and she wants to even make it better.

Speaker 1:

That does a lot for just a relationship in general, to know that your partner wants to do better. And so I love the communication. And also if you, if you try one thing with a partner and it works, and then you try that same thing with a different partner, it may not work. So it's good to have the lines of communication open so that there can be a course correction, because he may be thinking, oh yeah, this, this has worked every time I've done this on a woman, but maybe it doesn't work on you. So it's good to be able to say hey, a for effort, but hey, can we try something different kind of thing or whatever words are. But communication is important because we can't just assume that we know that person's body, because we can't read their mind, so we don't really know what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I love that you promote that in the in the course too. I it is so cool to say I'm doing this, this move, and do you want it? Do you want it fast? Do you want to slow, is it? Did you like it? Random, right, whatever it is, you know, just for the feel good factor, Because you know what, when I'm in a partnership, I want to make sure that the same thing is happening on the other end when he is pleasuring me.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, you kind of set the stage for this is how it's going to go, like I'm demonstrating for you how we can make our sex life like through the roof. So when he gets to feel, oh, oh, yeah, that, ooh, she just whoo, she just took that to Saturn, like I thought I was on the moon, but we just went around the rings of Saturn just now. Wow, holy cow. So when he sees the benefit to a little bit more communication, then he's more likely to be open to communication when it comes to pleasuring you. Yes, yeah, you got to show him how it's done.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello. Why wouldn't you want to do that? When you talked about the people? Yeah, you got to show them how it's done. Hello, hello. Why wouldn't you want to do that? When you, when you talked about the people who don't like to talk in the bedroom, if you said, like, where could you take it? If you did ask, like, maybe if you have one session where you say, could we just do this so we can and we can even stay, one of us can stay clothed and we can just like, like loving on one person, how do you like it? Do you like it hard, fast, slow, soft, you know what, whatever it is? And and how do you feel today? Because today may not be the same thing as yesterday, just like you said. So, Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Preferences do change. Yeah, yeah, so to to just be open. Open to that, that's so good. Okay, tell me, your your powdered sugar story.

Speaker 2:

Well, so it ended up. It ended up. It ended up that we had, you know, a two year wonderful relationship and, uh, so appreciate the fact that. You know the first of all, he's such a playful man anyway, and it's so fun to be with him and it was so cool as I was learning this technique. He was also, you know, learning other things, so he could pleasure me more, and that was so fun to have this back and forth. It was very balanced and harmonious.

Speaker 2:

So there was just one day because we often, often, didn't see each other all the time and we were on the phone with each other and he said I'm touching myself and I said, oh, can I see? And he pulls the phone for me to see him and he's powder flippin' sugaring himself and this, you know, the idea of whoa it was a huge like boom, like I wasn't just doing this for myself, it was, it shook me. It shook me. Yes, it was really cool. Yes, it was awesome to watch. But, and that that gave him pleasure, that so much though, that he was doing it for himself, and, um, that that was a big aha moment for me. Yes, that what, what?

Speaker 2:

am I doing for him that is going to leave him? I want to leave people better than how I found them, right, and we've stayed friends In fact, I'm going to have a conversation with him tonight and we've stayed friends and this idea of I've left him better than how I found him Wow, I want to leave everybody that way, that this idea of having this wonderful conversations and this. That's why I call myself a catalyst for joy. I'm the catalyst, like I did you, you do whatever you want to do with it, but that I want to be the catalyst and the joy factor of people's lives, so that I want to be the catalyst and the joy factor of people's lives.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I would definitely say you're a magnifier of joy too. You'll, you'll take joy and you'll just magnify it. That's been my experience. So, yeah, yeah, catalyst and magnifier Good to add that I do like that, hello.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love that you made a difference for him in how he pleasures himself, like how he wants. He's changing how he touches himself Because a lot of guys, you know, they, like I, teach women how to outdo a guy when it comes to touching a guy's body. No, men don't believe that you could touch them in a better way than they know how to touch themselves. But they've never touched themselves in these ways. They've never been taught all these ways. And I have like well over 69 different techniques is my tagline to, to, to touch a guy's private. Guys don't know 69 different techniques. They know a few. You know, mostly up and down, but it, you know, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's wonderful that women can come along and go oh, you, just, you just lay there, lay there, I, I just, I got this, I got this. You're gonna want to take notes later, but for now, you, just, you just close your eyes and relax, because I'm going to, I'm going to take you to town here. Like this is going to be something you've never experienced before and I I take great pride in making women that powerful, like. I had a coaching call last night and one of the ladies on the call she said, yeah, the power I feel like I'm powerful now I have. I have like 10 magic wands here that I can just wave around and magic happens. So I just love that how we can educate guys on how to up-level their own self-pleasure Although I will say it's also a great way to make yourself indispensable, because a lot of the techniques they can't really do on themselves because they can't get at their parts from that angle you know, yeah no. So it kind of makes you a hot commodity.

Speaker 1:

You got this magic hands and can't do for himself what you can do for him. Oh my gosh Right, that's, that's power.

Speaker 2:

That is power. You know when I kept saying the word brazen when I first, how many times I told you that brazen, this brazen power that you know. The idea of taking shame out of the bedroom and to put power back in, and this coming into the bedroom as equals and unique and yet equal, and it is there. There is such a loveliness about it, uh, and I your, your course is is just absolutely tremendous. I can't recommend it high enough. When somebody is coming into a new relationship, I say, hey, here's the link, go for it. You know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's so sweet, so sweet of you. Thank you, I didn't know you did that oh, absolutely, absolutely that's so lovely. Well, I just um, actually, I have one more question for you before I let you go. Uh, what would you say? Would be say, you're just general confidence level before you had this skillset and now that you have this skillset, like would you say that there's enough of a difference to notice your level of confidence regarding being in a relationship and and being with men?

Speaker 2:

That's I mean really, when you think about the scope of what you're asking here, because you know, like you said, I felt like I was. You know I was living a wonderful life and so I felt, you know, it's like you when you don't know that, you don't know Right, right. But then when you know, it's as if you the oh, don't know right, right, but then when you know, it's as if you don't know, part goes away like I can't even remember myself that way. So this, this idea of, but I, and yet, and when I think about it, I do remember, you know, all my other relationships prior to, and there was that sense of, oh, my gosh, I wish I would have had this for them too. I wish I would have known this for them. And but not thinking, you know I, they, they helped get me here. All of my other relationships got me here.

Speaker 2:

But this idea of now that I have this skill is still this there's a power inside that I don't need to ever. It's not that I don't ever want to do it again. I want to do it again. I want the idea of having a partner and practicing again, and what would that look like? And it's just, um, yeah, but I, I think it's this, you know, like it's almost. Is it like a temperature gauge, where you feel like you know, cold is awesome, but hot is walking around, feeling like this, this, like I know something you don't.

Speaker 2:

With every conversation you know, especially when you're interested in like I know something you don't, and there's, there's, and you know there's. Then all, all of a sudden, playfulness comes in, right, and so so, um, to me, I feel like before I had this lovely thing that I thought was that was the deal, and now it's just this insert of playfulness and insert of you know, because I love quality time. It just adds to me like, why wouldn't anybody want to? Like, why isn't everybody running to do your course? Well, people don't know what they don't know, right. Well, as I, you feel you're right, you're right. That's why you have this podcast and that's like get this out into the world, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I mean, that's why I call this the non-sex sex podcast, because when people think of sex, they think of intercourse, typically close clothes off, you know, bumping genitals together, like we're talking full intercourse. Intercourse is usually what comes to mind when we hear sex and so, but there's a huge umbrella of bliss that is under, you know, the term of sex, that it can be so many other things that have nothing to do with penetration. And and yet most people, when they think of, oh, our sex life, they're thinking they have a very narrow view of what that actually could be, because this education isn't out there Like it's. We don't learn this in school. We, we were. It's not talked about in polite company, you know, like it's, it's still fairly taboo in most cultures. So, so they just don't know. They just don't know what, what the possibilities are.

Speaker 1:

Because when, like back in the day, I used to call, I used to call my, I branded myself as, like, the handjob rockstar or something like that rockstar handjob or something like that. And and one of my ladies in my workshop, she said, when I was doing in-person workshops, she said you know what, lee, I, I got, I got to be honest with you. It's. Stop calling yourself a handjob rockstar, like you're going to take the word handjob out of this, because when you, you don't teach a handjob, you teach connection and you teach so much more than what people. When people think handjob, they're thinking just plain old, up and down and and it's not. It doesn't have a great connotation to it and it's not very connecting.

Speaker 1:

And so she said, yeah, you, you don't. You teach so much more than that. So just stop calling it a hand job. Even though it's with your hands, it's. It doesn't resemble that at all. So I had to go through a bit of an education myself in trying to define, finding a new definition for what it is that I teach, because I didn't really know what I didn't know either, like I it was. It was a journey for me to coming into all of this. So so I'm I'm so glad that you're willing to come on and talk about this and give ladies an indication that there are tools out there that, even as confident as you, marie, are you've always been a confident woman to me in and out of the bedroom, just confident across the board and very put together, very articulate, super smart, like you've got it going on and yet there are tools that even a woman like that could learn to up-level their life in some way.

Speaker 2:

Amen to that sister.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you are the total personification of that. So thank you for being so open-minded and being willing to just be a continual learner.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Clearly serving well. Curiosity is. I feel like if I had a middle name it would be curious. I just, I'm so curious about just the idea of partnership, relationship, whether it's friendship or partnership or whatever know it's.

Speaker 2:

It's uh and just a fountain of curiosity like what, where can I go there? How can what, what more could I take in? It's just, it's such a and you know, when you talk about the handjob thing, the idea of the crassness of what most people think sex is, as opposed to just like your student has said, this idea of connection that is really, if you think, rock the bedroom means that you're going to learn all these techniques just to get somebody off. You know, I would say don't do it for that reason. You know this idea of what, if you could deeper have a communication with the person that you love the most or want to be intimate with the most Maybe not love the most, but be intimate with the most and in that moment, for some, and developing a full on relationship for others and developing a full-on relationship for others.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, yeah, it's, it's definitely, it's an intimacy intimacy thing. It's not a physical pleasure thing exclusively. I mean, this is definitely physical pleasure, for sure, but it's let's not negate that. But yeah, it's all about intimacy really, cause you can have a lot of sex that is not intimate. Yeah, and that's not what we do here. Right, it's fun.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I'm all about the fun and the playfulness. Yeah, it's not fun. I don't do it Period. I make taxes fun, otherwise I got to do it. So you got to make it fun. So, yeah, well, thank you so much for being on the show today. So, if people want to, if people resonate with you and they do want to have some kind of money conversation with you because let me tell you people, she's got some cool information. We had a good money conversation the other day and it was awesome information that I did not know about. So, if people resonate with you and they want to get more of Marie, do you have a quick handle where they can find you on on social media? We'll put all this in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, You'll. As, as Leary said, my mission is to upgrade the conversation around wealth, and wealth in all ways. And, like Nikola Tesla said, if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think energy frequency and vibration and talk about energy frequency and vibration in this work. So this idea of raising this energy frequency around money, I put a bitly link. If you were, if you're serious about having a conversation, there's a bitly link called B, so B I T dot L Y forward slash. I heart frequency, so I H E A R T frequency. Come and love it, Get some time with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you're just a fun person to talk to anyway, so it's always going to be a good conversation Whenever. Whenever my phone rings and your name pops up, I know it's going to be great conversation. Highly recommend anyone who's interested in having a money conversation with Marie get in touch with her. Thank you so much for this for this time. I so appreciate you and your inspiring story. Love it Perfect.

Learning Sexual Skills & Confidence
Communication and Pleasure in Intimacy
Empowering Women Through Intimacy Education