Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 7: Yoni Eggs, with Lyuba Venable

April 18, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 7
Ep. 7: Yoni Eggs, with Lyuba Venable
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 7: Yoni Eggs, with Lyuba Venable
Apr 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Lee Jagger

Prepare to be enlightened as I sit with Luba Venable, a seasoned sex and relationship coach, who unveils the transformative power of yoni eggs. Our conversation takes you on a journey from personal empowerment to pelvic health, revealing how these mystical tools are more than just spiritual trinkets. They are allies in enhancing women's wellness and forging a deeper connection with one's sexual being.

This isn't just about kegel exercises; it's about stepping into an empowered version of your sexual self.

Yoni eggs:

Lyuba Venable’s Website:

Kim Anami: 

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Prepare to be enlightened as I sit with Luba Venable, a seasoned sex and relationship coach, who unveils the transformative power of yoni eggs. Our conversation takes you on a journey from personal empowerment to pelvic health, revealing how these mystical tools are more than just spiritual trinkets. They are allies in enhancing women's wellness and forging a deeper connection with one's sexual being.

This isn't just about kegel exercises; it's about stepping into an empowered version of your sexual self.

Yoni eggs:

Lyuba Venable’s Website:

Kim Anami: 

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Speaker 1:

I'm super excited for this episode because, yet again, I am about to get a major education about yoni eggs. I met my guest, luba Venable, at a Tantra event, a puja, and we hit it off right away. She was awesome and she is doing major, awesome work in the world, and so I thought I needed to invite her onto the show to share her expertise with all of you listeners. So thank you, luba, for being here today.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you for having me, Lee. This is so amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this feels overdue, like it feels like I should have had you on the show earlier, but I didn't have a show here you go. We should have been doing this a while ago, so I'm so glad that I created a podcast so that you could be on this show. Yes, yes, all the stars aligned right, right, so good, okay. So please tell our listeners what do you do and who do you help.

Speaker 2:

You know how I say that, as of today, I live my dream. I finally found what I love so much, and this is sex and relationship coaching.

Speaker 1:

We need more of those.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I go back when I started my sex life and I was so clueless and I had all these like hopes and dreams and nothing worked out and I had no one to talk about. And today it warms up my heart and it feeds my soul that I'm that person, that I talk to people, I open doors, I help them experience something for the first time. So many people never experience intimacy right. Then we talk about fantasies and so many scenes and just doing that it feels so amazing. And so I work with individuals and couples and my focus is female sexuality, because this is fascinating.

Speaker 2:

As a woman, I never, no one ever taught me about female sexuality, how it's different from male, and a lot of times like what happened to me, that I see how guys function and like, oh, he's hard right away. I have to do that too. And so many misunderstandings. And so when I learned about female sexuality, about myself, I was like, wow, women need to know this. And so I do retreats for women where we deep dive into that. And then men come to me, heterosexual men who want to be the best lover. They want to really understand her, to blow her mind. And so I work with men, and then I work with couples when both people just want to take their relationship to the next level.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how satisfying is that Right, when you can open people's eyes to what's really possible in their, in their love life. Oh, it's so lovely, it's so yummy, yes, so so you have. You have a pretty big expertise here, but today I'm sure I'm going to have you back on the show. But today I would like to focus on yoni eggs. So for our listeners who are not familiar with this, yoni is a Sanskrit word for womb, like our womb, and so it's called a yoni egg. Could you, luba, clue us in for those of us, myself included, what a yogi, yogi here you go combining yoni and egg together here, a yoni egg practice is what is that exactly?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, and some, some people. For those who are watching, like I wanted just to show that this is, this is the yoni egg, and for those who are listening, that it's how would you describe the size of this how it's?

Speaker 1:

is it like the shape of a size of a walnut, sort of?

Speaker 2:

Here you go, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, and they're different sizes, like there is a smaller one and it's made of stone and as well, like how you call it, yoni egg as well. They're called jade egg, and jade is a type of stone and it's not necessarily made of jade. So mine is not made of jade egg and jade is a type of stone and it's not necessarily made of jade. So mine is not made of jade, but because I think it started with making them from jade, so that's how they picked up this name, so you might hear yoni egg, jade egg. Um, and this is I call it. It's a gym for pussy, vulva, for our vaginal muscles, it's a workout.

Speaker 2:

It's a workout, yeah, like imagine you wanted to like to exercise your muscle, right, and you can exercise at home, and this is when we squeeze those pc muscles, um, and and how we squeeze them when you pee and then you want to stop, like, let's say, I pee and then I stop my pee flow. That that's the muscle, right.

Speaker 1:

Right. So that's the Kegel muscles right In the pelvic, the.

Speaker 2:

Kegel, yeah, yeah, they're known as well as Kegel muscles, yeah. And so a lot of times we are advised, oh, squeeze the Kegel muscles. And for many women many of us tried it and it doesn't do much because when you exercise at home, your muscle will not grow as much as when you go to gym and you use those you know, like all the like, lifting, heavy lifting, right, right. So egg is like that. So exercising with egg actually does create a difference, and we will talk later what it creates. But, like, it makes all the difference when we actually, when we move, when we squeeze the muscles with the egg. So it creates a response, it creates feedback. So it's like a gym for our pussy.

Speaker 1:

Right, so you're actually inserting the egg into the vagina. Yes, Is there, I can, I can imagine. So my mind. I'm assuming other women would be thinking this, but my mind just went to oh my God, what if it stays in there? What if I can't get it out? Like I'm thinking of you know when, when you, um, when you insert a tampon and the string falls out and you don't have the string to pull it out, then you're like, oh my God. And I know girls in my teens, um, girls had to go to the doctor to get it removed because it got up there and she couldn't get it out. So is there ever a danger in losing your yoni egg up there?

Speaker 2:

So I think like there are different fears and myth assigned to the egg right, A lot of. I think it just it just fascinating to me that it was sitting on my nightstand two years. So I got it, I learned about it, I bought it, I put it on my nightstand and it was sitting there collecting the dust right and it just looked pretty for two years.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes and so. And then ask me why I didn't exercise? Because it sounds too good to be true, I think. And as well, there are a lot of fears and misconceptions attached to it and I want to talk about those. And you already said that what if it stays in the vagina?

Speaker 2:

It's heavy, and when we select size, there are different sizes. Like when we order it on Amazon, it comes in three sizes and we wanted the size that when I insert it, I'm standing and I insert it, it has to slide out. That's the size that I want to exercise with, because if it stays there, it means that it's too big. Then the movement doesn't happen, right, it just like stuck there. And if it's just like flip, if it just falls out, then it means it's too small. My muscles won't just grab it. So you want this size and that's how we pick a size. And so imagine when you have that size picked for you, right? So even like, let's say, the string broke and it stayed inside, you will just stand up, take a breath and it will slide up, jump a little bit, bounce a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Okay, how much do they weigh? Do you know how much?

Speaker 2:

do they weigh, do you know? So I was. I'm thinking in numbers, like I operate in grams. So I would say like 100 grams, 100 grams, I don't know how to translate it.

Speaker 1:

I'm from Ukraine, you know, so they don't weigh a lot, but they're significant enough that, yeah, they are this like the, the stone, right?

Speaker 2:

like when you pick up a stone, you can feel the, the, the weight of it, right okay?

Speaker 1:

all right, so so you insert this into the vagina. Why are we doing this? What? What is the? Why would someone want to do this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I was just like yeah, like let's talk about the benefit, like why on earth would I do that? Right? And this is how it happened for me. It probably would still stay on my nightstand because I heard all the amazing sins about it and I bought it Right. But then I still didn't use it. So I gave birth and after giving birth, I had tears. I had vaginal tears and I couldn't hold my pee, so I literally started to wear a diaper. I had this, that like urgency, that I think, oh, like, let's say, I'm in a car, I need to pee, and then I have to pee right there so I can't even run. Look for bathroom.

Speaker 2:

Right and so you know, I was like, okay, I am 30 something years old and I can't hold my pee, and so I tried talking to women and they said, yeah, honey bladder is after giving birth, like your bladder is never the same. So it sounded like that's my destiny now. Now I have to wear diapers right, like that's my destiny now. Now I have to wear diapers right. And this is when I came back to my learnings about the jaydex, that it can help with that, and I started exercising and I did just literally two or three weeks and it all came back like I came back to be a normal person that I can hold my pee, like until today. You know, like I I just I got out of my diapers just exercising with the egg Nice Right.

Speaker 2:

And for a lot of women, when you sneeze and pee kind of like you pee a little bit, it helps with that too. And a lot of times the doctor will say, oh, do Kegels meaning just squeeze your muscle. So guess what? It doesn't do much Like for some people. Maybe it does a little bit, but I know that just squeezing muscle doesn't do much. But with the egg the difference is with the egg because we really exercise the muscle right, instead of just squeezing, it moves the egg Okay.

Speaker 1:

So how do you do these exercises Like, is it just a matter of just try to hold the egg inside without it falling out, like the little bit of squeeze that you need to do to keep it in there? Is that the exercise?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have this like three basic exercises that I will tell you in a moment.

Speaker 2:

okay all right, let's go to benefits first and we'll do the yeah, yeah because, like, okay, people are listening and thinking I don't have, I don't have p problem, why would I do it? Right, right, exactly that was that was the motivation for me. But then what it brought up, the benefits alone that it it used to be. I would take forever to have an orgasm that like and a lot of women experience it. Right, it's somewhere around and then it's gone. It's coming back and it's gone. It would like be 40 minutes and still orgasm is not there. It really changed with the egg. That was the egg. When my orgasm is flying, I just squeeze my muscles a little bit and because, um, inside where we have the pc muscle, uh, we have our clit right.

Speaker 1:

So I have here the, the clit oh, I love that you have visuals, so yes, yes for my listeners. If you're just listening to this in the car, come back to this episode on. It will be posted so you can see the visual. This is so good, okay.

Speaker 2:

So here you go. This is our clitoral hood, the clit that we see right, it's outside. But then the legs. The legs go inside and those PC muscles, they intertwine there with these legs right. So when we exercise the muscle muscle, then moving the muscle moves that, that tissue, the clitoral tissue, right. And so my orgasm became more intense and just squeezing muscles a little bit, I can just like I can come faster, which is such a game changer, and I can squeeze the penis. So there is a cherry on the cake that my partner is like really enjoying it.

Speaker 2:

That it's almost. It feels like I can hug him and hold him from the inside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's been for sure. I've also heard that it can elongate the orgasm for a woman, so so it's not only intense, but it lasts a little bit longer. Is that true? So?

Speaker 2:

so maybe I like I have different, like I used to have just one orgasm, one the same, and the more I'm learning, the more I'm practicing, right. Like now I have longer orgasms, but I'm not sure is it because of the JDAG or other things I do right. So there are like the different types that when it's a G-spot orgasm it is longer, it's like less intense, but then it is longer. And maybe JDAG contributed to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so when you're talking about orgasms, are you talking about through penetrative sex or through oral, or does it matter? Because I've heard that when you're doing a jade egg practice it sort of sensitizes you, sensitizes your vagina, to sensations that you would normally not be sensitized to, and then women who are a little like underwhelmed by penetrative sex, as I am, can actually become more attuned to the subtle sensations inside the vagina, so that penetration becomes more enjoyable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're bringing up an amazing point that I completely just you know, like I was not even thinking about it right now. And, yes, that it brings the blood flow right. When we exercise the blood flow, people who believe in energy, it brings the energy flow there. And how you say that it's more, vagina feels more. This is what it is.

Speaker 2:

That I used to have in my vagina, become an atrophy, you know, kind of like completely numb, because I was my first husband, I had sex as obligation, right. So I learned my tissue learned to just not feel anything because there wasn't pleasure. I didn't want it to be painful, right. It's fascinating how muscles, how our bodies are so smart, right. So, um, that's one reason, another reason, that these muscles, the pc muscles, we don't exercise them, even when you go to gym, even even when we are running, they don't, they just don't exercise, right. So it becomes like vagina, becomes this, you know, like atrophy, like when you break your arm and then you don't use that muscle. It's like that, right, and then with the exercises we bring the blood flow, we bring that muscle, becomes like oh, this nice muscle, and then when penis or vibrate, or a dildo or fingers, anything goes inside there is that feeling, it feels good. It might not necessarily bring you to orgasm just from that feeling, right, but it just feels good to be penetrated. So you're bringing up an excellent point.

Speaker 1:

And I love that idea of. I mean it totally makes sense. If you're exercising that pelvic floor area and bringing more blood and energy to that area, then you're naturally going to increase natural lubrication in that area. Because a lot of my clients like in the Rock the Bedroom programs they're in their 50s, 60s, 70s, past menopause, the hormones are all fluctuating crazy and vaginal dryness is a big issue, and so there's all these artificial lubricants that you can get. But if you can increase the natural lubrication of your body through doing these yoni egg exercises, oh my god, wouldn't that be preferable than to put, um, you know, artificial substances into your body?

Speaker 2:

yeah, side effects it could like. Like from my experience I again like I I don't, I can't speak if it like increased my natural lubrication, like for me as well, I'm breastfeeding, so like a lot, of, a lot of liquid, like you know, goes in the breast milk. So I noticed that I am more dry, more dry than natural, right, and then, like there is, I just wanted to just, you know, like to remove shame from like I love coconut oil. I just nothing goes inside me without coconut oil, no matter I am lubricating or not. There is it, just it's so great it goes like on the body I can massage with it, right, and then, and it's antibacterial too, I've heard it's antibacterial.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then I I can put it like on genitals and then I can leak it and it's all like I cook with coconut oil, right? So it just like not even to worry about it, like, yeah, it's like, maybe for some people it's hot to lubricate, your like to feel that I am functioning Right, and this, like the coconut oil, just works great.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and yeah, coconut. I love coconut oil because it's so slippery, and I love coconut oil because it's so slippery and it's natural and it doesn't have like you buy a bottle of coconut oil and it's just coconut oil, that's the only ingredient in there. It's just awesome stuff. So I don't like putting anything in my body if it's not natural or if my body can't handle it. And there's a lot of lubricants out there. Where I'm looking at the chemicals, I'm like, oh my God, that's not, that's not going in my body. So, yeah, I love that you brought that up. Another question about benefits I had for you is is could it help release sexual trauma and like other negative conditioning from relationships, from things that we've witnessed or been told about, about sexuality? We store that in our muscle memory in the vagina, and I would imagine that that waking things up down there with the egg could help to release that. What's your experience?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I agree, I agree.

Speaker 2:

I love that you go in the depths, that like, oh, like there are physical aspects but there are like the emotional part, because our vagina does store a lot and it's fascinating how I notice, if I exercise before the bed, it's like all of that energy flow, I can't fall asleep.

Speaker 2:

So the best time is to exercise in the morning, and when I exercise right before having sex there is extra awakening, like extra sensitivities in my vagina, right, and so just yeah, like I said, atrophy, right, that we store stuff there and then it becomes atrophy the tissue, but then bringing, and then we look at vagina that it's on the receiving end, it's just sitting there and receiving whatever we put inside, right. But then with these exercises it becomes like this moving, alive entity, right, and as it turns into that new identity that whatever we held earlier it definitely will release. And sometimes like the emotions, like after I exercise and then, like I go through my day, and then I will have some sadness, some tears come up and I imagine that something got, you know, like moved, and then my body is just washing it with tears.

Speaker 1:

so it is powerful yeah, yeah, I love that. Well, I mean the tears. I always think tears are such a good, a good sign, because it's a release, it's a letting go of something, like your body's processing something. So it's good to have tears, it's not a bad thing, and I know a lot of us have grown up like don't cry, you know it's okay. It's okay, don't cry, like it's a bad thing to cry or something. But I've learned to know it's a really good thing to cry, because then you're releasing the emotions and it's something that you said, oh, it was so good about.

Speaker 1:

Instead of your vagina just being this passive receiver, it now, instead of passive, it becomes active, it's more actively involved in the penetration of whatever kind penis, finger, tongue, dildo, whatever. And I like that idea of active because, as you know, I teach erotic massage and so my whole thing is empowering women in the bedroom by being active, not passive, and just following along with whatever the guy does, but actually initiating, taking control of the situation, being more actively involved in the bedroom, which is that's where your power is, so pussy power?

Speaker 2:

I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't usually say pussy, but I like vagina.

Speaker 2:

But pussy power has good alliteration Pussy power, yoni yoni. How about yoni power, yoni power?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't have the alliteration there, but it's still, yeah, like there's power there. We have power in our genitals and so to wake up that power, I think is a powerful thing, like it has a ripple effect out in the world, your confidence and all that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, lee, and you just touched on something power in the genitals, oh my God. You know how they say listen to your heart, like when you're making a decision or you feeling into something. How about listen to your vagina, like I do that Seriously, it's my navigator and it only became when I helped awaken her right. She has name oh my God, she has a name.

Speaker 1:

You name your vagina. Am I allowed to ask what it is?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I'm so happy to share okay okay, what's her name?

Speaker 1:

her name is miss bunny.

Speaker 2:

Miss bunny, yes and I tell you why, miss bunny because my inner lips you know how they say labia minora, labia majora. So my inner lips are very long, they're so long, they're bigger than my outer lips and that was source of shame. For so long I thought that something is wrong with me. How you look in porn it doesn't look like that, right? And then I had lover who was so fascinated with my big inner lips that he asked to take pictures. And as I'm laying there and he's taking pictures and his face goes so lighten up and just he's so fascinated.

Speaker 2:

And that was beginning of me removing the shame and embracing, accepting, for you know that my pussy, my vagina, my yoni, she's, she's beautiful the way she is. I love her the way she is. And I started the practice of looking at her and instead of feeling ooh, like yuck or something horrible, is there, just really embracing her and talking to her and loving her. And then one day I looked at her and I you know what, what those inner lips look like bunny ears and she became this bunny.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, that makes me want to cry Honestly, like I feel a little like I'm welling up because that is so beautiful and touching on something really important. There's a lot of shame and judgment around that area and I mean it's so taboo anyway. There's so many women who don't even know what that area looks like. They've never taken a mirror and looked. And I remember I had looked a couple times at my whole area down there prior to giving birth to my son and then after the birth of my son, like I was cut by the doctor from yin to yang, which is not what I wanted to have happen, but he figured if I cut her then there'll be a bigger opening for the baby to come out. So let's do that.

Speaker 1:

And so afterwards I was looking at that area down there and the stitches, and all of a sudden it looked completely different, not just where it had been cut and where there was now stitches, but it was like some of my innards came out, like my vagina. Everything down there looked way different. There was more stuff now down there and I was mortified, thinking that, oh my God, no lover is ever going to want to be down there because they're going to be like, oh, what's the good? You know, I'm going to freak them out Like what the hell is all this? And I thought I prefer oral to penetration. And I thought, oh my God, I I'm never, gonna ever get orally stimulated again, like that's just gone. And I carried that with me for years and years until someone finally said, oh wow, you're beautiful down here, or whatever. But yeah, there was so much shame attached to that, so I'm glad you brought that. I'm I that I need to name my yoni, oh my God. But thank you for sharing that story. You just touched something in me.

Speaker 2:

That's really good, that is so beautiful Because how we go through life as we grow up, don't look there, don't name it right. So it's very healing to actually bring attention and to give name. That helped my healing, that to give name and then talk to her like she's a separate person. You know that she's my queen and so that's what I started with the power center, right Like now, when she's my queen, Miss Bunny, like I really, before deciding on an offer or if I, like you know, like do something not sexual, right, she's tingling. When it's a yes, she's tingling, and then she will be just kind of not feel anything if it's not the right scene or not the right move. Oh, so it is my power center not feel anything if it's not the right scene or not the right move, oh sweet.

Speaker 2:

It is my power center.

Speaker 1:

Wow, you've really woken her up and I love that idea of treating her like a queen and like a different almost entity, because there's honoring in that it makes it more sacred. It's a body part that is so filled with taboo and shame and all that that to then turn the tables completely and make her sacred and important and respect her enough to listen. Listening to your yoni, I mean this is amazing, the fact that you get, like, I guess, an intuitive tingling of that communication, like an indication. We all have intuition and we all feel it in different ways. Some of us hear messages, some of us feel it, et cetera, and so you're messages, some of us feel it, et cetera, and so you're.

Speaker 2:

You just opened up another doorway for your body to to tell you what it wants. Yeah, yeah, it's my pleasure center and my power center, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, so good, so good so good yeah. You said I want to get back to your egg. You said that it's called a Jade egg, but yours is not jade. What's yours made out of?

Speaker 2:

So it's funny, you ask. I have no idea, it's a stone.

Speaker 2:

That's as much as I know, and there are different stones. There is jade, there are other stones and people who believe in stones, and I'm just not one of them. For me, stone is just a material, right, and I know there is this whole like people believe that certain stone, like you put it on your jewelry, like you put it to certain places, so there is a belief that jade is very good for your knee, so for our vagina. There is something healing and good, um, you know, in jade, um, and I just I can speak to that because you know I'm not like I don't relate to that and so and so for me it's like a stone, it's just a material that helps to create that, that presence of something that my muscles can exercise again. So I look purely that it's an exercise in the machine, got it? You asked about exercises earlier. Yes, they go in the exercises. Yeah, let's do it because, like we just we touch so many exciting scenes that I'm like let's, let's make sure that we um cover the exercises, um, so, so there are different levels and we talk about beginner level, something just to start with, and just this starting these three basic exercises helped me to solve my PEEP issue and helped with the orgasm and all of that that I can squeeze penis.

Speaker 2:

So usually I lay down, right. So this is. We already discussed how you choose the right size. And before putting egg inside, I use coconut oil because, like again, I want to make sure that it's sliding. So I would lay down on my back and then bend my knees and then I put egg at the entrance so that like just the entrance of vagina, so that it's almost like it goes inside, but I don't push it in, it's just at the entrance, so that like just the entrance of vagina, so that it's almost like it goes inside, but I don't push it in, it's just at the entrance, right.

Speaker 2:

And then the first exercise is how we squeeze, release, squeeze, release. So when I squeeze ideally that with my muscles egg goes in, so right, it goes in, right. And then when I release, I push it out, right, so that it goes out, it goes to the opening. So I squeeze, I take it in, I release, I take it to the beginning. And when I start it, um, it might not happen, right, like before muscles exercise. It might be that like, oh, you squeeze and egg is not moving, so you kind of want to help it move and then release.

Speaker 2:

Ideally it moves back, but if it doesn't, I just pull the string right right, so like sucking it in sort of sucking it in, yes, yes, as you squeeze and sometimes I squeeze and it jumps out it means that I need it a little deeper. So it just it takes adjusting right to find that sweet spot where the beginning space is good right, and then squeeze, it sucks in, and then I pull the string out right or eventually it will just like release, and then it will move back and do they all have a string attached to them, like so that yeah?

Speaker 2:

that's see, that's a great, that's a great question because, um, they they don't, they have they come um in this, like this one has a plastic, so it's like a plastic string which is I would not keep the plastic one right. So, um, what, um, uh, what. I'm using the floss you know, like for the teeth that like you lost. Yeah, this floss, but the one which doesn't have wax on it. So you want unwaxed?

Speaker 2:

and then I just install, just insert the string, and then I would change it once in a while right so after I use egg, I just wash it with soap, like there is another myth that it will bring some horrible bacteria, that this like stones have something that is really bad for you, and that's like that's a myth, because just washing it with soap um just like kills whatever bacteria there might be, and so I just wash it and then, and then it's, it sits until I use it next time, and every time I wash it.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, we have to take a Bella break. For just a second, I'll explain what a Bella break is. Hold on. Okay, there we go. So there's this thing. I was thinking about this too when I was. I was thinking of oh okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do this podcast.

Speaker 1:

But I have a cat called bella that's her name and, uh, she has a big, huge doggy door like a, like a big dog can fit through this little flap that is in my wall so she can get in and out of the house at which she uses. But if I'm sitting here on the couch right next to the door, if I'm here, then she has to be let out the adult door. She refuses to use that little doggy door. Such a princess, she's such a princess, and so, and and I, you know what, I gotta honor her. She's like hey, I don't want to push my face into that plastic thing to get through the door. I need to be let out like a lady. You know, like how a gentleman opens a door for his lady. Well, so so I decided you know what, I'm not to try, because I'm like oh, do I just like I don't know kick her out and lock her out or something like. So she does.

Speaker 1:

But I didn't want to do that and I thought how do I make it not happen during during a podcast episode? And I thought, you know, this is this is real life and so, and so I thought now we're just gonna have to take a bella break periodically where I lean over, open the uh, open the door and just take a three second bella break to let the princess outside there. You go there. There's the bella break by episode 173. Everyone's gonna know what a bella break, a be yes, then you don't have to explain anymore, Right.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully they watch the podcast episodes from the beginning. Okay, so that was the exercise pulling it in and pushing it out.

Speaker 2:

So this is the first one, right? So then the second one is the same thing. You pull it in and then hold for 10 seconds, right? Like count to 10 so you're contracting those muscles.

Speaker 2:

yeah, you, you, you contract, you pulled in right like egg moved, and then you contract, count to 10 and then release, right, so doing like that. And then the third exercise, doing it incrementally, so squeeze it, and then more, more, more, like four steps right, and at first it feels like, oh, there is no difference, like I just squeeze it. And then more, more, more doesn't do anything and as you exercise, more it does. Actually. Oh, my god, the more I, the more it goes. Oh, wow, yeah, so these three exercises each five minutes, so it's 15 minutes, and I would usually play three songs. So that is just like you know song for each exercise, or have a timer, and that's it. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Simple workout for your vagina muscles. Well, I guess, if you become strong enough with your muscles, could you do it standing. Or is there any benefit to standing, or should you just sit?

Speaker 2:

Standing, standing, it comes for later. And there is this whole vaginal Kung Fu that you could. Vaginal Kung Fu, kung Fu, yes.

Speaker 1:

I need to use that term somewhere out in the world. Vaginal Kung Fu.

Speaker 2:

Vaginal Kung Fu. So so I heard this term from Kim Anami. She's she's a sex educator and, like I heard, like she's, she has a class that she calls. I just wanted to make sure that I honor her author rights. That that's. That's her, the name of her class, that it just. It blew my mind, you know, like, oh, vaginal kung fu. And so what she does? She lifts weights. So she will attach something like a surfboard or a teapot right, and, as she's holding it with her vagina, that teapot is hanging here. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

That is Kung Fu Right? Wow, I'm not at that level. Oh my gosh. So her name is Kim Unami Anami A-N-A. Anami. Yeah, okay, not at that level.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. So her name is kim unami.

Speaker 1:

Anami, a anami, yeah okay, I'll look her up and I'll put her in the show notes for you listen, yeah oh my gosh, yes kung fu, come on, that is so good. That is so it is.

Speaker 2:

It is yeah and and, and so that's the level when you can open like a beer bottle or champagne with your vagina Right, like there is next level, and so for that you exercise standing Right, but to get to that point. That's why we do it laying down, because when you're standing your egg just sleeps out like it just sleeps down.

Speaker 2:

So you need to be at the level that you can hold the egg right with your muscles and then you move it standing and then you can like turn it, so that's like the next level.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, wow and holy cow, that's so cool. Like there's importance in contraction of muscles. Like there's importance in contraction of muscles I used to be a fitness instructor for like over 20 years and so I do know the mechanics, if you will to muscular contraction and the importance of strong muscles but not tight muscles. Like there's a difference. There's strength but then there's tension and tightness and you want a strong pelvic floor. Yeah, I mean, that's scientifically proven that it's a benefit to have a strong pelvic floor but not a tight pelvic floor. There's got to be able to have relaxation. So you don't I would imagine you don't want to do yoni egg exercises like all day long. I don't walk around all day with the yoni egg in in your vagina because then then you're you're not allowing for the relaxation of the muscle, which is important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's important to use it Like. This comparison to gym is just so perfect that you exercise, you have your workout and you do it for 15 minutes and that's it. Like you're not trying to walk with it. Because there is this another confusion and myth that, oh, like, let me just put it in vagina and then I walk with it and it doesn't do anything. It just it means that you put too big of an egg because, how I said, it has to slide out right, so for it to stay there, you need a bigger egg, and then it can just damage your tissue because the stone is in you. Like, you don't want to do that, it just purely for exercise. And you exercise, you wash it and you put it to wait for the next day.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, that's a good little word of caution listeners, listeners don't be thinking that it's going to be good like. It's like having a you know, a vaginal stimulator in your underwear or something for you to, to like, be pleasured all day long. That's not what this is. This is just a little workout and then wash her and put her away yeah, yeah, and I I would say it's good to exercise every day.

Speaker 2:

It creates that routine, like when we look at a week, four times is enough, right. But then I noticed, when I don't exercise every day, when I miss a day, then it's easy to sleep out. There is. It's very easy to start and then not to continue, right. So there is something about every day to create that routine and just keep going. And then for those who have period, during period, I don't exercise. So I don't think it's a good idea. It's period, it's like a little vacation, so you don't exercise.

Speaker 1:

And I like that. That didn't even occur to me to ask about during menstruation, because I'm beyond that, I don't menstruate anymore, isn't it? Historically, menstruation was a period of rest. Like women took that time to gather, menstruate together and relax and rest and nurture their body and honor that flow period, is it not?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it is. I think that's a very wise, it's a very wise approach.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and and in today's world, you know it's just go, go, go, go go. You're working all the time, five days a week period or not, and yet you know we don't, we don't honor that sacred time of being a woman and during our flow state. So I like that idea of no yoni egg during period. I'm sure you could, I don't know, I'm guessing that you could physically do it. But yeah, just let her rest.

Speaker 2:

Let Miss.

Speaker 1:

Bunny yeah here you go all month long. Let's, let's give her a little down time. It's like a little vacay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yes yes, and and then there is this like a test how to test, um, you know like it's. It's always interesting, like when you have a partner, you can test on your partner, right like the Like the partner will tell you. Because I remember at first I was like my the penis is inside me, I squeeze muscles and my partner has zero reaction. I squeeze really tight and zero reaction. And then, after exercising, I squeeze muscles and my partner goes.

Speaker 1:

Good litmus test. Do you get a woo or not? Not, you know you're doing it right if you get a reaction awesome.

Speaker 2:

But then if you don't have a partner, right, like if you don't have a partner with a penis, what do you do? So you insert two fingers in your vagina and then you open them like a peace sign and then with again with your muscles, you bring them like a peace sign and then again with your muscles, you bring them back. You like, squeeze your muscles and when your muscles are exercised enough, right, like you can bring them back, because at first, when I started and I squeezed my muscles and fingers don't move, they just stay open, right. But then eventually, oh, I feel a little bit, a little bit, and then just boom, and you feel how you just put them back together with your vagina.

Speaker 1:

That feels empowering right, that sounds like Kung Fu again. You know, that's so good, that's so good. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. And I also heard that the yoni egg was used has been used for centuries, like in Chinese medicine, ancient Chinese medicine. Like this is not a new thing, we assume, if we haven't heard of it before that, oh, it must be a new fad. But this has been used for a long time, correct?

Speaker 2:

It is and what fascinates me and I feel you know, touched by that, but as well jealous that I heard it's in Thailand. But like you say that, like in Chinese culture, that when girl becomes like she reaches her puberty, her mom or her aunt will gift her this egg for exercising. It's like you get a toothbrush and you brush your teeth right and here this older woman will gift you the egg and you start your journey, you exercise and it's part of routine. Like how amazing is that?

Speaker 1:

Right, that's sweet. It's like it's a ritual. It's again something sacred passed down. You know, yeah, I love that.

Speaker 2:

And then it just every woman has her vagina exercised from the very beginning, right, it's so healthy.

Speaker 1:

I love the idea of bringing back ancient wisdom that's been lost in certain cultures, certainly Western culture. We've lost so many lovely ancient rituals and so the idea of bringing that back. Thank you for being on the show and being a participant in bringing that back. I love that we're doing this. Are there instances where a woman should not use?

Speaker 2:

an egg. The egg has to feel that it goes inside and it's, you know, like you're not forcing it Right, you're not torturing yourself, that vagina is ready to receive it. Another thing I heard that when a woman is pregnant it's not recommended, and there are arguments like in one places I read that it's not recommended and I was not exercising when I was pregnant, and then the other resources say why not? Right, so, but I just wanted to put it out there that people who are pregnant, to do your own research, to just like, really look into that, right. And then there is this women who feel tightness. That the tightness can come not from the exercise and muscles, because exercise and muscles, they don't create tightness, they create these, the strengths, right, like like you said earlier. But then tightness comes from emotional or for trauma, right, like that, something is going on and vagina feels tight and there is that right.

Speaker 2:

So, um, before using egg, we want to address that tightness and the simple exercise, for that is just taking a breath and then like squeezing muscle without egg, just just just squeezing muscle and then breathing out and relaxing and counting till 10, and and just like being in that relaxation that I notice when I relax, I feel like, oh, I am as relaxed as it gets, but as I count to 10, it's like more, more muscle relaxes, like more drops, so. So it's just like there is a deeper relaxation when we actually, you know, breeze out, we count to 10 and we focus on relaxation. So that's like something to start with, like this tension, like I would not recommend using it.

Speaker 1:

If you have any urinary issues to maybe stay away from the yoni egg. Well, if there's any issues down there in the southern regions, even constipation get it checked out. Don't be messing around down there until you clear up whatever's going on.

Speaker 2:

So I can speak to constipation, because I have a chronic constipation and I used to be very ashamed of it. And, like I got to the point, that I just talked to everyone. You know what I have constipation and so I exercise and it has nothing to do, and so I exercise and it has nothing to do. You know, it doesn't make it worse. So this is tested on me. You know, exercising this egg doesn't? You know, like I address my constipation separately and the egg didn't affect, like didn't make it worse.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, and I do want to sort of give a disclaimer here for all the listeners, that if you do have anything going on down there, consult a physician. Consult. I guess for legal reasons I should say this, that if you are at all concerned, consult someone, a doctor of some sort, specific for that area, before you do any jade egg stuff if you have concerns, just to cover your bases, I guess, because you know there could be something going on down there that you're not even aware of. One thing I do want to mention too, which I read don't leave them in overnight. And I'm assuming that. I mean, I just kind of thought, well duh, but I'm assuming that if that was written, someone has tried to leave it in overnight, thinking oh well, you know, I'll just take the easy route and just leave it in while I'm sleeping, you know, and I don't have to effort, but it's in there, so it must be doing something. But yeah, don't leave it in overnight.

Speaker 2:

This is. This is this reminds me, reminds me you know how, like at school you learn poem that like you have to memorize it and then like to read it. And so someone told me, just put book under the pillow and then like, and then you'll memorize. And I tried it and it was so disappointing.

Speaker 1:

But you were surprised. You woke up and you didn't know the poem and I didn't memorize it. I was like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

it sounded like such a good method that's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah that that doesn't apply to the yoni egg. Don't just leave it in overnight, don't leave it overnight just exercise, spend 15 minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, put your conscious effort, give your yoni 15 minutes per day. How about that?

Speaker 2:

she deserves it right she deserves 15 minutes, focus on her. Yes, and then she feels so you know it almost. Oh, that's, that's fascinating. I almost like forgot this comparison, that you know it almost. Oh, that's fascinating. I almost like forgot this comparison that you know, like when you sometimes, if you have discomfort and then you wash your knee and then the discomfort is gone, it feels like that After I exercise and I start walking, it feels like I took this like some shower or something got washed inside. It's just such a such an alive like feeling.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that, ooh. So you can actually feel the difference when you've done it, you feel the difference Exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's just like you feel something inside and it feels damn good.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it, and it occurred to me too that throughout this discussion, we're talking about squeezing the Kegel muscles, the pelvic floor muscles, and I used to teach that when I was teaching yoga, and some ladies would say I don't know what you mean, squeeze down there, like I don't know how to squeeze down there.

Speaker 1:

And how I used to describe it was and maybe you have a different way of describing it was like well, two different ways. One, if you're sitting on the toilet and you're urinating, try to stop the flow of pee, try to stop that flow. The muscles required to stop the flow, which is kind of difficult once you get going sometimes to stop that flow, those are the muscles you're using. That, that kind of it almost feels like lifting, which leads me to my second way of describing it. If you're, if you're, sitting on a saddle and if you think of trying to lift your vagina area off the saddle like you're trying lift, that's another way of thinking of it as well. It's not just a squeezing but sort of like a lifting, feel Like I'm doing it right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 1:

It's not just a squeeze, it's a lift. And would you have any other tips to describe how to?

Speaker 2:

do that. The second one I'm taking a note because I usually explain it with the pee, that how you stop pee flow, that that's like I can't pee right now, right, Like I can't pee in my pants. You have to be in the bathroom, but it's just like you pee. And then how you know for sure that you squeezed it because the pee stopped right, that this muscle stops your pee flow. You squeezed it because the pee stopped, right, that this muscle stops your pee flow. And then another thing that reminds me that at first, when you start exercising, the anal muscle, like the anus, it squeezes together, right. So you squeeze your vagina and a lot of times the anal muscle works together and then again, as you exercise longer, they will separate.

Speaker 2:

A lot of times the anal muscle works together, and then again, as you exercise longer, they will separate, so that your anus is not. You don't want your anus to be part of it, like it just should be you can isolate it. It's like when guys they flex one pec at a time. You know, have you ever seen that?

Speaker 1:

John Cena does this.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, you know doing Johnson and they're like boom, boom, boom. You know, have you ever seen that where john cena does this?

Speaker 1:

oh my god, you know doing johnson and they'll like boom, boom, boom and as sort of like a way of oh you know, I, I know how to flex not only my muscles, but I can flex one at a time to be able to isolate their pec muscles. That's sort of what it reminds me of like that. Yeah is uh is squeezing the, the vaginal muscles, without squeezing the anal muscles yes, yes, because right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing it right now. Honestly, luba, I can't do it. When I squeeze just the vagina, the anus can't help but jump into that part yeah, so you need to exercise for longer.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I'm saying, like don't be hard on yourself, right? That it's okay, everything. Even now I remember that the lower the muscles of the lower belly, like that muscles used to squeeze, for me too. So even like the belly muscle, like everything just squeezes and that's okay Like it gets like tense, right, and then the more you exercise, then it will separate itself.

Speaker 1:

Right. So, it's all good. Oh, I love it. I love it, and I'm so tempted when I try something, I kind of go all out Like I just jump into it full, full throttle, both feet in, and and so I I'm glad that you said just do a 15 minutes, like, because you can over strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which could lead to painful intercourse. So you don't want to tighten those muscles, you just want to strengthen them, and really only 15 minutes is all you need. I love knowing that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, yeah, and and see, as you're talking, I love how you keep bringing up stuff in me that like there is another scene that now I remember. Like you exercise, like, let's say, maybe you exercise for several days and then, out of blue, you might feel like this discomfort, like your period is starting like that, because it's like muscles feel sore, like any muscles right be prepared for that.

Speaker 2:

They're cramping, but because it's inside, it feels a little different, right? So you might feel like, oh my god, something weird happens, that's, that's fine, that's part of the process, it's totally okay. Just relax through it, breathe in it and, right know, it will go away as you exercise longer.

Speaker 1:

Maybe even start like five minutes, a five-minute thing, and work your way up.

Speaker 2:

maybe I don't know, maybe, maybe, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, oh my gosh. This is so good. This has been such an education for me. I appreciate this, and I hope my listeners have gotten something out of this too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they probably know a lot about this most people yeah more than most people know. But that's what I, what I run into most people, everyone heard about it, but most people, most women, don't exercise. They don't do it yeah this is my, my calling. You know, like when I talk to my women, it's just just just give it a try, because the results are amazing. It's not too good to be true. It's actually good.

Speaker 1:

Would you say, luba, that the exercises themselves are pleasurable, like does it feel good to do it?

Speaker 2:

It feels fine, Like like again. It doesn't feel like, oh, I'm like about to orgasm, Right. It does like, just not to like create that huge expectation, Right. The exercises feel like any exercises, like some people enjoy exercising, others not.

Speaker 1:

But after exercise there is that good feeling in the vagina that I described earlier that, as I am walking and I feel like oof, like there is aliveness, there is sensitivity, Right, I mean when, when you go to the gym and you work other muscles of your body, there's a release of endorphins, the good feeling hormones that do just that. They make you feel good. So why would it be any different with a release of yummy hormones that get you on a little bit of a high? I love that yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I got to get myself some yoni eggs. Yes, I hope so. Yes, yes, I will. Uh, I'm going to look for yoni eggs and I'm going to put a link in the show notes for people to go and click on it and instantly find them. Oh my gosh, this has been so enlightening and so enjoyable. Thank you so much. Luba, when can people find you and and get get more more Luba in their life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, more luba in their life, yeah, yeah, so so I work with people individually as of right now that, um, I offer experiential coaching, sex and relationship coaching. Um and uh, I work on zoom and in person in san diego. So my office is in san diego, uh, and people can go on my website, which is lubavenablecom. And if you are interested, if you're curious to learn more for both men and women, for couples, just schedule this free 15 minutes call that I offer, consult calls where I answer your questions. You don't have obligation to schedule a session with me, it just just I will be happy to answer your questions to if there is something going on for you, just to see uh, to help you, you know, direct you in the in the right direction and and see uh, maybe you will benefit from working with me. So, yeah, we'll be happy to talk for people who are interested and who want to go deeper.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and from what I know from you, luba, you are very generous with your knowledge, and so I highly recommend anyone who's feeling called to get some help in this area reach out to Luba. I'll link all that in the show notes for everybody and, oh my gosh, thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

This has been awesome.

Speaker 1:

I know you have more information about other topics and I will have you on another episode, but today and now, you know, honestly, when I said let's talk about Yoni Egg this time, I'm thinking, oh man, this might only be like a 15 minute episode. What are we going to talk about? It's just a yoni egg. We just we just filled an hour. So thank you so much for your time and your expertise. I just I love hanging out with you anyway, so I'm glad I get to share you, share you with all my listeners. Thanks for being here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Thank you, Leigh. I love your curiosity. Your curiosity brings up.

Exploring Yoni Eggs With Luba Venable
Yoni Egg Benefits and Exercises
Empowering Vagina
Pelvic Floor Exercise With Jade Egg
Yoni Egg Exercise
Ancient Yoni Egg Wisdom
Unexpected Depth of Yoni Egg