Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 10: Long-Lasting Passion, with Monica

May 09, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 10
Ep. 10: Long-Lasting Passion, with Monica
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 10: Long-Lasting Passion, with Monica
May 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
Lee Jagger

Ever wondered how to keep the fire burning in a relationship that's spanned the decades? Monica, our charming guest, opens up about her nearly 34-year dance of love and how she and her husband keep their love life exciting.

The comedian on TikTok Monica talked about: @thefreshkingbenjamin

Hormone-free suppository for feminine dryness (consult a doctor):

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how to keep the fire burning in a relationship that's spanned the decades? Monica, our charming guest, opens up about her nearly 34-year dance of love and how she and her husband keep their love life exciting.

The comedian on TikTok Monica talked about: @thefreshkingbenjamin

Hormone-free suppository for feminine dryness (consult a doctor):

Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Speaker 1:

Today I'm speaking with Monica, and she's in my Spice it Up membership, and most women who join my Spice it Up membership have a problem that they want to fix in the bedroom, and that is not the case today Not Monica. Things were pretty good in her relationship when she stepped into my world. She just wanted to spice things up. So today we're going to find out if she's been able to spice things up even more so since she's been in the program and, if so, what she did to do that. So welcome, monica, and thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you for having me. Yeah, this is so great. Not everyone is willing to come on the show and talk about their love life. Even if they've had major success, they don't always want to talk about it. So I really appreciate you being willing to. Why are you willing to come on and talk about this today?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not something that I talk about regularly, but I will be married 30 years in June and we've been together 34. And God, our love life, our life in general, is so much better than it was 34 years ago. It got better with time, and so when I hear people that have been married like 10, 15, 20 years and they're miserable and they talk about how sex is a chore and everything, I just want to reach out to them and I want to help them any way I can, because it does not have to be like that, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, doesn't it just kind of break your heart just a little bit when you I mean we're for those of you who don't know who are listening we have these membership calls they're like coaching calls every Wednesday and so people come on and they want specific help with with their issue, and so we get to hear a lot of crazy stories. Like that woman I think she was in their sixties never had an orgasm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that just speaks to me. I don't know what it's really saying, but it's like oh my God, help her, because, of course, if you're not, if you're not having pleasure, you don't want to do it. It's like burning yourself. You don't keep doing it, right?

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I, yeah, it's. That's. That's why I do this work, because I'm like, oh my God, so you've been having sex for like 40 years here with the same guy and you've never had an orgasm or it's. It's a chore or what Like just not ideal. Oh, life is way too long to have a crappy sex life.

Speaker 2:

And when I first met him, um, I was 16, he was 16. Um, and I gotta say that, like when we first met, it was like, you know, teenager sex, Um, but together we learned um, and it was fun along the way. And you know, like I said, now, after 34 years, you know he still chases me around the kitchen and it's not like it's a chore. I really enjoy it so much more than I did when I was 16.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So that begs the question if things were so good, what made you want to join my program? How did you find me?

Speaker 2:

Um, I found you on a Tik TOK. I think his name is Benjamin and he's a comedian. I think his name is Benjamin and he's a comedian. Oh yes, and the way he said it, he said that his girlfriend did this technique and it just knocked his socks off and it left him speechless. And I thought to myself, oh my gosh, if I could do that to my husband, that would be fabulous. So I just kind of looked into you and the more that I saw, the more I liked. So I thought, well, let me join. What's the worst that could happen? And after that first coaching call I was hooked, because I love the coaching calls. I don't always show my face on them, but I will definitely watch the replay play and just to hear how you connect with people and I just love it. So that's why I did it. Um, like I said, it's it was good. I just wanted that extra spark or pizzazz, you know.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. So, um, I just, oh my gosh, it's. It's such a relief or, I guess, a lovely surprise whenever I hear of someone going yeah, we're rocking it, we're totally, we're good. We're good Like we're better than anyone I know. Our relationship rocks, willing to be open to learning more. Which I think that's probably why your relationship is so good, is that you are willing to learn something and always improve it and looking for ways for it to be better. Yes, because if you're not growing, you're dying. The relationship is either going a little up or a little down. It doesn't just stay the same.

Speaker 2:

And although I I mean I trust my husband, I know that he would never step out on me, but I remember once when I was first married, and I think it was my grandmother who said this. She said, if you're not doing it for him, someone else will. And I, I just always stuck in my head, you know and she was old school, a tie in. So what she was talking about is just give him sex. But I'm in my mind, I think about it, like if I'm not doing it for him, in other words, if I'm not exciting him and giving him what he needs, then he could very well go get it elsewhere, and I don't even want that to ever be a thought in his mind. Go get it elsewhere, and I don't even want that to ever be a thought in his mind, right? So that's why, when I saw your, your program, I thought, oh, this'll be fun.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and I mean you said it right there Fun, like you don't want to just service your guy, right? You know, like I'm just I'm just providing sex for him so that he's getting what he needs, like this is a whole. No, it's got to be yummy for you too, girl. Otherwise this isn't worth it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

After 34 years, who wants to just keep doing it Because you know it's got to be exciting and fun for you also?

Speaker 1:

Right, right, absolutely. Now I remember in one of your emails you said you were actually super, super nervous in the beginning because you weren't sure how he was going to react. What do you mean by like react to you learning something new, as if something was was broken and needed to be fixed, or if you were going to be good enough at the erotic massage techniques or what? What were you nervous about?

Speaker 2:

Well, I was super nervous, like a school girl nervous. Um, I was just afraid that he would I would you know do the techniques and everything, and he would be like, okay, why are you doing this? You, know, this is.

Speaker 2:

This is so weird. Why are you, you know, but I, it was a total opposite reaction that I got from him Um, but I was, and I even told him. I said I am so nervous about this. I said you would think we had just met Um, but then, after I noticed that you know, he was really digging what I was doing, um, then yeah, it was so easy after that to just continue was doing then, yeah, it was so easy after that to just continue.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. And did he like when you say he was digging it, paint me a picture. Was he like non-verbally, just squirming around, or was he saying specific things? What did?

Speaker 2:

he say no, he's pretty much non-verbal, but you can just tell by body language and, like I said, I know him better than anybody and I could just I could tell that he was enjoying it. So, like I said, that was, that was all I needed right there, right and okay, so.

Speaker 1:

So you're doing your thing the first time. Kudos to you for actually doing it, because it's really it is nervous. This is not stuff that you've ever done before. And people listening is like, yeah, I've jerked my guy off before. No, we don't do that here. That's not it at all. It's very sensual and it's like a massage.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think it's very loving yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very loving touch and so so you're nervous because you haven't done this before. You see him start to, you know, show you non-verbally OMG, yeehaw, keep going. How did that make you feel Like I'm assuming that you were already very comfortable with him in the bedroom? How did that make you feel? Seeing him, seeing, knowing that you, you, you were the conduit for that pleasure, you up-leveled things.

Speaker 2:

I guess I felt accomplished, Like I. You know, I went out and I reached out and I did this and he knew nothing about it when I first started and I wanted his approval I guess that's that's a lack of words there, but I did, I wanted his approval and I was getting it. And then, after I told him all about what I was doing and he's extremely supportive, of course- Right, he just wants to get back to that sweet spot, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like he's not going to tell me. You stop that right now. You know, it's like, yeah, like just accomplished, you know, and it gave us a little bit of a spark. Not that we needed, but it's always nice, you know. And it gave us a little bit of a spark, not that we needed, but it's always nice, you know. And yeah, it actually. I guess it loosened things up because, although we've always had a very active sex life, it's even more now than it was before which is learning these skills.

Speaker 2:

And and that's, that's great. I hardly, I hardly see him. I think I mentioned that to you too. We're on totally different shifts, so I get to see him on Saturday afternoons and Sunday afternoons. And so there, I always make time for him and it just it seems like it's it's more where we're both wanting to do more of it, you know right and I'm I'm curious, since you started treating him a little bit more of a king that you did before, has has he changed like?

Speaker 1:

has he stepped forward and treated you any better or done things for you that he didn't do before? Or I don't know, has his behavior changed at all, other than just wanting more of that?

Speaker 2:

He's always been extremely giving with me. He always has been and very worried about me, so there's really not much that he could do in that aspect.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not just talking about in the bedroom, I'm talking about out of the bedroom to playful, yes, Like I said you know, you know grabbing my butt in the kitchen type of thing, Just little gestures that they don't sound like they mean much, but they they so do, Right know. Um, just random hugs as I'm walking by him and stuff that. That means a lot and I've noticed that it's gotten a little bit more since I started that. I think it's been five, six months ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, oh, that's so sweet. Just when you think you know you've got a great guy guy, he treats you like a queen and you think, wow, I've made it, I'm so lucky, I got one of the good ones. It's hard to imagine that you can get better than amazing. There's always, like I found, that that no matter how good things could be, they can always get a little bit better. And then you think, oh, yeah, no, I'm topped out now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just a little bit better. Yep, Like I said, grab my butt, give me a hug. You know what? I'm all for it and I think it's wonderful and I love to. I love when he's like that and that's the way he's been lately.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so sweet, that's so yeah. And I think just before we hit record, you said that he like chases you around the kitchen, and no, just like playful just playful yes, not I hope nobody takes that literally but just playful, and yeah, yeah, like I, I think we need more of that.

Speaker 1:

There's that's the common theme that I see in all of these long term relationships where things have gotten just complacent and boring and routine and just monotonous same old, same old, no interesting conversations, just blah. And so that's why my little tagline is, you know, passion and playfulness. Because it's not just passion, it's not just getting it on more, but it's to me, a great relationship is all about how much more playful can we be? Like did we laugh today?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Did I? Did I get a wink or give a wink today? Did I get a smooch, Like was it just a peck or did? Did it have some oomph behind it, Like how playful were we in and out of the bedroom, Right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when it starts outside of the bedroom you know what I'm saying it starts before. I mean, if you think about it, if you're having an argument with somebody, you're not just going to all of a sudden say, oh okay, let's go to the bedroom. You know what I mean. But that's where it starts. It starts outside and it makes you even more wanting to go to the bedroom.

Speaker 1:

Exactly yes. And another thing that I I, in my own journey, I witnessed what? Because I've had a lot of obligatory sex, I guess, before I discovered what I like to do and don't like to do, and instead of just going along with whatever the guy wants to do, before I discovered all of that I realized. Well, I realized that my relationships before I knew what I know now and and after now I can look back and go, oh, now I get it.

Speaker 1:

But at the time I didn't realize I was missing this freedom, like being able to ask for what I want, being able to have a conversation like hey, you know, does it feel better when I do this or when I do that? I would never have asked those questions before. I didn't feel like. I was always cautious and worried about how I looked to him, like if he was doing something awesome on me, like is my face contorted all ugly, like, or is you know how do I look? Or you know he's trying to get me in big O, but that's not happening and I'm like, oh my God. And so I never felt free to just enjoy, just to enjoy with reckless abandon. You know, reckless abandon, you know, and I think when you have a relationship like yours, there's an element of freedom in it. You could just be you and you're not dealing with all the bedroom problems, so you can just enjoy your time in the bedroom.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you know there are challenges. You know, at one at one time in our marriage I weighed like 250 pounds after the children. Looking back on pictures now he says, oh my God, I didn't realize you were that big, which means he loved me and looked at me. You know, through that, you know, now, later on in life, weight is not an issue. Now here comes menopause, you know, and that's another challenging thing.

Speaker 2:

And the only thing that I can say about him and this is, I mean, this is so great in this aspect is he wants to understand what's going on with me. So I tell him what's going on. I even tell him, you know, this is what I did, I bought this, I did this, you know, and he wants to know because he doesn't want to, you know, cause me any discomfort or do anything that's going to, you know, not be comfortable for me. And he understands that. And you know, like, if I, if I would say to him, no, that's, that's not comfortable, you know I can't do that he would immediately stop and try something else. So I know all men aren't like that and I'm very, very lucky, but he, he, he cares about me, you know, it's not just about him which I'm there too. So that's a good thing, right, right.

Speaker 1:

Of course, yeah, of course, and I would imagine, like there's a lot of women in the program who most of the women, almost all are going through menopause or post-menopausal and so they've got dryness down there. If they don't have dryness, then often their guy has ED. So but even just addressing the dryness, so penetration is painful or at least uncomfortable Some of the times, if not all. I would imagine that knowing erotic massage and having those techniques to connect with your guy is handy so that, um, you know, you could still be intimate, you can still have that closeness and playfulness and he can still, you know, get very turned on and have a big go perhaps, um, with with just the, the massage.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Are you finding that that's coming in handy in your situation, or do you have any issues with dryness?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, I do. And for the ladies that are listening, I use the Revere. It's like a little suppository thing. You use it, I use it like once a week and it keeps you from having all of that uncomfortable problems and, like I said, I really recommend that, like stock up and they sell it on Amazon, so it's really easy to get Put a link in the show notes to that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's worth the money, for sure. Normally, though, with him, like when I, when I start out doing the massage, you know that just works them up even more and it's like, then he's like get over here, you know. So he's enjoying what I, what I've, what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. And I will say to our listeners just, you know, consult a doctor. I, I am not a doctor myself, so I don't recommend anything specific. Especially when it comes to medication, I'm very careful not to say yeah, go do this, because maybe it reacts with your body. Chemistry who?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So check to make sure that you're good with the ingredients in there and that whatever life situation you're going through your body there and that whatever life situation you're going through, your body can handle whatever is in revere. So just a word of caution there. I guarantee there are listeners out there who are like, oh my gosh, okay, so Monica, you, you just won the relationship lottery and you know you found yourself a unicorn and good for you, that's awesome. I know those bus. Uh, you know, I don't think erotic massage or um, and we don't always. We don't just teach erotic massage in the membership. It's like communication skills and other love it.

Speaker 2:

It's like having a room full of sisters, which I don't have. It's wonderful. I absolutely love the coaching calls.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and thank you for saying that. It's my favorite part too. And so for those women who are like, oh, I don't know, I don't know if this could help our relationship, what would you say to them?

Speaker 2:

I would tell them it's worth a try. What would you say to them? I would tell him it's worth a try. The worst that could happen is, you know, he would not enjoy it, which I can't even imagine that happening Because, like you said multiple times, your hands are on his body.

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine any man saying don't touch me Right If he is there. Don't touch me Right If he is there's something else going on.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and so it's worth a try. You're going to learn a bunch of stuff, and the coaching calls are wonderful A lot of them. I can't be live on because I work, but I'm always looking for you to put that replay on because I can't wait to hear what some of the girls are going to say next. I just love it.

Speaker 1:

It's never the same twice. No, that's the cool thing. I never know what's going to come up. Yes, it's it's wonderful.

Speaker 2:

You know um, yeah, it is and and most of the women are my age and maybe a little bit older they all have different issues, so it's interesting to hear everybody's. You know what they're going through in their life. You know the one that was married for 40 years and, you know, had a terrible marriage and now she's found love and oh, I love that. You say how it just warms your heart. It does us too, listening to it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm so happy. I'm so happy you love that too, because, man, that just I'm high after the call when I get one of those ladies, just oh, hallelujah, yes, yeah, and I'm curious. So your relationship was good. What about, like, have you used any of the communication tips in the membership, like the either or questions, or to? To you said your, your husband's, pretty nonverbal, your husband's pretty nonverbal. Have you tried any of those communication skill tips and what happened? I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

Well, actually, I've used them not just in the bedroom, I've used them in other aspects of our life too, because I think I think they're good, because you're going to get an answer. You're not going to get a oh yeah or yeah, I'm getting an answer and I like that. So I have used them. You know, do you like this or do you prefer this? And then he has to answer. You can't just grunt at you, you know. Right, so no, I have used those and I I think all the time in ways I can use those because I want an answer. So if I want an answer, I think, okay, how am I going to, how am I going to use this? And he, he doesn't know. That's what I'm doing.

Speaker 2:

He just answers me, so it's good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm so glad you use that outside of the bedroom because, yeah, it transfers whether you're in the bedroom or out. You, you still, you need to communicate. You need to communicate, otherwise there's assumptions being made and you know, you, you can't read each other's mind. You know each other really well.

Speaker 2:

But but communication is key and I know that. You know people say that. Well, throughout my life they have and it's a hundred percent and I've taught my kids that in their relationships. If you don't have communication, you have nothing and it starts before the bedroom, it goes into the bedroom, it's everywhere you have to communicate and we try, even though we don't really see each other much, you know, we try every day to have that communication going.

Speaker 2:

And even when we're upset. You know like, I'll even tell him, I'll be like you know what, I'm just in a pissy mood today and you know I don't want to take it out on you, but I'm just let me go and you know, do that, and then we'll come back to this, and it works when I'm honest with them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that, even communicating. Hey, just a heads up, not doing so good today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just so that they know if you do, if you are a little snippy, they know the context and a little bit more forgiving of that Right, right Cause you know they know they just blow it off Like oh, she's a woman, and you know they know they just blow it off like oh, she's a woman, and you know she's moody or emotional or whatever. Um, but I tell him up front, you know I'm I. He asked me too, like you know what's the matter. I'll tell him I don't know, I don't know. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I'm just you know what. I'm just going to be miserable today and maybe tomorrow will be better.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that and, um, for those I once in a while I get questions about hey, so I'm in a long distance relationship, so how do I keep the spark alive? How do you, like you said, you communicate every day, um, during the week, when you know he's he's at work and you're at work and you're two ships in the night. What are some things that you do during the week to maintain that connection?

Speaker 2:

Well, we both do it, because that was a conversation that we had.

Speaker 2:

But we communicate throughout the day on text message and I'll ask him how his day is going and he'll ask me. And we just keep in touch with each other because, I mean, it's really easy with our schedules to, like, you know, give him a kiss, goodnight on Sunday night and then see him Saturday afternoon, Because when he comes home I'm sleeping and when I get up he's only been in bed for like three hours. So we, we don't see each other there. So every day, I think both of us just go out of our way to reach out to the other person. Just, you know, let them know what's going on. Like, if I don't know something happened in the morning with the dog or whatever, you know, he'll call me and he'll be like this is what happened and this is how I dealt with it. And I'm like, okay and I appreciate him, you know, telling me that, um, or just like today called me to tell me that he was stuck in traffic and that he was really irritated by that.

Speaker 1:

Right. So it doesn't even have to be sexy talk, it's just making contact.

Speaker 2:

No, and then on the weekends, like I said, when you know when he's here, that's when he's you know hugging me and you know my butt and things like that, and that's when we can be together.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I gosh I love hearing this the whole quality instead of quantity.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm some people would on the outside would look in on your relationship and go, oh my God, you don't see him all week and you only get together on the weekends, really, like I would. A lot of women or people would assume that would be a weight on the relationship and I've had ladies in in the the membership who've emailed me and said yeah, so there's an issue where, like, I go to bed way earlier than my husband does and then he comes to bed and he's waking me up and wanting some action and I'm like, ah, I'm asleep, don't wake me up. And that creates friction. I love that you both are not interrupting each other's sleep and just saving it all up for the weekend, and that is working well because, again, quality over quantity.

Speaker 2:

Super important and I'm not going to lie, after being together this long. He got this job five years ago and it just happens to be an afternoon shift. It's the best job he's ever had and all that. But it has really been a strain on us and at first it was like what we would do is we were finding that when we work together, we weren't utilizing the time together. We were bickering because we had been apart for so long and once we realized what we were doing, we sat down and we both acknowledged that and we said we're not going to let this happen, because this is the time we have together and we really need to enjoy the time that we have not be bickering over not being together the rest of the week, not be bickering over not being together the rest of the week.

Speaker 2:

And we did. We we've really worked at it. I know we have the strongest marriage ever. Um, if we could do this and we're getting through this and we can conquer anything and I think we've been through just about everything in in our 30 years Um, but um, no, this was, this was a challenge, and I think we passed that challenge. We were doing really well.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like it and again it boils down to the communication. I love that you guys just sat down and said okay, elephant in the room.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, let's look at this and that's what it was. That's exactly what we did, because we both realized, hey, why are we doing this? Like we have a couple hours together today and we're spending over half of it being mad at each other for what Not being together? Right, yeah, so we really fixed that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's some things you just can't control Work schedules, stuff, like sometimes you just can't control those things. But you can control how you talk to each other, you can control how you touch each other and you can control how you spend your time together. So I'm glad that you guys made that all those three a priority. Yeah, super, super. I mean obviously the proof is in the pudding having a great, great marriage after 30 plus years together.

Speaker 2:

I really am, and I and you know what Most people don't want to hear, that they want to hear the drama in your life. But no, I I think I have a great marriage. Is it perfect? No, nothing's perfect, but I have a great marriage and I have a great guy In my opinion, the best that there is and I love him more today than I ever did. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I think there's. I mean, I don't think people just are the best husband or are the best wife. They work at it Like it's a skill that can be learned. You know, I'm just like you're. You're how you had sex when you were a teenager, totally different than how you're having sex now. You know, like you learn some skills along the way. You didn't talk to each other the way you talk to each other now, like when you were young, you learn some skills. Everything is a learnable and everything's figureoutable. And so when you know it's I just caution the listeners who are hearing this and going, oh yeah, she's got it, she's lucky and she hit the lottery, and but that's not what I've got you can turn what you've got into an amazing situation If you just you know you want to get better at cooking.

Speaker 1:

You take a cooking class. You want to get better at at talking to each other? Okay, take, take a communication class, like to improve your skill, improve your relationship skills. We're not taught that, we're not conditioned to go to school to make your your relationship good.

Speaker 2:

Matter of fact, I'm Gen X, uh, growing up we're not discussing that, that's not a topic Um, so I, I knew nothing when I got married and so everything that we know we learned together, you know, unlike my kids I, you know their father has talked to them there, you know. I mean they know what they're doing, getting into. No, we were. We went in a blind, you know. So so we went from knowing nothing I mean I knew where babies came from. That was like the extent of it um, to just experiencing all this together and learning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I mean that's great that you have a very open minded partner and considerate, and you know that's, you've definitely got a leg up. But you listeners there's so much you can do. And you might think, yeah, but my guy, you know, I've tried to talk to him and he's just a jerk or whatever. Yeah, that's how you talk to him. You might think that you're doing a great job in communication, but most of us myself included, till I got some help crappy at communication. We're putting our partner on the defense quite often when we're expressing what we want or expressing dissatisfaction with what they're doing or whatever.

Speaker 2:

And that's another thing, be honest, be honest with them. I really can't think of a man that would. You know you're expressing to him that I need you to do this or let's try this, that he's going to say no, you know. But if you don't tell him, he thinks that intercourse is it wonderful, that's all there is to life, you know. So you have to verbalize with him what, what you want him to try, and then, when you like it, then you need to tell him that, because then his ego just got bigger. You know, because he did this and you love it. So, yeah, communication again. There you go.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, oh. You have been an inspiration to me and to other ladies in the membership and now whoever's listening to this. So thank you so much, Monica, for being on this show and just letting us know how good it can be. Yeah, you know it's. It is possible after 30 years to have a fabulous relationship with the same guy. Like that's inspiring.

Speaker 2:

I've actually wanted to reach out to Benjamin on Tik TOK and thank him for just dropping your name, cause I said it was just that's all he did, he, he, he gave you like a little plug. Yeah, I was like, really, let me see and I'm going through my phone, let me see what this lady's all about, you know, cause at first I was thinking, oh, this is going to be like, you know, something I'm not going to do and I'm reading it I'm like no, and then I thought well, okay, let's try it.

Speaker 2:

And I was hooked.

Speaker 1:

That's so good, I just love it. So thank you so much. My pleasure.

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