Rock The Bedroom Podcast

Ep. 12: Vaginal Rejuvenation, with Lana Kerr

May 23, 2024 Lee Jagger Season 1 Episode 12
Ep. 12: Vaginal Rejuvenation, with Lana Kerr
Rock The Bedroom Podcast
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Rock The Bedroom Podcast
Ep. 12: Vaginal Rejuvenation, with Lana Kerr
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 12
Lee Jagger

As we age, so do our vaginas and vulvas, and Lana Kerr, the esteemed founder and CEO of Lumisque, gives us a lifeline to vaginal rejuvenation. She navigates us through the hormonal rollercoaster of peri- and post-menopause, and gets frank about everything from vaginal dryness to clitoral health, dismantling misconceptions as we go.

This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a revelation that sexual pleasure and intimacy are not just the icing on the cake, but integral ingredients for a happy, flourishing relationship.

Lana’s website: (use coupon code LEE10 at checkout for 10% off)

Say Yes To Menopause (free ebook):

Co2LIFT (free ebook):

Instagram: @co2lift

Facebook: @co2lift



Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we age, so do our vaginas and vulvas, and Lana Kerr, the esteemed founder and CEO of Lumisque, gives us a lifeline to vaginal rejuvenation. She navigates us through the hormonal rollercoaster of peri- and post-menopause, and gets frank about everything from vaginal dryness to clitoral health, dismantling misconceptions as we go.

This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a revelation that sexual pleasure and intimacy are not just the icing on the cake, but integral ingredients for a happy, flourishing relationship.

Lana’s website: (use coupon code LEE10 at checkout for 10% off)

Say Yes To Menopause (free ebook):

Co2LIFT (free ebook):

Instagram: @co2lift

Facebook: @co2lift



Here's your first step in spicing up your sex life--get Lee's free erotic massage technique:

For new erotic massage techniques every month:

Speaker 1:

On the show today we're going to be talking about vaginal rejuvenation Love it. I have with me Lana Kerr. Lana is a fierce advocate for women's health. She's also the founder and CEO of Lumisk, a skincare company, and she understands that skincare is not just for the face, but for every inch of the body, including a woman's vagina. Hallelujah, so welcome, Lana. Thank you so much for joining me today, Lee thank you for having me.

Speaker 2:

I absolutely love these conversations and I can tell that this is going to be fun. Just your spirit and energy is very welcoming. I'm excited to get going.

Speaker 1:

I'm super excited too. This is going to be great because, yeah, more talk about vaginas, please.

Speaker 2:

Right, let's bring this into the light. Vulvas and vaginas yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so good. So all right, we're talking about vaginal rejuvenation today. I got to be honest. I'm sitting here thinking to myself does my vagina need rejuvenation? How would a woman know, like one of the listeners out there, in her car driving along, probably feeling her vagina right now on the seat of her car, like, okay, does my vagina need rejuvenating? How would she know that?

Speaker 2:

Very good question. So first of all, let's define what vaginal rejuvenation is. It really is about reversing the effects of aging for the vagina and the vulva too, and that is typically at first. Many people think of a surgical rejuvenation. So they can surgically change the labia, the clitoris, can bring back the clitoral hood, vaginoplasty, which is internal, which can tighten the muscles. So all of those things are part of vulva vaginal rejuvenation. But it includes much more than that and there are other things that other conditions, for instance the tissue. How is that addressed? There are other things that other conditions, for instance the tissue. How is that addressed?

Speaker 2:

So how would a woman know? Well, you can just look at your face, because the skin under your eyes is a very same skin or type of skin that's in the vagina. It's very thin. It shows age first. So imagine if you did nothing to your skin, if you did not use any sunscreen, moisturizer, you didn't take event, you would show age pretty quickly. It's similar down there, but the effects of it are different. Obviously, it's not just the appearance, it affects our functionality. So I always think of you.

Speaker 2:

Know, if I had a daughter and I have two boys, if from the time she's around 25, I would start telling her she needs to start thinking about things that are going to help to address blood flow to that area and keep that area looking and feeling youthful. And you start from 25. So if you're in your 40s and you haven't done anything and you're thinking, I don't know what that should be, I don't know what it should feel like. Well, understand that eventually drops off very suddenly that the effects of aging for the vulva vagina happen. It's sometimes for women. Some women is gradual, but some women just one day. It's just they notice a difference in the sensitivity, in the sensation, maybe in the level, the amount of infections that she gets. Just, maybe the look of it, maybe the feel she doesn't feel like it feels looser, it's drier, all of those things are the result of aging of the vulva vagina.

Speaker 1:

Right, oh my gosh. This is such a good conversation, and I mean many of my listeners are women who are perimenopausal, postmenopausal myself included. I'm postmenopausal and during that phase of our lives, our vaginas tend to get dried up and feel uncomfortable. And is that because of the decrease in the blood flow in the vagina? Well, it's just a couple things.

Speaker 2:

Definitely, blood flow affects the clitoris. But for what? When you decrease estrogen or just our hormonal levels change, it's going to affect lubrication, it's going to affect allation, it's going to affect all of that down there. It's interestingly that I was on coming back from Vancouver this week sitting in the plane. Very smart woman, she had a big business and alcohol. Anyway, we're just talking. She was. I asked her age. She was 68 years old. She looked great, but she told when we started the conversation she thought now her and her husband live apart. He lives in west palm beach. I mean, they go back and forth and she lives in dc and she said that she thought that her husband was cheating on her, gave her something because she started feeling such painful sex. Now, speaking with her sister, just a little younger than her, telling her, she says I wonder if my husband is cheating on me too because my sex is painful. I'm just thinking. Educated women are sometimes just misinformed. They just don't understand what are some of the results that happen with aging of that area.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Right, oh my gosh, I never even thought of that. That they would think that they've got something, a disease or something. Oh my gosh. Yes, oh, wow, yeah, this education really needs to get out there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is super important.

Speaker 1:

Now could you please explain what clitoral atrophy is? I've heard that term and I'm not quite sure what that is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's go back and let's talk about the clitoris, right? The clitoris is what Maybe? It can vary about four inches sometimes in length. So you think of a penis. The clitoris is similar to a penis and even how the shape of it you look at, how it looks, are very similar. So our clitoris is similar to a penis and even how the shape of it you look at, how it looks are very similar. So our clitoris is on our vulva right. You have those legs and you have the tip that comes out under the hood that is responsible for all our sensation that we get when we have sex. So even when someone has, they'll have an orgasm through penetration. It's because the penis is hitting the clitoral root. So you have outside and inside that. So the clitoris is very important to pleasure and I always like to think to say that you know we were created for that. The only reason for our clitoris is pleasure. It has no other function.

Speaker 1:

So when we were, created.

Speaker 2:

that's what we were designed for. It's important, right? So the clitoris needs blood flow to stay, to perform optimally. And, as we know, blood flow and aging starts around our mid-twenties. So if you did nothing to address that aspect of your body, it's going to shrink, it's going to atrophy and therefore it's going to have. It's going to atrophy and therefore it's going to have. You're going to have less sensation during sex. It's going to take a very long, long time for you to reach orgasm.

Speaker 2:

Many women, you know I always say men wouldn't have sex with a flaccid clitoris, many flaccid penis. Many women are having sex with a flaccid clitoris. So when you talk about clitoral atrophy, it's as a result of a lack of blood flow. And what causes that lack of blood flow? Just aging, just like in anything. It just our microcirculation slows down and it just it's gradual. So we don't feel it right away. Very much like when we look in the mirror in our twenties, even going to thirties, we're like, oh, we don't have a wrinkle. If you looked, maybe with a magnifying glass, you're going to see very tiny lines. Those lines, if untreated, or if they're, it just gets deeper and deeper Right there if we don't do things and there's nitric. There are different things you can do that are going to address blood flow to that area.

Speaker 2:

The effects of it come on at different times for different women, some women as early as in their 30s. For me, I noticed a difference when I was 47. And that's why I even came up with the CO2 lift fee, but I noticed a difference in my sensation during that time. Some women have it happens later on. The lady that I met on the plane, she was 68. I asked her when did she start feeling that way? I mean she maybe for the last three years, so in her 60s, so a different age. And then at the same time, julie, is that some women are not necessarily. We don't have a snapshot of a feeling, whereas we can look back at a picture, a photograph, and say, oh, my goodness, I did look much younger. Then we don't snapshot a feeling and say, oh, sex was different for me back then. We may, just until you remember, and that's when you rejuvenate, when you restore functionality. Then you're like, oh my God, I forgot how this felt.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay. So what are the potential benefits to rejuvenating that area?

Speaker 2:

I think it's about empowerment. First of all, there is a definite benefit to having orgasms it's going to help us with our stress level, it's going to help us with our mindset, it's going to help us with, you know, sexual energy has a power on its own. I mean, we may not be creating children, but we have other things that we can create, other than we can manifest into our life using sexual energy. So sex is very important. And then when I talk about vulva, vaginal rejuvenation, I don't just want to think of it as sex. We're talking about sex right now, but we'll talk about other things. But I think that when we understand the benefit of having regular orgasms, we are going to want to enjoy. And well, it's all about enjoyment. So, therefore, the benefit of rejuvenating or restoring that area, or even maintaining youthful functionality by the things that we do, is going to help us to feel empowered. Empowered it's going to help us to feel in control. It's going to help us to connect better with ourselves and our partners.

Speaker 2:

Oftentimes, you know, I and I speak a lot to women, women in my age group. There I mean I, so I'm 50, going to be 54, but I can tell that it's just having the conversation. They're like that's not necessarily a priority. For some people who are married a very long time, they kind of not interested, so they're missing. So then what's what is happening to your relationships? You know Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and and I know from personal experience working with women in the bedroom to improve their sex life like built up resentment happens when they think oh well, you know I, I'm not getting much pleasure in the bedroom. That's not necessarily your husband's fault, Right, Right? Yes, I know, and that affects your relationship big time.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and just your relationship with yourself. You know so, I think, and also, too, when you take care of that area, our mindset changes. We put a level of importance to that area of our bodies and in that area of our lives. So we're going to focus on that. I know that, as women, we have so many things that distract us and we don't have as many sexual cues as a man does, so we need to actually use our minds and our imagination in regards to that area. So, when we take care of it, we're expecting this to be pleasure. We're expecting it to be comfortable and exciting. So that's what, when you take care of this, what it expecting this to be pleasure. We're expecting it to be comfortable and exciting. So that's what, when you take care of this, what it's going to do for you, your mindset and your relationship with yourself and your partner.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, and female empowerment and just feeling good in our bodies, especially as we age, that's super important. Like that weighs heavy when your body isn't functioning the way it used to. So, yay, I knew I would love this conversation. Okay, so we know the importance of maintaining our health in that area. What are some of the different healing modalities available to women to help relieve these menopausal symptoms like dryness and whatnot?

Speaker 2:

Well, fortunately, things have definitely changed and more and more attention is being placed on solutions for that part of a woman's life, I mean for so many years. You look at, if you go back 25 years ago and you said to a man, you know, I can give you something that's going to help you with your erections that will last for a very long time. I mean, no one had a problem with erections right In 25 years because they didn't know what a solution was. So ED wasn't even a term Right. No, no, because they're focused on helping with them. Now it's like a thing, it's nothing for a man to request that well, we're in this. So we're like 25 years or more behind in in that respect. You know, women don't even know what it is to know. They just accept whatever is coming in in terms of their lifestyle, their intimate life. They just this is just a part of life. Well, no, it's not, and because of so many. So technology is changing, things are changing.

Speaker 2:

So what are the different modalities that are out there? Well, first of all, I'm a big advocate, a big advocate, of hormone therapy. For women to check that out with their doctor. If it's something that it's, they're open to. There's benefits of that are to me. You can't even put a value on it. I know that I started bioidenticals when I was around 46, 47. And I have escaped a lot of the things the symptoms that women face because of not taking hormones the night, the hot flashes. I never had any of that and when I talked to some of my girlfriends who were in the same situation as me, they started earlier. They haven't experienced some of the negative effects of what other women do. So I definitely recommend that as a solution to escaping or to feeling youthful. But let's talk about the vulva, vagina. So there are devices that are out there. I mean that we work a lot with physicians, so we work a lot with gynecologists, with med spa providers, with plastic surgeons, and you can have a device, an energy-based device that you can go to and you can have energy put inside, very similar to the face. It's controlled damage to that tissue to now provoke a healing response to rebuild that tissue.

Speaker 2:

People talk about doing nitric oxide for blood flow. I mean one that I use personally. So I've used, I use a CO2 lift fee To me and even talking to other providers, it's just one of the best things you can do for blood flow. Let me tell you a little bit about that technology. So carboxytherapy is a use of CO2 gas to regenerate the tissue Naturally.

Speaker 2:

What happens when the level of concentration of carbon dioxide changes in the blood? The ability of the hemoglobin to transport oxygen is reduced and so it's going to unload in that area and pick up the CO2. That's why you're getting that high level of oxygen in the area that is reduced and so it's going to unload in that area and pick up the CO2. That's why you're getting that high level of oxygen in the area that is applied. Increased blood supply with its circulation. With it comes all the nutrition that's in the blood. So we can actually and that can be used any part of the body. The difference with a CO2 lift V is a pH, because the pH of our vagina is around 4.5. So that's where you want to keep it, but basically, when you use it you're rebuilding the tissue.

Speaker 2:

That CO2 lift technology can close a non-healing diabetic ulcer in as little as eight days. So that's what made me think about our vulva vagina, because one of the problems is the circulation slows down and so our clitoris starts to shrink, we start to lose sensitivity and then the skin kind of gets thinner. So when we did our study, a clinical study with diabetic ulcers and what the problem with diabetics is circulation they can't heal very slowly on their extremities because of a lack of circulation. So if we can quickly do that, I went to one of my medical advisors and said what do you think about this? So we did a blind, a double blind pilot study, which we then duplicated or replicated on a larger level, and we just did another one. So what happened is these women. And so, for your listeners, double blind means that the patients who are enlisted in the study, they don't know if they're getting the CO2 lift V or they're getting an ultrasound gel, which is a placebo. So they did it for 10 days, so five days to the weekend, off another five days, and these women were experiencing a lot of atrophy. So they had all the symptoms we talk about lubrication issues, sensitivity problems, just all the things that a woman can experience as a result of aging. So those are the women we enlisted.

Speaker 2:

The women that got the ultrasound gels showed no change in sexual function. So there's sexual function questionnaires that measure lubrication, orgasm, sensitivity, arousal, desire, aesthetic look. We looked at everyday life in terms of stress, incontinence. The women that got the CO2 lift V all women showed significant changes in all areas of sexual function, including stress incontinence, which means when you laugh or you cough or you jump on a trampoline, you don't pee.

Speaker 2:

So then we saw the biopsies. That tissue looked like. That tissue looked after the 10 treatments. They looked like they were in their 30s. It was just vibrant, healthy tissue and they measured. The biopsies were taken weeks after they finished their last CO2 left V To maintain it. Then it's just once a month. So that's the technology that I use and the fact that we have so many very high profile gynecologists who will admit and say that this, for lubrication, nothing beats a CO2 lift fee, but also for sensitivity, because what can you use that's going to continue that blood flow action and keep that clitoris healthy. So those are the things I mean. Obviously there's surgery too that you can do, which we talked about in the beginning, but in terms of something you can do at home.

Speaker 1:

those are things that you can take that's going to improve your quality of life in that area. Well, I'm assuming that this type of treatment would be less risky than surgery, like what are the side effects or risks to to the CO2 lift?

Speaker 2:

They're. They're none. As long as we're living, we can take CO2 gas, so they're none. Um, so, yes, it's something that's. There's no pain, there's no recovery, there's no downtime, because as you apply it, you you leave it on for 45 minutes or you just go to your bed, put on a panty liner, wake up in the morning and then you pee it out in the toilet. There's no downtime, there's no pain and you can feel very empowered because it's something you can do yourself. I'm not discounting, you know, people who want to do surgeries. The surgical aspect is different, I think, for so the labiaplasty that someone may do is going to. It's for an aesthetic benefit for them. You know they may want, they may have too much, too much, too much flesh. They may, they, may they. A woman may feel that she wants to change in that and that's totally up to her. You know, I've seen so many vulvas now and all of them look different and to me the most beautiful vulva is the one that is appreciated, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

They all look different and we've lately, due to social media and just media in general, there's so much stigma, I guess, around the look of a vagina and the vulva and the whole area down there, bleaching the anus, Like it's become this thing where women are being pushed to alter their anatomy I think unnecessarily like every single vagina. I used to be an esthetician and so I did a lot of waxing down there and, yeah, everyone looks different. Every single one is unique and beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's not messing with that, it's. You know something, as I said, a man, your man or your partner, is going to love it just because what he gets from it. So I definitely agree, it's not about women do it for themselves. It's more than it's just really for their own self-esteem and what they connect a beautiful vulva to look like it's okay. But then there's something the vaginoplasty, which is something now is a different thing because that's the only way to really tighten the muscles. So it's think of that elastic band. It keeps stretching, especially if you've given birth, and also to aging. Does that loosens it? You can get that tighter.

Speaker 2:

The CO2, when people take it, use it, they'll say, oh, it feels tighter. What it is they're feeling is thicker tissue. So because the tissue is thicker, anything that goes inside it feels like it's tight, but it's not really doing anything for the muscle. So if you want to take it to another level, you can tighten the muscle. But the tissue is so important Healthy tissue is more important than just even sexual enjoyment. It's about not having so many infections. It's about feeling good down there, because some women experience burning vaginas. So all of those things you want to mitigate CO2 Levine is going to help with creating healthier, vibrant tissue.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, this is such a larger topic than just the sexual aspect. This is a real health issue that we don't really think about and we're not really talking about it because it's about private areas, so it's a private conversation, you know. So so I'm really curious, like, on that vein, I have faced a lot of challenges talking about what I do, basically helping women improve their love life using erotic massage, because anything sexual, be it sexual activities or sexual body parts, is largely still taboo, even though it's biological, it's natural, it's all good, but it's still taboo. So I'm curious what kind of challenges have you faced in bringing this really important topic into mainstream conversation?

Speaker 2:

I tell you, leigh, that's such a great question because, yes, there were definitely challenges. I think the biggest challenge is the psychology of other women. But in Texas and it was in October, and no lie, lee is 2018. They told me I could not use the word vulva or vagina in morning television and I said, well, we're talking about breast cancer awareness. We had a gynecologist there. How are we to refer to that area? So they said to use the word pelvic. Then fast forward just to last year, that's only six years ago.

Speaker 2:

That's only six. But look at last year. Last year in Vegas, same type of show, morning TV. We talked about vaginas, sex, in other words. Things have changed so quickly. Well, I don't know if it's quickly, but things have definitely changed and improved. But yes, one of the biggest challenges was talking with other women, women thinking that something by them looking into this means something is wrong with them. You talk to oh, I'm good, like I'm good there. Really, how is that possible? Because in my head your face looks like it. Could you know I mean so if a gynecologist once told me a woman's true age can be seen in her vagina, because we're not doing anything for it.

Speaker 2:

So we think about that, we. Yet women, by not understanding what happens down there, they think that if you do anything to it, it means that you're dissatisfied with themselves, whereas they will do other things for their face, their neck, their hands and an important part of life to me, that's one of the most important aspects of our life. This area of our body is our intimate health is neglected because of just misinformation. So, yeah, the biggest challenge was dealing with other women. But I think people like you, women like you, are normalizing this conversation. It's making it easier for women to say you know and feel they almost need permission and they feel like they have permission to just talk about pleasure and to look at things. That's going to improve that area of their lives. So I'm really really happy that we're having this conversation and continue to have these type of conversations now more frequently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so important, so important, type of conversations now more frequently. Yeah, so important, so important. I have coaching calls where women come on zoom and like a group coaching and uh, I'm talking about and using all no filter in my language, I'm using all the correct terms and and a lot of women won't turn their camera on, won't even speak up in the group, but they're, they're in the back listening or they listen to the replay. They won't even catch it on, won't even speak up in the group, but they're in the back listening or they listen to the replay. They won't even catch it live, because it's definitely a baby step process in just opening up to have this conversation, let alone diving deep into it.

Speaker 1:

Like there's so many women they don't even know what they look like down there. I recommend, like take a mirror lay down on your bed and shine a flashlight. Like just get up in there. It's your body, you should know it. If you don't know it, you're not going to recognize if something is abnormal, you're not going to recognize if something needs treatment. You're just not familiar, so you don't even know that you might have an issue.

Speaker 2:

And I was one of those women, lee. I mean, I really did not start paying attention to that until I was in my thirties. I didn't even look at it. To be honest, to me it was like ugly, and no, I love it. I love, I love how she looks. I mean, in other words, I. It makes me feel like a woman. You know what I'm saying. And it looks good to me because I love it. And I've seen so many and they all look differently. So I think that first it starts with just accepting this. All of us you know, you look at it. We have treatments for our face, our neck, our hands. Then they jumped over and went to the knees.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. Like what happened to Skipped a really important area down there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I definitely, definitely. Um, you know, I can understand what you're saying, especially when you're talking about pleasure and what you do, you know. Then that's another thing altogether. First we're talking about the vagina, the vulva. Now we talk about pleasure. It's, it's almost, you know, but I find that younger women see it in a very different way. I'm so glad that you know women in their 20s and 30s. Oh, they're not afraid. It's almost like a new sexual revolution.

Speaker 1:

Really oh, I love hearing that so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's when you get into the 40s and the 50s, you know, kind of our generation is just, you know, because we didn't have those type of conversations on a regular basis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, whether in school or in our relationships.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yeah. Talking with our partners on sex, that's another whole area too, and you know it's. It's almost like some women are. They don't want to have the conversation with their partner. Well, this is not feeling so good because they feel like, by saying that or this is not happening for me, why? It's almost like they feel embarrassed that maybe that their role is to make the man happy and so if that's not happening, then they're going to be discarded, and so I. It's definitely it's going to be a conversation about sexuality with your partner, about how you feel, and then I think by doing that, their partner will understand that when a woman is not feeling into it, it's not meaning it's not a reflection of them necessarily, it's just something happening with her. So, regular conversations with yourself, with your girlfriends, with your partner, you know, about sex, about the enjoyment it's something that we should all normalize.

Speaker 1:

Yes, a hundred percent. That's why we have podcasts like this. So, important, so so important, okay. So where, where can our listeners find more information about your work? And CO2LIFT-B?

Speaker 2:

Well, so I have a couple of things that I know you're going to put in the show notes. I have a book called Secret to the Big O and then one is Saying yes to Menopause. I think those two books are really. They're just eBooks. They're easy reads. It's going to be helpful. But of course, we have a lot of we do a lot of blogs on our website, which is co2liftcom. We are on Instagram, we try to talk a lot about it at co2lift and at co2liftv and I know we're going to be doing a discount for your followers for them to try it out, so they can find that, you know, at Lee10 and use that in the checkout and they can reach out to me also too, lee, on Instagram. I love getting questions in my DMs on product or just anything on menopause related or anything sex related, and I'm very happy to respond and I know our team responds quickly on the CO2 lift and the CO2 lift fee.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. Thank you for your generosity and offering the listeners a discount Again. That's Lee10, one zero or T-E-N.

Speaker 2:

One zero, one zero Okay.

Speaker 1:

L-E-E one zero to get that 10% discount at checkout, and I'll put all the links in the show notes here for everyone. And yeah, let's open up that conversation. And it's really important that listeners know that there are safe places for you to ask the questions that you just can't ask anyone else. You'd be too embarrassed to ask your mom or your friend or your husband or whoever, maybe even your doctor, who knows? But Lana and her team, this is what they do, so there's no judgment here. It's all welcome because education helps everyone and we can't educate people unless they're open to having that conversation. So please reach out to her on social media or her website and do open up this conversation. Super important.

Speaker 2:

And Lee just before. I know we're wrapping up now. I think one thing takeaway that I like, um your listeners to have is that it starts. I mean, yes, it starts. Everything starts in the mind.

Speaker 2:

You know, um, we have to use imagination in areas of our life that we wanted to thrive or it will get stale. So in our businesses, we use imagination what's next coming to, kind of to be on top of our game. We need to use that same imagination in our relationship with, you know, our husband, our partner. We hope to make this exciting, use a little bit of mind power to get the excitement behind it and then take care of our bodies so that we can function in a way that we can stay on top of our game in that area of our life too. Because, yes, we're getting older, and older is a good thing. It means we have more wisdom. We don't have to function like what we understand when we were younger. As an old person, we can still enjoy all the different things with all this extra knowledge that we have and create so much more meaning in our relationships if we make sure we have the right mindset.

Speaker 1:

Right, I do love that. Thank you for adding that, because this conversation isn't really about anti-aging. When you think of rejuvenation, it's been marketed as an anti-aging thing. Age isn't bad, but what we're doing is just maintaining the vitality of your body so that it's working optimally and keeping you as healthy as possible, like you can be healthy and be aging yes, they're two different things, so I love that this is not an anti-aging conversation.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean you look at fruits on the tree, right? I mean I always talk to my kids about this it's the ripe fruits that are sweet and delicious. You don't want to turn fruit, the ripe fruits, when we get into this age. We're just riping up, you know. So we're juicy and we're delicious, you know. We just have to make sure that area stays juicy.

Speaker 1:

Juicy. I love that. I use that word a lot. Juicy, yes, and our bodies are juicy. And let's be good to our bodies because this is our only vehicle roaming around on planet Earth. Like, take care of it. You know you would give your car regular lubes, like oil changes. Right, let's take care of our bodies as much as we would our vehicle. Exactly, yeah, thank you so much, lana, for having this really important conversation and all the work that you do in the world to normalize these conversations. So so good. I'm, I'm so happy to have you on today.

Speaker 2:

Thank, you so very much.

Speaker 1:

And I cannot wait for you to try the product. I can't wait. I just did a little vag squeeze there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, thank you.

Vaginal Rejuvenation for Women
Improving Women's Intimate Health Naturally
Conversations About Women's Intimate Health
Nurturing Our Bodies for Wellness