Good Neighbor Podcast: Palmer

EP# 57: From Grief to Greatness: Brian Scott's Journey of Resilience and Community Service

Liz Lemon & Brian Scott Episode 57

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What makes Brian Scott with ScottyDog Enterprises a good neighbor?

When you think of retirement, do you imagine a life of leisure or one filled with new entrepreneurial adventures? Brian Scott, the mastermind behind ScottyDog Enterprises, joins us to turn that notion on its head, proving that sometimes a second career can blossom from the embers of the first. His shift from account executive to the region’s friendliest courier is more than just a business; it's a personal mission to provide a service infused with integrity and human connection.

In a heart-to-heart conversation, Brian opens up about the tragedies that have tested his strength. From the loss of loved ones to a devastating motorcycle accident, he shares how pain became a catalyst for positive change, driving him deeper into volunteer work and community engagement. This episode is more than a story of a courier service; it's a testament to resilience, a celebration of community bonds, and a glimpse into the life of a man who delivers packages with as much care as he does hope and support to those around him.

To learn more about ScottyDog Enterprises go to:

ScottyDog Enterprises
(413) 364-7728

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Liz Lemon.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of a courier service? Surprisingly, it might be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing your neighbor, brian Scott, with Scotty Dog Enterprises. How are you today, brian? Great How's you today.

Speaker 3:

Brian Great, How's everything with you?

Speaker 2:

Great, we're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us about Scotty Dog Enterprises LLC.

Speaker 3:

Well, basically, I started out as a retiree in 2017, and I needed something to do because I came off the road as an account executive and I became bored rapidly fast. There was only so much fishing and camping and hunting, et cetera kayaking so I started doing Uber and Lyft because I liked being involved with people. So as I started doing Uber and Lyft, I saw that there was a need for other services beyond transporting people. So I started delivering a couple of packages for different companies that said, hey, could you get this over to so-and-so this afternoon? They really need it. And so the idea was launched and I decided gee, there's a need for this type of service out there, other than the bigger trucks that are on the road that have tracking numbers, et cetera, the bigger, bigger trucks that are on the road that have tracking numbers, etc.

Speaker 2:

And so, uh, so I decided to start my own business in retirement. That's fantastic. What are the myths and misconceptions of a courier service?

Speaker 3:

well, um, the problems that a lot of people experience is nowadays and maybe yourself you've experienced this with every time you send a package or a parcel or something, there's a tracking number involved and then you don't know you could put fragile on that package, but you don't know that that package is going to even get delivered to the right spot. You have the tracking numbers. Sometimes, that tracking number, they can't find the product by the time the product gets there and we've all seen these other big box drivers take product and just toss them, you know, onto your porch or on your back steps or whatever left out in the rain, et cetera. So when you procure a package through me, you get that same package with no tracking number from point A to point B and you get it there on time. You also get it to the right spot and the person's satisfaction can be delivered in that package and not crushed.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's the thing. Keeping it safe, making sure it gets there Outside of work. What do you do for fun?

Speaker 3:

Well, I like to kayak, I camp, I do a little bit of hiking and I'm basically a volunteer. I've been a Shriner for 37 years this year and I also am on the board of directors of a veterans outfit called Homefront Strong and they keep me pretty active with a lot of different things in the community. So basically I like being part of the community and doing things to help people.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, it works hand in hand. Let's change gears just for a moment. Can you describe one hardship, sure, the challenges that you rose above and can now say, because of it, you're better and stronger? What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

well, um, since retirement I mean I, unfortunately I had lost um. I got in a motorcycle accident in 2014. Um, I lost my youngest daughter in 2015 and I lost my oldest daughter in 2018, um, through medical um problems that they incurred. So it was a real difficult period in my life, and so I, you know, instead of sitting back um doing the poor me, I, I, I had to take myself back out of um, that that down downward thrust, and put myself back out there, and I've always been a volunteer, so I got very active with volunteer groups and then I started driving again because, after 40 years of sales and marketing, I needed to get back out.

Speaker 3:

I needed to be with people and focus needed to get back out. I needed to be with people and focus, and so, doing that, I was able to help others on the road, that I took my Lyft rides or whatever. I was kind of like a counselor on the road, and I do have a counselor background, and so all this helped hand in hand, you know, cultivate my business and being helping, helping other people and that's, you know, really the bread and butter of everything, is just helping people and being an asset, you know.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. We would like to extend our serious condolences, sincerest condolences, to you and the family, and you've definitely rose above that and, you know, kept going strong for sure. What is the one thing that you wish our listeners knew about? Scotty Dog Enterprises LLC.

Speaker 3:

Well, basically the personal service that I give to people, it's almost like I'm the customer myself. It's what I would want in a delivery type service situation. I've delivered sensitive papers from court systems, legal offices, real estate offices. I also might add that I'm a mobile notary service. So I had a handicapped client of mine that was in the process of trying to get his taxes done, so I was able to go to his house to meet him, look over the paperwork, deliver the paperwork to the tax accountant, anything that they needed for signatures. I was able to get the signatures, notarize those forms and bring those forms back to the office so that he was able to not even have to leave his house. And you know, those type of situations really, you know, hit you in the heart. It's helping other people, but also running a business, and so it's.

Speaker 2:

Right, the community helping the community. For sure, that's fantastic and commendable, especially the mobile notary. How can our listeners learn more about Scotty Dog Enterprises LLC?

Speaker 3:

Well, I have a website and it took a little while to get the website. Scotty Dog Enterprises is up and running. Along with the website, I have a Facebook page and it's linked to LinkedIn and Instagram Facebook page and it's linked to LinkedIn and Instagram. So I'm in the process of getting ready to do a couple of videos on those sites and give a little bit more of a live presentation and so forth. But basically I have a questionnaire on each. You know, for each person to fill out and they can ask me any question at any time. It takes a few minutes. It gives me their information. I encourage that versus calling me on the phone because I might be on the road or doing something else at the time. Plus, I gather all the information where they might want to bring something from point A to point B, or if they have an airport run.

Speaker 3:

I drive plenty of people privately to Bradley and Logan Airport, so they're able to give me a specific date that they want to be picked up and what time they have to be at the airport. So I design my schedule around them and making sure that I'm there early. It's nice and comfortable. I have Wi-Fi in my truck, so I call it my country Cadillac. It's a 2023 Toyota Tacoma. It's nice and neat and clean and comfortable, and get ready for a lot of good conversation because I've been all over the world. And get ready for a lot of good conversation because I've been all over the world so I'm able to relate to people from different countries also, especially with, like, the UMass population, with a lot of international students, et cetera.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's important. I mean you're always on the go and for sure. We definitely appreciate you being on the show today, Brian, and we wish you and your business the best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Well, thank you very much. I appreciate you having me on the show.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnppalmercom. That's gnppalmercom. That's gnppalmercom, or call 413-414-5940.